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Thread: What happens when people talk about scary taboo subjects?

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    Default What happens when people talk about scary taboo subjects?

    Writing in a forum isn't my usual style. I'm used to blogging, and I have a very quiet little blog where very few people ever comment, although I have a fair number of readers. I'm not used to asking for feedback and opinions, I'm not used to responding back when people do comment to me, and I'm not used to reading and considering different points of view and extracting value from them.

    If I were in a group, and if we were making a group decision, preparing for some kind of action, then it would be different. There are many different methods of making group decisions, such as consensus. In a forum, we don't need to reach consensus. In a forum, I get the feeling that people are talking for a sort of intellectual entertainment. When I blog, I'm also blogging for intellectual entertainment, except I'm by myself. But if we were all preparing to DO something, then I would have to pay much closer attention to what everyone was saying. My forum posting style is out of place. I tend to walk into a forum, drop some kind of figurative 'bomb,' and then leave. (I don't want anyone taking me literally here.) I often ignore the replies for a very long time until I get the courage to go back and look at them. Often I'm mortified about whatever it was that I decided to say.

    I am, unfortunately, an unwilling expert on several extremely scary taboo subjects that few people know about or talk about. Some of these subjects are important information that many people need to know. However, when you talk about an extremely scary taboo subject, there is a danger that some people will believe it too quickly and too easily, without really understanding all of it. People can get scared and overreact to the idea, and they might try to do something about it without really knowing what to do. This is similar to something I read about the 'activator' relationship.

    Other times, people are able to protect themselves against an idea. They have defense mechanisms against it, ways to block it out and forget about it or fight back against it.

    It reminds me of the movie 'Inception.' I watched this movie several times and I even bought it on DVD. However, there is something I don't like about that movie. I don't like it when any movie even hints at the idea that we are living in a dream world, and the only way to escape from the dream is to die. That is a dangerous idea to even suggest in a movie. ('The Matrix' suggested we were living in a dream world too, but they didn't make it seem like death was the way out. However, some people took it that direction anyway in 'The Animatrix,' which I didn't like very much - there was one episode where someone committed suicide and thereby awakened from the matrix.)

    Most of the people watching Inception will guard themselves against the idea. This is a good thing. And let's look at it this way. We are all guaranteed to die someday anyway. Why rush it? Why not wait until you're 100 years old and you die of old age? That sounds like a good time to find out whether or not death awakens you from a dream world.

    I myself have a lot of scary taboo ideas that I keep to myself most of the time. And if other people ever believed any of them, I would be surprised and actually upset about it. I don't want to scare people or make them feel rushed into making drastic changes in their lives just because I believe the things I believe. I'm accustomed to people just ignoring me and brushing off my ideas and going on with their lives.

    There are such things as dangerous ideas, but still, they need to be talked about. Socionics knowledge is able to help protect people against causing a panic whenever they talk about taboo subjects. It can help you know what to expect. You can predict who is likely to overreact badly to something you say, and you can predict who will safely brush you off and ignore you. There will always be some people who believe you, some people who ignore you, some people who totally disagree, and so on, in every group of people.

    Every time I say 'socionics is able to do this and this,' I also want to mention that socionics isn't the only useful theory on earth, and there are many other useful theories and useful methods of predicting people's behavior and anticipating what will happen when you interact with them.

    So, remember, everyone: I am just another clueless person talking about things I'm interested in. I'm not an authority figure.

    (That's ironic for me to say, considering I've been in this particular forum for a very short time and nobody knows me and I have nothing even RESEMBLING authority here yet, and I don't see myself spending a huge amount of time here in the future building up a reputation over years and years. But oh well.)

    Well, since this is a forum, and I'm asking for replies, then: anyone else have any experience with talking about scary, out-of-place subjects that nobody wants to talk about? What happens when you do? And yes, it greatly depends on where you are - for instance, you can go to a website with the most bizarre conspiracy theories and say just about anything, but that's not really the audience that I want to talk to.

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    Coldest of the Socion EyeSeeCold's Avatar
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    What kind of "scary taboo subjects"?

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    LOL you haven't heard of "scary taboo subjects" until you've heard of THE PSYCHOLOGY OF PREMATURE DEATH (dum dum dum!)


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    I would assume when people talk about scary taboo subjects, people would get scared. Or simply laugh. Find the whole thing hilarious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    What kind of "scary taboo subjects"?
    falling in love with a ******* midget?

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    Quote Originally Posted by EyeSeeCold View Post
    What kind of "scary taboo subjects"?
    Well, my scary taboo subjects are not necessarily fun to talk about.

    I don't feel much of a need to talk about death any more than anyone else does, so that's not on my list, although I'm sure there are other people out there who want to talk about death.

    I also don't feel much of a need to talk about sexual taboos either. Although I could mention that anyone who's interested in sexual taboos should go read about the bonobo apes in Africa. They are all bisexual and they use sex as a means of social communication. Reading about bonobos can help make people feel better about their sexual orientations. But no, I'm not all that interested in that topic either.

    The first 'taboo' subject that ever bothered me a lot was the subject of computer hacking, because I personally was experiencing some kind of computer harassment starting in 2000, and I found out as soon as I tried to tell anybody about it that it was a taboo subject. People don't want to believe that computer hacking/harassment exists, and they don't want to talk about it, and they'll say things like, 'Why would anyone be hacking YOUR computer? You're nobody important,' without understanding that anybody, anywhere, can hack someone's computer just for the heck of it.

    So that was one of them, but I'm not all that worried about that one anymore - I've gotten used to it. I guess the one big thing people might want to know about is the people hacking the computers where our votes are counted. It's pretty much totally futile to vote. But I only have one online article that ever mentioned this ('Evidence mounts that the vote may have been hacked'), so I can't list a whole bunch of scholarly articles proving that it's true. Most people will just continue to either vote or not vote, for reasons of their own, regardless of what I say.

    There are two subjects that I am an 'unwilling expert on' which I still often feel the need to talk about. One of them is electronic mind control and radio frequency weapons (or any other similar weapons), and also, about my personal experiences of being attacked and controlled; the other one is the phenomenon of drugs and chemicals being absorbed through the skin (like LSD), which, again, comes from several years of personal experience.

    And I really don't like the type of discussions going on at conspiracy theory websites. I really don't care all that much if Adam and Eve conspired with Satan to kill John F. Kennedy or something. I don't care who conspired with who. I also don't care that much about UFOs. Aliens might or might not be visiting the earth, or living here long-term, and the UFOs might be something created by humans or aliens or whatever, and I don't care much about that. It doesn't affect me personally and there's nothing I can do about it. And there are a whole lot of other things on those websites that I either don't believe in or just don't care about. So I'd rather talk about them in other places instead of on conspiracy websites.

    The subjects are 'taboo' because I personally have tried to talk about them to friends and family, at various times in the past, and have been told I'm crazy every time I try to talk about them. That is how I know they are taboo.

    That's it.

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    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Is there a difference between taboo and custom?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    I can relate this to Si and Te. While learning about socionics, I've agreed with the idea that people can't tell you much you don't already know about your own ego block functions.

    Si: If anyone tries to tell me that I'm not actually sensing what I'm sensing, if they just call me crazy or say I'm hallucinating, that won't change my beliefs. My ex-boyfriend claimed that I was walking around in a constant hallucination, like an LSD trip that never ends, and that's one of the reasons why I am no longer with him.

    If another Si expert tells me more sensations to observe in finer detail, I will say, 'Hmm, that's interesting, I'll try to notice that next time.' Or I might say, 'Yeah, that happens to me too,' or something. They may or may not be able to tell me something I don't know already. I'm not sure what I would say because I haven't had the opportunity to talk to large numbers of fellow sufferers who agree with me.

    Te: If anyone says that yes, maybe I'm sensing something real, but I've misinterpreted what's causing it... I will *slightly* be able to discuss this or talk about alternative explanations... but I will get bored rather quickly because usually, I've heard it all before and have already thought through most of those questions already, years ago.

    I am interested in the discussion of 'What do we do about it if it's true?' I also don't mind speculating about 'Who would do this, and why?' I'm sure there are other questions.

    So if anyone wants to talk about these things, a direct attack on my ego block functions probably won't get very far. Other approaches might work.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Is there a difference between taboo and custom?
    I'm not sure. I know something is taboo if you can get thrown in a mental hospital for talking about it too much, too loudly, or in a very emotional way.

    There are a lot of things that violate customs and social norms, and I will probably talk about a lot of those things, and when I do, I might encourage people to simply ignore me if it offends them. I'm interested in non-mainstream customs, for instance, alternative methods of hairstyling which are frowned upon in many social circles. That would be a custom, to me. I have a lot of customs which are different from things you see on television and in the media... but at the same time, I know lots of places where I can go to comfortably talk about those subjects in a relaxed setting with large numbers of people who agree with me. I can find tons of websites about natural childbirth, for instance, and I can go there and not be scared to say anything at all on that subject, even though it violates the custom of going to the hospital to have a baby. (I haven't had a baby yet. When I do, it will be natural.)

    So yes, taboo versus custom. I can find lots of places where I can comfortably talk about my unusual customs without fear. The 'taboo' subjects - it's hard to find places to talk about those things. Not many people talk about them, or if they do, it's in an environment where I can barely even stand to be there, such as conspiracy websites, which are filled with so much crap I don't even want to waste my time there.

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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Please do not reproduce. Thank you.
    Reproduce what?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Reproduce what?
    ...said the virgin

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    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Where the hell do you live? Hacking considered as a taboo topic? Drugs?
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    You sound schizo to me. It's one thing to talk about taboo subjects; most people are very willing to talk about the things you mentioned.. hell I've talked about them before, totally freely with no problem. But you broke up with your boyfriend over these taboo subjects? Or he broke up with you because he thought you were 'in an LSD state at all times'? Just sounds like the obsessive paranoias of a schizo.

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    I think this might have something to do with Ne valuing. Your "taboo" seems like Se valuers not liking Ne subjects.
    I have to admit I don't really get what you mean altogether.

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    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratsshadow View Post
    You sound schizo to me. It's one thing to talk about taboo subjects; most people are very willing to talk about the things you mentioned.. hell I've talked about them before, totally freely with no problem. But you broke up with your boyfriend over these taboo subjects? Or he broke up with you because he thought you were 'in an LSD state at all times'? Just sounds like the obsessive paranoias of a schizo.
    IDK about a disorder, but it sure doesn't sound normal.

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    on topic, there probably isn't such thing as mind control possible (yet).

    They tried several methods on mythbusters and it didn't work.

    Usually when people think their mind is controlled, they have a psychosis. It's a common symptom.

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    Default I figured out how to use multi-quote!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Please do not reproduce. Thank you.
    Later on I'll talk more about being in favor of, or opposed to, reproduction.

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Where the hell do you live? Hacking considered as a taboo topic? Drugs?
    It's possible to find lots of web pages that talk about hacking, about how to do it, and how to protect yourself against it. However, it becomes a taboo when you try to tell your friends and family, none of whom know much about hacking, that some unknown person, for unknown reasons, is hacking into the computers that you use everywhere you go, and that every time you get a new temp job in a new office environment, the harassment begins again on the new computers. 'Hacking' as such is a well known topic and not a taboo.

    I'm in Pennsylvania. As for drugs, I'm not sure what you mean. I'm not using any drugs except caffeine. I won't be using any drugs in the future (unless there is some terrible emergency). I'm not using any illegal drugs. Drugs are not the solution to my problem.

    Quote Originally Posted by crazedratsshadow View Post
    You sound schizo to me. It's one thing to talk about taboo subjects; most people are very willing to talk about the things you mentioned.. hell I've talked about them before, totally freely with no problem. But you broke up with your boyfriend over these taboo subjects? Or he broke up with you because he thought you were 'in an LSD state at all times'? Just sounds like the obsessive paranoias of a schizo.
    My boyfriend and I broke up for a lot of different reasons. But yes, my 'unexplained phenomena' were indeed part of the conflicts we were having. The 'in an LSD state' comment happened to be one thing he said at one time, during one particular argument, and I remembered it because that one comment made me particularly angry. He said lots of other things I don't remember. I do remember that he got very drunk every single day and I couldn't stand to be around him when he was drunk, obnoxious, and abusive.

    Quote Originally Posted by Quaris View Post
    I think this might have something to do with Ne valuing. Your "taboo" seems like Se valuers not liking Ne subjects.
    I have to admit I don't really get what you mean altogether.
    I'm curious to know what you mean, too. Could you explain? And yes, it's true, lots of times when I've had to talk about this to people, they react as though they don't like Ne. They don't want to imagine that strange, unknown things might be possible. They don't like to pretend it, even for a second. It feels too dangerous for them to imagine it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    on topic, there probably isn't such thing as mind control possible (yet).

    They tried several methods on mythbusters and it didn't work.

    Usually when people think their mind is controlled, they have a psychosis. It's a common symptom.
    Mind control not possible yet? Yeah, I've had THAT argument before. That's one of my most frequently encountered beliefs. Many people believe that maybe, a lot of stuff will be possible in the distant future, in some faraway land, but not now, and not in this country - maybe in one of those other countries where bad things happen, but not here. I'm sorry for sounding mean about that, but the 'it can't be done yet' is sort of... a 'frequently asked question.' This is people's way of feeling safe about something which is too terrifying to imagine.

    How I feel about mythbusters: I've watched that show a few times. I haven't seen the episode where they tested anything having to do with mind control. There are lots and lots of different methods that they would have to test, and I bet they probably only had time to test a few things.

    There is such a thing as mental illness. But it isn't a sign of mental illness merely to believe a particular belief. Mental illness (actually, PHYSICAL illness) is when you're so sick that you can't even hold a normal conversation with somebody, can't function at all, and usually you have other physical health symptoms as well. There are a variety of things that cause the symptoms of schizophrenia. Oddly enough, some people's 'schizophrenia' improves greatly when they get on a wheat-free diet. That's only one example of the things that can cause the symptoms of schizophrenia. Physical illnesses are the cause of many of the things that people view as 'mental illness.'

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    You realize you're only squabbling over semantics, right? Mental illness / physical illness. Obviously we all realize there is a physical brain component to mental illness.

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    Default My experience with radio frequency weapon attacks.

    Well, I will be writing this in a first person storytelling style. That is my most natural way of writing. I realize this is not the usual style for writing in a forum. However, I'm putting this here so that I can see people's reactions to it, since this is a more socially active place than a blog, and more people are likely to read this and react to it. Putting this here makes me much more vulnerable than I usually am. If I can't stand people's reactions, then I won't be able to put it here, as I am often thin skinned and find it hard to tolerate criticism.

    This is introverted sensing - tons and tons of it - more than most people can stand - so there will be some people who find it almost impossible to read, because it is completely opposed to their most comfortable ways of functioning.

    I'll try not to make it too long.

    It was 2003 when I first noticed that I was being attacked. I was doing psychotherapy over the telephone with a lady named Judith Swack, after I had seen her mentioned on Nathaniel Branden's website.

    Some of her therapy involved saying prayers to God. I am an atheist, but she told me that saying prayers was part of the therapeutic process and it would work regardless of my atheism. I went along with this, out of curiosity.

    I had already started developing a conflict with Judith Swack. Instead of letting me describe what my problem was and what I wanted to do about it, she interrupted me frequently and made decisions on her own about what we would do, and she had a pre-planned protocol that we would follow. This was a personality type conflict which I did not know how to describe at the time. She functioned in a rational style, and I functioned in an irrational style, as I wanted to postpone decision making for a longer time, while being more thorough and detailed in my discussion of the problem.

    So that is why I ended up doing some strange things I didn't really want to do, as I was following her pre-planned protocol, which included prayers.

    I often took naps. This was normal for me. During the time period when I was doing the therapy - not while I was on the phone, but other times in the day - I would suddenly get the urge to lie down and take a nap. While lying down, I would start doing the prayers I had been assigned during the therapy session.

    While saying the prayers, I suddenly had this magical feeling of being soothed and comforted by a warm, protective light, and I felt a guiding, loving presence.

    I had meditated many times in the past, and had never had such a feeling before while meditating. I was 29 years old at the time. I recognized which physical sensations were normal for my body, and which sensations were not normal, and this sensation was NOT normal. To put it bluntly, my BS detector went off. I knew immediately that something weird and wrong was going on. However, I didn't really figure out much more than that.

    After a few weeks, Judith said that she was having a hard time making any progress with me. She recommended that I try using Prozac. I had tried St. John's Wort, an herbal antidepressant, but I had never used Prozac before. Hesitantly, I tried it. Meanwhile, I was becoming very critical of her therapy, as she had advertised that it was a drug-free therapy, and here she was telling me that I was going to have to use drugs to make any more progress.

    The Prozac was a horrible disaster - that's a long story, and I won't tell it here. Just don't use Prozac. The end.

    I quit the Prozac. Shortly after that, I was at my workplace, trying to make some kind of decision. I remembered something from the therapy, some instructions about what I was supposed to do, some plan as to what things I was supposed to be working on and trying to improve. It was like I was trying to break a bad habit. I don't recall what it was. Anyway, while making this decision, I heard Judith Swack's voice in my head telling me what to do, telling me to make the right choice. By then, I was very much in conflict with her, and in my head, I said to the voice, 'Get the f**k out of my head, you stupid b***h.'

    Well, unsurprisingly, after that, therapy quickly went downhill, and I quit it.

    During the time of this therapy, I was having unusual dreams and visions which were different from anything I had experienced before. I was having dreams about Satan and about some kind of horrible monster behind the wall in my apartment. (No, these weren't Prozac-induced dreams. It was happening before the Prozac.) I was also having the 'warm soothing light' phenomenon while meditating, and I became very annoyed with it.

    I'll skip a few parts of the story - I was involved in a court case during this time, and that was when the worst things started happening. I would be walking across the room and suddenly my head would get dizzy and sick for no reason, out of nowhere, and I would feel like I was going to vomit. I would suddenly have reflux up my esophagus, even though I hadn't been sick at all and hadn't eaten anything strange.

    About that time, I read an article on the internet. I think the title of the article was 'Radio Frequency Causes Nausea.' Everything described in the article was exactly what I was experiencing. I started reading more about this and saw that there really were devices able to do the things that I had heard other people talking about years and years ago. I had never thought much about the 'tinfoil hat wearer' phenomenon, and didn't have much opinion one way or the other.

    I totally rejected the 'evil spirits' interpretation that Judith Swack had been pushing for. Her therapy revolved around clearing away ghosts and evil spirits and Satan and any other supernatural entities that could be causing problems for me. I rejected that entire belief system, and decided instead to go down the Tinfoil Hat pathway instead. So that is where I am now. (Note: I've tried foil and it doesn't work.) I hadn't experienced anything like this before the therapy and the court case.

    There was a particular corporation connected to the court case, State of the Art, Inc., and they were connected with the military and radio frequency weapon manufacturers. For a while, I debated between blaming them, or blaming Judith Swack, for the attacks that began during that time period.

    But actually, I looked back in the past and saw that I had been experiencing similar things for a while before, but hadn't noticed them because they were different and much less severe. I only learned how to notice it and recognize it when severe attacks occurred, like the phenomenon of doing something ordinary and then all of a sudden out of nowhere your head gets dizzy and you feel like you're about to vomit for no reason.

    There were more severe attacks, lots of them, during this time period. I was kept awake for several nights in a row, and I would suddenly fall asleep at a particular hour, and then wake up exactly fifteen minutes later on the clock, and be kept awake the rest of the night, and then fall asleep for another exact fifteen minute period at a specific hour on the clock, over and over again.

    There was also a time when I could not bear to be in my apartment for more than a couple minutes because there seemed to be a burning radiation coming from one side of the room, and I could not stand to be in there. So I brought my laptop with me and wandered around town and went to parks and sat outside, in the cold, with my laptop, trying to entertain myself for a while and rest, instead of staying in my apartment.

    I have other things that happen now, for instance, I often get the urge to say things to people that I know I will regret saying. That is one of the reasons why I have avoided trying to make friends with people, as they can't see who I really am when I suddenly say things that are strangely out of character or offensive.

    The attacks were greatly reduced over time, but I still do hear voices in my head and I still do get awakened at particular times every night. It is nowhere near as unbearable as it was in the beginning, and I am surviving.

    I need a physical shield so that I can rest and meditate without being disturbed. However, this project is on low priority, as I have a hundred other problems to deal with in my daily life, so as of right now, I still don't have a shield.

    I'll end the story for now. There's always more.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retmeishka View Post
    I was doing psychotherapy over the telephone with a lady named Judith Swack, after I had seen her mentioned on Nathaniel Branden's website.

    I totally rejected the 'evil spirits' interpretation that Judith Swack had been pushing for. Her therapy revolved around clearing away ghosts and evil spirits and Satan and any other supernatural entities that could be causing problems for me.
    wow, this is a psychotherapist? sounds more like an exorsist.

    anyways, aren't there alternative explanations for nausea? You seem to be drawn to the more unlikely explanations and skip the likely ones.

    You also seem to be a high sensitive person (HSP).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retmeishka View Post
    The attacks were greatly reduced over time, but I still do hear voices in my head and I still do get awakened at particular times every night.
    you are sure this cannot be something else but radio attack? Cause hearing voices in your head is a common disease. And yes, a lot of people who have that disease still say it's because of radio's etc, until they take anti psychotics and then suddenly 'the radio' turns silent. I think you are in denial, and also in denial of being in denial. read that again if you want.

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    I thought of a taboo subject. Discussing anything related to reproduction out loud using non-scientific terms.

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    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    you learned a new word :-d

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    These aren't scary taboo subjects, they're simply crazy subjects. It isn't that people are scared to believe it. People know it's crazy and ridiculous.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    I thought of a taboo subject. Discussing anything related to reproduction out loud using non-scientific terms.
    Well, unfortunately, a lot of the scientific terms for sexual activities are too well known to be a secret anymore. If I use the words 'c---------s' or 'f------o,' enough people know those words that they're not scientific anymore. Most people will be able to fill in those blanks. So those words are now forbidden words. I guess the word 'oxytocin' isn't as well known as some, so that one is still scientific. Maybe I could find a list of all the various hormones and obscure, little-known anatomical structures.

    Tons and tons of stuff on Wikipedia. 'Lordosis behavior' sounds interesting. I've never heard of it before so probably lots of other people haven't either. There's too much stuff to list it all.

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    What happens when people talk about scary taboo subjects?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker View Post
    These aren't scary taboo subjects, they're simply crazy subjects. It isn't that people are scared to believe it. People know it's crazy and ridiculous.
    You haven't ever seen a sane, healthy, well-known authority figure talking calmly about these subjects. If you have ever seen anyone talking about mind control or radio frequency harassment, they were usually a person who really was very sick in some way and suffering terribly. It would seem less crazy if authority figures were talking calmly about it on television and openly communicating to the public about it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    you are sure this cannot be something else but radio attack? Cause hearing voices in your head is a common disease. And yes, a lot of people who have that disease still say it's because of radio's etc, until they take anti psychotics and then suddenly 'the radio' turns silent. I think you are in denial, and also in denial of being in denial. read that again if you want.
    I recognize what physical sensations are normal and abnormal for me. These were totally unlike anything I had ever experienced before in my life.

    I've taken some drugs, and with me, as with many other victims, the voices become louder and clearer while we are using the drugs. Drugs also have horrible side effects. They do not solve the problem of hearing voices. Some people simply become numb and indifferent so that they don't mind pretending that they're all better. The drugs make them compliant liars. Other people really might stop hearing voices. Others have horrible side effects, the voices get worse not better, and they feel much better after quitting the drugs and they never want to use them again - that's the category I am in.

    I understand exactly what you mean about denial-about-denial... In fact, one of my most liberating moments was when I said to myself, 'I'm not crazy.' In the beginning, I tried to explain everything by thinking there was something wrong with me. I realized that I'm not crazy, there's nothing wrong with me (except some physical health problems which have little or nothing to do with the radio attacks), and that I happen to be an unlucky person that something terrible is happening to, living in a world that doesn't understand or believe me. So yes, you can call that denial about my denial if you wish. It made me feel mentally healthier than anything had ever made me feel. I realized that some of my problems are not my fault.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    wow, this is a psychotherapist? sounds more like an exorsist.

    anyways, aren't there alternative explanations for nausea? You seem to be drawn to the more unlikely explanations and skip the likely ones.

    You also seem to be a high sensitive person (HSP).
    Yeah, she was an unusual psychotherapist. I do tend to be attracted to things that are extreme or strange in some way, things that are non-mainstream or things that are not well known to most people.

    I tried the likely explanations first. I spent months wondering what on earth I was eating that could be making me suddenly have instant, spontaneous reflux up my throat and a sudden urge to vomit, when I hadn't felt the least bit sick only a second before. The burning sensation inside my head was totally different from anything I had ever experienced and I couldn't even begin to explain it.

    I avoid doctors. I had already learned years before that doctors cannot help me with even the simplest health problems. I had a stomach problem which lasted for months, and I couldn't eat, and I lost a lot of weight. The doctor NEVER EVEN ASKED me what I was eating. He offered me a couple of pills. A doctor should troubleshoot to the best of their ability before they offer pills. I solved the problem myself by changing my diet, and for unknown reasons, the problem went away and didn't come back. I learned which foods and drinks seemed to trigger the stomach problem, but I never really had an explanation. I don't want to waste money on doctors who just want to give out pills.

    Yes, unfortunately, 'highly sensitive person' describes me.

    Quote Originally Posted by CILi View Post
    You big on guinea pigs?
    I thought the guinea pig thing was just an urban legend?

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    You're probably crazy, but not too much.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by CILi View Post
    You big on guinea pigs?
    And I can't remember the name of the gross urban legend that I was thinking of. But no, it looked like the Lordosis Behavior applied to other mammals too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    Yeah, I had to rely on Eleanor White's page in the beginning, as that was about all I could find. Every once in a while, I make it a project to find other high-quality writers on the net talking about this subject, but there are hardly any. Pardon the rude language but most of the web pages about mind control are total clusterf*cks and I can't read them. They're very disorganized and huge and have millions of links. I don't see any writers talking about it in a calm, quiet way. I don't really like Eleanor White's way of writing. The author's thinking style and writing style is really important, as it can either comfort me, or traumatize me even more. If the web sites are screaming with anger and fear and righteousness and other bad feelings, I get exhausted by going there and trying to learn anything. Eleanor White is really knowledgeable but her writing style is painful for me to read.

    I'd like to see a website where someone talked about this with a sense of perspective and calmness, with the awareness that this is a human rights violation, but at the same time, not screaming in terror about it - the idea that, yes, it's real, yes, it's horrible and scary, but even so, we are going to survive, because we have to. That's the spirit I want to find in a writer talking about this.

    But thank you for looking her up for me anyway.

    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    You're probably crazy, but not too much.
    I'm probably not dangerous. I don't attack people physically.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retmeishka View Post
    And I can't remember the name of the gross urban legend that I was thinking of. But no, it looked like the Lordosis Behavior applied to other mammals too.
    Was it this?

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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    No, that's a new urban legend that I've never heard before. Thanks!

    This was probably something I read on Savage Love, back in the days when I was reading that, on The Onion AV Club. I haven't read it in a really long time. I think it was called 'gerbiling,' and allegedly, people were putting gerbils into places where I imagine it must be almost physically impossible to put them. I was more concerned about the horrible cruelty to animals than anything else, but, probably, this particular story was just an urban legend.

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    Quote Originally Posted by k0rpsey View Post
    "Poor guy would just get horny again an hour later."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Retmeishka View Post
    No, that's a new urban legend that I've never heard before. Thanks!

    This was probably something I read on Savage Love, back in the days when I was reading that, on The Onion AV Club. I haven't read it in a really long time. I think it was called 'gerbiling,' and allegedly, people were putting gerbils into places where I imagine it must be almost physically impossible to put them. I was more concerned about the horrible cruelty to animals than anything else, but, probably, this particular story was just an urban legend.
    Linkin Park cancelled a tour when singer Chester Bennington was hospitalized with a perforated colon and septicemia after a gerbil tried to claw and chew its way out of his body.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CILi View Post
    I spent ten minutes tryin'a Google that.
    lol, thanks for doing the work for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by CILi View Post
    I spent ten minutes tryin'a Google that.
    It's a rumor that went around a few years ago when Chester was hospitalized with gut complaints. He underwent surgery in '03 for a troublesome hiatal hernia that was exacerbated by singing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    on topic, there probably isn't such thing as mind control possible (yet).
    Actually there is and it is natural, in other words taking place in nature as we speak so you can forget about free will and all that crap.

    They tried several methods on mythbusters and it didn't work.
    They didn't try one, I mean who in right state of mind on top of some government ladder is going to risk it getting out ? A snowman ?

    Usually when people think their mind is controlled, they have a psychosis. It's a common symptom.
    I think that's called schizophrenia. I mean not that I link this behavior to schizophrenia, that's something entirely else.

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    What happens when people talk about scary taboo subjects?

    1. People get scared.
    2. People exchange information.
    3. It becomes less and less taboo.

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