Quote Originally Posted by sarinana View Post
it's not obnoxious. it's hard to explain. But I feel like he is messing everything up. All his sentences are messed up. Even when we talk in reality and don't argue I kind of get myself bored listening to him since he uses way too many words, descriptions, epithets, synonyms, etc which are totally random and seem unimportant and i just get the impression like I will never hear the main point.
Kind of like "Oh something really interesting happened to me once! you see I did this and the person A was there, but then I decided to do this, and so I came to place A, and there I met this person D.... oh do you know that person D did this and then he met this person C <....15minutes talking about that person...>
me: so what was the interesting thing what happened to you?
he: what interesting thing?
me: um never mind....
That's my experience with ESEs.