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Thread: Why I Chose EIE For My Type...

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    The Neighborhood Witch Nocturne's Avatar
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    Default Why I Chose EIE For My Type...

    So, I've been putting off this post for a while and I also wasn't sure where to put it here...

    But I wanted to more formally address why I decided to stick with my EIE typing over any other typing (specifically Te-valuing types.) You may or may not agree with this typing or these points, but regardless, I hope it maybe clarifies my thinking. If you have input, feel free to say so... even if you don't agree.

    So the easiest way I think to do this and break it down would be maybe to go through each of the IMs and my take on them.

    Fe: My friends do consider me "extroverted" and animated, unafraid to share my thoughts and if I feel passionate about something. Likewise, I am likely to use humor in most situations and I've always been "funny", if in an off-beat way. I love to express myself, be that through fashion or some other form of art, and that is a large part of my identity. I tend to have an aura of welcoming, as I've been told, and I've sort of been the "glue" that holds groups together. With that comes a diplomatic sort of nature to myself as well. On a slightly lesser note, but still I think significant, is my way of playful banter in conversation. (May add more to this is comments later)

    Ni: Symbolism is my bread and butter and I've always been majorly attracted to the mystic, abstract, "unknown" aspects of life. Likewise a lot of realism tends to bore me. I study paganism and do identify as a witch. I don't want to go too much into that as a whole for the sake of derailment, but it has a heavy weight on symbolism, energy, etc. Aside from that, I've always had a plan for my life. Ever since I was a kid I knew what I wanted and I stuck to it. I'm uncomfortable with not "having a plan" and a vision.

    Se: I'm a "tough and willful" person. I've always been described as a bit aggressive, competitive, intense, goal-oriented and if I want it, I'm going to get it. I've had a lot of crap happen in my life and how I cope with it is pushing back even harder. It's hard to knock me down and I always step up to the plate. Likewise, I'm the first person to administer "tough love." To the point, unfortunately, that some people honestly dislike this habit of mine. I feel this is one of the more obvious aspects of my personality.

    Ti: Point blank, despite what was mentioned above, I can be a bit of an air head. Therefore I like when things are broken down for me. I'm always asking for explanations and want things to "fit together." Another point is that I'm pretty strict about my own principles. These principles tend to lack deeper nuance but I still cling to them. I need rules and clear boundaries in my work environments and know exactly what's expected of me.

    Ne: I've always had quite a few ideas in my head. Granted I tend to use them for more artistic pursuits, such as writing. Creativity isn't really something I lack. However, this doesn't mean I have love for shallow, spur-of-the-moment pursuits. I tend to feel as if I have a lot of in my mind, but no way of "reeling" it all in.

    Fi: Yes, it is no problem for me to easily assess the character of others and determine good and bad or their intentions. However I think a lot of this may largely come from principles. "I don't want to be friends with this person because of X and that makes them bad" whether then simply "this person is bad" based on a gut reaction. I do greatly value loyalty and responsibility in others but once again, this could be more so based off principle.

    Te: I will eye-roll at anyone who wants to shove "empirical evidence" at me. It's irrelevant to me if the fact is not consistent with the subject and at the end of the day I value what is true. I often see Te valuers try to throw some sort of article or other source to validate their claims. I've never done this partly because outside evidence means nothing to me without accuracy. I am a hard worker and do like when things are efficient but that's about the extent of it.
    P.S. @#$* capitalism

    Si: I do enjoy aesthetics, good food, some cooking, and my own peace and quiet. I try to take care of my body as well as I know to. Too much of this, however, gets on my nerves. I'm a "messy" person and despise cleaning with an ever burning passion. I find it to get in the way of what needs to be done and those that fuss and piddle over the little things will not get along with me too long. I take nothing "slow and steady" but rather dive in to everything I do. Everything tends to be more of a competition to me than just simple enjoyment. Go hard or go home
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    One of us! One of us!

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    Oh boy...
    Forgot to mention that I had been typing at EIE for a good 2-3 years and then questioned it again... Then came back to this conclusion lol
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    Luminous Lynx Memento Mori's Avatar
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    Howdy, Nocturne (love the username).

    I was also originally EIE (figured I was IEI-Fe for awhile) then returned to it recently. Also a Scorpio ascendant. Do You know Your Enneagram/Instinct Variant, lass? Any idea on Your subtype? You sound EIE-Ni. Have You considered any other typings before?

    On a slightly lesser note, but still I think significant, is my way of playful banter in conversation. (May add more to this is comments later)
    Any more on this?
    "We live in an age in which there is no heroic death."

    Model A: ESI-Se -
    DCNH: Dominant

    Enneagram: 1w2, 2w1, 6w7
    Instinctual Variant: Sx/So

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    Welcome to !
    One thing to keep in mind that whatever you type as in socionics it's only meant to be a reflection of an archetype and your cognition. These things bleed into personality and even behavior, but it's not and SHOULDN'T be the other way around. No matter what sociotype someone is, all that matters is that /they are their own self/ and no one can really take that from them. No one can take that from /you/.
    Looking at @Luminous Lynx, looking at Darya, looking at you, looking at Golden-- All of you are EIEs but different in your own right to the point where some people would argue if you are the same type at all. People shouldn't feel excluded just because they don't fit down the tight hole people use as their filter for certain types.

    You make for a great witchy, non-****** EIE, don't worry

    PS: Fuck capitalism, but it's sadly the lesser of other evils. This being said, everything in your post was goooood, but I didn't find the Te section that telling. Maybe because it's too stereotypically Beta NF?
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    Internet typings usually have to be issued with a disclaimer. My certainty about you being ESI is moderate. Like I said, EIE is consistent with most of your video, I just didn't really see it expressed in comparison to ESI.

    There is also your forum behavior but it hasn't given me the same striking impression as your video did. I've known people for less time on forums and had more certainty and I've known some for even longer and still have no idea. So yeah, sorry if I caused a typing crisis but in the end I can only work with the information available.

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    Can I ask why you decided to write this out @Nocturne ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Luminous Lynx View Post
    Howdy, Nocturne (love the username).

    I was also originally EIE (figured I was IEI-Fe for awhile) then returned to it recently. Also a Scorpio ascendant. Do You know Your Enneagram/Instinct Variant, lass? Any idea on Your subtype? You sound EIE-Ni. Have You considered any other typings before?
    I have pretty much given up on Enneagram, honestly, haha. I was super into it for at least a couple years but I got sucked into a group that kinda burned me out on it. I haven't given subtype much thought as I don't usually give much weight to them. But I won't refute EIE-Ni.

    Quote Originally Posted by Luminous Lynx View Post
    Any more on this?
    Convos with friends I'm always sending gif reactions or the like. Lol. Kinda falls into line with the off-beat humor part.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Babooshka View Post
    You make for a great witchy, non-****** EIE, don't worry

    Best compliment I could receive from this post

    Quote Originally Posted by Babooshka View Post
    PS: Fuck capitalism, but it's sadly the lesser of other evils. This being said, everything in your post was goooood, but I didn't find the Te section that telling. Maybe because it's too stereotypically Beta NF?
    I think I maybe could clean up the Te part a little bit, honestly. Part of it comes from observations/interactions with Te valuers I've had in the past. Of course, this post is colored with bias... but that's kinda the point haha.
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Internet typings usually have to be issued with a disclaimer. My certainty about you being ESI is moderate. Like I said, EIE is consistent with most of your video, I just didn't really see it expressed in comparison to ESI.
    What would EIE express, then? I don't know what your typing method is, but perhaps there is something to be said that it was rather awkward to do a one-way video lol. I've been contemplating a live interview, but that's kind of out of the way at the moment.

    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    There is also your forum behavior but it hasn't given me the same striking impression as your video did. I've known people for less time on forums and had more certainty and I've known some for even longer and still have no idea. So yeah, sorry if I caused a typing crisis but in the end I can only work with the information available.
    I do want to note, that yes, the ESI assumption started it (Originally I made the video contemplating IEI) but, it certainly wasn't just you lol. People contacted me even, so really this was a broad thing to address.

    I do think that generally my "forum behavior" is way more consistent with how I am in person as well. However, the values discussed in my video/questionnaire are definitely true. Looking through it, I really didn't see anything that would necessarily be "non-Beta." Then again, that's only my knowledge and self-perception is what it is.
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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Can I ask why you decided to write this out @Nocturne ?
    to clarify why I chose EIE > other typings I received.
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    If you are who I think you are I believe I suggested EIE a couple years ago. If you aren't the same wolfess, then you remind me a lot of her.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    If you are who I think you are I believe I suggested EIE a couple years ago. If you aren't the same wolfess, then you remind me a lot of her.
    Yeah I think SheWolf was an old account of mine. I managed to restore this one. The other one I couldn't even access the email I had linked to it.
    I do believe you said Beta NF. Don't remember if EIE or IEI though.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturne View Post
    Yeah I think SheWolf was an old account of mine. I managed to restore this one. The other one I couldn't even access the email I had linked to it.
    I do believe you said Beta NF. Don't remember if EIE or IEI though.
    You're right. lol I suggested Beta NF. I think I was leaning EIE at some point but you left so I never said it. I found the post.


    Have you considered Beta NF? I am glad I read the op. We actually have a few things in common. I guess Gamma SF is as good a choice as any but I am getting a bit of a Beta vibe. Also, have you considered sx/sp? There is something very familiar about you. You remind me of someone else who posted here awhile back who also had similar interests.

    Did you make a video or post pics?

    FWIW, Se valuing is the strongest vibe I am getting. Otherwise you feel a bit nebulous, to me. I guess I will just pay more attention and see if anything forms from that.
    I was away for awhile too so welcome back even if you returned before I did.

    FWIW, the ESI typing felt off to me when I saw others type you that.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Yeah that looks familiar. There was a time where I didn't have a computer/laptop at home because mine busted and using this site on mobile is a trip on the struggle bus

    I also notice a lot of people on this forum like to add Enneagram to the mix, too. As stated previously I don't do much with Enneagram anymore. I don't remember what I thought my type was back then, probably 6w7 So/Sp
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturne View Post
    What would EIE express, then? I don't know what your typing method is, but perhaps there is something to be said that it was rather awkward to do a one-way video lol. I've been contemplating a live interview, but that's kind of out of the way at the moment.
    An EIE would express the functions of an EIE. I can't be much more specific than that but I've written about it on my website.

    I've only done one live interview and honestly it didn't add a whole lot to just doing a questionnaire. I don't typically ask follow-up questions because they can influence a person's responses.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    An EIE would express the functions of an EIE. I can't be much more specific than that but I've written about it on my website.
    Are you talking about this?

    Coincidence, I actually stumbled upon this a long time ago when I first got into Socionics. IIRC, someone on another forum linked it. Back then, I definitely though the Fe portion was more suited to what I do on the day-to-day interactions.

    However, one's personal vocab is so second-nature you may not notice the nuances, hence why I usually take other people's perceptions slightly over my own to some extent.

    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    I've only done one live interview and honestly it didn't add a whole lot to just doing a questionnaire. I don't typically ask follow-up questions because they can influence a person's responses
    Fair enough.
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    Do you have problems making decisions?
    "And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it, and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tearsofaclown View Post
    Do you have problems making decisions?
    Not generally no.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturne View Post
    to clarify why I chose EIE > other typings I received.
    I was wondering more specifically what your motivations were, but the fact that you have felt the urge to display your thoughts/decisions like this to others suggests Ti valuing, if not overtly Ti seeking (looking for a logical Ti base to process and bounce your own logic off of). I can believe EIE, anyway.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    I've only done one live interview and honestly it didn't add a whole lot to just doing a questionnaire.
    Was that with me? I remember you Skyped with me when I first joined the forum lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I was wondering more specifically what your motivations were, but the fact that you have felt the urge to display your thoughts/decisions like this to others suggests Ti valuing, if not overtly Ti seeking (looking for a logical Ti base to process and bounce your own logic off of). I can believe EIE, anyway.
    lel like you have much "logic".

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    lel like you have much "logic".
    Ur just concerned I’ll call u ugry on Skype

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
    lel like you have much "logic".
    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Ur just concerned I’ll call u ugry on Skype
    Will you two just fuck already? Christ.

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    Why would I fuck someone who insults me all the time lel.

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    Hatefuck (slang, vulgar) An instance of sexual intercourse between people who hate each other.

    1997, Don DeLillo, Underworld, Scribner (1998), →ISBN, page 293:
    "If you fuck me, it'll be a hate fuck. This what you want? This what you mean by aggressive?"
    2001, Sam Lipsyte, The Subject Steve, Broadway Books (2001)

    ISBN, page 117:
    "I hate you," said Renee. "Let's have a hate fuck."

    2006, Megan McCafferty, Charmed Thirds, Three Rivers Press (2006), ISBN, page 284:
    (I'm not proud to say that arguments like this fueled the hate fucks that were the cornerstone of our sham of an ex-relationship.)
    “I want the following word: splendor, splendor is fruit in all its succulence, fruit without sadness. I want vast distances. My savage intuition of myself.”
    Clarice Lispector

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    Quote Originally Posted by Karatos View Post
    Will you two just fuck already? Christ.
    My tentacles and robotic penis are sitting here getting cold

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    @Babooshka gets it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Was that with me? I remember you Skyped with me when I first joined the forum lol.
    Nah that was more of an informal thing. It was someone from another forum.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I was wondering more specifically what your motivations were, but the fact that you have felt the urge to display your thoughts/decisions like this to others suggests Ti valuing, if not overtly Ti seeking (looking for a logical Ti base to process and bounce your own logic off of). I can believe EIE, anyway.
    Another good point, didn't think of that. I've known EIEs to share their thoughts pretty often. Some are way more prone to it than me but it is a pattern.

    Which reminds me: another point for the Ti section...

    I don't think it's a coincidence I'm always going to the Ti dominants for help with type and such. I've been into Socionics for some time now and have always done that. (*Cough* @thehotelambush *cough* )

    I've noted Te valuers to be a bit more independent in their search for information. As in, either researching the issue (which I do, but it's usually not what I'm looking for) or relying on their own experience.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reyne View Post
    I like the way you tried to present your position in a clear way. It's not like the post was very convincing, but the intention was good. I don't know you but EIE seems to make sense. Rational Ni valuing ethic type is my guess.
    The purpose wasn't so much so to be convincing as to convince people I'm an EIE as much as to present my thought process I suppose. Yes some of my "values" are there but I left most of that to my questionnaire.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturne View Post
    Another good point, didn't think of that. I've known EIEs to share their thoughts pretty often. Some are way more prone to it than me but it is a pattern.

    Which reminds me: another point for the Ti section...

    I don't think it's a coincidence I'm always going to the Ti dominants for help with type and such. I've been into Socionics for some time now and have always done that. (*Cough* @thehotelambush *cough* )

    I've noted Te valuers to be a bit more independent in their search for information. As in, either researching the issue (which I do, but it's usually not what I'm looking for) or relying on their own experience.
    I liked your "Cat in Repose" avatar picture. It was both intriguing and suggested that you hold your own opinions. Dark on the outside, technicolor on the inside.

    I can believe you are EIE. Compared to the other EIE's on the forum, you seem much, much more oriented towards logical thought; hence the Ti-valuing.*

    My subjective impression is that you are someone to be reckoned with (which is why I can believe EIE. That impression first led me and my Ni to consider ESI as your type, but no.) I get that impression from EIE's sometimes, since LIE's and EIE's are very similar, but at the same time, very different. Sort of like opposing soldiers meeting for Sunday dinner during a truce on the field of battle. EIE's seem to me to bring a different but insightful perspective to the problem.

    *Are you older and undualized or undergoing a crisis? Either of these things can, IMO, cause a person to become more like their duals.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 01-28-2019 at 05:55 PM.

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    The Neighborhood Witch Nocturne's Avatar
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    @Adam Strange

    I'm 22. Life is stressful but tbh I can't say I'm any different now than I ever have been.

    I weight to ESI potentially due to feeling pretty okay with Se. Usually EIEs try to flex it lmao.

    As for seeming more logically inclined than other EIEs, yeah, probably. A lot of other EIEs or even Beta's in general kinda drive me nuts. I'm not special, though. I just blame the internet for attracting crazies.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturne View Post
    Fe: My friends do consider me "extroverted" and animated, unafraid to share my thoughts and if I feel passionate about something. Likewise, I am likely to use humor in most situations and I've always been "funny", if in an off-beat way. I love to express myself, be that through fashion or some other form of art, and that is a large part of my identity. I tend to have an aura of welcoming, as I've been told, and I've sort of been the "glue" that holds groups together. With that comes a diplomatic sort of nature to myself as well. On a slightly lesser note, but still I think significant, is my way of playful banter in conversation. (May add more to this is comments later)
    I don't see you as directly emotionally expressive enough to be Fe base.

    ESI-Se gets pretty animated in my experience, yeah, but it's not "calculated" conscious expression like Fe ego does it.

    Doing playful banter is not type related, funnily enough. Sharing thoughts also has nothing to do with that.

    Ni: Symbolism is my bread and butter and I've always been majorly attracted to the mystic, abstract, "unknown" aspects of life. Likewise a lot of realism tends to bore me. I study paganism and do identify as a witch. I don't want to go too much into that as a whole for the sake of derailment, but it has a heavy weight on symbolism, energy, etc. Aside from that, I've always had a plan for my life. Ever since I was a kid I knew what I wanted and I stuck to it. I'm uncomfortable with not "having a plan" and a vision.
    You definitely love to get into Ni after you need some extra enjoyment and leisure after immersing enough in Ego stuff (Se). At least based on your questionnaire.

    Having a plan and a vision can be very very Ni HA.

    Se: I'm a "tough and willful" person. I've always been described as a bit aggressive, competitive, intense, goal-oriented and if I want it, I'm going to get it. I've had a lot of crap happen in my life and how I cope with it is pushing back even harder. It's hard to knock me down and I always step up to the plate. Likewise, I'm the first person to administer "tough love." To the point, unfortunately, that some people honestly dislike this habit of mine. I feel this is one of the more obvious aspects of my personality.
    Yeah you are willful and forceful enough based on your description to be Se ego, Se creative with strengthened Se expression is fine. I always see xSI-Se's this way, liking to emphasise that extra Se. (Applies to myself too lol)

    Ti: Point blank, despite what was mentioned above, I can be a bit of an air head. Therefore I like when things are broken down for me. I'm always asking for explanations and want things to "fit together." Another point is that I'm pretty strict about my own principles. These principles tend to lack deeper nuance but I still cling to them. I need rules and clear boundaries in my work environments and know exactly what's expected of me.
    Logic (Te/Ti) dual seeking works for you yeah

    Te dual seeking:

    "Te as suggestive function in ESI (ISFj; Dreiser) and EII (INFj; Dostoyevsky) - this person easily believes in facts and figures, often turn a deaf ear to everything but these. Keeps to places where he knows what to do in every situation. Suggestible by the external order of things, which is often the order that was in place during his upbringing: the political system, social norms, etc. Reacts sensitively to social changes: "God grant you do not live in an era of change." Always moves in the direction of highest order and carefully avoids chaos, is inspired by this order and worries that in future it might change. In this regard, may gravitate towards work in the military, which has the force of statute. It is important to him that the environment is always organized in accordance to rules and laws that he is accustomed to, that this order does not contradict the facts of objective reality. It is also important to know who should be in what position, what needs to be done, what documents must be collected, for what purpose, where they should be submitted, what is the correct way to fill them out. Feels most comfortable in situations where there is only one interpretation of correct action, without any admixture with elements of subjectivity: "in this such case, this should be done". Knowledge of the facts of the situation often replaces true understanding of the underlying problems. Understanding becomes superficial, simply a collection of surface data and statistics, laws and regulations. He does not like long and detailed explanations, will immediately interrupt and say: "So what is this in actuality?". He wants to get a working solution or order right away, not the rationale behind it. For example: "2x2=4." This is an already established rule. Likes terminology, you can sometimes talk to him only using some accepted terms and this will be sufficient. Does not like those who destroy the norms of behavior, for example, those who break the chain of command. Especially gets influenced by the facts that he sees with his own eyes or can touch with own hands. Thus he can fall victim to scams that provide specious claims and facts, especially if the scam is done out in the open ("simple dexterity of hands and no tricks")."

    (From here.)

    The underlined I've seen in your questionnaire answers and in this post of yours too

    Fi: Yes, it is no problem for me to easily assess the character of others and determine good and bad or their intentions. However I think a lot of this may largely come from principles. "I don't want to be friends with this person because of X and that makes them bad" whether then simply "this person is bad" based on a gut reaction. I do greatly value loyalty and responsibility in others but once again, this could be more so based off principle.
    You sound very Fi base with this yeah. The principles, do they involve Ni?

    Te: I will eye-roll at anyone who wants to shove "empirical evidence" at me. It's irrelevant to me if the fact is not consistent with the subject and at the end of the day I value what is true. I often see Te valuers try to throw some sort of article or other source to validate their claims. I've never done this partly because outside evidence means nothing to me without accuracy. I am a hard worker and do like when things are efficient but that's about the extent of it.
    P.S. @#$* capitalism
    I do sometimes wonder how LIE is supposed to get along with ESI lol since ESI stereotypically is so moral. (Re: the capitalism note)

    You wanting accuracy seems Te alright to me, you just want good quality Te and you'd rather not deal with it on your own (implying Te DS rather than Te role perhaps).

    Si: I do enjoy aesthetics, good food, some cooking, and my own peace and quiet. I try to take care of my body as well as I know to. Too much of this, however, gets on my nerves. I'm a "messy" person and despise cleaning with an ever burning passion. I find it to get in the way of what needs to be done and those that fuss and piddle over the little things will not get along with me too long. I take nothing "slow and steady" but rather dive in to everything I do. Everything tends to be more of a competition to me than just simple enjoyment. Go hard or go home
    Bolded: consistent with xSI-Se for me.

    Funny you say you don't do anything slow and steady, but I would guess you sometimes do, because of how you said in your thehotelambush questionnaire that you need time to adjust to some changes (Ne PoLR).

    But btw for myself too, I have the Se stuff way more in foreground than the Si stuff i.e. I like to dive in with energy into many things.

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    I agree that ESI works better maybe for you too, especially if you think EIEs and lots of emotions generally drive you crazy. The down to earth family-oriented lifestyle does make a lot more sense with 4D Fi Si than with Si polr. The seeking logical input could be a general logic seeking, not necessarily Ti seeking thing, and it's a mass of factual text rather than specific thinking axioms too (hinting Te valuing > Ti maybe). Also, ESIs have Ti role, which may have been what caught @Adam Strange and I up at first.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    I don't see you as directly emotionally expressive enough to be Fe base.

    ESI-Se gets pretty animated in my experience, yeah, but it's not "calculated" conscious expression like Fe ego does it.

    Doing playful banter is not type related, funnily enough. Sharing thoughts also has nothing to do with that.
    Hmm, I always assumed ESI's and really Gammas in general (with the exception of SEE perhaps) were a bit more serious minded than me. I could be leaning too much into stereotype, though. I don't have much experience with Gamma types.

    You definitely love to get into Ni after you need some extra enjoyment and leisure after immersing enough in Ego stuff (Se). At least based on your questionnaire.

    Having a plan and a vision can be very very Ni HA.
    Yes, but I kinda see the Ni being more... Beta quadra? The mysticism and such. Gammas seem to be far more realistic wit their Ni things than I do.

    Yeah you are willful and forceful enough based on your description to be Se ego, Se creative with strengthened Se expression is fine. I always see xSI-Se's this way, liking to emphasise that extra Se. (Applies to myself too lol)
    .... or could it be how EIE's try hard to flex their Se? Haha, I'm not necessarily refuting you or anything, just self-perception is what it is.

    Te dual seeking:

    "Te as suggestive function in ESI (ISFj; Dreiser) and EII (INFj; Dostoyevsky) - this person easily believes in facts and figures, often turn a deaf ear to everything but these. Keeps to places where he knows what to do in every situation. Suggestible by the external order of things, which is often the order that was in place during his upbringing: the political system, social norms, etc. Reacts sensitively to social changes: "God grant you do not live in an era of change." Always moves in the direction of highest order and carefully avoids chaos, is inspired by this order and worries that in future it might change. In this regard, may gravitate towards work in the military, which has the force of statute. It is important to him that the environment is always organized in accordance to rules and laws that he is accustomed to, that this order does not contradict the facts of objective reality. It is also important to know who should be in what position, what needs to be done, what documents must be collected, for what purpose, where they should be submitted, what is the correct way to fill them out. Feels most comfortable in situations where there is only one interpretation of correct action, without any admixture with elements of subjectivity: "in this such case, this should be done". Knowledge of the facts of the situation often replaces true understanding of the underlying problems. Understanding becomes superficial, simply a collection of surface data and statistics, laws and regulations. He does not like long and detailed explanations, will immediately interrupt and say: "So what is this in actuality?". He wants to get a working solution or order right away, not the rationale behind it. For example: "2x2=4." This is an already established rule. Likes terminology, you can sometimes talk to him only using some accepted terms and this will be sufficient. Does not like those who destroy the norms of behavior, for example, those who break the chain of command. Especially gets influenced by the facts that he sees with his own eyes or can touch with own hands. Thus he can fall victim to scams that provide specious claims and facts, especially if the scam is done out in the open ("simple dexterity of hands and no tricks")."

    (From here.)

    The underlined I've seen in your questionnaire answers and in this post of yours too
    I've known EIE's who have said the same things as what is underlined, however, when talking about their preferred environments.

    You sound very Fi base with this yeah. The principles, do they involve Ni?
    Hmmm what do you mean, exactly?

    I do sometimes wonder how LIE is supposed to get along with ESI lol since ESI stereotypically is so moral. (Re: the capitalism note)

    You wanting accuracy seems Te alright to me, you just want good quality Te and you'd rather not deal with it on your own (implying Te DS rather than Te role perhaps).
    Haha, I find most "business" sort of things to be extremely boring as well.

    Funny you say you don't do anything slow and steady, but I would guess you sometimes do, because of how you said in your thehotelambush questionnaire that you need time to adjust to some changes (Ne PoLR).

    But btw for myself too, I have the Se stuff way more in foreground than the Si stuff i.e. I like to dive in with energy into many things.
    I guess what I mean by not taking things slow and steady is that I would prefer to do them faster.
    When I am assigned cashier at work, for example, I worry less about perfectly bagging things or something as much as I just want to get the wait line down, and I want to learn things quickly to be able to do it quicker.

    There are some things I would take my time on though, I'm sure.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturne View Post
    Hmm, I always assumed ESI's and really Gammas in general (with the exception of SEE perhaps) were a bit more serious minded than me. I could be leaning too much into stereotype, though. I don't have much experience with Gamma types.
    That's a bit too stereotype yeah

    Maybe if you showed typical examples of your brand of playful banter...?

    Yes, but I kinda see the Ni being more... Beta quadra? The mysticism and such. Gammas seem to be far more realistic wit their Ni things than I do.
    (From my pov) I see Ni as mystical, no matter which quadra lol

    Though yeah with Fe it will be even more so.

    And yeah, gamma NTs will use it for practical purposes more. Not sure about ESI/SEE.

    .... or could it be how EIE's try hard to flex their Se? Haha, I'm not necessarily refuting you or anything, just self-perception is what it is.
    Yeah, it'd be better to have direct experience with you, I was only going by your self-reporting statements.

    I've known EIE's who have said the same things as what is underlined, however, when talking about their preferred environments.
    It's true that most of that is general Logic seeking. But what is meant by "external order" is fleshed out in the second part of the quote, if that helps...?

    Hmmm what do you mean, exactly?
    Well you'd know what you meant by principles. I was asking about this: "However I think a lot of this may largely come from principles. "I don't want to be friends with this person because of X and that makes them bad" whether then simply "this person is bad" based on a gut reaction. I do greatly value loyalty and responsibility in others but once again, this could be more so based off principle."

    Mind saying more on this?

    Also see this:

    Ni as activating function of LSI (ISTj; Maxim Gorky) and ESI (ISFj; Dreiser) - the area of self-esteem of these types is the "wholeness" of the internal situation, internal harmony, ideological consistency and consistency of principles, internal tranquility. In order to protect this point, they usually just need a little break away from the people on this issue to resolve the inner conflicts, so they almost always cope successfully with this task. From the side, they always seem to be very consistent and principled people. They always think, do and say the same things, that is, they never contradict themselves and expect the same out of others. Sometimes, for this reason, they are considered to be "too right". They are receptive to information only when it bears no risk of destroying this inner balance, which sometimes makes them very stubborn. Will never strike a deal with his principles. Usually makes an impression of a restrained, polite, closed off, hidden, consistent person. Positive self-esteem is ensured by his ideals that may correlate poorly with the surrounding reality, which may cause neglect of what which is real. Effective in achieving specific goals, but accomplish this by breaking straight though, stopping at nothing, ignoring the outside world and external opinions. Feel good when this is reinforced by their situation: for example, position or occupation which underlines the legitimacy of such actions and means and grants them protection from the viewpoint of society. For example: "I am a soldier just doing my duty for the motherland" is to be understood as: "this grants legitimacy to my actions ". Often preach idealistic principles, stressing priority of ideas and principles over reality. Knows how to lead people, as he wants to believe that he's not lying but truly believes in his ideals. Finds that it's important to preserve internal "wholeness", thus he needs to feel monolithic correctness of their actions in terms of consistency, devotion to principle. Where the situation is too ambiguous, he will try to resolve it through simplification. In principle and consistency - "good", not in principle and consistency - "bad." Do not like those who sow contradictions and doubts. Even if he does something wrong, it's much more comfortable for him to never know about it, thus his self-esteem will be protected, so often will simply ignore it. For example, he may think that such people want to hurt him so their opinion does not matter. In general, anything that might disturb his inner ideational "wholeness" is not taken into account. "I may lose, but I will remain true to myself." Very often it is more important to them.

    What do you think of this?

    I guess what I mean by not taking things slow and steady is that I would prefer to do them faster.
    When I am assigned cashier at work, for example, I worry less about perfectly bagging things or something as much as I just want to get the wait line down, and I want to learn things quickly to be able to do it quicker.

    There are some things I would take my time on though, I'm sure.
    Ok yeah, I'm like that too, for whatever it's worth.

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    Sorry for the late reply, I've been kinda busy lately.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Maybe if you showed typical examples of your brand of playful banter...?
    You'll see me posting gif reactions or memes to... express my expression, for lack of a better descriptor. Play-fighting/insulting is common for me.

    Well you'd know what you meant by principles. I was asking about this: "However I think a lot of this may largely come from principles. "I don't want to be friends with this person because of X and that makes them bad" whether then simply "this person is bad" based on a gut reaction. I do greatly value loyalty and responsibility in others but once again, this could be more so based off principle."

    Mind saying more on this?

    Also see this:
    Hmmm, yeah, I wold say I'm a pretty principled person. As far as consistency, it is important to me in myself as well as others, however, I don't know if I'm consistent all the time...? I haven't annoyed any Ti-dominants with lack of consistency, though.
    A lot of people do describe me as a bit closed-off and stubborn, but I've not known that to be outside of what an EIE could be...?

    As for what exactly I mean by principled... hm. This is just an example, but...

    "Smoking cigarettes is bad" -> this person smokes cigarettes -> I may be a little wary of them based on this. Like I said, just an example of how the thought process works.

    Or I have kind of strict "I will not smoke myself, because it caused a lot of health problems in my parents.

    I kind of see such a thing as being based on an internal principle, I suppose.


    On an unrelated note, @thehotelambush does any of what I've said seem to indicate a Merry quadra over a more serious one?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturne View Post
    As for what exactly I mean by principled... hm. This is just an example, but...

    "Smoking cigarettes is bad" -> this person smokes cigarettes -> I may be a little wary of them based on this. Like I said, just an example of how the thought process works.

    Or I have kind of strict "I will not smoke myself, because it caused a lot of health problems in my parents.

    I kind of see such a thing as being based on an internal principle, I suppose.
    I’m not sure whether this is NTR or not, but I’ll mention that I self-type EIE and this is quite antithetical to how I think, and if I were party to it I might have a difficult time dealing with it.

    I don’t believe whether someone smokes or not is a proper criterion to judge them and would feel guilty if I made myself wary of a person over something like that. It’s a socially circumscribed matter (yes, it’s unhealthy, but it used to be socially entirely accepted in the US) and doesn’t tell me anything about someone’s real value as another human being. I’d hate to miss out on discovering what someone is really like by distancing them over a transient and imo shallow issue.

    I wouldn’t like it if the person were blowing smoke in my face or leaving ciagarette butts on the sidewalk and so on, but if they were reasonably polite about it, it’s kind of none of my business.

    I think it’s the same regardless of the issue. The kinds of ”principles” I hold to are very philosophical and have to do with people’s treatment of other people, and the attitudes behind their behavior. In practice how I assess someone is just not simple at all. Unless they make it simple by being an utter ass, ofc.

    Again, could be NTR.
    Last edited by golden; 02-18-2019 at 12:34 AM.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    I’m not sure whether this is NTR or not, but I’ll mention that I self-type EIE and this is quite antithetical to how I think, and if I were party to it I might have a difficult time dealing with it.

    I don’t believe whether someone smokes or not is a proper criterion to judge them and would feel guilty if I made myself wary of a person over something like that. It’s a socially circumscribed matter (yes, it’s unhealthy, but it used to be socially entirely accepted in the US) and doesn’t tell me anything about someone’s real value as another human being. I’d hate to miss out on discovering what someone is really like by distancing them over a transient and imo shallow issue.

    I wouldn’t like it if the person were blowing smoke in my face or leaving ciagarette butts on the sidewalk and so in, but if they were reasonably polite about it, it’s kind of none of my business.

    I think it’s the same regardless of the issue. The kinds of ”principles” I hold to are very philosophical and have to do with people’s treatment of other people, and the attitudes behind their behavior. In practice how I assess someone is just not simple at all. Unless they make it simple by being an utter ass, ofc.

    Again, could be NTR.
    Non-Type Related or not, I relate to this in full. Would also probably be hypocritical for me to judge others for health decisions, as I'm clumsy at disciplining myself with shit in the first place. Obviously extreme shit like hard drugs or obesity is another matter, but I try to be patient with stuff like that and encourage people to make better choices for themselves once I get to know them better. Generally, when I'm put-off by people's choices and lifestyle I try to bear with it and facilitate their recovery or betterment. I've had countless people come to me in dark periods of their lives. I believe in the potential to persevere over most sin and disorderly conduct.

    Sometimes you just gotta be 'that guy' even if You don't approve. I don't enable them but I'm discretionary in how I approve/disapprove. Only in extreme cases with a close friend do I really strong-arm someone to change something. I can be judgmental or assertive with strangers, but it's almost never over health matters, it's usually behavioral - eg. I perceive them as dishonorable or out-of-line.
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