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Thread: How to love and care for an ISFp, what do they like?

  1. #1

    Default How to love and care for an ISFp, what do they like?

    What are some ways to make an ISFP swoon?

    I found this on
    How to Love an ISFP

    • Be a patient and supportive listener; make it safe for me to speak my mind.
      Appreciate my gentle, nurturing nature and ability to find joy in simple pleasures.
      Express your love and affection freely and often!
      Demonstrate your devotion in thoughtful actions.
      Try not to nag me about order, or force decisions too quickly.

    Any other tips??

  2. #2

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    Just don't be boring and predictable, that should do it.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

  3. #3

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    Quote Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
    that "how to love an isfp" sounds too nice and friendly and overly SAFE AND COWARDLY. i think that is the major problem with mb.

    i would say that you should not make it safe for an isfp to speak their mind but ACTIVELY ENCOURAGE it. when you take them seriously you will find out how brilliant they can be but i think far too often people treat them like they are these dancing ceramic unicorn-loving little elves that can't contribute to others intellectually. i think this is why they become politically brain-washed so often as well because often people in opposition to something teach them "what really happened" and display their admiration for their ability to not be some kind of blind fool like everyone else (how ironic).

    /rant (sorry i am really tired)

    if you want to impress and isfp just pay them a lot of sincere attention, treat them like they matter, and give them lots of Ne information like radical views about things that differ from the norm (but that are not bullshit)

    other than that just treat them like any other human being. respect them, treat them with dignity, be honest, etc etc
    I agree with most things what Pedro the lion said with me anyway. As a teenager getting in a conversation I want to talk, but join in with the conversation don't just sit a nod, or let me talk most of the time. It will make me feel like an idiot and hide away from the person the next day as I feel I talked to much and not letting the other person talk when they started the conversation. I want to feel that they really want to get to know me not take advantage of me. But get me to talk also if I aint talking much. I like the person even better if they can get me to laugh (especialy with jokes/funny stories) , that will get me pretty much to open up.

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    I don't know if you're wondering how to improve relations with a male or female ISFp, but I can help with the female part.

    The list has some good things, I can elaborate on it some. Keep in mind this is how I am as an ISFp...others may deviate some here and there.

    Be a patient and supportive listener; make it safe for me to speak my mind.
    Providing an opportunity to share opinions or feelings is a very good thing. Personally, I don't like to share my opinions because I'm afraid of being judged and I don't want to make people upset with me if they don't agree with what I have to say. Plus I don't want to feel stupid. If I know that I'm not going to be condemned for sharing what I think, that's a very good thing.

    I also don't like to share my feelings because I don't want to burden other people with my problems. If I know a person well, I really like it when they sit down with me and genuinely ask what's going on and how I'm feeling. I feel like it's ok to talk about my feelings then because I'm not the one putting it on them, they're actually taking the time to ask and care.

    Appreciate my gentle, nurturing nature and ability to find joy in simple pleasures.
    This is a really good thing. I like to be told that I'm appreciated and cared about. Verbal affirmation is good, though, especially at first, I might be shy about receiving it. I still appreciate it. I like it when people tell me that they think my silly little quirks are cute.

    Express your love and affection freely and often!
    Demonstrate your devotion in thoughtful actions.
    Good surprises are nice. Like gifts. Even the smallest thing would make me happy. I love it when people go out of their way to do kind things for me or make me feel special. Though, again, sometimes I might be shy about receiving it. I do appreciate it and I won't forget the kindness.

    I like feeling safe, secure, and understood.

    Don't take advantage of the ISFp's kindness, I know eventually I would feel used and put out by it and an object.

    Also, being sincere and honest is a must. I can always tell when someone is not being sincere and just saying something because they think they should.

    I hope that helped...if you have any other questions I'll do the best I can to answer them.
    ISFp, SiFe, , or SEI....whatever we're calling ourselves these days.

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    I agree with Elizabeth suggesting also I just didn't get to those details yet.

  6. #6
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    other than that just treat them like any other human being. respect them, treat them with dignity
    Well, well...

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    What I get alot because of my shyness to some people. I tend to get treated like a kid alot. Sometimes I just wanted to be treated as an adult in the real world.

  8. #8
    schrödinger's cat's Avatar
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    Interesting thread! I wonder if ISFPs really do swoon... Those I know tend to be unflappable and level-headed. Not the kind of people likely to be swept off their feet. But perhaps that's just them, and other ISFPs are totally different.

    So, let me think... what do the ISFPs I know like?... People here have already said most things that came to my mind. Like: Listen to them. Ask them questions, or ask them their opinion. Try and find something you both enjoy talking about. Or go for a walk (that way the ISFP can talk if s/he wants to, but there's no pressure on them, and they know it's also OK to be silent). Some ISFPs need gaps in the conversation so they can concentrate on what you've just said and decide on what they want to say. It's a bit confusing for extroverts: you've just said something, and the ISFP just sits there.... total silence... blank face... no reaction. I used to think they were bored, but then I found out they were probably just busy thinking. So I just tried to endure the silence, and I'd grit my teeth and silently count to twenty. It worked!

    ISFPs are great people for doing fun stuff with, preferably in a cheerful and relaxed athmosphere. They want to enjoy the present moment, and I think they like people who can do that too.

    I think male ISFPs appreciate appreciation. They're inobtrusive, easygoing and sane... in short, they tend to get overlooked a lot while the posers and he-men get all the attention. My guess is they like it when someone genuinely appreciates them for being... well, whatever: strong, competent, good to have around in an emergency... all that "man" stuff. I'm sure there are times when a guy would rather NOT hear that he's well-behaved, non-threatening and endearingly sweet.

    A guy said in another thread that ISTPs hate it when someone isn't genuine and/or tries to manipulate them. I think ISFPs are like that as well.

    Enough for now, I'll get off my soap box... I've got to go and help my ISFP husband enjoy the present moment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by schrödinger's cat
    Some ISFPs need gaps in the conversation so they can concentrate on what you've just said and decide on what they want to say. It's a bit confusing for extroverts: you've just said something, and the ISFP just sits there.... total silence... blank face... no reaction. I used to think they were bored, but then I found out they were probably just busy thinking. So I just tried to endure the silence, and I'd grit my teeth and silently count to twenty. It worked!
    Yes! I'm exactly this way. It often takes a while for me to think of what it is I want to gather the words and form things in my mind. Sometimes I'll be talking with someone and not have a lot to say about a topic, but then think about it, come up with something and bring the topic up again a few days later. I just needed the time to figure out what I really think. I'll sometimes warn new friends that I'm this way just so they won't think I'm stupid or incompetent. It just takes a little time for me to sort through my thoughts.

    Yeah, so definitely keep this in mind about ISFp's. I can tell you that I really do appreciate it when people are patient with me. I think ISFp's may be the sort that people listen to when they have something to say because they don't say much, but when they do they've given it a lot of thought, so it should be good. Really, ISFp's aren't stupid...we just need time to think things through before answering...especially if it's a controversial topic, we don't want to offend.
    ISFp, SiFe, , or SEI....whatever we're calling ourselves these days.

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    Yes! I'm exactly this way. It often takes a while for me to think of what it is I want to gather the words and form things in my mind. Sometimes I'll be talking with someone and not have a lot to say about a topic, but then think about it, come up with something and bring the topic up again a few days later. I just needed the time to figure out what I really think. I'll sometimes warn new friends that I'm this way just so they won't think I'm stupid or incompetent. It just takes a little time for me to sort through my thoughts.

    Yeah, so definitely keep this in mind about ISFp's. I can tell you that I really do appreciate it when people are patient with me. I think ISFp's may be the sort that people listen to when they have something to say because they don't say much, but when they do they've given it a lot of thought, so it should be good. Really, ISFp's aren't stupid...we just need time to think things through before answering...especially if it's a controversial topic, we don't want to offend.
    Again I agree with Elizabeth. I can be this way too. Just to lazy to type .

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    ISFp`s are more complicated then you could suspect.

    What they like and what they need:

    1. support - everything what supports their ideas and help them archive goals
    2. provide good ideas for making life and work better (make better, good working enviroment)
    3. good understanding of complex problems, sometimes good, quick solusions (eg. recovery from illiness)
    4. insight into future
    5. understanding of patterns, they cant see them and if you show them, they will understand.
    6. physical touch and sex
    7. good understanding of her. Making use of her talents.
    8. gifts, may be small
    9. dont judge or criticize
    10. solve problems with polite manner. Dont make her think that you attacking her instead of problem.
    11. Listen to all her problems. Answer with all possible solutions. Let her choose the best.
    12. try to be polite. Dont make her feel stupid. They are bad intelectualists but are not stupid.
    13. help with strategic thinking. It enables them to grow.
    14. in closer relations, help with money. They are bad economists.
    15. ISFp live in material world, dont understand lot of things, dont know how others think. They are just like that and there is nothing wrong with that.
    16. they like to act like kid. Just let them act like this.
    17. Warn about impending problems and consequences in a informal way.

    So... above all, try to be polite.

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    Number 14 and 16 is so true about me especialy 14 . Some of the others I agree.

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    Number 14 and 16 is so true about me especialy 14 . Some of the others I agree.
    But I don't know how an ENTP could help an ISFP managing money

  14. #14

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    Quote Originally Posted by Guest#2
    ISFp`s are more complicated then you could suspect.

    What they like and what they need:

    1. support - everything what supports their ideas and help them archive goals
    2. provide good ideas for making life and work better (make better, good working enviroment)
    3. good understanding of complex problems, sometimes good, quick solusions (eg. recovery from illiness)
    4. insight into future
    5. understanding of patterns, they cant see them and if you show them, they will understand.
    6. physical touch and sex
    7. good understanding of her. Making use of her talents.
    8. gifts, may be small
    9. dont judge or criticize
    10. solve problems with polite manner. Dont make her think that you attacking her instead of problem.
    11. Listen to all her problems. Answer with all possible solutions. Let her choose the best.
    12. try to be polite. Dont make her feel stupid. They are bad intelectualists but are not stupid.
    13. help with strategic thinking. It enables them to grow.
    14. in closer relations, help with money. They are bad economists.
    15. ISFp live in material world, dont understand lot of things, dont know how others think. They are just like that and there is nothing wrong with that.
    16. they like to act like kid. Just let them act like this.
    17. Warn about impending problems and consequences in a informal way.

    So... above all, try to be polite.
    No offense, but this seems like the kind of bullshit (nice and friendly thing Pedro was talking about) kind of thing. I'm starting to wonder where you came up with all this stuff? It sounds made up. Especially how much you stress being polite; SEIs DON'T like being around people who are overly polite. They find these people incredibaly irritating most of the time. The best adive on here might be #6 . You seem to just be using the weak functions as some sort of dating tool. Truth is that things don't work out that way, just look around you and you can see that. I just hope that people stop using socioncs/typology to try and manipulate people into romantic relationships.

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    1. support - everything what supports their ideas and help them archive goals
    Support is always good. I like input on ideas I have. Encouragement to keep going with goals is good. I tend to lose interest if things aren't going quickly or quite the way I had hoped.

    2. provide good ideas for making life and work better (make better, good working enviroment)
    I guess I'm not sure what this means, exactly. Unless it's having giving us ideas on how to keep things going and running smoothly. Showing us better/quicker ways to do things, etc.

    3. good understanding of complex problems, sometimes good, quick solusions (eg. recovery from illiness)
    Hmm...well, sometimes I don't always grasp a concept completely and it's good to ask someone else who can fill in the holes I'm not seeing. Though sometimes if I don't understand something I won't even ask because I don't want to feel stupid. I'll just try to figure it out on my own.

    4. insight into future
    I'm very much in the here and now. Honestly, the future freaks me out. I get overwhelmed and anxious about it sometimes. When I think about the future, it's like I don't know where to begin. If someone can make it seem not so scary, and perhaps give me a few good ideas, that's helpful.

    5. understanding of patterns, they cant see them and if you show them, they will understand.
    Patterns? Like behavioral patterns of people or things? I can sometimes catch on to this on my own. I will say that I'm sure I don't always realize what I'm missing. Though I DO like to hear what other people think about something/someone so I can add on to what I've already observed.

    6. physical touch and sex
    Only if I feel comfortable. Some people I just don't feel comfortable touching, and I don't feel comfortable having them touch me. Though if I am comfortable with the person, I like touch. No sex. In my case, anyway. Not until I'm married.

    7. good understanding of her. Making use of her talents.
    If you can see things I'm good at, by all means point them out. Though I might be shy about receiving compliments. I still appreciate them nonetheless. If you see something you think I could be good at, and have an idea as to where I can use it, that's awesome. But I could be reluctant or shy to try unless I'm pushed a little.

    8. gifts, may be small
    Gifts!! I love gifts. Yes, even the smallest thing would make me happy. Seriously, I can get excited over the tiniest things.

    9. dont judge or criticize
    If you have to, then make sure you do it in the kindest way possible. Be subtle. I can't always be right, so someone has to tell me sometime when I'm wrong.

    10. solve problems with polite manner. Dont make her think that you attacking her instead of problem.
    Ah, yes. This is true. If there's a problem, please don't take it out on me. Be mad at the problem and not at me. For example, if I'm on the highway with a flat tire, please don't be angry because you have to go all the way out there to get me. I probably can't help the fact that it happened and more than likely I'm already feeling terrible that I had to call anyone to come help. I HATE to burden people with my problems. If you have to say something to me because it was my fault, please do as I said in the previous question. Do it in the kindest way possible.

    11. Listen to all her problems. Answer with all possible solutions. Let her choose the best.
    I don't often come to people with problems. Like I said before, I hate to burden people with things. So if I'm coming to you with problems, I probably really need help and I'm probably coming to you because I can't see any other solutions myself. Honestly, sometimes its good to ask me what's going on, and if I trust you and feel comfortable and safe then I'll probably tell all. Just as long as you're willing to sit there and listen, if I can tell you're losing interest, I'll stop.

    12. try to be polite. Dont make her feel stupid. They are bad intelectualists but are not stupid.
    Haha...somehow this still managed to make me feel a little stupid. No, I'm not stupid. Making me feel stupid would make me feel worthless, and I don't like to be around people who make me feel worthless, so if this happened often, I'd probably avoid you. Though if you talk to me about an area I'm interested in and have a lot of knowledge about, I can talk and talk.

    14. in closer relations, help with money. They are bad economists.
    Help with knowing what to do with my money would be good. Like investment options, etc. I'm not very good about knowing what I should do with it. Also, help with how to plan for the future concerning money. I've been afraid of not saving enough/knowing how much I'll need to survive on when I'm not working anymore.

    15. ISFp live in material world, dont understand lot of things, dont know how others think. They are just like that and there is nothing wrong with that.
    I'm not sure what this means, which is probably proving the point of this statement, but oh well. I get the feeling that this is saying we're kind of naive. Hmm...I can see where people would think that. I try to look for the best in people and give them the benefit of the doubt, but I can also tell when someone is trying to con or harm me. It might not be outwardly obvious, you might still see a smile and pleasant look on my face, but in my head I'm thinking, "Oh man, this person is weird and freaky, something is just not right here, I'll have to stay away from them." So it might look like I'm about to be tricked, but in reality I sense the possible trouble. Though, honestly, with less intelligent ISFp's I can see where they might get into some trouble...we do try to look for the good in people and do our best to make people feel accepted. We would be very unlikely to tell someone to shut up and leave us alone. So we might get caught up in a conversation we don't want to be in because we don't want to hurt the other person's feelings and don't know how to get away. But from then on we'd probably do our best to avoid the person.

    16. they like to act like kid. Just let them act like this.
    Hmm...I like to be playful, if that's what this means. I never thought of it as acting like a kid, but I suppose it could seem that way to an outsider.

    17. Warn about impending problems and consequences in a informal way.
    This seems like another way of saying we're naive. Though I guess this could be good. If we're going down the wrong track and you can see disaster at the end. By all means say something, but be sure to explain you reasoning. I'd have to trust you, and your judgment very well, or see the truth before I would completely change something, especially if it meant a drastic change. I have a question. Do people see ISFps as naive? I really wouldn't call myself a naive person. I don't know if I'm more intelligent and have more "street smarts" than the average ISFp or what. Maybe I've learned how to counteract to make up for the naivety. I don't know. I've had people tell me that they thought I was simple/boring before they got to know me. Then when they got to know me they were really surprised at my intelligence. Maybe it's just the front we put on. The sweet/innocent/simple/fragile front. Really, I don't know, but not all of us are as naive as we may seem from a quick glance, there's more to us than you may think.
    ISFp, SiFe, , or SEI....whatever we're calling ourselves these days.

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    Wow you did it one by one opinion. I'm too tired to that lately.

    Number 6
    6. physical touch and sex
    100% agree what Elizabeth said I refuse to have sex until I'm married. But If males are really good with back messages after I get to know them really well. I love back messages . But same as Elizabeth Only if feel comfterable.

  17. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    Number 14 and 16 is so true about me especialy 14 . Some of the others I agree.
    But I don't know how an ENTP could help an ISFP managing money
    Some ENTp`s can think

  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    No offense, but this seems like the kind of bullshit (nice and friendly thing Pedro was talking about) kind of thing. I'm starting to wonder where you came up with all this stuff? It sounds made up. Especially how much you stress being polite; SEIs DON'T like being around people who are overly polite. They find these people incredibaly irritating most of the time. The best adive on here might be #6 . You seem to just be using the weak functions as some sort of dating tool. Truth is that things don't work out that way, just look around you and you can see that. I just hope that people stop using socioncs/typology to try and manipulate people into romantic relationships.
    ISFp`s are very sensitive people. They are polite and like to talk this way.

  19. #19


    ps. The big part of my advice is about using strong functions and how to "hide" some weak ones.

  20. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    Wow you did it one by one opinion. I'm too tired to that lately.

    Number 6
    6. physical touch and sex
    100% agree what Elizabeth said I refuse to have sex until I'm married. But If males are really good with back messages after I get to know them really well. I love back messages . But same as Elizabeth Only if feel comfterable.
    I was talking about married ISFp`s

  21. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Elizabeth I have a question. Do people see ISFps as naive? I really wouldn't call myself a naive person. I don't know if I'm more intelligent and have more "street smarts" than the average ISFp or what. Maybe I've learned how to counteract to make up for the naivety. I don't know. I've had people tell me that they thought I was simple/boring before they got to know me. Then when they got to know me they were really surprised at my intelligence. Maybe it's just the front we put on. The sweet/innocent/simple/fragile front. Really, I don't know, but not all of us are as naive as we may seem from a quick glance, there's more to us than you may think.
    Elizabeth, I was talking about weak sides of ISFp. The fact that you have some weakness dont make you weak. The fact that you can feel stupid dont make you stupid. Thinking that you are clever make you more stupid than thinking that you are stupid
    Anyway, there are many many good things about ISFp`s. Especialy about one whom I love

    Are ISFp`s naive? It depends on their age. Young ISFp`s can be naive. About 25 they accuire some knowledge and experience. They are more carefull and less trusting.
    They just can have a luck or not.
    I think ISFp`s should try to not sacrifice theirselfes in the name of love and pleasure. It is just a trap.

    Elizabeth, I am talking about weakneses of unsucesfull ISFp`s. Dont take it personaly :-) Also, description of type cant say much about you. It says how it could be. May the good things be with you hehehe

    ps. no one ISFp would answer that something is a bullshit. It is so INFp like brrr

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    No offense, but this seems like the kind of bullshit
    Arrogance is stricte N. Are you sure of your type?
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    SEIs DON'T like being around people who are overly polite. They find these people incredibaly irritating most of the time.
    Are you talking about ISFp`s or about yourself?
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    The best adive on here might be #6 .
    For INFp too. Vide "INFp uncovered"
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    You seem to just be using the weak functions as some sort of dating tool.
    I`m married. Most of the time I use my strong ones.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    I just hope that people stop using socioncs/typology to try and manipulate people into romantic relationships.
    INFp`s dont need socionics to do that

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    Quote Originally Posted by Guest#2
    ISFp`s are more complicated then you could suspect.

    What they like and what they need:

    1. support - everything what supports their ideas and help them archive goals
    2. provide good ideas for making life and work better (make better, good working enviroment)
    3. good understanding of complex problems, sometimes good, quick solusions (eg. recovery from illiness)
    4. insight into future
    5. understanding of patterns, they cant see them and if you show them, they will understand.
    6. physical touch and sex
    7. good understanding of her. Making use of her talents.
    8. gifts, may be small
    9. dont judge or criticize
    10. solve problems with polite manner. Dont make her think that you attacking her instead of problem.
    11. Listen to all her problems. Answer with all possible solutions. Let her choose the best.
    12. try to be polite. Dont make her feel stupid. They are bad intelectualists but are not stupid.
    13. help with strategic thinking. It enables them to grow.
    14. in closer relations, help with money. They are bad economists.
    15. ISFp live in material world, dont understand lot of things, dont know how others think. They are just like that and there is nothing wrong with that.
    16. they like to act like kid. Just let them act like this.
    17. Warn about impending problems and consequences in a informal way.

    So... above all, try to be polite.
    No offense, but this seems like the kind of bullshit (nice and friendly thing Pedro was talking about) kind of thing. I'm starting to wonder where you came up with all this stuff? It sounds made up. Especially how much you stress being polite; SEIs DON'T like being around people who are overly polite. They find these people incredibaly irritating most of the time. The best adive on here might be #6 . You seem to just be using the weak functions as some sort of dating tool. Truth is that things don't work out that way, just look around you and you can see that. I just hope that people stop using socioncs/typology to try and manipulate people into romantic relationships.

    Ups, you are ENTp, sorry. Saying that someone says bullshit is typical for ENTp N subtype. This is what ISFp`s realy dont like. Arrogance is weakness and I dont like it too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    No offense, but this seems like the kind of bullshit
    Arrogance is stricte N. Are you sure of your type?
    Yes. Arrongence is not strictly an N trait (where did you here that?). Ever hear of Ted Williams? Wayne Gretzki? These people share my type and were know to be arrogant.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    SEIs DON'T like being around people who are overly polite. They find these people incredibaly irritating most of the time.
    Are you talking about ISFp`s or about yourself?
    ISFP (aka SEI).
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    The best adive on here might be #6 .
    For INFp too. Vide "INFp uncovered"
    So I assume that you're an INFP?
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    You seem to just be using the weak functions as some sort of dating tool.
    I`m married. Most of the time I use my strong ones.
    Sorry, what I meant by that is you are using the OTHER person's weak functions.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
    I just hope that people stop using socioncs/typology to try and manipulate people into romantic relationships.
    INFp`s dont need socionics to do that

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Saying that someone says bullshit is typical for ENTp N subtype. This is what ISFp`s realy dont like. Arrogance is weakness and I dont like it too.

    So you don't think that you're arrogant?

    (btw, I know about three SEIs who enjoy my arrogance, so... )

    Quote Originally Posted by vague
    Rocky's posts are as enjoyable as having wisdom teeth removed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Quote Originally Posted by taz
    Wow you did it one by one opinion. I'm too tired to that lately.

    Number 6
    6. physical touch and sex
    100% agree what Elizabeth said I refuse to have sex until I'm married. But If males are really good with back messages after I get to know them really well. I love back messages . But same as Elizabeth Only if feel comfterable.
    I was talking about married ISFp`s

    lol, that was obvious.

  27. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by Anonymous
    Elizabeth, I was talking about weak sides of ISFp. The fact that you have some weakness dont make you weak. The fact that you can feel stupid dont make you stupid. Thinking that you are clever make you more stupid than thinking that you are stupid
    Anyway, there are many many good things about ISFp`s. Especialy about one whom I love
    Yeah, it seemed to me that you were giving advice on how to help and support the ISFp. I went through to expand a little on what you said...from an ISFp's point of view.

    Are ISFp`s naive? It depends on their age. Young ISFp`s can be naive. About 25 they accuire some knowledge and experience. They are more carefull and less trusting.
    They just can have a luck or not.
    I'm right at that age, interesting.

    I think ISFp`s should try to not sacrifice theirselfes in the name of love and pleasure. It is just a trap.
    True enough. No trying to fix people who are unfixable. You'll just give and give until you have nothing left.

    Elizabeth, I am talking about weakneses of unsucesfull ISFp`s. Dont take it personaly :-) Also, description of type cant say much about you. It says how it could be. May the good things be with you hehehe
    It's all good. I didn't take it personally at all. I was just wondering to how many people we seem like silly naive hippie children. And I don't mean that in a mean or rude way at all. I'm just curious about what people think of ISFps.
    ISFp, SiFe, , or SEI....whatever we're calling ourselves these days.

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