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Thread: Newbie - what's my type?

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    Psycho Candy OrangeAppled's Avatar
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    Default Newbie - what's my type?

    Hi, I'm very new to Socionics, and I admit it confuses me. I've been into MBTI for awhile now, but it's my understanding I should throw that knowledge out the window when approaching Socionics.... Anyway, I am new, and I'd like to figure out my type...thanks for help in advance.

    About me:
    -I'm very quiet, and shy at first; I can seem cold and aloof to people, but I feel warm & friendly inside
    -I have trouble expressing my makes me feel too vulnerable
    -I like/need a lot of alone time, and tend to isolate myself
    -I actually feel loneliest in a crowded room with people, and strangers intimidate me
    -I prefer one-on-one interaction, and can get quite animated with people I am comfortable with
    -I have a very small circle of friends I adore, but find it difficult to click with most people; I take a looong time to warm up, but once I do, I am very loyal and caring
    - I've never had a longterm romantic relationship, but I have dated a lot. I don't click with people either because I am so shy and/or they don't meet my ideals
    -I'm somewhat artistic and creative; I'm a graphic designer, I draw, and I write poetry
    -My main interests are: music, art, fashion, literature, cooking, psychology, and religion
    - I'm a conceptual designer. I get bored when it gets to the details, but I can get obsessed with them also and lose my focus.
    -I'm religious and spiritual and do a lot of volunteer work w/my religion
    -I always did really well in school, and tend to be book smart, but not street smart, and am kind of socially stupid
    -Math & science were a breeze in school, but I preferred literature & French, which were more challenging for my mind
    - I like to read classic literature, books on psychology, theology, and art/design.
    -I have a lot of trouble making small talk, but I can discuss complex & very personal issues with ease; it doesn't make me bored or uncomfortable
    -I'm very daydreamy and imaginative; I have trouble being in the present
    -I am totally obvious to my surroundings much of the time, yet aesthetics are important to me. I have a very good sense of color and space.
    -I have near constant internal conflict...heart vs head.
    -I have a strong sense of understanding and empathy, but am sometimes accused of being too hard on people & overly critical, because I have very high standards and strict morals.
    -I can be assertive if necessary; I won't let people walk over me, and I am not afraid to speak my mind. I am otherwise mostly reserved & passive.
    -I'm good at putting myself in other people's shoes & seeing from different perspectives
    -I'm good at listening to people vent and offering advice and encouragement. People often find themselvs confiding in me and I'm the shoulder to cry on for my friends.
    -I'm good at playing devil's advocate and arguing an issue, although I avoid conflict. I did very well in debate in school. I have to be detached to do this. If it is personal, I get too emotional.
    -I consider myself both logical and emotional. My family says I am "too logical" at times and not caring enough, but they also say I am temperamental and moody
    -I'm late everywhere I go, and I love to do things spontaneously on a whim
    -I'm pretty go-with-the-flow, but under the right circumstances I will take the lead and enjoy directing people, usually so I can fulfill my own vision with less compromise. I avoid responsibility for tasks though.
    -I highly value my independence and individuality
    -I tend to like things which are a bit offbeat, dark, whimsical, and slightly irreverent
    -I've always felt alienated and like an outcast in life
    -I'd call myself a romanticist and an idealist, and a bit naive at times
    -I've been accused of being a know-it-all & too defensive
    -I'm extremely sensitive to criticism and will perceive it where there is none
    Last edited by OrangeAppled; 09-11-2009 at 10:43 PM. Reason: clarity

  2. #2


    Probably INxx something, there was stuff that threw you in and out for all the 4 types.
    ...the human race will disappear. Other races will appear and disappear in turn. The sky will become icy and void, pierced by the feeble light of half-dead stars. Which will also disappear. Everything will disappear. And what human beings do is just as free of sense as the free motion of elementary particles. Good, evil, morality, feelings? Pure 'Victorian fictions'.


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    Whatever you are, sounds like you are lonely and just need some friends?

    I dunno man, you just have a lot of growing up to do. I don't mean that as condescending, just a few years ago I would describe myself the same way you do. But it just kinda explains somebody that's a bit too afraid to live life fully and to open their eyes.

    You not paying attention to your physical envrionment isn't a personality issue, it's a wtf wake up man! Issue. You can't function without paying attention to your physical envrionment you'd get slaughtered. You don't have to be an SLE to do it. Just work on it.

    You need to learn how to meditate. I'm serious. I know it sounds like I'm kinda attacking you right now but I just understood you a bit too well so I know what you need to do to improve yourself.

    It's okay to be artistic, weird, sensitive, faggy, emo, those qualities are SOOOO adorable and cute. But when you're self-loathing and hateful about them it just makes people not like you. Be as faggy emo and IEI sensitive shy introverted as you like! But know what ya gotta do to stay alive.

    Other people like you just fine. Ironically, you need to learn how to enjoy others. And that means giving others the same unconditional love and acceptance *You* want for your fagdom.

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    Creepy-Pied Piper


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    Last edited by xkj220; 11-27-2009 at 06:27 AM.

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    ILI or IEI i think.

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    IEI or ILI, probably ILI-Ni.

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    Ni-INTp is my current guess.

    Welcome to the forum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    I edited my previous post and gather attention on the correction because it is important: Introverted Perception (Ni, Si) gives the ability - or at least confidence of being able - to put oneself behind someone else's eyes. The difference stays in the fact that Ni emphasizes replacement at a conceptual level, while Si uses physical/observation level.

    Edit: (to extend) Ne and Se put themselves before someone else's eyes. They can (or think they can) create an impression depending on their behavior, appearance, etc.
    In both cases, Ip or Ep, this trait is much more relevant in Irrationals that Rationals.
    Yes, I once read something like this in a socionics article about introversion and extraversion.

    The introvert is able to put himself in the shoes of others, while the extravert isn't capable of doing that, yet he uses another way which I forgot... :-(

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    Well can't Ne dominants think of a hypothetical situation off the top of their heads, probably influenced by some sort of subconscious rule or thought, and put themselves in that situation? This isn't an argument for oranges type, just a separate observation.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    I also thought the same in the beginning. IEI, ILI, one of those.
    I don't remember you ever saying ILI. You liar.

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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    I never did.
    You just did though. Liar, Again!

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    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    Cut me some slack.
    Okay I'll give you some slack. I'm not going to cut it, that would be just rude.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    They can easy put themselves in different scenarios, but their view remains the same (E = defined context, scenario). IPs put themselves in other's minds, independent of given scenarios.
    Correlative if anything?

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    My guess is IEI, Ni subtype. ILI-Ni is also possible.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Last edited by xkj220; 11-27-2009 at 06:27 AM.

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    Psycho Candy OrangeAppled's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xkj220 View Post
    Were you INFP in MBTI, perchance?
    Yes, I am INFP in MBTI. I often test INTP though, but I know I am Fi-dom in MBTI.

    I took a socionics test and scored IEI, but I never fully trust the accuracy of these tests anymore

    I'm not sure how socionics functions are defined yet....

    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    Whatever you are, sounds like you are lonely and just need some friends?
    Assuming you are not a troll and are genuinely concerned for me , I will address your post.

    First, I enjoy time alone, and I have close friends and family I value a lot. I get lonely from time to time, but everyone does.

    You not paying attention to your physical envrionment isn't a personality issue, it's a wtf wake up man! Issue. You can't function without paying attention to your physical envrionment you'd get slaughtered. You don't have to be an SLE to do it. Just work on it.
    I'm very daydreamy, that's what I meant. I do notice physical things, but it's easy for me to drift off. As I said, aesthetics are important to me, and I'm into visual arts. I'm also very into fashion and cooking, which is definitely in the physical realm.

    You need to learn how to meditate. I'm serious. I know it sounds like I'm kinda attacking you right now but I just understood you a bit too well so I know what you need to do to improve yourself.
    I actually do pilates, yoga, and ride a bike. I'm very religious/spiritual and do meditate and pray.

    It's okay to be artistic, weird, sensitive, faggy, emo, those qualities are SOOOO adorable and cute. But when you're self-loathing and hateful about them it just makes people not like you. Be as faggy emo and IEI sensitive shy introverted as you like! But know what ya gotta do to stay alive.
    I'm a woman...I don't see how I can be "faggy", and I'm not into any emo music scene. I'm not self-loathing at all. I'm just capable of being honest about my flaws. I'm an MBTI INFP, so I am used to people perceiving my natural way as weird and offensive (although I harm no one). I know I can work on being less shy, and I have, but it's a slow process.

    Other people like you just fine. Ironically, you need to learn how to enjoy others. And that means giving others the same unconditional love and acceptance *You* want for your fagdom.
    I do enjoy others...where do you get the idea I don't? I just don't need the amount face time others do.

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    Last edited by xkj220; 11-27-2009 at 06:27 AM.

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    Sauron, The Great Enemy ArchonAlarion's Avatar
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    Im going with ESE or LSE

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    lol but I thought this was a joke forum?
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    Quote Originally Posted by xkj220 View Post
    I add SEI as primary option now.
    What makes you say this?

    I took another test, and it gave me this:

    Your result
    These types might also be considered
    These types are not very likely
    These types are quite unlikely
    These types are extremely unlikely

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    Last edited by xkj220; 11-27-2009 at 06:28 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    You forgot to answer my question, but it was optional. The next ones are not, to have cleared your position:

    - What descriptions are the closest to what you name INTp and INTj?
    - What function descriptions do you use?
    - Do you use Model A? (INTp = Ni/Te, INTj = Ti/Ne)

    3. Yes

    2. Model A ones, however, I complement them and have ideas of my own.

    1. I do not use descriptions, because I do not like them. I come up with my own.

    Anyways, roughly:

    INTp (Ni Te): Laid back. Likes to explore possibilities. Dreamy. Instinctive. Sensitive. A mixture of practicality and imagination. Not very logical. Charismatic, likeable. Loathes drama (Fi over Fe).

    INTj(Ti Ne): Analytical, extremely logical(usually likes math), even robotic. Laid back, but annoyingly caustic when defending a point. Poor social skills, and not charismatic. Engages in drama occasionally, despite asserting being "logical". Nerdy.

    Also, the INFp INFj difference, IMO:

    INFp (Ni-Fe) - Male sometimes very similar to INTj (gives the impression of being logical, also maybe even robotic). Female more emotional. Sensitive, creative, likes to project a different image (typically more "forward") online. Occasionally caustic for no reason. Somewhat solitary.

    INFj (Fi-Ne): Easily hurt. Takes things personally. Nerdy/odd. Childlike, hard to catch, "slippery". Their attachments are extremely important to them. "Bubbly", dreamy appearance, with a very distinctive "curiousity gaze".

    I am not sure I believe in the subtypes, yet.

    Anything else, sir?

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    Last edited by xkj220; 11-27-2009 at 06:28 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio View Post
    xkj220, are you a friend of OrangeAppled? There is no reason to think she is something other than IEI or ILI.

    OrangeAppled: I still consider ILI - is seem you use only factual judging criteria - more than IEI and that probably those spirituality teachings make you be more helpful, nice, people-ready than your type naturally is.

    I met questions in tests asking about my understanding for people, compassion, forgiveness, acceptance - actually these use to differentiate T and F. Usually these things come unconditionally for Ethical types, depending on type and values, but also for Logical adherents to different spiritual currents. So, even if one is a Logical type, he/she can use ethical exceptions for people, "beauty", "love", even if they generally use only factual accuracy, which would distort test results.

    For example, even if SLE, a good Christian would turn his other cheek, but this attitude would obviously compromise his typing tests (with the kind of questions used nowdays).
    We both post on a different INFP MBTI board, and I guess he's read my posts there also, which would give a sense of my personality. I am clearly Fi-dom in MBTI. He's also been PM-ing here, so we've discussed my type privately. Although, no, we are not friends and he doesn't really know me.

    This is an interesting point about religion. It's hard for me to say if my ethics and compassion are based in that or in my natural disposition. Once I value something, it practically is me, so I find it hard to make that distinction. However, I have always found myself more concerned with ethical and emotional issues than logical ones. When alone with people, I find myself playing therapist. Even as a young child, I took an interest in the emotional health of people. And while not having a warm vibe, I still manage to find myself hearing life stories from total strangers, becoming the confidant to mere acquaintances, being the go-to friend when you need relationship advice, and surprising myself with the interest I take and insight I give.

    So I consider myself an emotional and reasonable person. I should note that my family is made up of very demonstrative people who have a distaste for cold logic, which may be why I am perceived as logical and cold to them. Outside of my family, I get different feedback. I'm seen as a bit softer by friends, although largely composed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pinocchio
    Still, I don't have any idea why did you type OrangeAppled as EII. I'm not trying to force on your terms, but if you think they describe OrangeAppled, what makes you think she's attaching or easily hurt?
    Also, all the EIIs I know declared they prefer to do known things, they don't mind repetitive tasks and are usually discontent when they're required to do new things.
    What do you mean by "attaching"? I am easily hurt, but it depends if I take it seriously. I found that one post I responded to ridiculous, but not hurtful. It was so off the mark it was actually humorous to me.

    I don't like repetitive tasks at all. I hate being in a rut and not expanding on what I know and can do. I'm all about growth and improving, so repetition feels static.

    I do like to do things in my comfort zone where I am confident, but I also like the challenge of figuring out new things. It just depends on whether I see it as within my capabilities. Sometimes it's overwhelming, but sometimes it's a welcomed challenge.

    Quote Originally Posted by xkj220 View Post
    She was attacked personally, and her first instinct was to defend herself. Her statements are part of her being, if you attack them, it's almost as if you were attacking her. This is not IEI or ILI trait, while I believe this to be base Fi trait.

    This seems like valued Se, however, I get the impression that this is actually something she is working on, that doesn't come naturally to her. But I could be wrong.

    Clearly Fi valuing, and most likely base. Doesn't want be seen as "defective" or holding negative qualities of any sort.

    Yes, my thoughts/feelings are me, and I usually do get defensive if I feel I am being attacked. In this case, I didn't feel attacked so much as greatly misinterpreted & stereotypes by that guy who has a narrow perspective on how people "should" be. I don't want to be seen as defective, but I am okay with negative qualities. I just feel like my negative qualities get magnified in society and my positive ones are often not valued.

    As for the assertive thing, I suppose I've worked on that, as far as confronting people and taking initiative. However, I have always been outspoken on my beliefs if the opportunity is laid before me. I've also always had a lot more fight in me than people would guess. As a child I was called "feisty" and "stubborn" by those who knew me well. I've never been a people pleaser and I try and get away from obligation where I see no value. My bleeding heart moments where I cannot say no are almost exclusive to dating. I used to pity date :redface:.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by xkj220 View Post
    3. Yes

    2. Model A ones, however, I complement them and have ideas of my own.

    1. I do not use descriptions, because I do not like them. I come up with my own.

    Anyways, roughly:

    INTp (Ni Te): Laid back. Likes to explore possibilities. Dreamy. Instinctive. Sensitive. A mixture of practicality and imagination. Not very logical. Charismatic, likeable. Loathes drama (Fi over Fe).

    INTj(Ti Ne): Analytical, extremely logical(usually likes math), even robotic. Laid back, but annoyingly caustic when defending a point. Poor social skills, and not charismatic. Engages in drama occasionally, despite asserting being "logical". Nerdy.

    Also, the INFp INFj difference, IMO:

    INFp (Ni-Fe) - Male sometimes very similar to INTj (gives the impression of being logical, also maybe even robotic). Female more emotional. Sensitive, creative, likes to project a different image (typically more "forward") online. Occasionally caustic for no reason. Somewhat solitary.

    INFj (Fi-Ne): Easily hurt. Takes things personally. Nerdy/odd. Childlike, hard to catch, "slippery". Their attachments are extremely important to them. "Bubbly", dreamy appearance, with a very distinctive "curiousity gaze".

    I am not sure I believe in the subtypes, yet.

    Anything else, sir?
    These descriptions are abso-posi-fucking-tive-ly HORRENDOUS.

    i dont know where to begin.

    edit: actually I do.

    Your INTj description is utterly perjorative, but is not totally wrong.

    Your INTp description is an odd mix of things. I would agree with "laid back", "dreamy" (to an extent. The 4w5 INTp can be fantasy inclined), and "loathes drama" (I'd change this to "ignores drama" as "loathes" implies to much concern and involvement).

    Likes to explore possibilities. Instinctive. Sensitive. A mixture of practicality and imagination. Not very logical. Charismatic, likeable.

    ^ Those things either are better fit for another type or simply have no connection to a particular type. "Likeable?" Not to an ESFj! Not very logical? Maybe not structurally logical, as in having mental frameworks like one would expect a Ti ego to have. And the 5w6 INTps definitely consider themselves "logical"

    "likes to explore possibilities"? Now I dislike cliches, but this is generally considered a trait more relevant for an Ne ego. I have found the correlation holds true in observation also.

    "Charismatic"? Understanding the concept of inter type relations should have clued you off to this one, dude.

    The other two type descriptions I dont even want to go into.
    Last edited by ArchonAlarion; 09-12-2009 at 10:19 PM.
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    Last edited by xkj220; 11-27-2009 at 06:29 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove View Post
    Your avatar is very IEI. So is this part:

    But beyond that, I have no idea. There's nothing in what you've written so far that I'd disagree with. The only statement I'm ambivalent on is, "Once I value something, it practically is me, so I find it hard to make that distinction" - what sorts of things?

    VI would probably help, or quotes that you find meaningful, funny, etc.
    I guess I define myself largely by my beliefs and tastes/interests. To insult these things is to insult me, so that's likely why I am quite sensitive. My artwork is me, my moral beliefs are me. It comes out of me or it has greatly influenced who I have become so that it's inseparable from my present self.

    I kind of like this quote from High Fidelity, in a humorous way:
    "What really matters is what you like, not what you are like... books, records, films - these things matter."

    I'm a HUGE Morrissey fan. I relate a lot to his lyrics, find them very funny and clever, and I am quoting him all the time.

    "If I seem a little strange, well, that's because I am."

    "But sometimes I'd feel more fulfilled, making Christmas cards with the mentally ill. I want to live and I want to love. I want to catch something that I might be ashamed of."

    My favorite book is Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure. I like the religious symbolism used and the overall theme on hypocritical social standards. I also like Tolstoy a lot.

    As a child, I drew and wrote my own comic strips, I made clothes for my barbies, read fiction a lot, and I preferred imaginative games to any existing ones with rules. At school, kids would ask me to draw for them. I was known for being the smart girl, being quiet, and having a quirky sense of style. I've always communicated my internal self through my appearance to others. I've been writing poetry since I was about 9, but I don't share it with people I know because it feels too vulnerable.

    My favorite poets are:
    Pablo Neruda, Sylvia Plath, Alfred Lord Tennyson & Rainer Maria Rilke
    "For one human being to love another; that is perhaps the most difficult of all our tasks, the ultimate, the last test and proof, the work for which all other work is but preparation."

    And lastly, here's some photos of me:

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    OMG! Finally another Rilke fan on the forum! OMG OMG! you are now my favorite person on the forum for the week.

    Also, I agree with IEI (probably Ni-subtype).
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

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    Yeah, IEI-apalooza.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
    -Mark Twain

    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

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