The Destroyer > The Joker > The Sage and The Seeker and the Warrior > rest

  1. The Caregiver 40%
  2. The Creator 55%
  3. The Destroyer 90%
  4. The Innocent 60%
  5. The Joker 85%
  6. The Lover 60%
  7. The Magician 65%
  8. The Orphan 65%
  9. The Ruler 65%
  10. The Sage 70%
  11. The Seeker 70%
  12. The Warrior 70%


The Destroyer embodies repressed rage about structures that no longer serve life even when these structures are still supported by society or by our conscious choices. Although this archetype can be ruthless, it weeds the garden in ways that allow for new growth. The Destroyer is a paradoxical character whose destructiveness reflects the instinctual death drive and the inner fear of annihilation. As a fighter, the Destroyer tends to be careless of their own safety, and can sometimes put others in unnecessary danger as well. Their quest is to use their passion in a balanced way that will sustain them.
Shadow Side: The self-destructor. This will manifest itself in your life as the tendency to be prone to addictions, compulsions, or activities that undermine intimacy, job success, or self-esteem. The shadow side of the Destroyer tends to motivate a lot of emotional and physical abuse (domestic violence, murder, rape, suicide, etc.) when completely out of control.


The Joker archetype urges us to enjoy the process of our lives. Although the Joker can be prone to laziness and dissipation, the positive Joker invites us all out to play, showing us how to turn our work, our interactions with others, and even the most mundane tasks into joy. The goal of the Joker is perhaps the wisest goal of all, which is simply to enjoy life as it is, with all of its paradoxes and dilemmas. What causes most dread in the Joker is a lack of stimulation and not being “alive.” The Joker seeks to simply “be” in the present moment, perhaps like the Sage, but unlike the Sage may not truly understand the depths of this.
Shadow Side: The glutton. This will manifest itself in your life as slothful, unmotivated and hedonistic behavior that are wholly defined by lust, without any sense of wise direction or self-control.
Life Goal: Enjoyment, pleasure, aliveness
Fear: Oppression, non-aliveness
Response to Problem: Play with it, play tricks on it
Life Task: Enjoyment of the journey
Personal Gifts: Freedom, humor, life lived in the moment, exuberant joy
Personal Pitfalls: Debauchery, irresponsibility, slothfulness