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Thread: Member Questionnaire (Hamouchou)

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    Default Member Questionnaire (Hamouchou)

    Member Questionnaire 1 (Hamouchou)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    -Beauty : If I were to give it a "general" description, I'd say that it's a subjective trait that we associate with people, objects etc... based on personal preferences that could be intrinsic and/or have an environmental background.
    -Love: I'm still uncertain as to what it is, as I assume that I've never experienced it. Is it an individual emotion by itself ? Or is it a sum of several emotions such as fascination, respect, lust etc... ? Hell if I know.
    What are your most important values?
    Productivity, competence, confidence and independence. These are values that I don't necessarily possess (at a high level, at least) and aspire to have.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    The entire belief area is a very nebulous one for me. So far, I wouldn't say that I hold any strong spiritual/religious beliefs, but I don't discard at all the possibility that I might end up entering the realm of such beliefs, that is if I come to the conclusion that logic and rationality are not the only ways to perceive the truth of our world.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    -War: It's the sad reality of our world. That's all I can say as I'm not sufficiently informed on the causes of warfare.
    -Power : Being powerful means possessing a certain level of dominance over other individuals belonging to the same group.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I have long conversations about either opposing ideologies, where I usually present both sides of a subject without truly standing up for any, trying to know why a person has chosen to pick a certain side and to gather more input, hoping I'll come to a decision of my own based on this "data". Other than that, I can have long conversations about most subjects (even if it's not a supposed field of interest), as long as I get the time to gather the data and debate afterwards. I'd say that my interests are more short term and based on context, rather than intrinsic.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I'm not interested in the health/medicine field, but I can say that I'm highly focused on my body's level of health, but not in a high-maintenance kind of way, more like a health-anxiety panic "bursts".
    What do you think of daily chores?
    Most of them are a necessary evil. While I do avoid them most of the time, I see them as an important way to create self discipline and to get a better hold on one's own life.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I rarely read books or watch movies. The most recent movie I've watched was "Saving Private Ryan".
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    -What usually makes me cry is when I get reminded of how I'm very different from the version of myself that I want to become, especially when it's in contrast to highly achieving people in my environment.
    -Things that make me smile are pretty basic : Being recognized for my efforts, validation, making others feel comfortable and managing to understand complex notions and solving difficult problems.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    I feel a sense of belonging either when I'm alone in an organized environment, or when I'm hanging out with a close group of friends.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    My severe neuroticism, anxiety and lack of long term aspirations and self discipline.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    I'm fairly confident in my ability to understand concepts, ideas, objects and my diplomatic capabilities.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    Self discipline, creating long term goals, becoming more assertive more active generally.
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Yes, it's usually the procrastination cycle at home that doesn't lead anywhere. I hate every minute of it, but for whatever reason/excuse, I still maintain that lifestyle.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I like honesty, spontaneity, quirkiness and thoughtfulness in people, I usually get along very well with this kind of people.
    I dislike judgmental, stubborn people who try to impose their beliefs on others without backing them up, and in the best case, presenting a very unconvincing argument.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I have no idea. I'm not someone to give a judgement on such stuff unless I've tried many options.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    My main concerns would be on how much impact I'm having on their intrinsic personality (that is assuming that the personality is a combination of nature and nurture). I would teach them basic ethics and human understanding so that they won't have a negative impact on their environment, while perceiving the natural development of their personality in order to adapt to it and minimize the impact of my biases on them.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    I don't uphold any strong beliefs, both my inward and outward reactions wouldn't be different. I would probably dig up the reasons as to why they've come up with such claims, and take it into account as a data point that'll help me construct my belief system. I usually have an inquisitory attitude in such scenarios.
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I see the way society functions as unecessarily complex, and that people take its complexity for granted. Sure, our world is cruel and very complex, but accepting it the way it is only contributing negatively to the current state of things. Very simple actions on a large scale can be very helpful towards society, but obstacles such as ego, stubborness and biases have always made such goals very difficult to achieve, and maybe even unrealistic.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I can get along fairly well with most people. So, alot of times, it's context that decides my "friends". But I usually prefer people that I find interesting, thoughtful and extraverted at the same time, people with whom I can open up without worrying about being judged. I'm usually quite loud and open around them and allow myself to reveal the "eccentric" aspects of my personality.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    I usually have a formal demeanor, but it really depends on the intended level of closeness with the stranger. I can give a highly friendly impression in a short amount of time or maintain a certain distance regardless of the time spent with the person.

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    I'd say you definitely are a thinking type. But you already know this.

    I'd bet on Gamma NT (LIE mostly).

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    Quote Originally Posted by phant100 View Post
    I'd say you definitely are a thinking type. But you already know this.

    I'd bet on Gamma NT (LIE mostly).
    I'm quite low on Socionics knowledge, and based on the limited amount of information that I possess, I see LIE as unlikely for three reasons:
    -The entire struggle with making up goals and a vision to commit to doesn't strike me as high Ni.
    -I think that my Si is fairly developed for it to be in Polr position.
    -I'm more diplomatic and less assertive/pushy.(This could be a stereotype based misconception, correct me if it's the case)
    If I were an LxE, I think LSE is a more likely option.
    Last edited by Hamouchou; 03-02-2019 at 10:22 PM.

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    From what I'm getting, a questionnaire isn't necessary if a "life story" is presented ? If it's the case, how should the story be like? Should it be presented in a chronological order with some introspection here and there?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamouchou View Post
    From what I'm getting, a questionnaire isn't necessary if a "life story" is presented ?
    On a videointerview you may tell about anything what is comfortable and interesting for you. One questionnaire is written already.

    > If it's the case, how should the story be like? Should it be presented in a chronological order with some introspection here and there?

    in the format which you prefer

  7. #7
    Sir that's my emotional support gremlin ApeironStella's Avatar
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    From the wording, the vibe I got is of LII, or at least Alpha NT?

    You say on topics such as belief or any conflicting opinions with a friend, you hold a space for coming to understand what data points they might have used to that conclusion, as well as that you enjoy pitting opposite views on a topic to see what holds up and doesn't in them, which sounds fairly in line with Ti-Ne ego to me. Si definitely sounds "valued" but not quite high enough, could work as a HA since it is seen as useful, but also mainly in "sometimes having bursts of worry about it" way than as constant attention to it.

    You want to be self directive, and in general keep pointing out to how much you would like people to just give data pieces and the way they envision as how things are as just possible ways to interpret them, rather than being stated as irrefutable facts, expecting information to be free and accessible and shared between others, which again, falls in line with Ti base/Ji base thinking and Alpha values. You show a desire for still being around more extroverted/ones you feel "accepted" by than judged, which I feel like points to Fe DS, since again, it fits with Alpha quadra preference for interaction with others.

    The devaluing/not talking much about power/force/wars, points to weak and devalued Se, especially with insistence that people should not push their views on people. Acting polite and getting along with others, holding up the norms of what is a "proper" conversation and interaction sounds find for Fi role as well. It also isn't low enough that there is as blindness to whole "closeness level" issue, unlike ILE, but it still is something that needs other side to be more forward with/more experience based than complete blindness.

    So LII sounds good, imo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ApeironStella View Post
    From the wording, the vibe I got is of LII, or at least Alpha NT?

    You say on topics such as belief or any conflicting opinions with a friend....
    So LII sounds good, imo.
    You say on topics such as belief or any conflicting opinions with a friend... which sounds fairly in line with Ti-Ne ego to me
    I'd imagine that this entire "ideas exploration" theme for Alpha NTs is a constant one (correct me if I'm wrong), while it seems pretty situational in my case. It's more of a tool to strengthen and "perfect" my beliefs system when I feel like it needs "refreshing" and/or "upgrading".

    Si definitely sounds "valued" but not quite high enough
    Is being somehow low maintainance enough to reject the possibility of high Si?

    You show a desire for still being around more extroverted/ones you feel "accepted" by than judged
    That sounds to me like a very basic thing that humans seek in social interactions, I wouldn't bet on it being indicative of anything personality-wise.

    The devaluing/not talking much about power/force/wars, points to weak and devalued Se
    Me avoiding to talk about wars is more about the lack of information more than anything else. I can't come with a judgement concerning that topic (whether they're dumb and unecessary, a necessary evil etc..) unless I possess some historical warfare knowledge. I do agree with the fact that I do not push my ideologies on other people, and even if I wanted to, I wouldn't choose an aggressive approach, that's a very superficial solution.

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    I'm getting mixed signals here. I think I see Introverted from your attraction to extroverted types, and I think I see Fi from your concern about ethics, but I'm not sure how significant it is. You write well, which can give the impression of a thinking type while not actually being a thinking type. Everything else seems mixed up to me. Your avatar picture is of a thinking extrovert.

    Does the ESI description resonate with you at all?

    Have you read the descriptions of the types, and do any seem to be "you"?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I'm getting mixed signals here. I think I see Introverted from your attraction to extroverted types, and I think I see Fi from your concern about ethics, but I'm not sure how significant it is. You write well, which can give the impression of a thinking type while not actually being a thinking type. Everything else seems mixed up to me. Your avatar picture is of a thinking extrovert.

    Does the ESI description resonate with you at all?

    Have you read the descriptions of the types, and do any seem to be "you"?
    I don't really relate to the ESI description. While I do believe that I have a sense of ethics, I wouldn't consider it a driving force.

    And yes, I've read the descriptions, but I wouldn't trust my level of relatability to them. If I spend enough time reading one, I can subconsciously rationalize stuff and pick personality traits that'd align with the descriptions. But if I were to ask an aquaintance/close one about which one they see fits me most, I'd bet on LSI. Personally, I do relate somehow to that personality, minus the highly organizational aspect. I think that SLE and LSE are possible too, but I'm not sure.

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    you remind base T type by surface perception from the talking. more Te
    avatar - a "nice guy", classical style. slightly more for LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    you remind base T type by surface perception from the talking. more Te
    avatar - a "nice guy", classical style. slightly more for LSE
    I've recorded a video of me answering one of the questionnaires, now I'm waiting for it to upload. My body language seems to be quite rigid and facial expressions more "serious" than intended, how correlated is that with Te ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hamouchou View Post
    My body language seems to be quite rigid and facial expressions more "serious" than intended, how correlated is that with Te ?
    rigid impression is more for J. as they are lesser impulsive, have longer pauses between moves to make a decision, to prepare; make lesser movements as those are lesser chaotic

    harder to control own facial expressions, having them as more restrained than you feel inside (as probably it's not common for you to express emotions openly to influence on other people) - more for T type

    Note: My impressions from you may differ. As to read types related degrees of those traits and nuances needs some training.

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