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Thread: Bioenergetics Character Analysis Quiz

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    Default Bioenergetics Character Analysis Quiz

    Excel/Perfectionist (Rigid) -- 7.7%

    Spiritual (Schizoid) -- 7.7%

    Leader (Psychopath) -- 46.2%

    Heart Centered (Masochist) -- 30.8%

    Compassionate (Oral) -- 7.7%

    Link to test:

    Your 5 Character Structures

    Each personality type you ranked has gifts and challenges. Fundamentally, we all hold aspects of each of the personality types. The goal is to embody their gifts and to shift any unhealthy negative defensive patterns that might have been programmed into your brain, body and energy systems.
    Since awareness is the first step of our School’s 5 Step personal transformation process, I hope you use this assessment to bring compassionate awareness to the aspects of your personality that don’t serve your highest good. I also hope you use this assessment to bring aliveness and recognition to your gifts. Remember to focus on the positive and send love and kindness to the parts of you that are still awakening.
    Your gifts and talents represent your spiritual wholeness (Core Being). As your energy and consciousness skills advance, you can chose to embody your Core Being more and more throughout your day. (Again, in our program we teach you 5 Skills to implement a 5 Step mind, energy, body, spirit transformation process so you achieve your best career, relationship and life. You learn to raise your consciousness and realize freedom and self-mastery.
    NOTE: At any time you can click this link ( and read the introduction to the 5 Step transformation process. This profound system of change is detailed in our 500 page workbook, Explorer’s Mind A Map To Freedom. Also go to the front page of our web site to see how you can learn energy and consciousness transformation skills and get additional support.
    In Mind Energy Body Transformation we see life challenges/ego as an (1) energetic (2) biological, and (3) neurological programming that is based on a false sense of self and unhealthy defensive personality patterns. Read on to learn more about your personality types and how to overcome their challenges.
    Best wishes and let us continue the conversation so you can transform the energy of life’s pain back to power.
    Carolyn Eberle
    LPC and Founder of Mind Energy Body School of Transformation

    A. SPIRITUAL (Schizoid)
    Gifts: You have the gift of an intellectual. This can be very helpful in many types of careers so it is important that you pick a career that will use this gift. Many healers, health professionals, professors, religious leaders, and researchers have this personality type. You also have the gift of being able to connect to wisdom and guidance from spirit. Your inner voice of direct knowing is strong and you have psychic gifts waiting for you if you chose to use them.

    Ego Based False Sense of Self: You don’t believe you are real and safe here on earth or safe in the physical body. It also can be terrifying for you to be seen. In a corporate job, this may result in employers not noticing you and possibly passing you over for promotions. Much of the time, you aren’t present enough to be valued by authority and you can find it hard to connect on a deep emotional level with other people because you stay in your head and intellectualize everything. You had young prenatal or post natal trauma and a feeling of anger from your mother or danger (even if it had nothing to do with you personally.) People with this character structure often had past lives servitude, pain and torture and leaving the body was a way they could escape.

    Unhealthy Defensive Patterns/Beliefs To Overcome: You will subconsciously say, I will leave you before you leave me. You will withdrawal, escape, disassociate or run away from a situation before it gets difficult.
    Relationship/Career Challenges to Overcome: In this defence, you will reject the other before you feel they will reject you so if you let this personality type’s defences be in charge of your life choices, you may want to leave your partner (or job) prematurely instead of trying to resolve the difficulty. Because of the terror Spiritual types feel in their body and on earth, in a relationship/career, they are reluctant to stay present when times get tough. Yet this is vital for you to learn to stay present because if you run away from your challenges, you will miss the lessons they are meant to teach.

    Life Lessons/Solutions:
    • Call in the gifts of the leader personality type to help you stay present enough to resolve conflicts instead of withdrawal, disassociate or run away.
    • Develop the skills to create your own internal safety by bringing your Core Being (spiritual wholeness) into your body as both a physical sensation, concept of self and emotion of joy and safety.
    • Incarnate your Core Being and wisdom fully into your body.
    • Overcome your feelings of terror and learn to manifest your dreams from deep authentic presence.
    • Move through your fear of being seen and of being fully present. Do this by reprogramming the young pre and post natal wounding this personality type experienced.
    • Move out of your intellectual understanding and learn to feel emotions and joy in the physical body. This will help you really connect with others in both your career and personal relationships.
    • Discover how to live from the deeper truth of your Core Being and not your programmed personality traits and defenses.

    Gifts: You have an immense capacity to care deeply about the world, people, animals, and the environment. You embody the gift of empathy and compassion. You understand others’ pain and have a great capacity to love in a deep and profound manner. Typical professions of this personality type include: human resources, health care workers, mothers, and others in helping or environmentally conscious professions. You have great creative flow and can advance in the arts and sciences.

    Ego Based False Sense of Self: Your ability to feel empathy for others is in part because of the pain and wounding you experienced in this life. You can easily relate to people who feel insecure, imperfect, lost, hopeless and not enough because you often feel this way too. Because these feelings are so strong, you risk collapsing into the energetic charge and abyss these negative feelings create in you. You too often need someone else’s energy to fill you up and you desperately want to feel full all the time. Your brain’s neuro-network gets programmed to rely on others (or other things) to fill you up or pull you out of your own negative thoughts and feelings. This need for others to verify your self-worth can dominate your life and prevent you from creating positive change. Because you can be needy, it can push others away. Depression can come when you feel not enough, alone or not full. You don’t want others to abandon you, yet you habitually abandon yourself by relying on someone (thing) else to meet your needs. This personality type can find itself lost to food, drug, alcohol, love, and/or sex addictions. Your childhood wounding can often be linked back to a feeling of abandonment or rejection by a primary care figure in your life.

    Unhealthy Defensive Patterns/Beliefs To Overcome: You hook into another’s energy field to suck their energy and to fill you up. Your field tends to be chronically undercharged and you fail to learn how to charge it yourself. Your eyes will even vacuum up the others energy, pleading, wanting, hoping for them to give to you. You may also talk in a very quiet voice so you draw people’s energy into you. Your chakras and brain’s neuro-network develop in a manner to take from the outside world instead of give to self.

    Relationship/Career Challenges to Overcome: Because you need another’s energy to fill you up, people who tend to be co-dependent/caretakers (Heart-Centered) are more likely to include you in their life. This can lead to employers/friends/lovers eventually becoming resentful and angry toward you because of how much they have given you. Other people/employers tend to avoid choosing you as employee, friend or lover. Some people who hold this personality type will begin a relationship by caretaking the other, trying to make them strong enough to eventually take care of them. This is called the compensated/compassionate because they overcompensate for their internal feelings of inadequacy in hope of pleasing another with the hope they will be loved in return and never abandoned.

    Life Lessons/Solutions:
    • Master the ability to seek nourishment from within and use external support only as a supplement to your own internal power and positive sense of self (Core Being).
    • Reprogram your brain’s habituated pattern so you don’t need external confirmation of your value. You must also re-pattern your brain so you no longer collapse into emotional pain and feelings of not being enough. In body-centered psychotherapy, this brain pattern is called going dorsal. Exercise, combined with doing deep, body-energy centered personal transformation work can change your internal programming so you never abandon yourself. As you program the negative aspects of this personality type, you will better embrace your amazing gifts and strengths.
    • Trust that as you learn to show up for yourself, the universe will respond and provide abundance in return.
    • Discover then transform any addictive tendencies - be they food, sex, drugs/alcohol, anxiety, depression or other issue.
    • Discover how to live from the deeper truth of your Core Being and not your programmed personality traits and defenses.

    C. LEADER (Psychopath)
    Gifts: You are a true, magnetic, inspiring leader, natural director, CEO, president or entrepreneur. You can inspire others, are innovative and are often years ahead of your peers. In your close relationships, you take charge of planning activities and in directing where the relationship will go. You take an active role in solving your friends, family and partner’s problems. You easily create a long-term plan for both your life and your work and can set the sails toward success.

    Ego Based False Sense of Self: You can manipulate and control others, even lie. You may be motivated by power and control over others through bullying, seduction, or other less positive tactics. You want to win yet you have difficulty trusting and can feel betrayed and defeated. Everything becomes a battle you must win. This can hold you back because a part of you is constantly at war.

    Unhealthy Defensive Patterns/Beliefs To Overcome: There is a catch 22 type of conundrum you face that can hold you back. You feel you can’t trust, because you have been betrayed. Yet, if you don’t trust, you can’t overcome your unhealthy defensive patterns and beliefs. It is important to learn that if someone else is right, it doesn’t make you wrong or defeated. Learn to surrender the fight and defense and replace it with authentic confidence and leadership. Discover the truth that as a leader, there will always be someone that will let you down or betray you, but that doesn’t mean you should attack them. We all are just evolving, learning and growing. And although you will sometimes experience defeat, if it teaches you something, you will succeed in the long term. Change your inner worldview away from needing to constantly fight a battle, control or manipulate in order to win.

    Relationship/Career Challenges to Overcome: In a competitive corporate environment you might thrive. Yet, if you take that same approach into your personal relationships you could create an unsafe and aggressive home environment. In other words, don’t need to be right or fight Surrender the sword and let another person take charge, even sometimes win. Losing doesn’t have to mean defeat or that you are bad. And if someone disagrees with what you say, it doesn’t mean betrayal. Learn to trust and discover that even your strongest supporters may at times feel they need to disagree or turn their backs on you. When this happens, realize it is only change and discover the lesson the difficulty was meant to teach you. Awaken to acknowledge that life/relationships are not battlegrounds where the other person must submit to you.

    Life Lessons/Solutions:
    • Learn to trust others, while acknowledging they still might sometimes disagree with you or go against what you want them to do, feel or believe.
    • Learn that surrender DOES NOT mean give up. It takes more power to surrender than it does to continue to fight and be defensive, controlling or manipulative.
    • In relationships, encourage your partner to stand up to you and speak his or her truth. Then listen to the wisdom they may bring.
    • Embrace your honesty, integrity and other gifts.
    • Know that you are not bad if you make a mistake. Mistakes allow you to learn, grow and evolve. After all, you can’t learn if you never make a mistake. Mistakes show you the pathway to higher consciousness.
    • Discover how to live from the deeper truth of your Core Being and not your programmed personality traits and defenses.

    D. HEART-CENTERED (Masochist)
    Gifts: You care about others and are selfless. You are a gifted mediator, compassionate and full of joy and laughter.
    Ego Based False Sense of Self: The wounding of this character structure is that of being controlled or invaded. You may have feelings of being trapped, not able to express yourself or controlled. This is because you have experienced trauma/wounding either in this life or past lives. Your attempts to move out of the cultural norm brought disapproval or shame upon you, so even today you may blame others for your lack of freedom and disempowered self-authority. Your parents may have loved you deeply but they merged with you and attempted to control your thoughts, actions and mood. Your essence was stolen from you. Your mother or father could be dominating and sacrificial. As a result, you too often feel like you must save those around you so you sacrifice yourself to save another. Unfortunately, this tendency for care taking and codependency is not healthy. No one has the power to save someone else, even someone we love very much. (Similar to the analogy, You can lead a horse to water but can’t make him drink .) This can set you up for failure and zap your energy so there isn’t enough left over to save yourself. As a result, you can feel like a victim. You too often feel trapped in the same old negative relationship or career cycle.

    Unhealthy Defensive Patterns/Beliefs To Overcome: The neurological programming of going dorsal must be shifted so you master the ability to move forward in your life and overcome feelings of being trapped, victimized or controlled. You hold your anger deep inside and only when you find yourself giving too much (or feeling invaded/taken advantage of) do you finally release it. Because you lack autonomy and are afraid to act on your own, you stay hidden or try to get permission from others to come out. You must shift the sense of inertia and humiliation you hold deeply hidden within. You hold the negative belief, I will hurt myself before they hurt me. As a result, you can find yourself in negative addictive patterns (such as drugs, food, alcohol, sex...)

    Relationship/Career Challenges to Overcome: Learn to set boundaries with other people both at work and in intimate relationships. It is vital you learn to make your energy field less porous and create more structure in your auric field so you don’t take on the negative energy around you. Doing this will also give you the energy you need to move out of the stuck feelings that can hold you back. An unhealthy relationship dynamic you must stop is that you often give too much or encourage someone to invade you, just so you are pushed to finally release the anger held deep inside. This release of anger and lack of strong boundaries is your saboteur in both your professional and personal life. Learn to express your feelings instead of holding them in.

    Life Lessons/Solutions:
    • The brain’s programming of having high dorsal tone can shut you down. Receive the support to overcome your brain’s negative programming so you move forward in your life and feel free. This will help you move out of your feelings of being trapped, controlled and unable to express yourself. Exercise and deep personal transformation work will help shift this energy in both your brain and your body.
    • Commit to the positive belief, I am never a victim and I can free myself
    • Set stronger boundaries with people both at work and home.
    • Give to others only from your overflow so you don’t over give.
    • Become your own authority and the CEO of your life. Know that you are in charge of what happens to you and you create your own value.
    • Learn to transform the energy of anger held deep inside so it becomes personal power and strength. This will bring you a sense of freedom you never thought was possible.
    • Learn to become your own authority so you can feel all your emotions and not hold them in. Also, don’t let your emotions define your value, your worth or the true assessment of what is happening. Emotions are energy and they often don’t represent the deeper truth.
    • Stop creating negative interactions with people just so you are forced to release your anger or to justify why you feel trapped, like a victim.
    • Heal any addictions you may have.
    • Discover how to live from the deeper truth of your Core Being and not your programmed personality traits and defenses.

    E. EXCEL (Ridged)
    Gifts: You excel at whatever you do. You accomplish a lot and succeed. Your body and energy field is often beautiful and balanced. You can take charge and fix problems easily. Employers feel lucky to have you on their team.
    Ego Based False Sense of Self: You often have many degrees, accomplishments and certificates to prove your value. Yet inside yourself, you aren’t authentically connected to your Core Being. You lack authenticity, deny emotional issues and imperfections and are very judgemental of others’ mistakes and imperfections. You can be very mechanical and stilted because you are not really connected to the flow of your essence. Instead you focus on making the outer world look perfect. And, if your house of cards falls, you do your best to prop it up again because of this drive to be perfect. So if someone shows you an imperfect part, you will either get angry and attack or deny the personality parts that don’t fit into your idealized self-image. Feeling of love in your heart aren’t connected to your sexual expression.

    Unhealthy Defensive Patterns/Beliefs To Overcome: You want to be perfect and be appropriate. Your life task is to acknowledge when you are messy and imperfect, yet still feel whole and complete because you are so connected to your authentic Core Being.

    The negative belief that sabotages you is: either choice is wrong. You feel this way because you don’t every want to want to make a wrong choice. The defensive reaction to difficulty is to become even more perfect, or you blame others, control and attack. You also control yourself so you don’t show your emotions. Yet as a result of this practice, you can hold anxiety deep inside. Your energy field is overly structured without much flow. You feel that messy emotions might make you look or feel imperfect.

    Relationship/Career Challenges to Overcome: You are the perfect employee. You excel at everything you do and work hard. Yet, if you make a mistake, it can cause deep anxiety and a disregulated nervous system. As you learn to connect to your authentic Core Being, you will be able to relax, even when you are messy and imperfect. In relationships, you can be Pollyanna to those around you and not feel real or be real with others. You are often judgmental when others don’t meet your unrealistic standards. Inintimate relationships, don’t tend to connect your feelings of love (heart chakra) with your sexual energy (2nd Chakra). You keep them separate or compartmentalized.In your marriage or partnership, you will work hard to be the perfect partner. And if your partner is having problems, you will work hard to fix them so they too are perfect. However, you can’t fix anyone except yourself…so, if your partner doesn’t change, you will be reluctant to end the relationship. This is because you think that if you end it, you have given up and failed. It is important you don’t stay in a relationship just to keep up appearances or because you think you should be perfect enough to fix it.

    Life Lessons/Solutions:
    • Connect heart feelings (4th chakra to 2nd Chakra energy) to sexuality.
    • Discover the flow of your authentic self and move out of the plastic mask you show to the world.
    • Discover that if you are imperfect, it doesn’t make you or anyone else less than.
    • Learn how to be messy, imperfect and yet still whole because you are connected to your Core Being. This will help you overcome the negative belief, Either choice is wrong.
    • Learn to accept others imperfections without feeling you are better than they are.
    • Don’t work harder than your partner to help him or her. You can’t ever be perfect enough to fix them just as the saying goes, You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.
    • Discover how to live from the deeper truth of your Core Being and not your programmed personality traits and defences.

    As you move forward to implement the solutions outlined above, let us know how we can support you:
    (1) through our classroom extended studies training
    (2) private sessions
    (3) meditation videos
    (4) online classes and certification program (Levels IEIII).


    Mind Energy Body TransformationTM
    Copyright © 2013

    1. Character Analysis, Reich Wilhelm, 1975, 5th enlarged edition, New York, Farrar Publishing.
    2. Bioenergetics, Lowen Alexander, 1976, Penguin books, New York.
    3. Language of the Body, Lowen Alexander, 1971, MacMillan, New York.
    4. Wilhelm Reich : The Evolution of his Work, Boadella David, 1973, Vision Press, Chicago.
    5. Barbara Bennan: Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing through the Human Energy Field, Bantam, 1987. ISBN 978W0W 553W34539W1 Light Emerging: The Journey of Personal Healing, Bantam, 1993. ISBN 0W553W35456W6

    Barbara Brennan: Brennan received a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics in 1962 from the University of Wisconsin–Madison, and two years later received her Masters in Atmospheric Physics from the same institution. She then worked as an atmospheric physicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
    Her first book, Hands of Light: A Guide to Healing Through the Human Energy Field, is considered a classic in the field of spiritual healing, with reputedly over one million copies in print in 22 languages. The Barbara Brennan School of Healing is one of the most famous and sophisticated energy healing schools in the world.

    Alexander Lowen (December 23, 1910 – October 28, 2008) was an American physician and psychotherapist. A student of Wilhelm Reich in the 1940s and early 1950s in New York, he developed bioenergetic analysis, a form of mindWbody psychotherapy, with his thenWcolleague, John Pierrakos (February 8, 1921 – February 1, 2001). Lowen was the founder and former executive director of the International Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis in New York City.

    Wilhelm Reich was a major contributor to the body-mind sciences of the early 20th century, and is credited as being the key driver of this form of scientific enquiry in the West up until the 1940’s. Reich proposed a model of the human condition that postulated a theory of energy being a primary component of all matter and space, a concept he called the orgone energy. This energy was important for living organisms as in effect it was a life force . Reich who was trained as a scientist, devised ways in which quantified this orgone as being electroWmagnetic in nature, and that it could be measured, sensed and worked with in therapy.
    Last edited by male; 07-05-2015 at 07:34 PM.

  2. #2
    fka noki, zap, ath kopyk's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zap View Post
    If we're comparing Reich and co.'s theories to enneagram, then I agree zap. I find it far more useful, insightful, and tangible than that New Age bullshit. However, maybe I just need to look deeper into e-gram before I judge?

    The quiz itself seems rather limited but it's the only one I could find.

  4. #4
    The sleeping beauty Velvet's Avatar
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    Excel/Perfectionist (Rigid) -- 30.8 %

    Spiritual (Schizoid) -- 15.4 %

    Leader (Psychopath) -- 0 %

    Heart Centered (Masochist) -- 7.7 %

    Compassionate (Oral) -- 46.2 %

    This is so depressing...

  5. #5

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    Hmm? Is the link to the test gone?

  7. #7
    The sleeping beauty Velvet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldwhiskey View Post
    Hmm? Is the link to the test gone?
    Never been there actually, I googled it:

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by oldwhiskey View Post
    Hmm? Is the link to the test gone?
    Whoops lol fixed.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Velvet View Post
    Excel/Perfectionist (Rigid) -- 30.8 %

    Spiritual (Schizoid) -- 15.4 %

    Leader (Psychopath) -- 0 %

    Heart Centered (Masochist) -- 7.7 %

    Compassionate (Oral) -- 46.2 %

    This is so depressing...
    Why? Is it accurate or just the descriptions alone are depressing?

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    The sleeping beauty Velvet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by McBain View Post
    Why? Is it accurate or just the descriptions alone are depressing?
    Sigh, both

  11. #11
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Last edited by Aylen; 05-04-2017 at 07:11 PM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  12. #12
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    at this stage in my life sounds about right ...

    Excel/Perfectionist (Rigid) - 15%

    Spiritual (Schizoid) - 60%

    Leader (Psychopath) - 10%

    Heart Centered (Masochist) - 0 %

    Compassionate (Oral) - 15%


    Gifts: You have the gift of an intellectual. This can be very helpful in many types of careers so it is important that you pick a career that will use this gift. Many healers, health professionals, professors, religious leaders, and researchers have this personality type. You also have the gift of being able to connect to wisdom and guidance from spirit. Your inner voice of direct knowing is strong and you have psychic gifts waiting for you if you chose to use them.

    Ego Based False Sense of Self: You don’t believe you are real and safe here on earth or safe in the physical body. It also can be terrifying for you to be seen. In a corporate job, this may result in employers not noticing you and possibly passing you over for promotions. Much of the time, you aren’t present enough to be valued by authority and you can find it hard to connect on a deep emotional level with other people because you stay in your head and intellectualize everything. You had young prenatal or post natal trauma and a feeling of anger from your mother or danger (even if it had nothing to do with you personally.) People with this character structure often had past lives servitude, pain and torture and leaving the body was a way they could escape.

    Unhealthy Defensive Patterns/Beliefs To Overcome: You will subconsciously say, I will leave you before you leave me. You will withdrawal, escape, disassociate or run away from a situation before it gets difficult.

    Relationship/Career Challenges to Overcome: In this defence, you will reject the other before you feel they will reject you so if you let this personality type’s defences be in charge of your life choices, you may want to leave your partner (or job) prematurely instead of trying to resolve the difficulty. Because of the terror Spiritual types feel in their body and on earth, in a relationship/career, they are reluctant to stay present when times get tough. Yet this is vital for you to learn to stay present because if you run away from your challenges, you will miss the lessons they are meant to teach.

    Life Lessons/Solutions:
    • Call in the gifts of the leader personality type to help you stay present enough to resolve conflicts instead of withdrawal, disassociate or run away.
    • Develop the skills to create your own internal safety by bringing your Core Being (spiritual wholeness) into your body as both a physical sensation, concept of self and emotion of joy and safety.
    • Incarnate your Core Being and wisdom fully into your body.
    • Overcome your feelings of terror and learn to manifest your dreams from deep authentic presence.
    • Move through your fear of being seen and of being fully present. Do this by reprogramming the young pre and post natal wounding this personality type experienced.
    • Move out of your intellectual understanding and learn to feel emotions and joy in the physical body. This will help you really connect with others in both your career and personal relationships.
    • Discover how to live from the deeper truth of your Core Being and not your programmed personality traits and defenses.

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    Excel/Perfectionist (Rigid) -- 30.8%

    Spiritual (Schizoid) -- 7.7%

    Leader (Psychopath) -- 46.2%

    Heart Centered (Masochist) -- 0.0%

    Compassionate (Oral) -- 15.4%

    But I almost gave up on the fucking test when it started to ask about weirdness like body parts and chakras lol

  14. #14
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    This test confronts you with the truth. But also shows one how to move beyond the pitfalls.

    I really needed this right now.

  15. #15
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    Personality Test Results
    Excel (Ridged) 30.8%
    Spiritual(Schizoid) 23.1%
    Leader(Psychopath) 7.7%
    Heart Centered(Masochist) 23.1%
    Compassion… 15.4%

    Excel connection: Employers look for those who are neurotic on the big five.

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    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post

    Take two gave me some compassion. The first time I had none.

    Personality Test Results
    Excel (Ridged)
    Leader(Psychopath) 7.7%
    Heart Centered(Masochist) 7.7%
    Compassion… 7.7%

    Task Hours per Day
    Spiritual (Schizoid) 5
    Excel (Ridged) 5
    Leader (Psychopath) 1
    Heart Centered (Masochist) 1
    Compassionate (Oral) 1

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

  17. #17
    Haikus Pink's Avatar
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    46.2% Schizoid
    46.2% Excel (Ridged)
    7.7% Compassionate

    A. SPIRITUAL (Schizoid)
    Gifts: You have the gift of an intellectual. This can be very helpful in many types of careers so it is important that you pick a career that will use this gift. Many healers, health professionals, professors, religious leaders, and researchers have this personality type. You also have the gift of being able to connect to wisdom and guidance from spirit. Your inner voice of direct knowing is strong and you have psychic gifts waiting for you if you chose to use them.
    Ego Based False Sense of Self: You don’t believe you are real and safe here on earth or safe in the physical body. It also can be terrifying for you to be seen. In a corporate job, this may result in employers not noticing you and possibly passing you over for promotions. Much of the time, you aren’t present enough to be valued by authority and you can find it hard to connect on a deep emotional level with other people because you stay in your head and intellectualize everything. You had young prenatal or post natal trauma and a feeling of anger from your mother or danger (even if it had nothing to do with you personally.) People with this character structure often had past lives servitude, pain and torture and leaving the body was a way they could escape.
    Unhealthy Defensive Patterns/Beliefs To Overcome: You will subconsciously say, I will leave you before you leave me. You will withdrawal, escape, disassociate or run away from a situation before it gets difficult.
    Relationship/Career Challenges to Overcome: In this defence, you will reject the other before you feel they will reject you so if you let this personality type’s defences be in charge of your life choices, you may want to leave your partner (or job) prematurely instead of trying to resolve the difficulty. Because of the terror Spiritual types feel in their body and on earth, in a relationship/career, they are reluctant to stay present when times get tough. Yet this is vital for you to learn to stay present because if you run away from your challenges, you will miss the lessons they are meant to teach.

    Life Lessons/Solutions:
    • Call in the gifts of the leader personality type to help you stay present enough to resolve conflicts instead of withdrawal, disassociate or run away.
    • Develop the skills to create your own internal safety by bringing your Core Being (spiritual wholeness) into your body as both a physical sensation, concept of self and emotion of joy and safety.
    • Incarnate your Core Being and wisdom fully into your body.
    • Overcome your feelings of terror and learn to manifest your dreams from deep authentic presence.
    • Move through your fear of being seen and of being fully present. Do this by reprogramming the young pre and post natal wounding this personality type experienced.
    • Move out of your intellectual understanding and learn to feel emotions and joy in the physical body. This will help you really connect with others in both your career and personal relationships.
    • Discover how to live from the deeper truth of your Core Being and not your programmed personality traits and defenses.


    Gifts: You have an immense capacity to care deeply about the world, people, animals, and the environment. You embody the gift of empathy and compassion. You understand others’ pain and have a great capacity to love in a deep and profound manner. Typical professions of this personality type include: human resources, health care workers, mothers, and others in helping or environmentally conscious professions. You have great creative flow and can advance in the arts and sciences.

    Ego Based False Sense of Self: Your ability to feel empathy for others is in part because of the pain and wounding you experienced in this life. You can easily relate to people who feel insecure, imperfect, lost, hopeless and not enough because you often feel this way too. Because these feelings are so strong, you risk collapsing into the energetic charge and abyss these negative feelings create in you. You too often need someone else’s energy to fill you up and you desperately want to feel full all the time. Your brain’s neuro-network gets programmed to rely on others (or other things) to fill you up or pull you out of your own negative thoughts and feelings. This need for others to verify your self-worth can dominate your life and prevent you from creating positive change. Because you can be needy, it can push others away. Depression can come when you feel not enough, alone or not full. You don’t want others to abandon you, yet you habitually abandon yourself by relying on someone (thing) else to meet your needs. This personality type can find itself lost to food, drug, alcohol, love, and/or sex addictions. Your childhood wounding can often be linked back to a feeling of abandonment or rejection by a primary care figure in your life.
    Unhealthy Defensive Patterns/Beliefs To Overcome: You hook into another’s energy field to suck their energy and to fill you up. Your field tends to be chronically undercharged and you fail to learn how to charge it yourself. Your eyes will even vacuum up the others energy, pleading, wanting, hoping for them to give to you. You may also talk in a very quiet voice so you draw people’s energy into you. Your chakras and brain’s neuro-network develop in a manner to take from the outside world instead of give to self.
    Relationship/Career Challenges to Overcome: Because you need another’s energy to fill you up, people who tend to be co-dependent/caretakers (Heart-Centered) are more likely to include you in their life. This can lead to employers/friends/lovers eventually becoming resentful and angry toward you because of how much they have given you. Other people/employers tend to avoid choosing you as employee, friend or lover. Some people who hold this personality type will begin a relationship by caretaking the other, trying to make them strong enough to eventually take care of them. This is called the compensated/compassionate because they overcompensate for their internal feelings of inadequacy in hope of pleasing another with the hope they will be loved in return and never abandoned.

    Life Lessons/Solutions:
    • Master the ability to seek nourishment from within and use external support only as a supplement to your own internal power and positive sense of self (Core Being).
    • Reprogram your brain’s habituated pattern so you don’t need external confirmation of your value. You must also re-pattern your brain so you no longer collapse into emotional pain and feelings of not being enough. In body-centered psychotherapy, this brain pattern is called going dorsal. Exercise, combined with doing deep, body-energy centered personal transformation work can change your internal programming so you never abandon yourself. As you program the negative aspects of this personality type, you will better embrace your amazing gifts and strengths.
    • Trust that as you learn to show up for yourself, the universe will respond and provide abundance in return.
    • Discover then transform any addictive tendencies - be they food, sex, drugs/alcohol, anxiety, depression or other issue.
    • Discover how to live from the deeper truth of your Core Being and not your programmed personality traits and defenses.

    C. LEADER (Psychopath)

    Gifts: You are a true, magnetic, inspiring leader, natural director, CEO, president or entrepreneur. You can inspire others, are innovative and are often years ahead of your peers. In your close relationships, you take charge of planning activities and in directing where the relationship will go. You take an active role in solving your friends, family and partner’s problems. You easily create a long-term plan for both your life and your work and can set the sails toward success.
    Ego Based False Sense of Self: You can manipulate and control others, even lie. You may be motivated by power and control over others through bulling, seduction, or other less positive tactics. You want to win yet you have difficulty trusting and can feel betrayed and defeated. Everything becomes a battle you must win. This can hold you back because a part of you is constantly at war.
    Unhealthy Defensive Patterns/Beliefs To Overcome: There is a catch 22 type of conundrum you face that can hold you back. You feel you can’t trust, because you have been betrayed. Yet, if you don’t trust, you can’t overcome your unhealthy defensive patterns and beliefs. It is important to learn that if someone else is right, it doesn’t make you wrong or defeated. Learn to surrender the fight and defense and replace it with authentic confidence and leadership. Discover the truth that as a leader, there will always be someone that will let you down or betray you, but that doesn’t mean you should attack them. We all are just evolving, learning and growing. And although you will sometimes experience defeat, if it teaches you something, you will succeed in the long term. Change your inner worldview away from needing to constantly fight a battle, control or manipulate in order to win.
    Relationship/Career Challenges to Overcome: In a competitive corporate environment you might thrive. Yet, if you take that same approach into your personal relationships you could create an unsafe and aggressive home environment. In other words, don’t need to be right or fight Surrender the sword and let another person take charge, even sometimes win. Losing doesn’t have to mean defeat or that you are bad. And if someone disagrees with what you say, it doesn’t mean betrayal. Learn to trust and discover that even your strongest supporters may at times feel they need to disagree or turn their backs on you. When this happens, realize it is only change and discover the lesson the difficulty was meant to teach you. Awaken to acknowledge that life/relationships are not battlegrounds where the other person must submit to you.

    Life Lessons/Solutions:
    • Learn to trust others, while acknowledging they still might sometimes disagree with you or go against what you want them to do, feel or believe.
    • Learn that surrender DOES NOT mean give up. It takes more power to surrender than it does to continue to fight and be defensive, controlling or manipulative.
    • In relationships, encourage your partner to stand up to you and speak his or her truth. Then listen to the wisdom they may bring.
    • Embrace your honesty, integrity and other gifts.
    • Know that you are not bad if you make a mistake. Mistakes allow you to learn, grow and evolve. After all, you can’t learn if you never make a mistake. Mistakes show you the pathway to higher consciousness.
    • Discover how to live from the deeper truth of your Core Being and not your programmed personality traits and defenses.

    D. HEART-CENTERED (Masochist)

    Gifts: You care about others and are selfless. You are a gifted mediator, compassionate and full of joy and laughter.
    Ego Based False Sense of Self: The wounding of this character structure is that of being controlled or invaded. You may have feelings of being trapped, not able to express yourself or controlled. This is because you have experienced trauma/wounding either in this life or past lives. Your attempts to move out of the cultural norm brought disapproval or shame upon you, so even today you may blame others for your lack of freedom and disempowered self-authority. Your parents may have loved you deeply but they merged with you and attempted to control your thoughts, actions and mood. Your essence was stolen from you. Your mother or father could be dominating and sacrificial. As a result, you too often feel like you must save those around you so you sacrifice yourself to save another. Unfortunately, this tendency for care taking and codependency is not healthy. No one has the power to save someone else, even someone we love very much. (Similar to the analogy, You can lead a horse to water but can’t make him drink .) This can set you up for failure and zap your energy so there isn’t enough left over to save yourself. As a result, you can feel like a victim. You too often feel trapped in the same old negative relationship or career cycle.
    Unhealthy Defensive Patterns/Beliefs To Overcome: The neurological programming of going dorsal must be shifted so you master the ability to move forward in your life and overcome feelings of being trapped, victimized or controlled. You hold your anger deep inside and only when you find yourself giving too much (or feeling invaded/taken advantage of) do you finally release it. Because you lack autonomy and are afraid to act on your own, you stay hidden or try to get permission from others to come out. You must shift the sense of inertia and humiliation you hold deeply hidden within. You hold the negative belief, I will hurt myself before they hurt me. As a result, you can find yourself in negative addictive patterns (such as drugs, food, alcohol, sex...)
    Relationship/Career Challenges to Overcome: Learn to set boundaries with other people both at work and in intimate relationships. It is vital you learn to make your energy field less porous and create more structure in your auric field so you don’t take on the negative energy around you. Doing this will also give you the energy you need to move out of the stuck feelings that can hold you back. An unhealthy relationship dynamic you must stop is that you often give too much or encourage someone to invade you, just so you are pushed to finally release the anger held deep inside. This release of anger and lack of strong boundaries is your saboteur in both your professional and personal life. Learn to express your feelings instead of holding them in.

    Life Lessons/Solutions:
    • The brain’s programming of having high dorsal tone can shut you down. Receive the support to overcome your brain’s negative programming so you move forward in your life and feel free. This will help you move out of your feelings of being trapped, controlled and unable to express yourself. Exercise and deep personal transformation work will help shift this energy in both your brain and your body.
    • Commit to the positive belief, I am never a victim and I can free myself
    • Set stronger boundaries with people both at work and home.
    • Give to others only from your overflow so you don’t over give.
    • Become your own authority and the CEO of your life. Know that you are in charge of what happens to you and you create your own value.
    • Learn to transform the energy of anger held deep inside so it becomes personal power and strength. This will bring you a sense of freedom you never thought was possible.
    • Learn to become your own authority so you can feel all your emotions and not hold them in. Also, don’t let your emotions define your value, your worth or the true assessment of what is happening. Emotions are energy and they often don’t represent the deeper truth.
    • Stop creating negative interactions with people just so you are forced to release your anger or to justify why you feel trapped, like a victim.
    • Heal any addictions you may have.
    • Discover how to live from the deeper truth of your Core Being and not your programmed personality traits and defenses.

    E. EXCEL (Ridged)

    Gifts: You excel at whatever you do. You accomplish a lot and succeed. Your body and energy field is often beautiful and balanced. You can take charge and fix problems easily. Employers feel lucky to have you on their team.
    Ego Based False Sense of Self: You often have many degrees, accomplishments and certificates to prove your value. Yet inside yourself, you aren’t authentically connected to your Core Being. You lack authenticity, deny emotional issues and imperfections and are very judgemental of others’ mistakes and imperfections. You can be very mechanical and stilted because you are not really connected to the flow of your essence. Instead you focus on making the outer world look perfect. And, if your house of cards falls, you do your best to prop it up again because of this drive to be perfect. So if someone shows you an imperfect part, you will either get angry and attack or deny the personality parts that don’t fit into your idealized self-image. Feeling of love in your heart aren’t connected to your sexual expression.
    Unhealthy Defensive Patterns/Beliefs To Overcome: You want to be perfect and be appropriate. Your life task is to acknowledge when you are messy and imperfect, yet still feel whole and complete because you are so connected to your authentic Core Being.
    The negative belief that sabotages you is: either choice is wrong. You feel this way because you don’t every want to want to make a wrong choice. The defensive reaction to difficulty is to become even more perfect, or you blame others, control and attack. You also control yourself so you don’t show your emotions. Yet as a result of this practice, you can hold anxiety deep inside. Your energy field is overly structured without much flow. You feel that messy emotions might make you look or feel imperfect.
    Relationship/Career Challenges to Overcome: You are the perfect employee. You excel at everything you do and work hard. Yet, if you make a mistake, it can cause deep anxiety and a disregulated nervous system. As you learn to connect to your authentic Core Being, you will be able to relax, even when you are messy and imperfect. In relationships, you can be Pollyanna to those around you and not feel real or be real with others. You are often judgmental when others don’t meet your unrealistic standards. Inintimate relationships, don’t tend to connect your feelings of love (heart chakra) with your sexual energy (2nd Chakra). You keep them separate or compartmentalized.In your marriage or partnership, you will work hard to be the perfect partner. And if your partner is having problems, you will work hard to fix them so they too are perfect. However, you can’t fix anyone except yourself…so, if your partner doesn’t change, you will be reluctant to end the relationship. This is because you think that if you end it, you have given up and failed. It is important you don’t stay in a relationship just to keep up appearances or because you think you should be perfect enough to fix it.

    Life Lessons/Solutions:
    • Connect heart feelings (4th chakra to 2nd Chakra energy) to sexuality.
    • Discover the flow of your authentic self and move out of the plastic mask you show to the world.
    • Discover that if you are imperfect, it doesn’t make you or anyone else less than.
    • Learn how to be messy, imperfect and yet still whole because you are connected to your Core Being. This will help you overcome the negative belief, Either choice is wrong.
    • Learn to accept others imperfections without feeling you are better than they are.
    • Don’t work harder than your partner to help him or her. You can’t ever be perfect enough to fix them just as the saying goes, You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink.
    • Discover how to live from the deeper truth of your Core Being and not your programmed personality traits and defences.

  18. #18
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    what a strange quiz. i tried my best.

    30.8% heart centered (masochist)
    30.8% compassionate (oral)

    15.4% spiritual (schizoid)
    15.4% leader (psychopath)

    7.7% excel (rigid)

  19. #19
    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    yeah i agree, the questions were weird...maybe there is a method to their madness

    Excel - 38.5%
    Compassion - 30.8%
    Spiritual - 23.1%
    Heart centered - 7.7%

    by "ridged" do they mean "rigid"??
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    yeah i agree, the questions were weird...maybe there is a method to their madness

    Excel - 38.5%
    Compassion - 30.8%
    Spiritual - 23.1%
    Heart centered - 7.7%

    by "ridged" do they mean "rigid"??

    In the long term either the Perfectionistic person or their neglected partner may start to have an affair outside their relationship. As a child their united sexuality and love, as symbolised by their pelvis and heart, was made wrong, and became the basis for humiliation, shame, punishment and exploitation. As part of shutting down their feelings and creating defences against being hurt again, they split their love and sexuality between two people in all future situations. By this they will tend as adults to have a “confidante” which whom they can have “heart to hearts” but no sex, and then have a separate partner to whom they submit sexually but will withhold their heart.

    When this person enters a relationship this split stance towards sex and love can be confusing for partners. They may start a relationship with a strong libido, but as they fall in love they face the internal tension of being betrayed again, and so unconsciously split their love and sex, or pelvis and heart. For many this will mean giving the partner sex, but withdrawing and relating “from their heads”, with little emotional connection. For some they will cultivate a “friend” outside the relationship at this stage, thus creating a triangle which resembles their childhood triangulated dynamics, and where they displace their heart needs.

    Sometimes the relationship will progress where the Perfectionist gives their heart and head to their partner, but shuts down their pelvis or sexuality and libido leaves the relationship. They become more like “brother and sister” emotionally and with no sex, but maintain the facade to friends and the world of the “perfect couple”. In this dynamic the Perfectionist or their partner may eventually act out a sexual affair in order to satisfy their unmet sexual needs. The Perfectionist personality often has triangulated relationships, and affairs whilst inside relationships can be a major issue in their life.

    In our work we describe this as a pelvic/heart split. In a relationship the person tends to shut their heart down and be actively sexual for a period but not really open their heart, since they actually fear emotional intimacy. The Perfectionistic person experienced the painful rejection and criticism in childhood as heart breaking and so as a defence is now closed off to being hurt in that vulnerable way again. They instead only offer part of themself to a partner, typically their thinking intellect and sexuality and keep their heart closed, with other persons existing outside the relationship to whom they have their heartfelt relations with.

    The two ways of being, in the heart and the pelvis, are normally never expressed through a single person or partner. If a Perfectionistic personality was to be fully vulnerable to another person again then they could be hurt and betrayed again which is too big a risk to take, and too much of a fear to live with. What often happens in a relationship with either one or both persons having a Perfectionistic personality present, is they connect sexually and mentally or intellectually well in the first stage.

    Once the heart shows up in the relationship for one or both of them then they live a dilemma of how not to get hurt. What occurs is either they keep their hearts closed and live in the status quo of having a sexual and intellectual bond, sacrificing the heart and its feelings, or the sexuality shuts down as the heart in one or both of them opens. In either dynamic they cannot get fully hurt as they are not fully open or fully vulnerable to the other person, and so can better cope with betrayal or criticism or judgements from the loved one. Unfortunately this can also lead to the person who shuts down their sexuality then being tempted in fantasy or in reality to having an affair where it’s purely sexual and where they never intend to leave their partner. This person gets all their needs met through two different persons in a triangulated dynamic.

    The Perfectionistic personality struggles with constructive criticism or negative criticism, or indeed even feedback said from an empathic place can be perceived and received in an overall sensitive and personal way. They can get overly wounded and withdraw, and in extreme examples where they get publicly exposed or they perceive shame there are well known examples of such successful person’s suiciding.

    Last edited by Aylen; 08-16-2015 at 03:38 AM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Breaking stereotypes Suz's Avatar
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    Oh thanks Aylen!

    interesting - also from that link:

    The childhood dynamics that setup a person to have a Perfectionistic outcome are typically those where in the emerging oedipal stage from age 3 to 4 up to about age 7, or in early teenage years, the child was continually rejected by the parent of the opposite sex, and possibly also of the same sex. At this age the child will have natural instinctual impulses to gravitate to the parent of the opposite sex, and will undergo an innocent and infantile falling in love process with that parent.
    It's true my father rejected me since birth. Interestingly, between those ages i did actually gravitate to other "fatherlike" figures in this way that they are describing. There was this guy who was a friend of a friend of my mom's who would come help us out with a garden... at one point, to my mom's horror, i asked him if he would marry my mom so he can be my dad. Then there was this camp counselor (i think i was 5 or 6?) that i considered my "best friend." I actually had something like a crush on him lol (but in that very innocent, nonsexual way).
    Enneagram: 9w1 6w5 2w3 so/sx

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    Oh thanks Aylen!

    interesting - also from that link:

    It's true my father rejected me since birth. Interestingly, between those ages i did actually gravitate to other "fatherlike" figures in this way that they are describing. There was this guy who was a friend of a friend of my mom's who would come help us out with a garden... at one point, to my mom's horror, i asked him if he would marry my mom so he can be my dad. Then there was this camp counselor (i think i was 5 or 6?) that i considered my "best friend." I actually had something like a crush on him lol (but in that very innocent, nonsexual way).
    I had a similar situation to you since my bio dad left when I was around 4. I remember a lot of really attractive guys that would try to date my mom but she was over cautious because she thought they were going to touch my sister and me so she didn't date anyone, after my dad left, until she met my stepdad when I was 13. Her meeting him was the best thing that ever happened to my sister and me.

    There was one guy who liked my mom a lot and when I was around 12 my best friend and I thought were in love with him. Of course he thought it was cute at the time, My mom made me go visit him and his wife, to see their new baby, a few years ago and he spent the whole time drooling over me. I was disgusted. So much for preteen love. lol

    I latched on to any adult male I could when I was really young because my mom worked long hours and we had moved out of my Aunt, and amazing, EII uncle's home. I found out quick that all adult men were not like my uncle. :/ Anyway, I think it might be normal for girls from broken homes? I was also overly boy crazy at a very young age which caused my mom years of sleepless night.

    I can identify with some of it but I also identify with the schizoid one too.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    The Unwanted Child tends to recreate their perceived hostility in choices they make about themselves, and in the relationships and environments they choose. The Unwanted Child as an adult will have tended to have internalised the hostility reactions of caregivers, and will now do the same hostility to themselves from their unconscious. They may enter abusive relationships with harsh and critical partners who are emotionally shutdown or have unresolved anger issues. They may have unresolved trauma issues that see them triggered and descend back into a trauma re-enactment if their childhood was severe. Refer to our article on Trauma.

    The typical compensation for the Unwanted Child is the escape either into spirituality, virtual reality, or a narrow vertical form of skill specialisation which they master in a rigid perfectionistic way, and within which they can operate safely. Escapism is a form of dissociation, and when done in isolation, it assists in making the person feel safe. Social activities are terrifying for many such individuals.

    As the world is harsh and hostile to the Unwanted Child, they tend to idealise and seek out spiritual refuge in dissociative spiritual practices like meditation, contemplation, solitude, and retreat activities away from life. They report feeling an affinity with spirit and wanting to leave this life and return to spirit which they see is their true heritage. They may have suicidal ideation and wishes to stay out of their body which they see as alien to them, a source of pain and suffering, and which is not safe to them as they often feel threatened by their own feelings, desires, impulses and urges. They may feel part of them is possessed or evil.

    They may compartmentalise their thoughts away from their feelings, and not be able to link their feelings to their thoughts. They may also forget things and panic when trying to recall information, escalating their anxiety, and it may trigger a panic attack. As they suffered the ultimate betrayal of trust, that being from their caregivers, truth and trust are major issues for the Unwanted Child. They only trust the truth and are vigilant for when the truth is betrayed as this proves that trust cannot exist in this place or person.

    They are often intuitive, some would say psychic, and at least they operate from their own internal summation of others from this intuitive place. The problem is they often project their internalised terror and disowned hostile feelings onto others, and then “read” this information back from the other as if it exists on the side of the other person. In this distortion they then perceive good and safe people and environments as being unsafe, hostile, and terrifying. In this way their discrimination can be faulty.

    They likewise can be fooled by unsafe people and environments and as these are somehow familiar, they can adapt and make sense of such settings. The Unwanted Child can end up in Narcissistic psychological and spiritual based cults and churches and feel strangely at home.

    Last edited by Aylen; 08-16-2015 at 04:52 AM.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    A communicator who influenced Jung.

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    Elliot Hulse did a video on the Reichian Character Types a few years ago. It was the first place I heard of them (he starts talking about it around 4:30ish):

    Reich is regarded by the contemporary psychological establishment as a loon, but he was undoubtedly highly influential on much of the thought that followed regarding the role of the body in psychology and he had very modern ideas on sexual liberation for women. He had a real intuitive sense of things that have been born out in later years, and he presaged things like cognitive schemas and attachment theory, which have been well-supported by research. If you're interested in a modern-day, science-based iteration of similar ideas, I recommend Daniel Siegel's work on Interpersonal Neurobiology.
    "How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
    -- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet

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    I found much of that test rather impossible to decipher.

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