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    Default The Extended thehotelambush Questionnaire v0.2 as answered by me

    The Extended Questionnaire v0.2

    Describe yourself.
    This is the hardest question to be answered imo, even in job interviews when the interviewer says "tell me about yourself" I feel like I don't even know myself
    but let me try, I am not the social type my friends are numbered and tbh I think of them more as colleagues than friends since if I changed job or moved to another city I don't think I would keep in touch with them. also, I don't like small talk and when I get stuck in it I try to change the subject to a job-related or a discussion topic and because of this people don't like talking to me that much

    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I am a software engineer but my work involve other IT tasks domain admin/ network engineer/ customer support
    how did I come to do it? I guess it is because I like mentally challenging activities and solving puzzles, so it was very interesting to me to understand how a computer works and how can you make your own apps or games
    I like doing the tasks, but I dislike dealing with customers

    What are your values, and why?
    I haven't really sat down and made a list of my values, but what comes to mind is fairness & loyalty
    fairness because idk I think it can be because I am from a big family and my parents did their best to be fair in how they treated us
    as for loyalty I think being betrayed by someone you trust is the worst thing that can be done to anyone

    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    watching movies/animes, reading books/online articles, playing video games (mostly games with interesting stories or challenging puzzles)
    why? I find them interesting

    Describe your relations with family and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    my relationship with my family is good especially with my brother who is my identical (socionics-wise), what I don't like is my parents is very protective and I like independence
    as for friends I think each of them is different so I can't really give a general answer

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    In friends: I don't really have a friendship checklist to choose friends, I guess it more about the initial feeling I get from them (sometimes even without talking to them I would have good or bad feeling about them), then whether or not we interacted enough to be friends
    for example in this forum:
    I had a good initial feeling about: @Aylen & @Cassandra < they have a very similar "vibe" except Aylen is evil
    There is also @Myst but it is more of respect than liking
    others that I get a neutral initial feeling about are @Adam Strange & @chips and underwear
    and no need to mention those I don't like

    In romantic relationships: I have to have a good initial feeling about them, get along with them when we interact, and they should be physically attractive to me

    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    I don't interact very much with people to have conflicts but most conflicts are about different opinions

    How would your friends describe you?
    I don't know

    What do people generally see as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    since we just got end of year evaluation I asked few coworkers to give me strengths/weakness feedback here is a summary of what I've got:
    1. quick learner
    2. you don't just follow procedures but understand them & adjust them if the situation requires
    3. you don't just take people words for it but you do your own research
    4. you like to simplify stuff

    what I like about myself is being logical and not letting my emotions control my reactions

    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    list of weakness feedback:
    1. ask lots of "why" questions which is not bad but sometimes you should just do the thing & you don't need to know why it is needed
    2. you don't show off your work, there are others who do less but they show off more so the management think they are better
    3. you need to improve your presentation skills (public speaking)

    imo, my weaknesses are my people skills
    what I dislike about myself is being self-critical
    another thing I dislike is in romantic relationships I can be possessive < I haven't been able to figure out why but I can control this possessive feeling by rationalizing it but the feeling will come again

    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I like to feel independent so I try to manage my life on my own still there are things I don't like doing mostly housework (cleaning, cooking, fixing ... etc)

    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    housework at home, paperwork at work
    I enjoy things that make me think (troubleshooting/ writing algorithms/ analyzing code/ solving a puzzle ) or an engaging story

    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    to have my own business and be rich, to make a difference, to see my child grow to be a huge success
    for the first two I really don't remember I just want be be a success and I just success to me means making a business that make a difference & make me rich as for the last I think my child is a continuation of me so if they become failures it means I failed

    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    idk, I guess I will try to focus on learning the skills & knowledge that would allow me to make a difference and then apply them
    so I may attend courses, travel the world to see different cultures & so on

    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    for the first part I can't think of anything at the moment, as for the second part "showing off"

    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    nothing much, comfortable bed & chair, also I try to clean the home once it gets so messy. daily chores are boring

    How do you behave around strangers?
    I don't interact with strangers for the sake of socializing, so it more businesslike

    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    It depends on the conflict and whether or not it has to be resolved (sometimes it is easier to agree to disagree) but I would usually try to resolve it rationally
    if somebody insults me, well if the insult is not worth it I may just ignore it & look down on the person, if not I may get defensive and insult back
    as for the attack if you mean physical attack I guess I will have no choice but to fight back

    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    achieving success is all about who do you know, I don't think it completely wrong but I think success is about your knowledge & skills in your chosen area & your relations help speed up your success

    What did you do last Friday?
    I had cold so I was lying on bed most of the time and browsing the web with my phone

    If you are doing a video you can stop here and/or choose from the rest of the questions as you like.

    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    mmm getting bachelor degree in software engineering I guess

    What is something you regret?
    not thinking of my life's goals earlier

    Who do you admire, and why?
    Sherlock Holmes because he is smart & rational

    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    Thinking about the new year goals I guess/ fixing my car/ car accident last week

    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    well I guess I got my parents beliefs & I haven't actively question them but I haven't seen anything contradictory about them

    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    I believe all politicians are lairs so I don't really care about politics

    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    yes to be rich, I will focus on the quality of products, but I still have no idea what business will be
    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    I think it should allow me think & analyze stuff & work independently

    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    math because it is logical & easy
    biology because I like to know how body parts works & interact
    physics & chemistry to do the experiments

    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I think people are responsible for their commitment, so if you said you'd do something then you should do it & if something wrong happened you are responsible to handle it

    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    tbh I think it is more about with whom rather than where that matters, for me vacations are for sightseeing & food tasting

    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    I would say I was a curious kid, I broke the phone to see where the voice come from, I broke my two remote controlled cars to see how the remote control controls the car and why each remote control works only on its car not the other

    What was your high school experience like?
    It was normal and I had good grades, I remember the math teacher used to call me the secret agent since I don't participate but if asked I will always solve the question

    Talk about a significant event from your life.
    I don't think there was an event significant enough to be called significant event

    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    I like kids who wants to learn stuff, I hate noisy kids

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    their intellectual development & independence, why? because "I am a brain, Watson. The rest of me is a mere appendix"

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    yes, because I feel not sure what do I want to achieve and what is the difference I want to make, my reaction is learn how people come to know their life's purpose & try to do the same

    How do you see other people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    humans , I would say "social media" is prevalent problem since people wasting hours from one app to the other

    What do you do if you're not getting what you want? What approach do you use?
    I think I am a passive stubborn person I will keep waiting for a chance to make the attack

    Are you comfortable taking leadership roles? In what areas? Why or why not?
    not really, all I want from the leadership role is to make sure we are moving in the right path & the decisions make sense

    How often do you get angry? What kinds of things make you angry?
    very rare, people who try to change me to fit in with others

    What is the best thing that happened to you during the past week?
    not sure, a new year started

    What is the worst thing that happened to you during the past week?
    car accident + cold = it is easier to answer this

    What is the purpose of life? What do you find personally meaningful in life?
    I am still trying to figure this out, I think it is about success, love, and leaving a legacy

    What is the most interesting place you have been, and why?
    I don't think there is such a place if it was interesting the first time it is less interesting the second time

    How do you dress or manage your appearance?
    this is not my area of expertise but I wear what is comfortable (usually black/blue/grey)

    Do you like surprises?
    good surprises only

    Is there anything else important about you that we should know?
    no the rest is secret
    @thehotelambush I don't think the information here is enough for accurate typing but since I already wrote all this, I guess it doesn't hurt to post it

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post

    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    In friends: I don't really have a friendship checklist to choose friends, I guess it more about the initial feeling I get from them (sometimes even without talking to them I would have good or bad feeling about them), then whether or not we interacted enough to be friends
    for example in this forum:
    I had a good initial feeling about: @Aylen & @Cassandra < they have a very similar "vibe" except Aylen is evil
    There is also @Myst but it is more of respect than liking
    others that I get a neutral initial feeling about are @Adam Strange & @chips and underwear
    and no need to mention those I don't like
    But I don't want to be just 'neutral.' I want to be one of the 'good' ones!
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    LII seems clear to me. This is especially apparent in the sections about strengths, weaknesses, your preferred subjects, and work environment. The common theme throughout the whole questionnaire is about learning and understanding mainly for its own sake- alpha NT. Seems more introverted than extroverted overall and more Ti emphasis than Ne emphasis although both seem strong. So LII.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    @Simo a couple hours before you posted this, I was denying any evil intent in my nature while talking to a friend on discord. I have a preemptive rebuttal. <3

    As for your type, I thought ILI was fine but reading this, LII as an alternative typing is possible.

    It doesn't matter to me. I think you are ok regardless of type. You are possibly too evil for LII though.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    But I don't want to be just 'neutral.'
    'neutral' was the first impression which I have no control over

    I want to be one of the 'good' ones!
    I never said they are 'good', I just said I had a good feeling about them

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    @Simo a couple hours before you posted this, I was denying any evil intent in my nature while talking to a friend on discord. I have a preemptive rebuttal. <3
    denying your evil intents doesn't mean they don't exist

    It doesn't matter to me. I think you are ok regardless of type.
    you might be evil but you certainly know how to say nice thing

    You are possibly too evil for LII though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    LII seems clear to me. This is especially apparent in the sections about strengths, weaknesses, your preferred subjects, and work environment. The common theme throughout the whole questionnaire is about learning and understanding mainly for its own sake- alpha NT. Seems more introverted than extroverted overall and more Ti emphasis than Ne emphasis although both seem strong. So LII.
    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    As for your type, I thought ILI was fine but reading this, LII as an alternative typing is possible.
    how about if we added my old questionnaire?

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    I agree ILI or LII is plausible. Definitely not much focus on emotional communication and creating an impact. SLI could work also.

    edit: looking back on it LII does not seem so plausible anymore. There is a lot of talk about success and making use of one's time. Breaking open a phone to see how it works is also typical ego behavior. This is not enough information but ILI fits best.
    Last edited by Exodus; 01-11-2017 at 06:54 AM.

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    Reading your questionnaire, I saw about 8 ILI's, 4-5 LII's, and 2 LIE's. I would lean toward ILI, but the calmness.....the calmness......

    Your answers seem mostly ILI, but your demeanor leans toward LII. If I had to choose only one, I'd say you are an extremely well-adjusted ILI.

    If your attitude toward me and @chips and underwear is neutral, I would interpret that to mean you don't encounter significant "friction" in either relationship, which is something that happens to me with duals (initially, anyway). FWIW, I think chips and underwear is a very nice person, probably very reliable and dependable IRL.
    Regarding your initial good feeling toward @Aylen & @Cassandra, they both share Ni with ILI's (I like them both, too), but both are what I would call the most "Thinking-directed" of all the IEI's here. (Well, Aylen can dive pretty deeply into the deep end of the Ni pool, but she seems very grounded nonetheless.) A preference for Ni and thinking seems to point more toward ILI than LII.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    I agree ILI or LII is plausible. Definitely not much focus on emotional communication and creating an impact. SLI could work also.

    edit: looking back on it LII does not seem so plausible anymore. There is a lot of talk about success and making use of one's time. Breaking open a phone to see how it works is also typical ego behavior. This is not enough information but ILI fits best.
    so LIIs don't care much about success? I think my focus on success has more to do with having E3 in my tritype, still I think everyone want to succeed I mean there is no greater motivator than success. ever since I was a little kid it was my desire (& imagination) to be the best in whatever new game/skill I am learning that makes me try harder (yet I am not doing enough to reach that level < laziness runs deep )

    as for making use of one's time I don't remember writing a lot about it, true I value making good use of one's time but still I don't think I do it myself I guess I am more a dreamer than a doer

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    Reading your questionnaire, I saw about 8 ILI's, 4-5 LII's, and 2 LIE's. I would lean toward ILI
    since I like minorities, I am really curious to know the 2 LIE's answers

    but the calmness.....the calmness......
    well I see you calm as well < your posts at least

    Your answers seem mostly ILI, but your demeanor leans toward LII. If I had to choose only one, I'd say you are an extremely well-adjusted ILI.
    what do you mean by an extremely well-adjusted ILI?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    denying your evil intents doesn't mean they don't exist

    you might be evil but you certainly know how to say nice thing

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    I don't know if I am biased against Ni or I don't fully understand it, but I have trouble seeing it as my base function

    Generally speaking, the leading function perceives, processes, and produces information most intensively. When a person "speaks" or "acts" from their leading function, they convey a sense of robust confidence and often begin to speak categorically, persuasively, and using exaggerations.
    I am not sure if my use of Ni can be described like this, the below may be the closest I came to the quote

    I just remembered one time few months ago I was talking with two colleagues about how bad the education system in our country & how useless & superficial the changes that officials use to improve the education, then moved to explaining the changes that I think would have a better effect long term and why
    I stopped when one of my colleagues looked at the other and asked he if he agrees that I fit to be a teacher, to which the other guy agreed so I asked why and their answer was "when you talk about something I can't help but think you are right, it is like if you are talking about unarguable fact rather than your own opinion and I think teachers should have this ability to present their topics like that" < I didn't know I was so convincing

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    I don't know if I am biased against Ni or I don't fully understand it, but I have trouble seeing it as my base function

    I am not sure if my use of Ni can be described like this, the below may be the closest I came to the quote

    I just remembered one time few months ago I was talking with two colleagues about how bad the education system in our country & how useless & superficial the changes that officials use to improve the education, then moved to explaining the changes that I think would have a better effect long term and why
    I stopped when one of my colleagues looked at the other and asked he if he agrees that I fit to be a teacher, to which the other guy agreed so I asked why and their answer was "when you talk about something I can't help but think you are right, it is like if you are talking about unarguable fact rather than your own opinion and I think teachers should have this ability to present their topics like that" < I didn't know I was so convincing
    FWIW, I get told about every two months by different people that I would make a very good teacher, and I agree. I would, if I were teaching a topic that I know. However, teaching doesn't pay very well. So....

    LII's often become teachers, but they do it because it beats working for a living.

    Incidentally, the public educational system in the US was not set up to give people the best education. It was set up to train factory workers to show up on time, to be obedient, and to keep their fingers out of the machines. Oh, and to prevent revolution, too.

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    gamma NT is fine, if looking at only this questionnaire, both gamma NT's are possible, ILI over LIE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    so LIIs don't care much about success? I think my focus on success has more to do with having E3 in my tritype, still I think everyone want to succeed I mean there is no greater motivator than success. ever since I was a little kid it was my desire (& imagination) to be the best in whatever new game/skill I am learning that makes me try harder (yet I am not doing enough to reach that level < laziness runs deep )
    "everyone wants to succeed" -- abstractly this is true but valuing types simply do not think of things in this way.

    They are more likely to see having a singular concept of success as limiting. In practice striving for success can also mean neglecting the quality or comfort of the present moment, which is something valuers dislike. What you describe here -- wanting to be a successful, motivated person but having difficulty with it -- suggests super-id .

    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    I just remembered one time few months ago I was talking with two colleagues about how bad the education system in our country & how useless & superficial the changes that officials use to improve the education, then moved to explaining the changes that I think would have a better effect long term and why
    I stopped when one of my colleagues looked at the other and asked he if he agrees that I fit to be a teacher, to which the other guy agreed so I asked why and their answer was "when you talk about something I can't help but think you are right, it is like if you are talking about unarguable fact rather than your own opinion and I think teachers should have this ability to present their topics like that" < I didn't know I was so convincing
    more / themes

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    gamma NT is fine, if looking at only this questionnaire, both gamma NT's are possible, ILI over LIE
    I already considered LIE once but I dropped the idea since I don't think I am Ti-ignoring

    and btw I remember you once saying Ti-demonstrative can be inconsistent, so do think the following is Ti-demonstrative?
    since I work in IT sometimes we face problems that in order to troubleshoot and resolve you need to figure out how an application or component of the operation system internally work. normally you will google it and try some solutions and hopefully it will be resolved, but sometimes google says "sorry never heard of your problem before "
    in this case you will try to brainstorm few possible causes or solutions, but sometimes I get a gut feeling of how the system works and it doesn't come as this is a possibility but rather I really believe it and since it is usually right (sometimes I get it wrong) it is ok. so do you think this is related? or is it just me filling in the blanks?

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    "everyone wants to succeed" -- abstractly this is true but valuing types simply do not think of things in this way.

    They are more likely to see having a singular concept of success as limiting. In practice striving for success can also mean neglecting the quality or comfort of the present moment, which is something valuers dislike. What you describe here -- wanting to be a successful, motivated person but having difficulty with it -- suggests super-id .
    can you elaborate more on what do you mean by "the quality or comfort of the present moment"?
    because I think I really value comfort, I just dislike it when I see how try to be comfortable stops me from doing things that would have improved the quality of my life

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    I already considered LIE once but I dropped the idea since I don't think I am Ti-ignoring

    and btw I remember you once saying Ti-demonstrative can be inconsistent, so do think the following is Ti-demonstrative?
    since I work in IT sometimes we face problems that in order to troubleshoot and resolve you need to figure out how an application or component of the operation system internally work. normally you will google it and try some solutions and hopefully it will be resolved, but sometimes google says "sorry never heard of your problem before "
    in this case you will try to brainstorm few possible causes or solutions, but sometimes I get a gut feeling of how the system works and it doesn't come as this is a possibility but rather I really believe it and since it is usually right (sometimes I get it wrong) it is ok. so do you think this is related? or is it just me filling in the blanks?
    Sounds like Intuition.

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    @Simo I found myself being able to relate to a good amount of your answers but not completely. Compared to what I would put your answers seem a little bit more "normal" and less energetic. I care about success also but not the wealthy businessmen kind of success like what you put, but rather achieving success through sharpening my mental and physical abilities. I see money as just an external tool that can come and go. I'd rather focus on things that benefit me on more permanent and all encompassing basis such as developing healthier habits rather then compartmentalizing all my knowledge and skill on a job that might end up disappearing anyway. I agree a lot with what @Adam Strange said about the education system and how its set up to program people to perform certain jobs rather then benefit them in a broader more meaningful way. Unlike you I also care very little about "leaving a legacy", as long as I'm able to do things the things I want to do I will be happy regardless if people end up loving or hating me after I'm dead.

    So in conclusion I would say you are similar to me but a bit more of a stable, conventional introvert, so ILI would work the best in my opinion.
    Last edited by Muddy; 01-16-2017 at 12:29 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    can you elaborate more on what do you mean by "the quality or comfort of the present moment"?
    because I think I really value comfort, I just dislike it when I see how try to be comfortable stops me from doing things that would have improved the quality of my life
    I'll put this in Se vs Si terms again: to run a successful business for example may require you to spend long hours working and responding to all different kinds of changing situations, when you might prefer in the moment to be doing something more enjoyable and relaxing like watching TV, casually browsing the internet etc. A person's way of approaching situations like this will be linked to where Se and Si are in their Model A, not necessarily just valued/unvalued but strong/weak and bold/cautious as well. So if you were suggestive with role it would mean that striving towards a goal or real-world impact is something you aspire to or need deep down to feel fulfilled, but in practice you may often take a rather more lethargic approach that shows unawareness or disinterest in the real world.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Sounds like Intuition.
    yeah I know. what I meant was this intuition brings with it a logical understanding of a system, which is not based on any real information it just feels right.
    is this something LII would experience? or is it ILI use of both Ni & Ti?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ares View Post
    @Simo I found myself being able to relate to a good amount of your answers but not completely. Compared to what I would put your answers seem a little bit more "normal" and less energetic.
    if by "energetic" you mean "enthusiasm", all I can say is enthusiasm waste energy without improving the outcome so it is not what /i am good at

    I care about success also but not the wealthy businessmen kind of success like what you put, but rather achieving success through sharpening my mental and physical abilities. I see money as just an external tool that can come and go. I'd rather focus on things that benefit me on more permanent and all encompassing basis such as developing healthier habits rather then compartmentalizing all my knowledge and skill on a job that might end up disappearing anyway.
    I pretty much agree but still even if money is a tool that come & go it is still an important tool

    I agree a lot with what @Adam Strange said about the education system and how its set up to program people to perform certain jobs rather then benefit them in a broader more meaningful way.
    yeah I don't think there is anyone who disagree

    Unlike you I also care very little about "leaving a legacy", as long as I'm able to do things the things I want to do I will be happy regardless if people end up loving or hating me after I'm dead.
    come on "leaving a legacy" is the most important thing, even if it is just for your children

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    So if you were suggestive with role it would mean that striving towards a goal or real-world impact is something you aspire to or need deep down to feel fulfilled, but in practice you may often take a rather more lethargic approach that shows unawareness or disinterest in the real world.
    This sounds like me, but how would they show up in LII?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    This sounds like me, but how would they show up in LII?
    Vulnerable and Mobilizing more often manifest as a dislike of conflict, aggression, or unpleasantness. Those types' attitude towards accomplishment is likely to be more ambiguous or not expressed using the abstract concept of accomplishment, as I mentioned earlier.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    if by "energetic" you mean "enthusiasm", all I can say is enthusiasm waste energy without improving the outcome so it is not what /i am good at
    I don't really talk or generate a whole lot of ethusiasm myself actually. I'm indifferent to it for the most part.

    I pretty much agree but still even if money is a tool that come & go it is still an important tool
    It is obviously, but I really only pay to attention to money when there is something specific I want to buy. I'd rather allow myself to have to time to do other stuff.

    yeah I don't think there is anyone who disagree
    Perhaps but most people seem far too content with it then they should be IMO. I am not happy that I got countless hours of my life wasted to be conditioned to be some corporate CEO's bitch.

    come on "leaving a legacy" is the most important thing, even if it is just for your children
    I guess we simply think differently on this one. I owe the world nothing and rather see it burn honestly for all its lies and hypocritical judging. If I had the decision to save myself or the other 7 billion people on this planet I would choose myself every time. I don't have any interest in having or raising children either.
    Last edited by Muddy; 01-16-2017 at 05:54 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    yeah I know. what I meant was this intuition brings with it a logical understanding of a system, which is not based on any real information it just feels right.
    is this something LII would experience? or is it ILI use of both Ni & Ti?
    Ask the LIIs, like @thehotelambush

    But my guess would be, if it's not based on "any real information" it doesn't sound like conscious Ti in ego.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ares View Post
    I guess we simply think differently on this one. I owe the world nothing and rather see it burn honestly for all its lies and hypocritical judging. If I had the decision to save myself or the other 7 billion people on this planet I would choose myself every time.
    I don't think I owe the world anything I owe myself to reach my full potential & leave this life better than when I came to it. I don't want to die knowing that my existence didn't matter that no one would care & to matter I need to learn to make a difference & leave a legacy that would be remembered for hundreds of years if not thousands

    as for sacrificing my life for 7 billion people, I wouldn't do it. true it is a great deed & people may talk about how brave you were but the value it added can't be passed on unlike discovery of electricity, passed on wisdom & knowledge through books or whatever

    I don't have any interest in having or raising children either.
    well people have different opinions, to me raising successful, purpose-driven children is like passing on the baton so you can die in peace knowing that your children will keep going

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Ask the LIIs, like @thehotelambush

    But my guess would be, if it's not based on "any real information" it doesn't sound like conscious Ti in ego.
    ok @thehotelambush what do you think?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    yeah I know. what I meant was this intuition brings with it a logical understanding of a system, which is not based on any real information it just feels right.
    is this something LII would experience? or is it ILI use of both Ni & Ti?
    You said:

    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    and btw I remember you once saying Ti-demonstrative can be inconsistent, so do think the following is Ti-demonstrative?
    since I work in IT sometimes we face problems that in order to troubleshoot and resolve you need to figure out how an application or component of the operation system internally work. normally you will google it and try some solutions and hopefully it will be resolved, but sometimes google says "sorry never heard of your problem before "
    in this case you will try to brainstorm few possible causes or solutions, but sometimes I get a gut feeling of how the system works and it doesn't come as this is a possibility but rather I really believe it and since it is usually right (sometimes I get it wrong) it is ok. so do you think this is related? or is it just me filling in the blanks?
    This does sound like , with the general context being .

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    well people have different opinions, to me raising successful, purpose-driven children is like passing on the baton so you can die in peace knowing that your children will keep going
    +1 Idk if this is Ni valuing here but happen to agree yep. This of course also assumes the belief that humanity can go somewhere from where it is right now (somewhere better in whatever way).

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    I was reading about the forms of thinking and I agree I identify more with Dialectical-Algorithmic Cognition (ILI) than with Holographical-Panoramic Cognition (LII)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I would lean toward ILI, but the calmness.....the calmness......
    I have been reading about the enneagram when I remembered this comment of yours

    I used to think my tritype is 5-9-3, but after deeper thought I guess even 9-5-3 is very possible, so do you think the calmness you mentioned could be related to being a 9 or having 9 in my tritype?

    personally I don't think I really care about peace harmony or being agreeable, it just I don't like the feeling I get when I am in the middle of a conflict so I guess I can come off as nice & agreeable, what I want to say is I act a lot like what 9 is expected to act, but internally I can be indifferent & detached more like 5 so I am still not sure which comes first

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    Quote Originally Posted by Simo View Post
    I have been reading about the enneagram when I remembered this comment of yours

    I used to think my tritype is 5-9-3, but after deeper thought I guess even 9-5-3 is very possible, so do you think the calmness you mentioned could be related to being a 9 or having 9 in my tritype?

    personally I don't think I really care about peace harmony or being agreeable, it just I don't like the feeling I get when I am in the middle of a conflict so I guess I can come off as nice & agreeable, what I want to say is I act a lot like what 9 is expected to act, but internally I can be indifferent & detached more like 5 so I am still not sure which comes first
    That's possible.

    I tend to believe that there is some correspondence between certain sociotypes and some enneagram types, and I have prejudices based on small sample sizes for some of those, but e9's are kind of a mystery to me. I could see both LII and ILI being e5 types.

    Ultimately, I'm beginning to suspect that a lot of who we are is influenced by our early childhood, when our defenses were either non-existent or not fully formed. Most of the ILI's whom I know have poor relations with their powerful and imposing fathers. I guess a reaction to having a father like that could be to abstract oneself from the situation (e5), to suppress one's anger (e9), to lose faith in authority (e6), to want to be perfect (e1), etc. Lots of possibilities. It might depend heavily on the unique interactions one has, and how a person is taught to deal with them.

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    I get an overall ILI feeling from all you've typed @Simo especially your evilness and that awesome DeathNote post ... That's ILI love for dark things, puzzles, and solving the worlds problems one by one in private.
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
    I think in pictures, moving pictures...

    Recommended Music - ILI-Ni

    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

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