Quote Originally Posted by KeroZen View Post
I was making fun don't worry, your posts are way more relevant than what I said and you are right in the sense that trying to express it all without thinking in functions or information elements terms is surely better.

My remark was more of a "shall we go to the point now?" kind, as in trying to probe one hypothesis or the other...

You also said you wouldn't stay here very long iirc, so if time is against us...

What in particular made you identify to EIE, apart from your test results of course?
Ah ! I see what you did there. All fine and dandy then.. Well i was sorth of covering myself for the possible sense of shame, for telling from the beginning that i wouldnt be here long. So if i left people would be like, oh but he said he wouldnt be here for long... so ok. And wouldnt think like i run away from fear or other less perfect reasons. If this wasnt right place to express myself or so on. But now im not sure, i see it like here are some smart people, who i would be interested in sharing views and try to create a fuller picture and understanding of socionics. I see this place as full of potential. As i dont have many friends who are interested in socionics, doesnt mean that i would wholeheartedly focus on socionics, or that its the main thing that would define me. If that crosses your mind. So im uncertain how much time im gonna spent here. Fingers crossed.:wink:

But yeah its about time to try to get this thread on the more substancefilled track.Since my main motivation here is to find my type. And find people that could vanguish doubts. And in actuality when i first came to socionics. I scored as entp, for i was allready an entp in mbti, so i was biased as i tested. And taking the test every time i would score what i thought i was as personality type, for i instantly got a good grasp on how the functions trasnlated to test. So the test is worthless for me anyway. Well here is the most important thing for believing i was enfj aswell. Its that whenever i thought i was some type. I would completly adopt a world view and behavior patterns to what i thought would be right for the type: i have been entp, intp, infj, enfp, infp, estp and isfj even completly changing my behavior, and changing because i felt everytime that somehow the thing i was acting wasnt me.

And then finally i concluded that enfj was most likely because of my strong vision and passion for making it true and in addition the things i stated before. I felt enfj being closest for most certainly i am an actor. And i think i have shown alot about my thought patterns by showing what i find myself to be in actuality and the world too. Im not sure if im answering in a satisfying way. As im mostly recycling the past stuff i wrote. But this is the definite. Maybe our information processing ways are little too different for eachother to communicate in a way that would bring us a change, a satisfying conclusion. If you have questions please ask