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Thread: What type could I be?

  1. #1

    Default What type could I be?

    Hey. So, looking for some assistance in determining a type for myself. I've dipped into socionics a few times, always in a sort of fervor, to try to establish some reference points
    for self understanding. So, here goes.

    I'm not a complete novice to Socionics, having gone through most of the popular and reposted links and descriptions. I have a moderate understanding, though I don't aim at typing people, or even at identifying information elements
    in reality. I tend to view the information elements and corresponding descriptions as a set of values, habituated through life experience. I tend to re-explore Socionics every so often, as an interesting system in itself, as well as a
    tool for self-understanding, however little it may impart. I have to admit that I stick to what is usually called classical Socionics, with some slight investigation into Gulenko's cognitive styles & other constructs. I've also explored other
    typological systems(MBTI, Enneagram, Oldham Styles), as well as a brief foray into the Big 5 and corresponding papers employing it.

    I don't have a very direct approach to life, tending towards contemplation and exploration over action and initiation. My typical activity tends toward research in a given area of interest, gathering more resources to analyze, and understand.
    I usually prefer books about a subject, to gain an understanding of it, than just jumping in. This tendency shows up in most areas of my life, and I can end up stopping at this point and not really doing whatever I was researching. The
    search for more information in order to comprehend is pretty much never-ending, and the end-point is usually to know things well enough that whatever comes afterward can be understood in terms of what I know. In this way, I tend to be
    open-ended, but still trying to put things together in some stable way. I also have a tendency toward seeking improvement, in self, as well as around me. This drive is not constant, but is somewhat spontaneous. I'll get an idea of a way
    that things could be made better, or different, and i'll make it a project. Again, these do not always bear fruit, as I can lose interest, realize that the goal isn't worth the effort, or get side-tracked by something even more interesting.
    I have a collection of bookmarks that are generally someday/maybe projects that i'd like to pursue. These tend to be focused around increasing understanding of some areas of mathematics/computer science/physical science stuff(I find a lot
    of it interesting, as well as a scattering of fitness/health based things i've yet to implement. However, I should mention that these things have been sitting for months, as I feel a lack of motivation to really tackle them. Instead, I can
    usually be found thinking about my recent topic of interest, re-exploring and clarifying.

    I am mostly reticent and quiet, really only speaking when someone else starts a conversation. Even then, I don't offer much unless it's a topic I know about, or i'm interested in. I tend to be alert to what's happening,
    and the various conversations around me, in a detached way, kind of taking the conversation in and following my own tangents. I focus mostly on work, and tend to enjoy working more than socializing and small talk. Even then, I try to be polite with my co-workers, and I never really
    have problems with other people (true throughout my life), though I don't really know how others feel about me. At work, I tend to stifle my opinion, as opposed to when with friends. I am pretty self-conscious, so even then my behaviour tends to be moderated. I pay some
    attention to my appearance, as to not really stand out, but it can still be considered sloppy or rushed. Once I hit presentable, I tend to not care.

    I see life as consisting of various interesting possibilities and concepts to understand, while also recognizing the limited time and energy I personally have to pursue them. I also recognize the necessary preconditions before I can pursue the
    things that I actually want to, and I tend to get stuck at the point where things aren't interesting. In addition to this, I generally have a desire to be more of a generalist than a specialist, and I tend to worry about getting stuck as such.
    My attitude tends toward wanting to do something new and different that could prove to be better, than sticking to the most guaranteed. I'd rather play around and find something that could turn out to be useful. I tend to be open in the way that I
    prefer trying something new over something old, and entertaining new ideas instead of immediately dismissing them.

    I realize that my description might lack connection to Socionics at parts, so if anything really needs to be clarified or elaborated on, feel free to ask.

    Also, for those who want to know, I identify with enneagram 5w6 sp/sx.

    ------Old First Post----------
    I'm probably some irrational type, in terms of the wikisocion definitions.
    I would say i'm an introvert in both the colloquial meaning and the socionics meaning.
    I'm more aware of what's going on in my head than around me, tending to pursue related ideas and imaginings in my head, kind of like following a stream of thoughts,
    and then suddenly realize that I stopped listening(This is more in terms of lectures). I tend to think of possibities, or picture a concept. (I think I am more intuitive
    than sensing.)

    Socially, i'm quiet, reserved, detached, and maybe a bit bored.
    If with close friends and the conversation has died down, I can do some quick mental scanning to find something to talk about, maybe reigniting the conversation. I have a tendency
    to only really get into a conversation with something that grabs my interest(maybe something i've researched, been reading about, areas of personal experience, areas where I feel confident),
    and otherwise i try to behave politely, though innattentively. I'm generally not very good at identifying how people feel about me, and I think that shows up with strangers, where I
    behave quite cautiously, but with people closer to me, I can be a bit silly and screen my behavior less, though not a total 180. Friends and family would probably describe me as quite
    sarcastic and maybe a bit witty.

    I tend not to be very energetic, even lazy, quite a bit of the time, though I can become pretty energized when actually in the midst of working or accomplishing something. (IP or EP temperament, maybe).
    Pretty unemotional for the most part.

    Most of the time, i'm gathering information on topics of interest, in a flurry. I can binge on some topic, or try to take a task from start to completion, maybe leaving it for a while,
    forgetting about it and then not have the energy to start again. I can be lazy about starting new projects, though having collected materials and making preparations(I try to save
    "good" information. I have a ton of bookmarks on topics that I would like to explore, sorted by subject) . I can leave something sitting for weeks, but with a bout of inspiration,
    try to take it to completion in a few days. I actually have a hard time getting motivated enough for a lot of things(a common complaint, i'm sure). The topics are generally
    math/science based stuff, as I feel a need to sharpen my understanding, as well as computer science/engineering, cooking, fitness, productivity, etc. These tend to fit with my general
    goal of being more knowledgeable, being able to understand more about the world and being skilled in different areas.(NT or NT wannabe maybe)

    (Previous posts lack content)
    Last edited by GrimtheThird; 01-13-2014 at 02:28 AM.

  2. #2


    These looked good, so i'm adding them for more info. Got lazy and missed a few.

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is awareness like clockwork; the feeling of mentally grasping the moving parts; the unchanging elements that lend stability; the awareness of how it all elegantly fits together to form something. The pattern plays and is understood, even if not in it's entirety.
    Love is valuing beyond a conscious process.

    What are your most important values?
    Being knowledgeable, fair, objective, independent.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I was an enculturated Hindu. Always held belief at a distance, never really considering it a true part of my identity, and seeing it as something that people acted out but not really held a belief in. As a youth forced to attend temple, I spent most of my time mulling over the nature of existence, the meaning of the rituals and words, and playing around with the ideas inherent in the religion, without really believing any of it. As I grew older, I maintained the same attitude, never really believing, but finding the ideas interesting to think about and explore. I picked up a disdain for the material world in my teens, touching shallowly on Buddhism, though it wasn't a big switch in perspective.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    As long as there are differing opinions, limited resources, and fear, war will exist. The struggle for resources plays out in various scales of life, but goes unnoticed for the players being too different from us. Militaries are a necessary part of war, though the massive waste of life over what may amount to ideological differences is regrettable. Power is being able to win, without the struggle having to play itself out.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    The longest conversations i've been involved in tended to be around the nature of existence, the nature of time and space, the hidden structures underlying nature, the capability of myself and my conversational partner to reach our potentials, discussions of shared experiences and potential future plans, as well as conversations about discussing video games and some of the concepts involved with putting together a game's systems. Pretty vague so far, but I tend to reticence unless the topic is really interesting, and I have some familiarity with my conversational partners.

    My interests tend toward self-improvement, computing devices in the abstract, virtual reality, potentially new and interesting technologies, game systems and worlds(i guess in the imaginative sense. I really enjoy thinking about how certain games, like rpgs, divide up characters into various classes, their capabilities and so forth. I tend to enjoy thinking about them more than playing them.) I'm interested in understanding mathematics and physics at a deeper level, though I touch shallowly on them in favor of fanciful systems.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I find health moderately interesting to talk about, though I tend to grow disgusted at the constantly changing trends in health. I try to find the things that seem effective, because I don't have the proper scientific understanding to really delve into the topics, and I don't care to focus my efforts there. I tend to be focused on my body as it pertains to my mental state. I value the feeling of clarity, so I try various health related things(adjusting diet/exercise) to reach that. Otherwise, I ignore it on a daily basis, and tend towards pushing myself in unhealthy ways(I stay up longer than I should, causing a sleep deficit; I ignore the fact that it's cold or raining out, and just push through)

    What do you think of daily chores?
    Put them off as long as possible. I will always find something else that I want to do instead.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.:
    Mistborn Series, Yojimbo, The man from earth, Malazan:Book of the Fallen, ASOIAF, Foundation:Book 1

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    Can't remember the last time I cried. 10+ years.
    The stupidest jokes can make crack a smile, though I don't really find them funny.
    Not really sure what else makes me smile, or cry.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    A nice library, or, anyplace with a group of good friends.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Others probably see me as inexpressive, unambitious, sometimes impractical, passive and unwilling to do things I don't care for. Probably boring as well.
    As for myself, I detest my poor social ability, inability to form relationships, tendency to delay and inability to really persist and achieve things I set out to do.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    People have said that i'm open-minded, objective, and fair.
    I value the same in myself.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Every area is in critical condition.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.:
    Yes. I tend to feel a lack of motivation and energy, really feeling too lifeless and stuck in my head to do anything, even with a bunch of possibilities open to me, while I continue with the same daily routine. In reaction, I tend to reach out to friends(I don't really talk to friends on a daily basis), go out and do something to break up the monotony. Usually go out to eat and catch a movie.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    Tend to enjoy others optimism, ability to bring something more to an experience in terms of creating a lighter and more enjoyable atmosphere. I tend to dislike unnecessary negativity, dogmatic belief, and close-mindedness.
    Last edited by GrimtheThird; 01-11-2014 at 05:02 AM.

  3. #3
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    Why do you think you are irrational? I have trouble seeing you anything other than LII.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by Esaman View Post
    Why do you think you are irrational? I have trouble seeing you anything other than LII.
    That's what I think as well. But I tend to start things without finishing them, as mentioned, maybe picking them up later, I can be incredibly indecisive, changing my decision multiple times, and I tend not to stick with a plan in most cases. That is, I may plan what i'm going to do or have an idea, but when I get more information, I can be swayed to stall or put them aside.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimtheThird View Post
    That's what I think as well. But I tend to start things without finishing them, as mentioned, maybe picking them up later, I can be incredibly indecisive, changing my decision multiple times, and I tend not to stick with a plan in most cases. That is, I may plan what i'm going to do or have an idea, but when I get more information, I can be swayed to stall or put them aside.
    Well, I think the core of rational>irrational, judging>percieving is to prefer to communicate and save opinions as judgments instead of somewhat open ended perceptions. If we are talking about some complex issue (not what kind of ice-cream you are going to take) it is natural to feel indecisive when there are many angles and you get different conclusions depending on the angle. Going straight for conclusion to then check the water-tightness of it and repeat until it is so(or until you are demotivated) is what I think is the natural LII method. So it is compulsion to make conclusions what counts as rationality for LIIs not having stable ones.
    Naturally more so if one is young.
    Inability to even attempt a supportable conclusion without knowing enough may be one of the reasons of tendency to binge. (Though hardly the only one for me because far from all of them are useful information gathering ones.)
    Perceivers are on the other hand more comfortable in an open ended state.
    Last edited by Esaman; 07-20-2013 at 09:27 AM.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Esaman View Post
    Well, I think the core of rational>irrational, judging>percieving is to prefer to communicate and save opinions as judgments instead of somewhat open ended perceptions. If we are talking about some complex issue (not what kind of ice-cream you are going to take) it is natural to feel indecisive when there are many angles and you get different conclusions depending on the angle. Going straight for conclusion to then check the water-tightness of it and repeat until it is so(or until you are demotivated) is what I think is the natural LII method. So it is compulsion to make conclusions what counts as rationality for LIIs not having stable ones.
    Naturally more so if one is young.
    Inability to even attempt a supportable conclusion without knowing enough may be one of the reasons of tendency to binge. (Though hardly the only one for me because far from all of them are useful information gathering ones.)
    Perceivers are on the other hand more comfortable in an open ended state.
    Ok, it does seem that I was interpreting rationality in terms of stability more so than the preference for holding a judgement. In that case, I can definitely see myself as more rational than irrational, in which case I would agree with LII. Thanks for your suggestion.

  7. #7


    Bumping this for more opinions, as well as adding a bit more info here . Have at it.

  8. #8
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Being "knowledgeable" is a value? since when?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  9. #9
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    SLI sounds right on
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

  10. #10
    Feel God's Thunder Azure Flame's Avatar
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    Pick your absolute favorite type.

    That is your type.
    Perfect<------------------------------------------------------------------------------>Loops and Tings

    Ambivert / Aggressor / Trailblazer / Nomad / Alpha Caretaker / Free Spirit / Kevlar Speed Demon / Ninja

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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimtheThird View Post
    These looked good, so i'm adding them for more info. Got lazy and missed a few.

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is awareness of clockwork. Love is valuing beyond a conscious process.

    What are your most important values?
    Being knowledgable.
    Being humble.
    Being skillful.
    Being kind.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    Subscribed to hinduism before I knew better. Tending toward agnostic as my knowledge grew. Currently view religions in terms of interesting repositories of cultures and ideas.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    As long as there are differing opinions, limited resources, and fear, war and militaries will exist. Power is capability, holding everything in check.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Philosophical topics, systems of ideas, self-improvement, diffrentiation of opinions, video game design, storylines.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    No. More interested in finding and using a source of information, not actively discussing. Don't really focus ony my body.

    What do you think of daily chores?
    Put them off as long as possible until the need is dire.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.:
    Mistborn Series, the cabin in the woods, Yojimbo, The man from earth, the man from nowhere, ip man.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    Can't remember the last time I cried. 10+ years.
    Stupid but meta jokes that no one laughs at.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    A nice library.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Unexpressive, unambitious, lack of willpower and decisiveness.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Intelligent, witty(people say, not sure of it myself), ability to do well, work when needed.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Knowing what others think, being less doubtful, experiencing more.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.:
    Yes. Total lack of motivation, with 1000 things offering potential. In reaction, try to go out, get inspired. See new movies, read interesting books, get away from the familiar.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    Dislike arrogance, boastfullness. Like a sense of fun, humour, maybe spontaneity.
    My first thought is ILI and I'm actually quite confident in it, b u t I can elaborate if you would like.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Johannes Bloem View Post
    My first thought is ILI and I'm actually quite confident in it, b u t I can elaborate if you would like.
    Yes, please elaborate. That goes for any proposed typing I guess.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azure Flame View Post
    Pick your absolute favorite type.

    That is your type.
    None of this please. Any bit of lurking will uncover this type of noise, don't really see why every thread has to be filled with it.

  13. #13


    My favorite type is the type that changes type from Arial to Times New Roman while typing about people that are just their type.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimtheThird View Post
    My favorite type is the type that changes type from Arial to Times New Roman while typing about people that are just their type.
    On second thought, I agree with Maritsa. SLI sounds about right.

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    imo LII or ILI

  16. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Johannes Bloem View Post
    On second thought, I agree with Maritsa. SLI sounds about right.
    Would you mind gracing me with your elaboration?

  17. #17


    Updated the second post with slightly more than one line answers. I'll probably take the time to write a better first post later.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimtheThird View Post
    Updated the second post with slightly more than one line answers. I'll probably take the time to write a better first post later.
    you probably should. I wanna see (potential) LII strut their talents. Why don't you fill in the other... that informal funky form

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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimtheThird View Post
    These looked good, so i'm adding them for more info. Got lazy and missed a few.

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is awareness like clockwork; the feeling of mentally grasping the moving parts; the unchanging elements that lend stability; the awareness of how it all elegantly fits together to form something. The pattern plays and is understood, even if not in it's entirety.
    Love is valuing beyond a conscious process.

    closer to Ti with this one

    What are your most important values?
    Being knowledgeable, fair, objective, independent.

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I was an enculturated Hindu. Always held belief at a distance, never really considering it a true part of my identity, and seeing it as something that people acted out but not really held a belief in. As a youth forced to attend temple, I spent most of my time mulling over the nature of existence, the meaning of the rituals and words, and playing around with the ideas inherent in the religion, without really believing any of it. As I grew older, I maintained the same attitude, never really believing, but finding the ideas interesting to think about and explore. I picked up a disdain for the material world in my teens, touching shallowly on Buddhism, though it wasn't a big switch in perspective.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    As long as there are differing opinions, limited resources, and fear, war will exist. The struggle for resources plays out in various scales of life, but goes unnoticed for the players being too different from us. Militaries are a necessary part of war, though the massive waste of life over what may amount to ideological differences is regrettable. Power is being able to win, without the struggle having to play itself out.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    The longest conversations i've been involved in tended to be around the nature of existence, the nature of time and space, the hidden structures underlying nature, the capability of myself and my conversational partner to reach our potentials, discussions of shared experiences and potential future plans, as well as conversations about discussing video games and some of the concepts involved with putting together a game's systems. Pretty vague so far, but I tend to reticence unless the topic is really interesting, and I have some familiarity with my conversational partners.

    My interests tend toward self-improvement, computing devices in the abstract, virtual reality, potentially new and interesting technologies, game systems and worlds(i guess in the imaginative sense. I really enjoy thinking about how certain games, like rpgs, divide up characters into various classes, their capabilities and so forth. I tend to enjoy thinking about them more than playing them.) I'm interested in understanding mathematics and physics at a deeper level, though I touch shallowly on them in favor of fanciful systems.

    such as Socionics huh

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I find health moderately interesting to talk about, though I tend to grow disgusted at the constantly changing trends in health. I try to find the things that seem effective, because I don't have the proper scientific understanding to really delve into the topics, and I don't care to focus my efforts there. I tend to be focused on my body as it pertains to my mental state. I value the feeling of clarity, so I try various health related things(adjusting diet/exercise) to reach that. Otherwise, I ignore it on a daily basis, and tend towards pushing myself in unhealthy ways(I stay up longer than I should, causing a sleep deficit; I ignore the fact that it's cold or raining out, and just push through)

    What do you think of daily chores?
    Put them off as long as possible. I will always find something else that I want to do instead.

    This messes with my LII typing

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.:
    Mistborn Series, Yojimbo, The man from earth, Malazan:Book of the Fallen, ASOIAF, Foundation:Book 1

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    Can't remember the last time I cried. 10+ years.
    The stupidest jokes can make crack a smile, though I don't really find them funny.
    Not really sure what else makes me smile, or cry.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    A nice library, or, anyplace with a group of good friends.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Others probably see me as inexpressive, unambitious, sometimes impractical, passive and unwilling to do things I don't care for. Probably boring as well.
    As for myself, I detest my poor social ability, inability to form relationships, tendency to delay and inability to really persist and achieve things I set out to do.

    Again. Undecided between rational and irrational. I could see ILI here , as inferior Se could bring a sense of "lack of motivation". LIIs I know IRL look pretty persistent to me. I haven't known any really close so that I can tell whether they struggle with it or not.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    People have said that i'm open-minded, objective, and fair.
    I value the same in myself.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Every area is in critical condition.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.:
    Yes. I tend to feel a lack of motivation and energy, really feeling too lifeless and stuck in my head to do anything, even with a bunch of possibilities open to me, while I continue with the same daily routine. In reaction, I tend to reach out to friends(I don't really talk to friends on a daily basis), go out and do something to break up the monotony. Usually go out to eat and catch a movie.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    Tend to enjoy others optimism, ability to bring something more to an experience in terms of creating a lighter and more enjoyable atmosphere. I tend to dislike unnecessary negativity, dogmatic belief, and close-mindedness

    probably Alpha SF - seeking . I'm afraid I cannot help you here . ..... (this is what you need lol)


  20. #20
    The Reclusive Philosopher Phantom Shadow's Avatar
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    I'm thinking LII or ILI leaning more towards LII > ILI because he said he was unambiguous, impractical, and weak will power. (- Te, -Se)
    He can't tell how people feel towards him. (-Fi)
    Socionics:ILI (Ni-Fi)
    Enneagram Type: 5w4
    Enneagram Tritype: Head-5, Gut-9 Heart-4
    Instinctal Stacking:
    Sp/Sx Mid
    Jung's 12 Archetypes: Self-Sage, Ego-Hero, Soul-Rebel

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Shadow View Post
    I'm thinking LII or ILI leaning more towards LII > ILI because he said he was unambiguous, impractical, and weak will power. (- Te, -Se)
    He can't tell how people feel towards him. (-Fi)
    maybe he's a LII of some irrational subtype. I don't get a sense of firmness and direction from what he writes. In the rest ... in terms of worldview etc. I think Ti base.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Azure Flame View Post
    Pick your absolute favorite type.

    That is your type.
    I like this typing method. Oddly simple and yet it might just work.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eldanen View Post
    I like this typing method. Oddly simple and yet it might just work.
    was that a typing method? Anyway this indeed proves you're ILI. Congratulations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AshSun View Post
    was that a typing method? Anyway this indeed proves you're ILI. Congratulations.
    How? And I feel like you're making a judgment based on personal sentiment there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eldanen View Post
    I like this typing method. Oddly simple and yet it might just work.
    I prefer the dice over that.

    It's a good method to find your quadra though

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eldanen View Post
    How? And I feel like you're making a judgment based on personal sentiment there.
    wrong pronoun in the subordinate clause

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    Quote Originally Posted by AshSun View Post
    wrong pronoun in the subordinate clause

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    Quote Originally Posted by Eldanen View Post

  29. #29


    First post updated. Though it became a bit more of a ramble.

    Quote Originally Posted by AshSun View Post
    you probably should. I wanna see (potential) LII strut their talents. Why don't you fill in the other... that informal funky form
    What form would that be?

    Quote Originally Posted by AshSun View Post
    maybe he's a LII of some irrational subtype. I don't get a sense of firmness and direction from what he writes. In the rest ... in terms of worldview etc. I think Ti base.
    I always have a sense of doubt. Could just be a lack of self confidence. I always want to run through my reasoning and verify my conclusion, in case I missed something.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimtheThird View Post
    I don't have a very direct approach to life, tending towards contemplation and exploration over action and initiation. My typical activity tends toward research in a given area of interest, gathering more resources to analyze, and understand.
    I usually prefer books about a subject, to gain an understanding of it, than just jumping in. This tendency shows up in most areas of my life, and I can end up stopping at this point and not really doing whatever I was researching. The
    search for more information in order to comprehend is pretty much never-ending, and the end-point is usually to know things well enough that whatever comes afterward can be understood in terms of what I know. In this way, I tend to be
    open-ended, but still trying to put things together in some stable way. I also have a tendency toward seeking improvement, in self, as well as around me. This drive is not constant, but is somewhat spontaneous. I'll get an idea of a way
    that things could be made better, or different, and i'll make it a project. Again, these do not always bear fruit, as I can lose interest, realize that the goal isn't worth the effort, or get side-tracked by something even more interesting.
    I have a collection of bookmarks that are generally someday/maybe projects that i'd like to pursue. These tend to be focused around increasing understanding of some areas of mathematics/computer science/physical science stuff(I find a lot
    of it interesting, as well as a scattering of fitness/health based things i've yet to implement. However, I should mention that these things have been sitting for months, as I feel a lack of motivation to really tackle them. Instead, I can
    usually be found thinking about my recent topic of interest, re-exploring and clarifying.
    I see life as consisting of various interesting possibilities and concepts to understand, while also recognizing the limited time and energy I personally have to pursue them. I also recognize the necessary preconditions before I can pursue the
    things that I actually want to, and I tend to get stuck at the point where things aren't interesting. In addition to this, I generally have a desire to be more of a generalist than a specialist, and I tend to worry about getting stuck as such.
    My attitude tends toward wanting to do something new and different that could prove to be better, than sticking to the most guaranteed. I'd rather play around and find something that could turn out to be useful. I tend to be open in the way that I
    prefer trying something new over something old, and entertaining new ideas instead of immediately dismissing them.

    I realize that my description might lack connection to Socionics at parts, so if anything really needs to be clarified or elaborated on, feel free to ask.

    Also, for those who want to know, I identify with enneagram 5w6 sp/sx.

    (Previous posts lack content)
    Before I got to the end I was on the point of letting you know how transparent Enneagram 5 is. The fact that you tend to look for the new and unexplored than stick to the guaranteed makes me give up on the possibility of your being a Gamma. It rings Ne and it rings Alpha interest in exploration ... "generalist more than a specialist" etc. Te would make you go more for the tried, tested and proven effective. You still focus a lot on research and clarifying and that points to LII > ILE. The latter would be more "jumpy" with their Ne, looking for new stuff to discover more than to deepen. You say that you'd need improvement of social skills anyway, so ILE was not really a likely option. I actually don't see signs of dynamic functions, if I look from that angle, too. Uncertainty was due to rational/irrational dicho. Sp here you go, I have you as LII- 2Ne or something. If you wanna go into more personal areas , you can check the form in this thread, I liked it and found it useful :
    Last edited by Amber; 01-13-2014 at 09:03 AM.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimtheThird View Post
    I always have a sense of doubt. Could just be a lack of self confidence. I always want to run through my reasoning and verify my conclusion, in case I missed something.
    You sound like a judger to me. Jumping to conclusions and then trying verify them. Discomfort in the face of uncertainty and ambiguity.
    Socionics:ILI (Ni-Fi)
    Enneagram Type: 5w4
    Enneagram Tritype: Head-5, Gut-9 Heart-4
    Instinctal Stacking:
    Sp/Sx Mid
    Jung's 12 Archetypes: Self-Sage, Ego-Hero, Soul-Rebel

  32. #32
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    the only for-sure thing that jumped out at me as i was reading was e5, but then you went on to say that you type yourself that already.

    i suppose INTx is obvious and my inclination is to say ILI over LII but that's not really a substantiated impression.

    iow i don't have anything valuable to add to this thread.

  33. #33


    Thanks for the opinions. I agree with and tend to lean in the direction of LII, but the seemingly irrational(type)/doubtful behavior/thinking seems to contradict the general LII descriptions. Otherwise, I think Alpha values + IJ tend to fit me, but I haven't really found a decent description of the quadras(though they are just the valued functions), and Gamma values tend to be described in an overly stereotypical way, and I could also see IP. Most of this was apparent though, reading your responses.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimtheThird View Post
    Thanks for the opinions. I agree with and tend to lean in the direction of LII, but the seemingly irrational(type)/doubtful behavior/thinking seems to contradict the general LII descriptions. Otherwise, I think Alpha values + IJ tend to fit me, but I haven't really found a decent description of the quadras(though they are just the valued functions), and Gamma values tend to be described in an overly stereotypical way, and I could also see IP. Most of this was apparent though, reading your responses.
    There's the dichotomy judicious/decisive. Judicious means valued Ne/Si and Decisive means valued Ni/Se according to Gulenko(?) extraversion strengthens decisiveness and introversion judiciousness.

    IMO in most LII descriptions they come across as pretty judicous when it comes to action.

    Don't mix up LII and MBTI INTJ they're completeley different

  35. #35


    Quote Originally Posted by DaftPunk View Post
    There's the dichotomy judicious/decisive. Judicious means valued Ne/Si and Decisive means valued Ni/Se according to Gulenko(?) extraversion strengthens decisiveness and introversion judiciousness.

    IMO in most LII descriptions they come across as pretty judicous when it comes to action.

    Don't mix up LII and MBTI INTJ they're completeley different
    Thanks, I knew there was a better translation of those Gulenko detailed descriptions but I forgot/overlooked the16types articles. I tread lightly when dealing with Reinen dichotomies, so i've not really applied them in any way. As for MBTI INJT & Socionics LII, you're right, they are pretty different. Socionics does functions better, and Big Five does dichotomies better.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimtheThird View Post
    Thanks, I knew there was a better translation of those Gulenko detailed descriptions but I forgot/overlooked the16types articles. I tread lightly when dealing with Reinen dichotomies, so i've not really applied them in any way. As for MBTI INJT & Socionics LII, you're right, they are pretty different. Socionics does functions better, and Big Five does dichotomies better.
    You can't compare Big Five with Socionics because big 5 is not meant to be a typing system.

    Reinin Dichotomies is normally not very helpfull when you start with socionics because you get lost in it to easily. But's a good thing to determine your type when you're more familiar with Socionics.
    But judicious/decisive and merry(Ti/Fe)/serious(Te/Fi) determine your quadra and are easy Reinin Dichotomies because they say nothing more than what functions you value.
    I agree with you that the quadra descriptions are very steriotypical but you'll get a better feeling about quadras the longer you hang out here.

    IMO the descriptions who are on this board are rather good.

  37. #37


    Quote Originally Posted by DaftPunk View Post
    You can't compare Big Five with Socionics because big 5 is not meant to be a typing system.

    Reinin Dichotomies is normally not very helpfull when you start with socionics because you get lost in it to easily. But's a good thing to determine your type when you're more familiar with Socionics.
    But judicious/decisive and merry(Ti/Fe)/serious(Te/Fi) determine your quadra and are easy Reinin Dichotomies because they say nothing more than what functions you value.
    I agree with you that the quadra descriptions are very steriotypical but you'll get a better feeling about quadras the longer you hang out here.

    IMO the descriptions who are on this board are rather good.
    Sorry, I should have been more clear. Big Five does them better in comparison to MBTI.

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    @GrimtheThird: Not exactly an exhaustive analysis by any stretch, but I'd go out on a limb and say you're LII. You'll find you have moments of rationality/irrationality depending on how strong your two ego functions are. Rationality isn't a one size fit all solution to every scenario, as you've no doubt noted.

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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimtheThird View Post
    Hey. So, looking for some assistance in determining a type for myself. I've dipped into socionics a few times, always in a sort of fervor, to try to establish some reference points
    for self understanding. So, here goes.

    I'm not a complete novice to Socionics, having gone through most of the popular and reposted links and descriptions. I have a moderate understanding, though I don't aim at typing people, or even at identifying information elements
    in reality. I tend to view the information elements and corresponding descriptions as a set of values, habituated through life experience. I tend to re-explore Socionics every so often, as an interesting system in itself, as well as a
    tool for self-understanding, however little it may impart. I have to admit that I stick to what is usually called classical Socionics, with some slight investigation into Gulenko's cognitive styles & other constructs. I've also explored other
    typological systems(MBTI, Enneagram, Oldham Styles), as well as a brief foray into the Big 5 and corresponding papers employing it.

    I don't have a very direct approach to life, tending towards contemplation and exploration over action and initiation. My typical activity tends toward research in a given area of interest, gathering more resources to analyze, and understand.
    I usually prefer books about a subject, to gain an understanding of it, than just jumping in. This tendency shows up in most areas of my life, and I can end up stopping at this point and not really doing whatever I was researching. The
    search for more information in order to comprehend is pretty much never-ending, and the end-point is usually to know things well enough that whatever comes afterward can be understood in terms of what I know. In this way, I tend to be
    open-ended, but still trying to put things together in some stable way. I also have a tendency toward seeking improvement, in self, as well as around me. This drive is not constant, but is somewhat spontaneous. I'll get an idea of a way
    that things could be made better, or different, and i'll make it a project. Again, these do not always bear fruit, as I can lose interest, realize that the goal isn't worth the effort, or get side-tracked by something even more interesting.
    I have a collection of bookmarks that are generally someday/maybe projects that i'd like to pursue. These tend to be focused around increasing understanding of some areas of mathematics/computer science/physical science stuff(I find a lot
    of it interesting, as well as a scattering of fitness/health based things i've yet to implement. However, I should mention that these things have been sitting for months, as I feel a lack of motivation to really tackle them. Instead, I can
    usually be found thinking about my recent topic of interest, re-exploring and clarifying.

    I am mostly reticent and quiet, really only speaking when someone else starts a conversation. Even then, I don't offer much unless it's a topic I know about, or i'm interested in. I tend to be alert to what's happening,
    and the various conversations around me, in a detached way, kind of taking the conversation in and following my own tangents. I focus mostly on work, and tend to enjoy working more than socializing and small talk. Even then, I try to be polite with my co-workers, and I never really
    have problems with other people (true throughout my life), though I don't really know how others feel about me. At work, I tend to stifle my opinion, as opposed to when with friends. I am pretty self-conscious, so even then my behaviour tends to be moderated. I pay some
    attention to my appearance, as to not really stand out, but it can still be considered sloppy or rushed. Once I hit presentable, I tend to not care.

    I see life as consisting of various interesting possibilities and concepts to understand, while also recognizing the limited time and energy I personally have to pursue them. I also recognize the necessary preconditions before I can pursue the
    things that I actually want to, and I tend to get stuck at the point where things aren't interesting. In addition to this, I generally have a desire to be more of a generalist than a specialist, and I tend to worry about getting stuck as such.
    My attitude tends toward wanting to do something new and different that could prove to be better, than sticking to the most guaranteed. I'd rather play around and find something that could turn out to be useful. I tend to be open in the way that I
    prefer trying something new over something old, and entertaining new ideas instead of immediately dismissing them.

    I realize that my description might lack connection to Socionics at parts, so if anything really needs to be clarified or elaborated on, feel free to ask.

    Also, for those who want to know, I identify with enneagram 5w6 sp/sx.

    ------Old First Post----------
    I'm probably some irrational type, in terms of the wikisocion definitions.
    I would say i'm an introvert in both the colloquial meaning and the socionics meaning.
    I'm more aware of what's going on in my head than around me, tending to pursue related ideas and imaginings in my head, kind of like following a stream of thoughts,
    and then suddenly realize that I stopped listening(This is more in terms of lectures). I tend to think of possibities, or picture a concept. (I think I am more intuitive
    than sensing.)

    Socially, i'm quiet, reserved, detached, and maybe a bit bored.
    If with close friends and the conversation has died down, I can do some quick mental scanning to find something to talk about, maybe reigniting the conversation. I have a tendency
    to only really get into a conversation with something that grabs my interest(maybe something i've researched, been reading about, areas of personal experience, areas where I feel confident),
    and otherwise i try to behave politely, though innattentively. I'm generally not very good at identifying how people feel about me, and I think that shows up with strangers, where I
    behave quite cautiously, but with people closer to me, I can be a bit silly and screen my behavior less, though not a total 180. Friends and family would probably describe me as quite
    sarcastic and maybe a bit witty.

    I tend not to be very energetic, even lazy, quite a bit of the time, though I can become pretty energized when actually in the midst of working or accomplishing something. (IP or EP temperament, maybe).
    Pretty unemotional for the most part.

    Most of the time, i'm gathering information on topics of interest, in a flurry. I can binge on some topic, or try to take a task from start to completion, maybe leaving it for a while,
    forgetting about it and then not have the energy to start again. I can be lazy about starting new projects, though having collected materials and making preparations(I try to save
    "good" information. I have a ton of bookmarks on topics that I would like to explore, sorted by subject) . I can leave something sitting for weeks, but with a bout of inspiration,
    try to take it to completion in a few days. I actually have a hard time getting motivated enough for a lot of things(a common complaint, i'm sure). The topics are generally
    math/science based stuff, as I feel a need to sharpen my understanding, as well as computer science/engineering, cooking, fitness, productivity, etc. These tend to fit with my general
    goal of being more knowledgeable, being able to understand more about the world and being skilled in different areas.(NT or NT wannabe mayb
    (Previous posts lack content)
    I have trouble seeing you anything other than....
    Last edited by Olduvai; 01-20-2014 at 01:15 AM.

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