I don't know as what type I visually come across. I test as IEI-Fe subtype, but probably only because I recently decided to come out of my shell. I don't want to label myself anymore as the typical shy and reclusive introvert, I can be very outgoing at times, depending on the people I'm surrounded by. In front of anybody who seems to have a certain kind of authority I just act like a little mouse. And for a long time I have hidden my light under a bushel.

So, I actually don't know whether I'm an Fe-subtype or an Ni-subtype. But this is what people tend to perceive me like - just a little summary of some comments I received which I can still remember:

The eyes seem to be important. My Arts teacher once said, if I had been born in the Middle Ages they would have burned me as a witch on the stake. Just because my eyes look so strange. To a certain extent they look like the eyes of Constantine the Great - the way the are depicted on statues and reliefs.
Concerning posture, it always looks like I carry an imaginary rucksack, if that makes any sense.
I'm not so aware of gestures I make, but I've been told that I often clap my hands when I'm enthusiastic about an idea. Must look rather stupid. :/