Mark Antony , Roman politician of the late Republic ( or perhaps ISFp, especially if Caesar was ESTp rather than ENTj)

Justinian, Byzantine Emperor 527-565 (a hunch)

Henry IV, King of France 1589-1610 (or perhaps ESFj - he was in many ways similar to Clinton)

Charles X, King of France 1824-30

Henry VIII, King of England

Catherine the Great, Russian empress

Pedro IV of Portugal and I of Brazil (totally unknown to you, but this is the most obvious ESFp monarch of all)

Andrew Jackson, US president

Lyndon Johnson, US president

Silvio Berlusconi, Italian politician and former PM (or ESTp, but I doubt it)

Gerhard Schröder, former German chancellor

Lula da Silva, current President of Brazil

Jacques Chirac, French president (perhaps ESFj but I doubt it)

Sylvester Stallone

Idi Amin Dada, former president of Uganda

Elizabeth Taylor