Quote Originally Posted by crazedratXII View Post
that's fine. i do think i'm IEI in many ways. But I am much more confident in scientific areas / constructing logical explanations than in social or political areas.
Funny that, same for me. Could it be intelligence? No, certainly not...but let's look further:

I have learned to be very manipulative through my life, but I still always have the feeling (in every social situation) that things are going to turn on me and I will be ostracized ...(as if I have zero control over the situation). I cannot call social or expressive situations my area of strength; I am highly attuned to them, but in a reactive way uncharacteristic of INFp.. who can, typically, control the flow of social situations (and easily align with people of utility).
You have social anxiety. I do, too, and it has nothing to do with type; I'm a fucking Fe dominant, for crying out loud. You wouldn't be this highly attuned to social dynamics if you were Fe PoLR; they are simply oblivious. We may feel paranoid in social situations, but part of this is due to being overly sensitive to the dynamics, combined with past experiences teaching us to expect the worst.

I also cannot control my emotional outbursts, for a surge of overwhelming negative energy. INFps seem much more collected and in control of their emotions. Their emotional reactions are measured, reasonable, politically tactful... mine are none of those.
That has nothing to do with being ILI; that has to do with your dominant E-type being part of the Reactive triad. You might point to someone like Nick as a comparison; he has outbursts that aren't always totally controlled. He may maintain a larger degree of control to some extent, but remember he is a 3 wing, which implies a much degree of behavioral control than 5 wing.

That, and I am very good with science / philosophy / math. Those areas are, I feel, my most confident. Throughout my life my most impressive achievements have been in these areas. For example like a month ago I pointed out a flaw in the philosophical position of my research methods of psychology teachers understanding of the scientific method (though I partially attribute that to studying socionics), I got 100 his test without reading the book. I kill any kind of debate. I can actually come up with my own theories and explanations for most anything almost instantly, and somehow, they end up being right and often times insightful.. it's like an instant reaction. I consider that my Te creative, partially overshadowed by strong Ni dominance and underappreciated / misunderstood by most who listen to it. ...(most will instantly disagree out of arrogance.)
This is just you being smart. I destroy everyone in my philosophy classes or anything where debate is involved, but Te and Ti are both technically "weak" functions for me (and no, I don't just steamroll people; I lay out logically irrefutable arguments in a calm manner and address all objections made). I always got good grades in science and math, too. You are Ni subtype, which implies stronger/more prevalent Ti than many of the people who are probably "obviously IEI" to you, but really it's just intelligence.

On top of this, I identify almost entirely with the INTp descriptions, VI as INTp ..(other than an INFp smile which I do have), and there are many aspects of INFp descriptions I do not identify with. I don't feel like I have anything close to duality with ESTps I've met or on the forum, but I've met ESFps and the chemistry was unmistakable. Other intertype relations I've had fit the INTp scheme of relations. I reconcile all this by saying I am INTp-Ni very close on the border with INFp. But sometimes I do think I can teeter across..
Identifying with descriptions just shows what appeals to your ego

You're IEI. Fucking accept it. Nick and I have discovered a myriad of IEIs who are behavioral clones of yours; you're practically a fucking archetype