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Thread: Lets talk about Activity Relations, your stories and experiences

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    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    Default Lets talk about Activity Relations, your stories and experiences

    OK, so I have read a fair bit about what should happen in an activity r'ship, but are there any first-hand accounts around?

    I'm a female ENTP married to a male ESFJ, we met when I was 15, he was 17 and have been married around 13 months now, together nearly 7 years. Are we mental? How can we be better partners for each other? What are your personal experiences? What have you seen in the way of activity partners?

    Also, what do you think he's like on a date?
    Hello, my name is Bee. Pleased to meet you .

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    Hi. I don't have a lot of experience with activity relations but I am also married to an ESFj. (I'm his supervisor) We've been married for 13 years. An ENTp with an ESFj, I'll bet you guys have a lot of fun! I don't have much to add, just wanted to say hey.

    edit: Oh, just wanted to add that I'll bet he's very talkative on a date and flirty. Probably thinking about sex the entire I close?
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Default Re: Relationships of Activity, especially ENTP(ILE)-ESFJ(ESE

    Quote Originally Posted by bee
    OK, so I have read a fair bit about what should happen in an activity r'ship, but are there any first-hand accounts around?

    I'm a female ENTP married to a male ESFJ, we met when I was 15, he was 17 and have been married around 13 months now, together nearly 7 years. Are we mental? How can we be better partners for each other? What are your personal experiences? What have you seen in the way of activity partners?

    Also, what do you think he's like on a date?
    - What do you mean with "are we mental"?

    - How can you be better partners: you are already great partners, activity relationship is rated second or third best by most socionists and amateurs.
    You cannot really change much about the relationship in regard to your compatibility.

    - Personal experience: Have been in an activity relationship briefly. My mother is also my activity partner. And I have 2 colleagues, ENTP guy, ESFJ female, who are truly good friends and have lot's of fun, however strangly they never dated...

    - What do you mean with, what have you seen in the way of activity? Could you specify which part you are interested in. b.t.w. Mostly I know relates to compatibility.

  4. #4
    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    Wow, I was vague last night!

    Ok, Redbaron, correct! It would help if I made any sense though! It should have read "what do you think he'd like on a date?" But I guess you answered that! :wink:
    Seriously though, I'm crap at mushy stuff, what do I do?

    "Are we mental" = are we silly to be together, or do think it's a good combo?

    What have you seen in the way of activity partners = What are your experiences with other activity partners via observation?

    Is it weird that it feels like we have some role reversal thing going on? I'm definitely more dominant when I want to be, although I let him win occasionally too. But yeah, he seems way more feminine in the r'ship than I do! Weird?
    Hello, my name is Bee. Pleased to meet you .

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    Quote Originally Posted by bee
    "Are we mental" = are we silly to be together, or do think it's a good combo?
    Yes, as I said, it's one of the best combo's around. rated second or third best. Sure duality is probably better, but is it something you would want to give up this also very good combo?

    What have you seen in the way of activity partners = What are your experiences with other activity partners via observation?
    What I read about my colleague's is what I've observed, they got along very well together, I saw them laugh a lot. They also trusted eachother easely.
    Is it weird that it feels like we have some role reversal thing going on? I'm definitely more dominant when I want to be, although I let him win occasionally too. But yeah, he seems way more feminine in the r'ship than I do! Weird?
    That may have nothing to do with the type of relationship, but more the type of people. (I'm not sure)
    ENTP's can be dominant, controlling the discussion with ease, playing one-up-man-ship is also a dominant behaviour and typical ENTP.
    ESFJ are service oriented, more submissive, which could be associated with female behaviour.

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    Quote Originally Posted by bee
    Wow, I was vague last night!

    Ok, Redbaron, correct! It would help if I made any sense though! It should have read "what do you think he'd like on a date?" But I guess you answered that! :wink:
    Seriously though, I'm crap at mushy stuff, what do I do?

    "Are we mental" = are we silly to be together, or do think it's a good combo?

    What have you seen in the way of activity partners = What are your experiences with other activity partners via observation?

    Is it weird that it feels like we have some role reversal thing going on? I'm definitely more dominant when I want to be, although I let him win occasionally too. But yeah, he seems way more feminine in the r'ship than I do! Weird?
    Funny you should say that about the role reversal. I always tell my husband he's the woman in the relationship. First, he's always cleaning the house and doing laundry. I do that stuff too (I'm a stay at home mom) but he does it obsessively whenever he's home. He also likes cuddling and talking about feelings! LOL I'm a lot more quiet about my feelings (Ni-subtype INFp here) and I prefer things to go unsaid rather than spelling everything out. He seems to need more reassurance. But that also could be our supervisor/supervisee thing going on. Anyway, I'm definitely the cool, silent type in the relationship. Which I find amusing.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    I had words here once, but I didn't feed them Khola aka Bee's Avatar
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    Wow, can you teach my husband to clean obsessively too?

    Yeah, he is def. more of a touchy feely type than I am. Speaking of that, He just read that line, complained I wasn't talking to him and stormed off, shut the door rather abruptly on his way out......I suppose I should go dispense *hugs*..........
    Hello, my name is Bee. Pleased to meet you .

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    After reading this thread I seriously feel like a bitch.

    As far as something to do on a date... anything to keep us busy usually works... as long as fun is being had then ya can't really go wrong.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cracka

    As far as something to do on a date... anything to keep us busy usually works... as long as fun is being had then ya can't really go wrong.
    spoken like a true alpha.


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

  10. #10


    From my observations of people, and reading through this forum, i'm pretty sure that activity and mirror play out the same way. ie activity relations starts quickly and easily, mirrors quickly realise they are similar.

    How those relations start quickly for instance is different. For instance the ISTp will have fun and chill out or do stuff together with their activity. ESTj's are more likely to enter discussion with their activity. But then I think ESTj's tend to see the world clearly so they enjoy discussing their view about things, and ENFp's probably enjoy having those discussions with them.

    No two type of relation are the same in say, what they do what they are inclined to discuss, yet they still follow the same *overall* pattern.

    This is my take not just for delta guys, but overall quadra intertypes.

    Thoughts, dudes?

  11. #11
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    Default Activation partners.

    Are yummy .

    So give me stories...


    Do you know any? What are your relationships with them like?
    IEI, sp/sx 4w3.

  12. #12
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    My boyfriend and best friend are both ILI. I get along with the best friend better because I don't see her as often. The boyfriend and I most likely see each other too often and as a result go through a lot of ups and downs, and well, when it's up it's awesome and when it's down it's boring and I can't wait to get away.

    I find that we have a lot in common - too much, perhaps, to be of any real help to each other in these problem areas. I also find that we don't challenge each other much which results in a general sense of inertia.

    I don't mean to make it sound overly negative, but I would caution against two introverted activity partners that are both prone to negative dispositions starting a romantic relationship. I think this type of relation is best suited to friendship. My friendship with the other ILI is very strong, and people often comment on how close we are.
    Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
    John Muir

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    Quote Originally Posted by calenwen View Post
    My boyfriend and best friend are both ILI. I get along with the best friend better because I don't see her as often. The boyfriend and I most likely see each other too often and as a result go through a lot of ups and downs, and well, when it's up it's awesome and when it's down it's boring and I can't wait to get away.

    I find that we have a lot in common - too much, perhaps, to be of any real help to each other in these problem areas. I also find that we don't challenge each other much which results in a general sense of inertia.

    I don't mean to make it sound overly negative, but I would caution against two introverted activity partners that are both prone to negative dispositions starting a romantic relationship. I think this type of relation is best suited to friendship. My friendship with the other ILI is very strong, and people often comment on how close we are.
    Thanks. I agree about the romantic relationships, I am finding it impossible with this SLI I know, we are both doing the whole, moving away from each other because we like each other crap and its not going anywhere to the point where the whole relationship and all the feelings feel stupid .

    How often do you see your boy, how long have you been together ?
    IEI, sp/sx 4w3.

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    Quote Originally Posted by dinki View Post
    Thanks. I agree about the romantic relationships, I am finding it impossible with this SLI I know, we are both doing the whole, moving away from each other because we like each other crap and its not going anywhere to the point where the whole relationship and all the feelings feel stupid .

    How often do you see your boy, how long have you been together ?
    Do you mean LSI? I see him every day or every other day, we live less than a mile away from each other so it's almost too convenient. We've been together for about a year and eight months now, but we are both moving soon to "do our own thing" and I'm not sure where we'll go from there.
    Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
    John Muir

  15. #15


    Ah, what the heck.

    I know this ILE. Together, we combine. It's like, I'm all like "FORM OF A SPAZZBALL" and he's like "OH, WAIT! FORM OF..." and then he turns into a spazzball and then we're all like whizzing around having crazy imaginary gun battles with bullet time and it's all crazy shit and then the teacher laughs at us and we're like lolwut o_O AND FREAKIN' LOL

    So I guess the point is that Alpha extravert activity relationships are pretty crazy and weird.

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    octo<3 and i: A SKETCH
    Went to spend half my lunch break with octopuslove today (I feel dirty typing your screen name, CONGRATULATIONS), which I organised by basically calling her when I was outside her building. She had something to finish, so she left me at her messy workspace. I lasted about 3 seconds before I started tidying it up, and had things in stacks and was reading the newspaper by the time she got back. We went to have lunch, where I stole lettuce off her bowl and we talked about our respective issues with two boys who are our identicals. I'm considering nabbing her boy at some point and asking him what his intentions are, but am waiting for her to make a decision on what she wants.

    Our general mode of operation for our friendship is to randomly send each other weird and wonderful detritus we find online or otherwise. I remember in high school we made each other mix CDs with intricate handdrawn coverart and inserts. We've been swapping music and books and movies/TV shows for ages it feels like. I always find the things she sends me interesting and often unexpected. I like that.

    In comparison to my friendship with my dual, I think with my activator, we're more likely to go longer without contact. We're definitely quieter than when with unefille. The bickering is also toned down.

    The other activator I've been close to was my best friend in primary school. We met on our first day there, and we're still friends 15 years later. We've gone for long periods without contact, but when we're back in touch that time doesn't matter. We basically saw each other once or twice a year at our birthdays, though recently I've seen her more because of stuff going on in my family. She's always been there when I've needed her. It upsets me when I think she's not getting the support from her family that she should be, I wish I could do more for her. But she knows I'm there for her.
    allez cuisine!

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    Me and my activator:

    When Female: I make her laugh by mimicking people she doesn't like and going all crazy bitchy/pretentious and making random cultural references, thus hyper-inflating our conversations; she cracks lame jokes, is a grammar nazi and generally super cool by being simultaneously giggly and deadpan. We make plans to do things together, mostly. Super high energy, instant ease -- we move to smooth interaction really quickly. No real dependence on each other though -- friendship resumes as always despite long intervals apart. Really enjoy each other's company. Oodles of fun together. But I don't need her in my life.

    When Male: usually if he's hot, I will be bizarrely attracted (in the sort of, omg, you're so wrong but wow at your presence!, way). If he's not, I will still seek out their company (one exception...but maybe we'll get along better now he has a girlfriend and no longer has the need to get into the pants of any girl that crosses his path). Very argumentative relationship, highly provocative. Our relationships are often highly intellectual actually, because most of the ones I've met are very into war and the history and philosophy of warfare, so we talk politics, political theory and military history a lot of the time. We're both highly categorical in our approaches to things, so we tend to challenge each other, rather than discuss things, but I feel like we actually advance our understanding constantly. Again, oodles of fun and I like listening to their bizarre and hilariously Fi-PoLR take on how relationships work.
    3w4-1w2-5w4 sx/sp

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    Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove View Post
    The sad thing is, you can't take a particularly timid Ni-IEI and force him to make a decision like that. He'll pick the least risky option, which is inertia. I know him/myself too well. I think the only way forward is gentle manipulation and alcohol.
    But maybe he just needs a bit of a push? Like, your method has gotten you to your present situation. Which is in the bizarre void of kinda-but-not-dating. Maybe he needs to have some things spelt out, you know? As an outsider, I look at him and just think he's fucking around and needs to, you know, not. But as I said, I'll abide by your wishes. I don't like the inertia. >.<

    YOU ARE A DOUBLE SPACER. I did not know that. >.<
    I CAN'T HELP IT. I learnt it at school. I will never bow to single spacing.
    allez cuisine!

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    Unlike octopuslove and idolatrie, who sort of have a calmer relationship around each other, my activity relationship is more fast-paced and high-energy, primarily because LSI mental processes slow me down. Every time I throw my new 'theory of life' (i.e anything) at idolatrie, she pauses and says 'mmmm, I'm having a think.' I feel like that 'I'm having a think' process doesn't so much happen with SLEs, and we're both running toward new and exciting conclusions, jumping off each other's thoughts, more interested in covering more intellectual/whatever ground, rather than refining what we've already been discussing -- which makes sense for two extroverts.

    By around two hours into our interaction, we've already concocted a new grand vision to take over the world, overthrow the existing governments and reform the tax and education system (amongst other things). Or simply reform the university system, or even the service system at the cafeteria. It doesn't take us long to start talking revolution (no matter how small), in other words.
    3w4-1w2-5w4 sx/sp

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    Quote Originally Posted by unefille View Post
    By around two hours into our interaction, we've already concocted a new grand vision to take over the world, overthrow the existing governments and reform the tax and education system (amongst other things). Or simply reform the university system, or even the service system at the cafeteria. It doesn't take us long to start talking revolution (no matter how small), in other words.

    It's exactly the same with my best friend and I, hahahahaha. This is brilliant.

  21. #21
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    A lot of my friends are ENFps. They're easy to get along with, but I would never want to get interrested in one. They're too wishy-washy. My dad is an ENFp. He's fun to be around, but difficult to live with.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    fwiw, I know three or more INFp/ISTj activity marriages. They've all been happily married for more than 10 years, one closer to 15. One of the downsides to having two introverts in a marriage, no matter what the specific types: the family becomes more insular than they would otherwise be. I've seen this a LOT. It's more healthy (imo) if one of the partners can take on the role of bringing the family more contact with the outside world. Otherwise they can end up alone. Which, as I've seen more and more, can be unhealthy especially once you have kids and if there's any sort of crisis in your life. People need a social network--they need support and friendship. Introverts tend to think they don't or that it's too much work. With the IEI/LSI couples it seems like if the IEI is Fe-sub, then the IEI will do the socializing work. If the IEI is Ni sub then sometimes the LSI takes on the socializing work for the couple.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Btw, I hope you don't mind a quick non-beta departure: my relationship with activity partners is similar to what idolatrie describes (with roles switched in terms of sexes, of course, since I'm male), with the exception that the focus would be more on "simpler" activities rather than large-scale, society-involving projects (i.e. I was easily able to convince an ESFp guy to come with me at the scientology place in here and make fun of them, whereas my ESI girlfriend hates it when I do this kind of stuff, lol). Even when playing football, I can see that if I have Se-creative partners we start "building" the game, whereas with Se-base there is an "acceleration", so to speak.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    fwiw, I know three or more INFp/ISTj activity marriages. They've all been happily married for more than 10 years, one closer to 15. One of the downsides to having two introverts in a marriage, no matter what the specific types: the family becomes more insular than they would otherwise be. I've seen this a LOT. It's more healthy (imo) if one of the partners can take on the role of bringing the family more contact with the outside world. Otherwise they can end up alone. Which, as I've seen more and more, can be unhealthy especially once you have kids and if there's any sort of crisis in your life. People need a social network--they need support and friendship. Introverts tend to think they don't or that it's too much work. With the IEI/LSI couples it seems like if the IEI is Fe-sub, then the IEI will do the socializing work. If the IEI is Ni sub then sometimes the LSI takes on the socializing work for the couple.
    My best friend's parents are IEI-LSI as well. Luckily, they're both pretty social people and have several close friends. They also keep close ties to their extended families. My parents are an excellent example of an unhealthy introvert-introvert relationship. They literally have no friends. No close personal friends, and no married couple friends either.

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    Ok, I'm still not sure if I am ESE but my best male friend is ILE. We've been friends since we were 15. We are having a lot of fun together, we rarely argue. I've been never interested in him sexually though we have a deal that we get married after 35 . The date is getting closer and closer . I'd say we really enjoy each other's comany although we chat online more than meet IRL.

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    Quote Originally Posted by idolatrie View Post

    In comparison to my friendship with my dual, I think with my activator, we're more likely to go longer without contact. We're definitely quieter than when with unefille. The bickering is also toned down.

    The other activator I've been close to was my best friend in primary school. We met on our first day there, and we're still friends 15 years later. We've gone for long periods without contact, but when we're back in touch that time doesn't matter. We basically saw each other once or twice a year at our birthdays, though recently I've seen her more because of stuff going on in my family. She's always been there when I've needed her. It upsets me when I think she's not getting the support from her family that she should be, I wish I could do more for her. But she knows I'm there for her.
    Ah, yes. I believe that the ability of my ILI friend and I to resume our friendship after (often very long) periods without contact is one of my favorite things about our relationship. I love how she never takes it personally or tries to read anything into it - she seems to just take our friendship at face value. I love that.
    Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
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    Quote Originally Posted by calenwen View Post
    Ah, yes. I believe that the ability of my ILI friend and I to resume our friendship after (often very long) periods without contact is one of my favorite things about our relationship. I love how she never takes it personally or tries to read anything into it - she seems to just take our friendship at face value. I love that.
    this may be more of a temperament thing--I feel the same about all of my Ip friends. INFp, ISFp, INTp...
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    this may be more of a temperament thing--I feel the same about all of my Ip friends. INFp, ISFp, INTp...
    So would you say that the converse is true for your friends of other temperaments?
    Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
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    Quote Originally Posted by calenwen View Post
    So would you say that the converse is true for your friends of other temperaments?
    I'm not sure how they perceive it. I do think my INTj friend prefers regular, steady contact. We keep in touch by email. I feel like most extraverts initiate more often so it becomes a non-issue unless they're living far away. My INFj mom does tend to take things personally if she and a good friend go for too long without contact--she wonders what's wrong, if she said something or whatever. maybe it's just insecurity.
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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    Quote Originally Posted by calenwen View Post
    My friendship with the other ILI is very strong, and people often comment on how close we are.
    I have the same thing with an ESI-Fi subtype.

    Do you know which subtype the ILI is? I'm curious since I have a strong friendship with all ESI-Fi types and a striking less friendship with all ESI-Se subtypes. Just curious if you experience the same pattern with ILI's.

    some help: Ni is more philosophical and cynical, Te is more active and blunt.

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    Quote Originally Posted by redbaron View Post
    I'm not sure how they perceive it. I do think my INTj friend prefers regular, steady contact. We keep in touch by email. I feel like most extraverts initiate more often so it becomes a non-issue unless they're living far away. My INFj mom does tend to take things personally if she and a good friend go for too long without contact--she wonders what's wrong, if she said something or whatever. maybe it's just insecurity.
    Interesting. I've never really sat down and thought about which types portrayed which behavior, the only one that comes to mind at the moment is an ENFp friend of mine who used to get worried/offended if we hadn't talked in a while.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    I have the same thing with an ESI-Fi subtype.

    Do you know which subtype the ILI is? I'm curious since I have a strong friendship with all ESI-Fi types and a striking less friendship with all ESI-Se subtypes. Just curious if you experience the same pattern with ILI's.

    some help: Ni is more philosophical and cynical, Te is more active and blunt.
    Yes, my friend is Ni-INTp.
    Climb the mountains and get their good tidings. Nature's peace will flow into you as sunshine flows into trees. The winds will blow their own freshness into you, and the storms their energy, while cares will drop off like autumn leaves.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Btw, I hope you don't mind a quick non-beta departure: my relationship with activity partners is similar to what idolatrie describes (with roles switched in terms of sexes, of course, since I'm male), with the exception that the focus would be more on "simpler" activities rather than large-scale, society-involving projects (i.e. I was easily able to convince an ESFp guy to come with me at the scientology place in here and make fun of them, whereas my ESI girlfriend hates it when I do this kind of stuff, lol). Even when playing football, I can see that if I have Se-creative partners we start "building" the game, whereas with Se-base there is an "acceleration", so to speak.
    Sorry, did you mean me or idolatrie? Her activation relations involve slowing down and mine involve rev-ing up - which I presume would apply for an LIE-SEE relationship.
    3w4-1w2-5w4 sx/sp

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    Thanks everyone!
    IEI, sp/sx 4w3.

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    Default Activity Partners + Relationship Experiences

    I honestly don't know why it's so easy to stimulate each other, in good times and in bad... It feels like being on some type of drug that even though it's like the best thing I've tried, I think it's going to end up killing me eventually.

  35. #35
    ProcrastinateTomorrow's Avatar
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    I have a SLI friend who lives far away he comes to stay sometimes we have a blast but after 2 days of non stop fun I want him to go home.

    The funniest thing though is when he gets home we end up ring each other up and talking for about 2 to 3 hours straight.

    Activity Relations don't get each other the space they need so the wear each other out but as soon as the energy comes back the cycle begins again.

  36. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by Sereno View Post
    I honestly don't know why it's so easy to stimulate each other, in good times and in bad... It feels like being on some type of drug that even though it's like the best thing I've tried, I think it's going to end up killing me eventually.
    They are? Interesting.

    I suppose any feelings of strong attraction can feel this way.

    In saying that, i've never dated an activity partner, so I couldn't say from my own experience of this in a romantic sense. I do however have an INFj friend and i've got to say I love the guy like a brother.

    I remember he had to do lots of overtime in his work which he and his collegues didn't get paid for. Instead of financial payment the company said that they would pay him and his team to have a holiday, ie pay for the trip, to take themself and their partner on.

    He didn't have a partner and instead he offered to take me on holiday with him. I thought this was really cool of him to do so, made me realise that he values my friendship as much as I value his.

    I've known him for a few years now and we're still good friends. What could have been if one of us were the different sex, or both of us gay, lol.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by ProcrastinateTomorrow View Post
    I have a SLI friend who lives far away he comes to stay sometimes we have a blast but after 2 days of non stop fun I want him to go home.

    The funniest thing though is when he gets home we end up ring each other up and talking for about 2 to 3 hours straight.

    Activity Relations don't get each other the space they need so the wear each other out but as soon as the energy comes back the cycle begins again.
    I can see that happening in general, but you're bound to find one that it's not an issue about having alone time, but mutual misunderstanding.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    They are? Interesting.

    I suppose any feelings of strong attraction can feel this way.

    In saying that, i've never dated an activity partner, so I couldn't say from my own experience of this in a romantic sense. I do however have an INFj friend and i've got to say I love the guy like a brother.

    I remember he had to do lots of overtime in his work which he and his collegues didn't get paid for. Instead of financial payment the company said that they would pay him and his team to have a holiday, ie pay for the trip, to take themself and their partner on.

    He didn't have a partner and instead he offered to take me on holiday with him. I thought this was really cool of him to do so, made me realise that he values my friendship as much as I value his.

    I've known him for a few years now and we're still good friends. What could have been if one of us were the different sex, or both of us gay, lol.
    lmao. This is so funny because the way I started the thread it kinda looks like I'm talking about a romantic relationship. It's more like "bromantic," lol. Actually, my friend and I are always joking about how gay we must look to people from the outside. I couldn't imagine dating an ISTp girl, because I feel like I'll end up heartbroken :/. It feels like it would be one of those types of movie romances where they date for a while and doesn't work out for some reason, and then years later after each one has gone their separate ways, they find each other and it feels just like old times. It's like you can never stop caring for each other even if things end badly. Screw you guys ! I'm going to give duality a shot, who knows.

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    take a second of me sarinana's Avatar
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    after reading your post.... i decided that i want to meet my activity partner.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sarinana View Post
    after reading your post.... i decided that i want to meet my activity partner.
    yes, it's certainly worth the try. I used to think it wouldn't be, but I was surprised how 'intense' it could become.

    Especially because your the same on introversion/extraversion, you've got less competition or maybe feeling more 'the same', I cannot explain it very well, but it is a good thing.

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    I know lots of activity marriages....
    IEI-Fe 4w3

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