Quote Originally Posted by LII View Post
Although type 6 is often anxious, that is not all there is to it. 6s, especially 6w5s, are primarily focused on finding a set of rules that will universally apply. They are the most paradoxical type. In fact, whatever 6s are, they are also the opposite.
All Hail the Forer Effect!

(It really seems like that's all Enneagram is, but especially poor 6, who receives the brunt of personality typologist's collective attacks, even more than the Zodiac sign Virgo somehow. I think 6 is supposed to be so ambiguous just so that those typologists can put anyone they don't like in it, then bash them. "Defender" is kind of a cool name though, so it was probably made up by the community of pissed-off "6s" as sly revenge. Or by non-"6s" who thought a certain character was silly maybe, who knows.)

Champions Online Defender.png