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Thread: Type me? (thehotelambush questionnaire)

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    The Neighborhood Witch Nocturne's Avatar
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    Question Type me? (thehotelambush questionnaire)

    (feel free to ask any further questions or clarification)

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?

    I am currently studying to be a veterinary technician. Ever since I was small, I wanted to work with animals. However, when entering college I got some discouragement from my college math department and went to my second option, which was digital media. I hated the technical aspect of coding and computer language part of it, so I knew then it wasn’t for me. I have a love of theater, but did not want to pursue that because it does not support a practical living wage. I went back to pursuing my original goal of veterinary technology and I love it. I like that it’s very hands on and practical, as I learn best by doing things and repetition. If I were to dislike anything about it, it would probably be the human aspect. Technicians are the nurses of the veterinary world and therefore del with clientele more than doctor even does. It can be stressful on other employees when things get busy and the tension can get to me. Hours are long and very exhausting, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. (feel free to ask any further questions or clarification)

    What are your values, and why?
    I find this question to be broad and therefore, hard to answer. I believe in being kind, respectful, and loyal. I believe in chasing you goals and dreams. I always think it necessary to take the time to understand what people are going through and place yourself in their shoes.

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    I enjoy reading, writing, and playing video games during my free time. I like things that give me a break from reality. For example, for the most part I only read fiction novels. This is because I get bored with anything that is “real.” I experience real life everyday, I don’t want more of it. I love storylines and the challenge gaming presents as well as the sense of freedom and aesthetics they have. I also enjoy makeup artistry/fashion. I wear wigs on occasion and love to dress up. Especially in more alternative looks.

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    I am very, very close with my family. I always have been. I love that we are so close and no matter what happens, we are always there for each other. We take care of one another. No one is closer to me than my family. I dislike that they can be a bit too “coddling.”My mother decided to have me homeschooled instead of going to public school in a district she was not familiar with. This negatively impacted me, as I prefer a more social, structured environment that schools have to offer. As a result, I regret that I don’t have the same experiences as other people who did go to public school. My parents were always intrusive and over cautious. I prefer to have freedom from the others and allowed to do my own thing. As for friends, I’ve never had many but I always had a way of choosing the right people to be friends with. Usually people who were also a bit “outcasted” like myself and had similar interests. At most, I never had more than a couple friends that I spent most of my time with. I seek loyalty and responsibility in friends. It is important to me that I am valuable to them. Something I tend to dislike about friends that I don’t experience with my family is lack of loyalty. I don’t appreciate come-and-go friendships.

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    I feel like I sort of covered this in the previous question. Whoops.

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    I recently had a bit of conflict with a friend about her boyfriend. She had gotten into a serious relationship with him and I find him to be rude. She pretty much ignored me. I also noted that since that relationship started, she barely spoke to me. It got me thinking that she had been using for things like transportation, as she does not have a vehicle. Therefore, I lost some trust in her and therefore I have built a sort of “wall” between us. I am civil with her, but I cannot say our relationship is the same, at least on my end.

    How would your friends describe you?

    Determined, strong, goal-oriented, temperamental, mature, protective, “wise”, funny, sarcastic, maybe a bit vain and “picky.”

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    People consider my greatest strength to be that I am strong. I’ve been through a lot in life, but I have been able to adapt and push forward. I like that I am able to take on whatever I must to survive the situation. I like that I am good at helping people with their issues if they do come to me for advice. I like that I know what I want in life. I also like that I'm responsible.

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Being temperamental and easily stressed out, as well as being a bit impulsive at times. My sister often complains at my lack of thinking things completely through. As well as being sometimes illogical or inconsistent. I dislike that I am unable to control my feelings and make more logical arguments. I get envious of people easily, which I wouldn’t. I need to work more on my own self-esteem.

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I often go to my sister for help with homework projects like research papers. They tend to stress me out with the amount of information that’s out there and being able to choose what is good info or where to even begin to find it. I usually go for help for more academic things. At times I get overwhelmed at what the best decision to make is. For example, if it would be a better option for me to stay a technician and perhaps specialize or go onto becoming a veterinary doctor.

    What things do you dislike doing? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    I don’t care for home cleaning of my own space, as I usually feel there are more important things to do. I do not like to babysit (it’s a joke amongst my family that I’m the last person to ever be asked to babysit), studying tends to overwhelm/intimidate me but I do it.
    I enjoy physical work, however. I’ve worked at horse farms since I was 12 and don’t even mind cleaning stalls or polishing saddles. In the veterinary clinic I don’t mind doing the things no one else wants to do, like give baths or sterilize surgical instruments. I don’t care for working at the reception desk, though. I would prefer to be doing the “dirty work” in the back than dealing with clientele up front.

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?

    I’ve always had around the same goals since I was a kid. I want to go to college, have a good career, and comfortably live on my own. I want to be married, but I don’t necessarily want children. I want to be working a fulfilling, exciting career in the veterinary world.

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    Honestly, I can’t imagine living without having some sort of job. I suppose I would have a horse farm. I would still love to travel and keep busy, as I do not like having absolutely nothing to do. It literally makes me a bit irritable/depressed to not get out of the house.

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    I don’t mind people that are “clingy.” Of course, not in a very unhealthy way but I like when people are close to me. I feel like a lot of people value being “vulgar”, “edgy”, and “wild” in this generation and really, I don’t. I cannot stand when people aren't responsible. I expect people to show up on time, keep their word, etc. I don't like immaturity.

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    I love a fantasy aesthetic. My own home would likely look like a witch’s cottage, honestly. In my room I have crystals, books, a dreamcatcher, purple walls, some wigs on display, posters of animals or video games I enjoy, and I used to have fairy lights before they burnt out. However, it is messy. Makeup products are on the floor because I’m usually in too much of a hurry to put them away or busy. Closet is cluttered. I honestly tell myself I’ll get to fixing that one day, but don’t lol. I don’t really like daily chores much, I find them to be kind of unimportant with the other things I have to do taking priority.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    Just formal and polite. I don’t think too much of them, but I don’t like when they’re too overly friendly.

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?

    Depends on the setting. I have no issue defending myself. I’m pretty sarcastic when someone gets under my skin.

    What is one common misconception that people have about things? Explain why it is wrong.
    I don’t really understand what this question is asking and it also seems broad?

    What did you do last Friday?
    Went to class and took my mother to a doctor’s appointment. Exciting, right?

    If you are doing a video you can stop here or choose from the rest of the questions as you like.
    If you are answering in writing, please answer ALL questions.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?

    I would say getting into my college’s veterinary technology program. It’s not super easy to get in, only 36 students allowed per year and many apply for the program since it’s probably one of the best in the area. I earned a black belt in Taekwondo when I was about 14, which was quite a feat given my physical condition at the time.

    What is something you regret?
    I regret not enjoying what I had, when I had it. Lots of things changed in my life when I was 17 and my father died.

    Who do you admire, and why?
    I can’t say there’s anyone too specific. I get envious of people easily, which could be considered a form of admiration. It tends to be things that I am not as good at, such as musical ability. I do greatly admire people who are ambitious and achieve a high standard, especially if from a rough beginning.

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    What doesn’t worry me? Financial situation isn’t the best, I’m a student in a program that pretty much expects 90% of my time, while trying to work and help my mother.

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?

    I am pretty eclectic with my religious beliefs, but I think the best way to describe it would be Pagan. I love to study witchcraft. I love it because… I’ve always felt connected to these sorts of things even since I was a child but did not know exactly what it was at the time. I am attracted to the otherworldly, the ancient, the mystic, etc. Largely, this belief revolves around karma and fully acknowledging what you send out comes back to you. It’s very nature-based, which I absolutely adore. It’s also about having the power to help yourself, and not completely relying on a deity for help.

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?

    My family largely defines me as “Liberal”, usually in a derogatory way. I believe in women’s rights, LGBTQ+, etc. and anything not having to do with Donald Trump, thank you very much. Politics are important to me, because they will largely affect not only myself but my friends and family. In my younger years, I didn’t care about them as much but as I’ve grown, I realize it’s absolute importance.

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    Yes, I have had the thought of maybe one day opening a veterinary clinic. But, this would only be if I decided to go on to be a veterinarian. I would like to be the practice owner and I would want my clinic to focus on veterinary care specifically, and I would like for it to be mixed large/small animals. (By strictly veterinary care, I mean I would not want to add on a boarding kennel to my facility. I’ve been in too many clinics where I feel it just adds unnecessary weight upon the staff and takes away from the care.)

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I like a job where I can be properly trained, as I get anxious if I don’t thoroughly know how to do things. I do prefer a job where I can be left to my own devices to get things done. I don’t mind a fast-paced environment, per se, but I don’t like when I’m constantly expected to be on my toes when it comes to change. I’m not the “quickest thinker”, Lol.

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    English and Science. I loved to write and English came easy to me. Science was fascinating and therefore was easy to grasp. I was always the worst at math in school and still absolutely hate it.

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?

    Responsibility is VERY important to me. Few things irritate me more when people aren’t responsible or are flighty. It stresses me out. I expect a lot of others in this matter and will likely call them out if they aren’t responsible. I’ve been very responsible since I was a kid. My parents even trusted me with their debit card and still do. Currently, I’m the one that does most of the grocery shopping, handling of finances, etc. I’m rarely late for work, class, or any other types of dates/appointments.

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    I have not been on a vacation since I was maybe 13/14. It was myself, my oldest sister, and another family we are quite close to. It was at Holiday World, Indiana and we stayed at the camp grounds there in a rented camper. It is an amusement park, so we spent one day there and the other days camping/going on trails. I loved it, because I was with my best childhood friend and camping is one of my favorite things to do. Lots of memories! When I was 12, we went with this same family to Turks and Caicos. It was beautiful, but I’m not as interested in the tropical scene. Come to think of it, every vacation I’ve been on has been with my sister and this family.

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?

    As I stated previously, I was homeschooled. I was very quiet as a child and imaginative. I was so quiet that my parents thought I had gone missing, when I had just been in the playroom all day. I always entertained myself in some form, would even get annoyed if someone intruded on me too much. With other children, I was very sociable. Still, though, I only had 2-3 people I hung out with. I was also quite timid. Since I’ve grown up I’ve become more independent and quite a bit less timid.

    What was your high school experience like?

    ……………………… Lol. Not great. Was bullied a lot. Don’t care to go back.

    Talk about a significant event from your life.

    The most significant event in my life was when my father suddenly died when I was 17. Everything completely changed. Prior to his death his health wasn’t great to begin with after he had brain surgery to patch a double aneurysm. We lost our income, had to move, and now there was no one to take care of things quite like Dad did. My first response upon finding out that was gone, was that I was going to fill his shoes, stay strong, and take care of us the best way I knew how. About two years later, Mom had a stroke that nearly killed her. Now, she has recovered quite a bit, but is on oxygen due to emphysema and severe COPD and has restrictions that require her to need some help.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?

    Absolutely not. They’re loud, messy, intrusive, and demanding. I didn’t like kids when I was a kid, lol. I feel as if children require a certain softness and selflessness that I do not have. They make me uncomfortable, most of the time, and I don’t know what to do with them. Kids love me, though, for some very strange reason. I have young nieces that are a bit intimidated by me but still want to be around me the whole time I’m with them. It’s endearing and slightly irritating all at the same time, Lol. It’s almost contradictory, because I say these things, but yet I have a soft spot for them. Stories of child abuse pretty much make me instantly start cry. If a child is upset at something, whether hurt physically or emotionally, it hits me If I discovered someone was abusing a child or I witnessed it, it wouldn’t be a pretty sight. If a child needed me, I wouldn’t hesitate. (this goes for animal and elder abuse as well)

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    I don’t really want children, for multiple reasons, but if I did… I would teach them kindness, responsibility, and fairness. I often say I would not be a good mother due to being a bit selfish and kinda cold sometimes, but family and friends say otherwise. They believe I would be a good mother, because honestly in my own strange way I am loving. Stern, but loving. I believe in letting my child have freedom to express themselves and pursue what they want. I adore my family, but they were stifling and at times judgemental of silly things and I wouldn’t want my child to have to deal with that. As always, no matter what, I would do my best to support them and always be there for them.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    I feel this way right now. I’m stuck in school, doing the same things day in and day out. I have breakdowns every now and again, but keep pushing forward. Some days I am more depressed than others. But, I know when I graduate, things will change. I get a bit caught in the moment, though.

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    As a whole, people are very problematic. I don’t like people much, lol. Only one prevalent social problem? Jeez. Well, for starters, we live in 2018 and sexism is still a thing. Women are shamed for everything they do and don’t do. Women are laughed at and brushed aside when they come forward about sexual assault. We still live in a world where everything we do should be to please men. Women’s bodies are put on display to capture men’s sexual interests, but yet women cannot even breastfeed in public. Whether we cover up or show skin, we are shamed. Honestly, I could rant forever on this subject and more.

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?

    When do I not get what I want? LOL. I just… get it. I guess you can say I kinda just force myself into the situation.

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
    Usually, yes. I actually prefer it because if I’m the leader I know things will be done right. I can be a bit bossy, not gonna lie. I usually put myself in leadership roles for this reason. Now, I don’t have a problem with others being in leadership if I think they’re more responsible and capable than myself.

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
    It doesn’t take much to irritate me. I don’t like being nagged or intruded upon. For example, I got irritated at a girl at work for refolding a couple of shirts on the table I was working on. First off, it’s a busy Saturday and this table is going to get wrecked as soon as I walk away from it, so I’m just making it shoppable. Second off, don’t show off to me and proceed to tell me how proud the manager is of you for sizing and fixing the jeans wall. I do not care, go away. Grrr.

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?

    Getting money from a loan that we desperately needed.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
    The fact that prior, we were concerned about if we would even have the money to eat and have gas in our cars.

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    I believe my fulfilling purpose in life is to get a career I love and just… form a life of my own. I find personal success and close relationships meaningful. Discovering my spiritual path is also quite important to me.

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?

    I haven’t been too many places, honestly. The vacation to Turks and Caicos was probably the most fascinating because it was very different. The culture of the people there probably fascinated me the most.

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    One of my favorite things to manage, honestly. I like alternative fashion and dramatic, flowing clothing. I wear a lot of long dresses. I also do like pop culture clothing. Sometimes I’m too lazy to do makeup, but when I do, it’s all out. Liner, shadow, false eyelashes, contour, highlight, blush, everything. I am peculiar about my hair. It’s naturally curly so I either tame it with product and wear it natural or use overnight curlers to get big waves. I prefer my hair longer, but now I have it short after I bleached it and colored it pink/purple/blue. I wear jewel toned colors and a lot of black. Silver jewelry, a choker everyday. I have my nose and ears pierced, I plan to get some tattoos when I’m able to spare the money.

    Do you like surprises?

    Sure? Lol. Don’t know what else to say on that.

    Last edited by Nocturne; 11-28-2018 at 05:06 PM. Reason: Bolded questions

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    NOTE: I have a video of me answering this questionnaire, if you would like to see it, please ask and I can send it to you right away!

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    Cant say I am perfectly confident in my answer but, I think SLE normalizing. A.K.A. ESTP-Ti

    You can post photoes if you want.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturne View Post
    NOTE: I have a video of me answering this questionnaire, if you would like to see it, please ask and I can send it to you right away!
    Would make me much more sure in my answer hopefully...

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    Hmmm can I ask what brought you to that conclusion?

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    Strong Se: "When do I not get what I want? LOL. I just… get it. I guess you can say I kinda just force myself into the situation."
    "I earned a black belt in Taekwondo when I was about 14"

    Low Ni: "I get anxious if I don’t thoroughly know how to do things."
    Ni seeking: "I am attracted to the otherworldly, the ancient, the mystic, etc"

    Low Fe: "How do you behave around strangers?
    Just formal and polite. I don’t think too much of them, but I don’t like when they’re too overly friendly."
    "I don’t care for working at the reception desk"

    Low Fi, not sure of how people show friendship so demands loyalty: "I also noted that since that relationship started, she barely spoke to me. It got me thinking that she had been using (me) for things like transportation"
    "I seek loyalty and responsibility in friends. It is important to me that I am valuable to them. Something I tend to dislike about friends that I don’t experience with my family is lack of loyalty."

    Good Ti: "What is your biggest accomplishment?
    I would say getting into my college’s veterinary technology program. It’s not super easy to get in, only 36 students allowed per year"

    Strong interest in Te, but not adept at it: "What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
    Getting money from a loan that we desperately needed.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
    The fact that prior, we were concerned about if we would even have the money to eat and have gas in our cars."

    I agree with @Hamada. I think you are SLE. With your academic orientation and drive to get a degree, perhaps the Ti subtype.

    Also, since I type by VI and avatar, your avatar picture is that of an Erotic Styles Aggressor. A fairly strong variety of Aggressor. Is that guy wearing a skirt? And what's that object hidden behind her and between her legs?

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    No, my avatar is from the movie "Maleficent."
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturne View Post
    No, my avatar is from the movie "Maleficent."
    Yes, but YOU chose it. You could have chosen anything. Why that picture, in particular? Why not a picture like one of @BOT's? Or @Kiwi's?

    Furthermore, from that picture I'm going to guess that you are sx-first. And from your presence here on this forum and your plans for material security in the future, I'll guess that you are sx/so. Lol. Just a wild-ass guess.

    I like your avatar picture, incidentally.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 11-29-2018 at 03:22 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Yes, but YOU chose it. You could have chosen anything. Why that picture, in particular? Why not a picture like one of @BOT's? Or @Kiwi's?

    Furthermore, from that picture I'm going to guess that you are sx-first. And from your presence here on this forum and your plans for material security in the future, I'll guess that you are sx/so. Lol. Just a wild-ass guess.

    I like your avatar picture, incidentally.
    Sorry, I did not mean to be blunt. I was on my phone and it's sort of harder to answer from there on this site. To clarify, I just wanted to make the image's origins known. I like the image because it is pretty much my aesthetic, as is the whole movie, and that scene stuck in my head. Have you checked my profile? I've customized it. Though I don' really believe much in VI, I mostly just like showing things off.

    As for Enneagram and instinct, well, I've kind of given up on that. Long story. I was in an Enneagram group for a long time that ended up... muddling some ideas and I've completely lost track of any typing I could be in that realm. Anyways, I appreciate the input regardless.
    Last edited by Nocturne; 11-29-2018 at 04:12 AM. Reason: forgot a comment
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    Nothing wrong with blunt. I call it succinct, and I prefer it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Nothing wrong with blunt. I call it succinct, and I prefer it.
    Alright. Well, thank you.
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    ANOTHER NOTE: I do have a couple options I think may be my type, but I'm not gonna post it because I don't want to muddle anyone's opinions.
    Last edited by Nocturne; 11-29-2018 at 04:36 AM. Reason: typo
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    I've read most of your answers, although some parts I just skimmed through. Have you considered ESI? A lot of the things I read seemed like they could be congruent with the type ESI, maybe an enneagram 6 or possibly 4?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Strong Se: "When do I not get what I want? LOL. I just… get it. I guess you can say I kinda just force myself into the situation."
    "I earned a black belt in Taekwondo when I was about 14"

    Low Ni: "I get anxious if I don’t thoroughly know how to do things."
    Ni seeking: "I am attracted to the otherworldly, the ancient, the mystic, etc"

    Low Fe: "How do you behave around strangers?
    Just formal and polite. I don’t think too much of them, but I don’t like when they’re too overly friendly."
    "I don’t care for working at the reception desk"

    Low Fi, not sure of how people show friendship so demands loyalty: "I also noted that since that relationship started, she barely spoke to me. It got me thinking that she had been using (me) for things like transportation"
    "I seek loyalty and responsibility in friends. It is important to me that I am valuable to them. Something I tend to dislike about friends that I don’t experience with my family is lack of loyalty."

    Good Ti: "What is your biggest accomplishment?
    I would say getting into my college’s veterinary technology program. It’s not super easy to get in, only 36 students allowed per year"

    Strong interest in Te, but not adept at it: "What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
    Getting money from a loan that we desperately needed.

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
    The fact that prior, we were concerned about if we would even have the money to eat and have gas in our cars."

    I agree with @Hamada. I think you are SLE. With your academic orientation and drive to get a degree, perhaps the Ti subtype.

    Also, since I type by VI and avatar, your avatar picture is that of an Erotic Styles Aggressor. A fairly strong variety of Aggressor. Is that guy wearing a skirt? And what's that object hidden behind her and between her legs?

    In my experience, SLEs LOOVEE when people are overly friendly. It's almost the only thing that will make them feel comfortable in social situations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Good Ti: "What is your biggest accomplishment?
    I would say getting into my college’s veterinary technology program. It’s not super easy to get in, only 36 students allowed per year"

    That’s not related to Ti

    Strong interest in Te, but not adept at it: "What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
    Getting money from a loan that we desperately needed.

    No. It’s the other way around. SLEs with unvalued 4D Te demonstrative are uninterested in Te, yet are adept at it.

    Additionally I’ve never met an SLE who’s told me they’re close with their family, and talk about their relations that way.

    I would guess SEE for you @Nocturne .

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    I already have an opinion on @Nocturne's type based on her video...will share it later (the opinion, not the video ).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturne View Post
    Hmmm can I ask what brought you to that conclusion?
    Call it magic ...

    It is an intiuitive estimation. Providing reasin is futile.

    As for avatar typing, it is the work of Jung, dream and symbol interpretation. I dont do that, yet.

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    Thanks everyone for your opinions.
    I'll go ahead and say that the types I'm between are EIE and ESI But, of course, arguments for others are fine, I am just pretty settled on one of these two.
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    I already have an opinion on @Nocturne's type based on her video...will share it later (the opinion, not the video ).
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    you may pm your video

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    the video should fit to the recommendations

    without glasses - nonverbal near eyes is very important
    the real picture resolution would be good to make higher

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    you can give your analysis whenever you have the time
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturne View Post
    Thanks everyone for your opinions.
    I'll go ahead and say that the types I'm between are EIE and ESI But, of course, arguments for others are fine, I am just pretty settled on one of these two.
    I can agree with EII and ESI maybe.

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    This is the first time since about 2016 that I've debated what type I could be, I typed at EIE for two years until on a whim I decided to do this questionnaire.

    Some selling points that sold me on EIE (It was the World Socionics Society that typed me based on their 80Q) were mostly Ni-related. As you can tell, even if you visit my profile, I am very interested in the otherworldly and occult.

    However, there was some Fe points that I relate to quite a bit. I am into self-expression in the forms of fashion and such.
    I also just listened to everyone about what they noticed about my interactions and thinking patterns being Ti-seeking

    ESI has its points too, which I might elaborate on later.
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    Would it be rude if we asked you to do a video or post a couple of photos?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamada View Post
    Would it be rude if we asked you to do a video or post a couple of photos?
    I have a video, I would just rather PM it then post it in public

    I can link my Imgur Album though
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturne View Post
    I have a video, I would just rather PM it then post it in public

    I can link my Imgur Album though
    Photos show SLE however you are harmonizing instead of normalizing.

    Luckily, there were one normal photo in there

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturne View Post
    I have a video, I would just rather PM it then post it in public

    I can link my Imgur Album though
    I didn't realize you'd been here before under a different name.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I didn't realize you'd been here before under a different name.
    Ugh yeah. I kept losing access to the sign up emails I had, because I didnt frequent this site very often. This was the only one I managed to guess the password to on the email it was linked to.
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    Another thing: while I'm definitely willing to give out pictures and stuff I'm not too into VI as a form of typing method.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nocturne View Post
    Another thing: while I'm definitely willing to give out pictures and stuff I'm not too into VI as a form of typing method.
    Do not overesteemate the objectivity when you are typed by what you say - there is much of speculativity.

    VI gives useful info for the typing according to my _experiment_ on socioforum, where it gave typing matches on random bloggers higher than accidental and comparable with other methods.
    Without nonverbal you have lesser chance to be typed correctly as you reduce the useful info. Much lesser, including because you know the theory and may mislead having predispotion to assign yourself some types.

    Taking into account the photos where you are without glasses - SEE is possible. But I recommend you to make normal typing video.

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    I actually thought on EIE or Fe based in VI.

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    Any other suggestions?
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    Strong Feeling is obvious. Your constant focus on responsibility, hard work and stuff like that is very stereotypical xSI. Strengthened Se you keep emphasising in your answers.

    Ne PoLR:

    What is one common misconception that people have about things? Explain why it is wrong.
    I don’t really understand what this question is asking and it also seems broad?

    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I like a job where I can be properly trained, as I get anxious if I don’t thoroughly know how to do things. I do prefer a job where I can be left to my own devices to get things done. I don’t mind a fast-paced environment, per se, but I don’t like when I’m constantly expected to be on my toes when it comes to change. I’m not the “quickest thinker”, Lol.

    You're like another ESI-Se I've known about kids: you want to keep your own independence yet you are very good with kids and sensitive in a way that you do not show too directly, yet it's there. That's very Fi.

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    Absolutely not. They’re loud, messy, intrusive, and demanding. I didn’t like kids when I was a kid, lol. I feel as if children require a certain softness and selflessness that I do not have. They make me uncomfortable, most of the time, and I don’t know what to do with them. Kids love me, though, for some very strange reason. I have young nieces that are a bit intimidated by me but still want to be around me the whole time I’m with them. It’s endearing and slightly irritating all at the same time, Lol. It’s almost contradictory, because I say these things, but yet I have a soft spot for them. Stories of child abuse pretty much make me instantly start cry. If a child is upset at something, whether hurt physically or emotionally, it hits me If I discovered someone was abusing a child or I witnessed it, it wouldn’t be a pretty sight. If a child needed me, I wouldn’t hesitate. (this goes for animal and elder abuse as well)

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    In essence practical expertise when it comes to skilled and precise routine operations with objects is usually what xSI do well. LSI might scale it larger local systems whereas ESI handles close contact with ethically functioning objects (aka living things).

    and by continuing further I do not see anything that would point away from ESI.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troll Nr 007 View Post
    In essence practical expertise when it comes to skilled and precise routine operations with objects is usually what xSI do well
    the most relates to J-T
    F relates to people, but not objects. where is needed technical thinking like calculations - F types are worse

    a work mb done good in weak regions too. especially if it's repetative and simple

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    Thank you for your response @Myst
    This is one of the better arguments I've seen for ESI next to what @thehotelambush has told me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Strong Feeling is obvious. Your constant focus on responsibility, hard work and stuff like that is very stereotypical xSI. Strengthened Se you keep emphasising in your answers.
    Hmmm, and EIE's wouldn't find responsibility as important?

    You're like another ESI-Se I've known about kids: you want to keep your own independence yet you are very good with kids and sensitive in a way that you do not show too directly, yet it's there. That's very Fi.
    Yeah, children like me quite a bit, which I don't understand honestly lol. Even if they're mildly intimidated they still want to be around me. They may not bemy favorite thing in the world, but it's endearing nonetheless.

    Kinda does make me curious how EIE's are with children.
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    I have a similar relationship with kids. They tend to be drawn toward me because I will interact with them, sometimes play games with them, unlike many adults. How sad would it be if no one paid any attention to you, you know? But sometimes, the kids will become a little too clingy and I'm like, okay, that's enough, lol. I try doing things in a way that doesn't hurt them. One time a group of them got together and started chasing me, while laughing. It was one of the most terrifying moments of my life. I couldn't get them to stop without yelling at them, so I thought I would tire them out. I couldn't stop running or they would all start grabbing on to me, but I couldn't run indefinitely either. They were going to get me. My end was near, haha. Eventually I had to be a little forceful and say to one kid in particular that I was done and it was time to stop.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Black Velvet View Post
    I have a similar relationship with kids. They tend to be drawn toward me because I will interact with them, sometimes play games with them, unlike many adults. How sad would it be if no one paid any attention to you, you know? But sometimes, the kids will become a little too clingy and I'm like, okay, that's enough, lol. I try doing things in a way that doesn't hurt them. One time a group of them got together and started chasing me, while laughing. It was one of the most terrifying moments of my life. I couldn't get them to stop without yelling at them, so I thought I would tire them out. I couldn't stop running or they would all start grabbing on to me, but I couldn't run indefinitely either. They were going to get me. My end was near, haha. Eventually I had to be a little forceful and say to one kid in particular that I was done and it was time to stop.
    Jesus, that sounds like a nightmare lol. Reminds me of when I was forced to be a leader at children's bible school when I was younger.
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