This question has come up because I am struggling horribly with resetting my biorythm. What do I want: wake up at 7am every day, be tired as hell for midnight so I can fall asleep and get 7 hours. That's it.

Also, I am wondering about the difference for IJs and EPs. I am finding I have a habit of resting different times of the day... but I don't really like that. I become unproductive... in my down time today, it took me 2 hours to take notes on one 20 page chapter.

For my as an LII, the problem might be with food intake. I am going to try to eat more and see if that affects things. More/more consistently. (I also read something that said the state you are in is very important when you eat... and I usually disregard it and eat fast. I suppose I don't retain much of the food I eat based on that habit... so I will try to work on that.)

How is this so for EPs?
Or for anyone else I suppose.
I might make another thread about: "The Art of Eating"... I could improve in that area I'm sure.

In combinatin with eating, I think I am going to have to do more physical activity, on my feet. Running weights, wahtever. The only way I could fall asleep last night was by staying up for about 40 minutes doing whatever I could to tire myself out. It worked, everntually, but I'd rather have been sleeping during that time.

Eating more + working out more - naps/rest periods = ?? (closer to my goal of Midnight to 7AM for sleep, hopefully)