Quote Originally Posted by tcaudilllg

As far as I can tell, UDP, labcoat, oyyburger, thehotelambush, and several INTps and INFps are the scope of interest in the information metabolism-exertion theory we once called "crosstypes". I have little question that the progressive forces in this forum would have little difficulty removing themselves from this stalemate to a place where the environment is, say, more tightly controlled. That doesn't mean I'm going to leave, but it does mean I'll be a lot less active here.
This is how I see it: you have ideas that are new and that need to be communicated to a potentially interested audience. Of course people will criticize you. Innovative ideas always get heat and creators get insulted. I don't like how people attack you, but you probably alienated a few people today who might have been interested because you dismiss their preferred function as not capable of adding to the debate. Are you really that limited in your approach?

You cannot develop any branch of any personality theory solely through Ti. And nobody can create any sort of meaningful theory involving people and their personalities without absolutely believing that no type is more capable of contributing than another. All these functions and types are there for a reason. You dismiss ideas that you don't deem worthy of your Ti constructs. But the limitation does not lie in those alternative ideas using alternative functions to process information, but in your unipolar (or should I say unifunctional?) approach to the matter. This is about people and Ti will only get you so far. You will eventually have to allow your ideas and systems to be processed through minds that prefer functions other than Ti or you will be stuck with a Ti construct that might be internally logical, but that remains meaningless as long as it is not placed within a Te-created framework of practical application, which again needs to be informed by Se and Si, checked against Fi-processed input and so on. Ti only goes so far.