this thread is confusing to me. but i think i sort of have the gist of it. what feels relevant to me as an EII is something i brought up recently in a different thread: the idea of looking at someone as a "person" versus looking at someone as a "compilation of behaviors and actions," and how i automatically do the former. this is something i've sort of associated with Fi, though it might also have to do with my upbringing (in a way that is traceable, albeit uncomfortable and maybe pointless to go into). and maybe its just something that most people do, at least up to a point.

idk, though, when i think of paying attention to everyone's ethical behavior, what i picture in my mind is this image of a person with a steno pad and a pen, keeping track of others' behavior and tallying it against some kind of checklist of what is preferable or acceptable. and i just absolutely do not have the time and energy to think of people in that way...not to mention, something about that mindset feels kind of inhuman and gross to me (sorry). so if Fi has to do with such traceable and explicit sorts of judgments, than i know i am definitely not Fi ego.

that's not to say i don't see the wisdom in being careful and maintaining some kind of objectivity when it comes to who you associate with. but people are people, and we're all kind of crazy and we all fuck up all the time because it's just the nature of being a person. obviously, things like morality and social codes are pretty complex, there are very few universal rules, so it really comes down to how you feel. which makes a checklist kind of impossible, at least for me. i guess what i'm basically trying to say is that it's complicated.

Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
What happens during the judgment process is that when you consider everyone as in individual, you understand that people have their own personal ways and do not seek to impose a fixed standard than is not flexible. When you consider everyone as a collective, you understand that not every single person can be satisfied and so you seek to find the option that suits the most amount of people.
i like this.