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Thread: Type Me, if you can :D

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    Default Type Me, if you can :D

    Hi all, I'm new in Socionics, so... let's try!


    1. General to specific, specific to general – what does it mean?
    When I think about a general rule, and I start to apply it on concepts -> general to specific
    When I start to analyze how something work, I look at hoe it specific work, and I dicover the general rule -> specific to general

    2. What does “logical” mean? What is your understanding? Do you think that it correlates with the common view?
    Logical is something that explains well cause-effect relationship. My understanding is the animus of something (a person, a theory). Usually, isn't perfectly allineate with the common view.

    3. How do you explain fractions on the dial of the clock?
    A circle divided in 4 parts. Each part 15 minutes.

    4. What is a rule? What rules you must to follow?
    A rule is something that explains rationally a natural process or an artificial one. If you can understand them you know what will happen, so you can decide which one follow and which not without hurting yourself.

    5. What is hierarchy? Do you need to follow it? Why or why not?
    Hierarchy is a pyramid with someone that leads on the top. Everyone has a level under the leader, and the level is usually linked to a role. I need to follow it if I work in a team, and for me it's not a problem
    for me is not a problem as long as the commander gives me a place where I can express my skills. It's good to follow it because there is order in the crew. The only reason that can push me to unfollow hierarchy is to be in a role too much strict for my capabilities.

    6. What do you think of instructions? Do you use them? Could you write an instruction manual?
    Instructions are a good thing if they explain how cause-effect are related, in a direct and clear way if possible. I like steps that summarize instructions. I can write an instructions manual, but usually I don't use it so much... I try to figure out by myself how something work. If I need to, I use it.

    7. Please explain: “Freedom is in complying with the laws, but not in ignoring the laws”? Do you agree with the statement? Why?
    Yes, I agree. But lawas have to be just, that is different from equal. I can't judge at the same someone that had stolen to eat and someone that had stolen to gain 1 million dollars. Ignoring laws usually leads to be not just with someone, so it's bad. This, speaking about good laws, that are made for all the people, not laws self made to gain some personal benefits.

    8. Tell us how consistent are you?
    I'm consistent in my beliefs.

    9. What is a “standard”? Why do people need it?
    Standard is something that helps you to categorize and define something (a product, even a person). People need it to understand is something has specific qualities. I use it to orientate myself through choices to take better tools to accomplish my goals.

    10. You need to put in order your home library. How do you feel about this activity? How will you approach this task?
    I'm in a neutral mood. I will start to take off books from shelves, I put them all together. I will start to organize them on sections, thriller, fantasy, etc, from the best to the worse. Maybe I will take off ones that I dislike, so I can buy something new. I will sell again the ones that I don't want anymore.

    Block 2

    1. What is work in your opinion? Why do people go to work? Are there any parameters where you can distinguish whether you can do this work or not?
    Work is an activity that helps you first to gain and eat, and then, if you are lucky, to express yourself. Luck doesn't mean that you shouldn't apply yourself to have your dream-work, only that sometimes life forces people to do something that they don't like to survive. People go to work to gain money, to gain power, to do something that let them pride of themselves. Usually I know in which field I'm good and in which I suck, but I learn always and I like to improve my skills, so I will try anyway (knowing well if will be a failure or not, but knowing that I could change the result, too).

    2. Is there any correlation between quality and quantity? Tell us if or how the price depends on quality?
    Today, shouldn't be, because of machinary work. For Artisan, obviously yes. A quality work requires high skills, usually long time and good tools, and materials. This has a cost.

    3. How do people determine the quality of work? How do you determine such quality? How well you can determine the quality of any purchase, do you pay any attention to it?
    I don't know, maybe with standards? I determine quality considering how well this product help me to accomplish my goal. I search always a good product for what I want to obtain.

    4. How do you feel if you didn’t finish some work? Does it ever happen? What are the reasons?
    I usually finish my works, but because of my lazyness can happen that I don't. I feel guilty.

    5. What is “interesting work” for you? Please explain in detail.
    A work that let me discovery new things in scientfic fields (chemistry, physics, medicine) and that allow me at the same time to achieve my personal goals in personal life (out of work field I mean). A work that serves a purpose it's a good one.

    6. You go to the store and see something you’re interested in buying, there is a price tag on it. What parameters are you going to use to understand if it’s overpriced, underpriced, or priced correctly?
    I check how much it costs in other shops and then I decide. If it's something made by an artisan, I will consider all is written in question 2.

    7. When you work and someone tells you: “You don’t do it right.” What is your reaction?
    Is someone more expert then me? I will hear him/her. Is someone that is counselling me? Ok, maybe I will check if that different point of view can be worth of consideration.

    8. Right next to you there is a real professional. You always see that you can’t perform the way he does. Your feelings, thoughts and actions?
    I will find my way. I can look at him and find a scheme to use like guideline, on which one I can shape mine. Obviously I will hide that I'm not so good like him/her (if I can). I don't want to admit that I'm less than someone else. I try to learn in the faster way.

    9. When you have to ask someone else to help you with the task, how do you feel?
    I should be sure that i can't really do it by myself... If I can't I will ask politely, and I will look at them to understand how I will do next time.

    10. You need to build a pyramid, exactly like in Egypt. Your thoughts, feelings and actions?
    Why a pyramid? I mean, is useful to build? It will give us benefits? If no, why the hell we can't build something more profitable? Anyway, ok. I will make it profitable for you. I think I will learn something to how to build it, asking to experts to help me. I will engage people that will work for me and experts. I will ask to someone interested in the pyramid to pay for me part of the bills, and I will ask money or stuffs to sponsors, too.

    Block 3

    1. Tell us what is beauty? Do you change your opinion about beauty? Does your understanding correlate with the generally accepted notion? What goes beyond the generally accepted notion?
    Beauty is difficult for me to describe... because is a mental state before a emotional/physical one. I fall in love with minds and souls, before that with bodies, so... for me is something that let me feel surprised, free and involved. I think this is totally out from the general notion.

    2. Describe, please, your understanding of a beautifully dressed man or a woman. What is the core of beauty? How do you explain what is beautiful to a person who has never heard about beauty before?
    I would eplain like in question 1. I can appreciate a man well dressed, and I say 'he is beautiful' if I think so, but I haven't that emotion like when I see his soul and mind.

    3. Is there a template of understanding what beautiful means for everyone to use? Is there such a term as “classical beauty”? If so, what is it?
    I really don't know. I think something that is balanced and harmonious.

    4. What is comfort? What is coziness? How do you create your comfort and coziness? How do others evaluate your skill in doing so? Do you agree with them?
    ... I never think about these things. So... boh. My comfort is a state of mind: I can stay on rocks but having skies on me and I feel ok. If I'm bad I can feel better eating something sweet or slighty alcholic. Others complaining me because I don't put them at ease physically, but the only thing that I'm good to do for them is cook... and not always I reach the result that I thought.

    5. How do you pick your own clothes? Do you follow fashion? Why? Do you know how to select clothes for different types of figures?
    I take what I like. I don't follow fashion. Because for me it's not important to. No, I need help in these stuffs.

    6. How do you cook? Do you follow recipes? What others think about your skill?
    I cook on the spur of the moment, putting stuffs together thinking about a result that I like. Or just to experiment. Yes, I can say I experiment a lot in kitchen. Others says that I never cook twice the same dish (and it's true). Even if I follow a recipe, it's never the same result because I tend to take instructions like guidelines and than acting on my own head.

    7. Are you good at color patterns and mixing them and matching?
    I think I'm pretty good.

    8. If someone is telling you what is beautiful and what is not, what goes with what color and what is not, do you agree with this person?

    Depends. What works for him/her, couldn't work for me.

    9. Tell us how you’d design any room, house or an office. Do you do it yourself or trust someone else to do it? Why?
    I imagine it first and then I do it. It's never the same of which one I had in my mind but I will do by myself. Because I know I'm capable to do it, if the executive says to me 'it's not possible to realize' I will search with him/her a solution to reach the result that is closest to what I have in my mind.

    10. How do you know if a person has bad taste? Could you give us an example? Do you always trust your own taste or do you seek opinions from others?
    If I like it, is good. If I don't like it, is not. I trust my own taste, but I can seek opinion of others if I know that they are better than me and if they purpose to me something that I like.

    Block 4

    1. Can you line up human resources and make them do things? What methods do you use? Can you press people? If so, how does it happen?
    I can be quite autoritarian. Being a woman, this was highly discouraged in me... my mom said that I have the power to let others feel stupid. I don't want to do this, it's only my way to teach them... so I learned how to do it in a polite way (roll eyes). I'm very direct in my way to communicate, now; but I try to don't press others too much or they can't resist to the pressure and will make a mess. So I push them till I see them in a comfortable mood, and then a little bit more, just to let them know how to deal with pressure. So they will learn.

    2. What is incursion? How do you deal with this? Can you repulse? How easy can you do it?
    An incursion is when you try to surprise your enemy, a fast and violent action to damage or take resources. I think surprise effect is all, but I never organized one. I think to be perfect depends by situation in situation. To repulse it, it's the same, I don't know how to do it practically, I think I will act basing on situation. It's a difficult to do it, I think. Or anyway, I perceive it in this way, depends by situation.

    3. What does “my people” and “strangers” mean? When do “my people” become “strangers” and why?
    Mmm I usually don't put people into these categories, but I think would be appreciated if you want to stay alive in a war situation. So... it depends by situation: enemies, allies, etc. Stay alive and all will go well.

    4. Are there strategies of attack? Can you use them? When is it justified?
    Yes there are, I can use them, but usually I use them only to defend myself. I think it depends by what do you mean. On a personal context, I want only to understand what's going on around me and then I will try to understand whats the best action that leads to the best outcome for me. Then I act keeping in my mind these infos, and adjusting myself at the last minute if something changes. No strict plans.

    5. Do you think it’s ok to occupy someone else’s territory? In what situations?
    It depends. I think that could be justified to defense (you or them) and to don't die if you are pressed by someone stronger.

    6. What are the methods of volitional force? When is it most effective and in what situations?
    I don't know. I think that is better giving them a goal, so they can gain strenght from it and they can decide better what to do. Hierarchy here is fundamental. Having a plan for emergency and let them know, too. It's effective quite always I think.

    7. How do you protect yourself and your interests?
    I try to don't let others know what I want and what is in my mind. Unless strictly necessary. And I try to gain informations by others.

    8. Describe to us your behavior in the situations of opposition and if you have to use some force?
    I suck to use force. I can confuse my enemy with my brain, but nothing more. I can speak about benefits and try to convince others to follow me, I try to seduce them showing them what they want, and I explain them why it's better to follow my line of action instead kill me (figuratively or not). I'm not always good to doing this.

    9. Do others think of you as a strong person? Do you think you are a strong person?
    I don't know about others. I'm not strong, I try to be logical and smart, if I can.

    10. How do you understand if a person is strong? Are there any signs of a strong person? What is the core of any force? Why do people listen to one person, but not the other?
    A person is strog when he or she is able to succeed in every situation, being always correct with him/herself. This isn't always easy, but I appreciate more someone that is coherent than someone that is ready to change side when he/she can. This means that the goal is important, but should be found a way that allow you to live with consequences of your choices... choices change yourself, be always careful to like who you will be. Just because you have to live with till your death. People follow who feeds their desire... everyone has a price. It's important to know what is... and then act on it. The core of any force is... what others think it is.

    Block 5

    1. What is boorishness? Does your understanding of it correlate with the generally accepted notion? How would you explain to a 10 year old child what boorishness means? How would you explain the same to an adult who does not behave ethically?
    Boorishness is when you act without following social norms or ethics. Etichs is something that I identify with religion (idk why). My understanding of it more or less is correlating to the accepted notion. I would explain to the child how to be gentle and ethical, and boorishness would be the reverse. I would say to the adult to put him in the shoes of others and think at how could be being treated badly.

    2. How would you improve the moral of the society?
    I think that it's important to recover some moral values that we put into trash in name of progress... results are that now people are more on an anarchy line. This bad like in the past was bad to have a too much close society. Something balanced would be perfect.

    3. Can you justify somebody’s bad behavior by thinking that he/she wasn’t taught how to do so?
    Understand yes, justify no. How can he/she learn if I don't explain what is wrong?

    4. Give us your understanding of love. Can you love and punish at the same time?
    Yes. Not in a violent manner, but think at children, ok? If you let them do whatever they want, you don't want their good. So punishment sometimes is necessary.
    Punishment has a different for in adult relationships. Adult aren't children, so I think that I should speak about action consequences instead of punishment. If I betray my spouse, I would expect a reaction (punishment). I disapprove violent reactions (murders, or physical violence) but I can understand if someone punish you with his/her absence, or distrust, or letting him/her feel the vacuum of the betrayed. People don't understand what have till they lose it.

    5. Have you heard about the Southern hospitality? Everything is for the guest. There is also a German hospitality – the master of the house is always right. What method is the right one? Try to evaluate without the weight of any cultural aspects, traditions, nations etc.
    Mutual respect over rules? No?

    6. What is sympathy? When do you need to express it? When is it advised not to?
    This for me was a difficult question for some reasons that I really don't know
    I Think that it's because I understand people on a rational level before of a emotional one. This is my pity. Anyway, I think that the closest thing that I feel is to put myself in their shoes, and to try to fix their problem in some way. Not that I don't feel nothing, but I can't give a name at what happens (when happens) inside me in these circumstances.

    7. Are there any norms of behavior in the society? Do you follow them? Do people always have to follow them? Why?
    There are, but usually I don't follow them if I retain that I shouldn't. I try to don't hurt others, but I can't go against myself. Others should do the same, this is a win-win solution.

    8. How do you know what attitude among people is right or wrong?
    I don't know...

    9 . What does moral mean? What is immoral? Does your understanding correlate with the others? How can you evaluate the correctness of your own understanding?
    Like I've said, for some reason I link morality with religion. My understanding isn't linked to others. I evaluate the correctness of my own understanding searching facts, books of moral experts, and then I ask myself if I agree with them. If I don't, I search another point of view on the problem that put together my ideas and expert' ideas and facts. I search a different meaning in their words, or in facts, on in myself, and then I try to put together all, without trash nothing. Everything has to have a sense.

    10. Somebody is giving you a negative attitude – what is your reaction? Could you show your own negative attitude toward someone else? If so, how? Could you give a person the silent treatment? How easily do you forgive people?
    I forgive people easily, more or less. It depends by what they did. Usually I don't care about others, except if they are into my closest circle. Usually I give them the silent treatment, or I will be irreverent and sarcastic, or really angry and shout at them. It depends by what they say... I don't like when they say that I'm stupid or they don't recognize that I'm good in what I do.

    Block 6

    1. "Whole world does not cost one tear of child" – how do you understand this phrase? Do you agree with this opinion?
    I don't understand, what is supposed to mean?

    2. Is it acceptable to express emotions? Give examples of inappropriate expression of emotions.
    More or less, yes. Maybe don't show them if others can have a gain to this fact and put you in a bad situation (poker face ok it's a stupid example, but you can understand).

    3. Can you use negative emotions? In what situations?
    Anger, under stress. I don't 'use' my emotions... it's something that comes outside if I want to, or if I can't control them.

    4. How do you express negative emotions? What does it look like? What do others think about it?
    I haven't negative emotions, I have only anger. At least, with others. It's a violent outbrust that I can't control well. When I'm alone sometimes I cry, if I'm sad. But usually I don't understand why I'm in a mood, I need someone that helps me to go out the negative state (and I don't like to call people), usually I understand my mood writing a story with fictional characters and letting my mind imagine how them act. After that usually reasons of moods are clear, because I reproduce them on fictional characters.

    5. Shallow emotions – what does it mean? Are there any other emotions?
    I can't be insincere with emotions, or I don't use them or I can't control them. I'm very bad in this field.

    6. What are right or wrong emotions?
    You made categories! Really?

    7. Can you change the emotional state of yourself? Of others? To what side – positive or negative?
    No. To others maybe I can act in a way that I know please/annoy them. But it's something that I do, not that I feel. I know that this action has this effect, so...

    8. What does it mean to “pour out your emotions”? How does it happen?
    I don't know...

    9. Does your internal emotional state correlate with what you show externally?
    ... I don't know how I feel internally, how can I check how to show it externally? Anyway, usually it doesn't happens.

    10. Do you track what mood you are in throughout the day? Do you notice the mood of others?
    No, I'm always in the same mood. No.

    Block 7

    1. Do you like surprises?
    I have a neutral attitude to this. I usually can spot others conspirating. But tody with internet is more difficult.

    2. Tell us how people change? How do you feel about those changes? Can others see the changes?
    I like changes. If someone changes is still alive, is going somewhere and is learning. Changes are a good thing. Even the bad ones, if you can recognize that that change is wrong, you can learn from it To change generally is difficult from ourselves, but can be easier if there are external pushings that help you. Like trying to overcome our fears staying out of our comfort zone.
    About people... I don't think is a conscious process, 'tomorrow I will change!'. Is something that happens trough shocks, bad situations, faster... and through work, hardwork, slower. They change and reveal their inner self. You know, you can't see it when they finished, but when they are in the action, it's there that you can see it. Bit of souls spark Anyway. You can't notice it in a continuum, maybe it's easier when you see a person after some time, you can say it better.

    3. Is it true that whatever happens is only for the best?
    I think yes. This not means that we shouldn't do nothing because 'the universe' will do anyway its job, but that when you did your best and things go anyway to their way... this was their way. I try always to think about how to understand what's the correct way, imagining cause-effect scenarios, etc... I do my best, what I think it's correct, and I look at how the situation changes... I try to stay close to my goal, and to act to reach it, but if I can't, I can't. There is a meaning in that outcome.

    4. What do you think of horoscopes, fortune telling etc.? Do you believe in luck, lucky fortuity?
    I don't believe in them.

    5. Can you forecast events? Is it even real?
    Everyone has eyes to see the world. If you look at cause-effect events, you can predict an outcome. It's real...? It depends. If it will happen, it's real. In other cases, it was real in my mind...

    6. What is time? How do you feel time? Can you “kill” time? How?
    Time is what we need to arrive at a goal, through cause-effect events. Now is made by past events and future events, because we make choices basing on what we want to be tomorrow. I feel it like a continuum, and sometimes I don't feel it at all, because I'm somewhere ahead, but I don't know where. I feel like we are on a spaceship, launched at breakneck speed toward something, and the only thing we can do is prepare ourselves to the impact. I don't kill time, I use it to improve my knowledge, or to test me.

    7. Is it easy for you to wait for some important event? What if you don’t know when it is supposed to happen?
    Yes, it's enough for me to know that it will happen. I will be more anxious if I don't know if it will happen for sure. I can overlook cause-effect events if I'm not sure, to make something to let it happen, or at least to try.
    If I don't know when is supposed to happen, it's enough to know that will happen.

    8. Do you need help creating forecasts and determining how something will end? Do you trust those forecasts?
    Not usually... I mean, if others know the situation better than me, maybe. But usually I look at things and I'm almost sure to what expect from that. I can be wrong, but often I'm right. I trust myself, but I keep eyes well opened to see if something change, so the outcome changes. I'm not omniscient anyway.

    9. Are you normally late? How do you react if someone is late?
    I'm not late, and if someone is late I wait. Maybe I read something or I stay in my head, thinking about something that I need to solve, understand, or I daydream.

    10. Imagine the situation where you agreed to meet with someone. Your feelings and actions: a) 20 minutes before the meeting starts, b) 5 minutes before the meeting starts, c) it is time for the meeting to start, but the person is not here, d) 20 minutes after the meeting start time and the person is not here, e) more time and the person is still not here…
    a) I'm ok. Maybe sometimes I can think at worse, but I think always at worse, and I learned how to manage it. So, it's ok.
    b) Daydream
    c) Daydream
    d) Daydream... I call him/her to know where they are, and then if he/she doesn't come, I will go to take an ice cream.
    e) I will check again if he/she is ok, and I try to think about what's happened. I call him/her, if I can't receive a reply I can call people that know him/her, just to be sure that all is ok and that they don't need help. I try anyway to understand what's happened.

    Block 8

    1. Is there a meaning of life? In what? Is it the same for everybody?
    I think there is one. I think that we born to do some actions that are strongly related to others, and to paint an image on the world, strictly invisible to our eyes, but meaningful to our lives. We can 'see' it if we pay attention enough to our lives and look at them in the right perspective. It's not the same for everybody in the sense that everyone is a unique creator of these invisible connections.

    2. What should be done so people can be happy?
    Happyness is not from outside, is from inside. What people should understand about themselves to be happy? I worked a lot on this aspect of me.

    3. In the situations with a lot of potential and volatility will you trust your own guts, logically calculating everything or will you ask people you trust what should be done?
    Guts and logically calculating, but first of all guts. I adjust my logic on them. If they aren't present (under stress it's difficult for me to recognize them clearly, I mean, are gusts) I follow my logic. People are my last chance.

    4. When you meet a stranger, what can you say about him right away? How do you know what this person is all about? Does it take long to understand someone’s talents?
    When I meet strangers I have impressions that I collect not consciously but that usually are right. It doesn't take too long to understand someone talents, unless this person is really introvert and doesn't say nothing and doesn't do nothing (it happened to me :/). I know what this person is about through my impressions, but usually after I met him/her I speak about him/her with my mom, and in this way my impressions are clearer and I can analyze them logically, too. To prove them.

    5. Remember an interesting person and call out 5-6 qualities you think are interesting in him. What would make a person not interesting? Are you an interesting person? Why? What if someone calls you “boring” and “not interesting”?
    Crafty, capable to succeed, to reach his goals; expert, complex, sure of himself, good man.
    A person that isn't balanced between moral sense and looking too strictly at rules for me isn't interesting. A person too much self centered, or that doen't want to recognize others capabilities and cooperate.
    I think everyone is interesting for someone else. They can call me whatever they think, I don't care.

    6. What opinions, from people who know you, seem: 1) fair; 2) not fair; 3) hurtful; 4) strange.
    1) well rounded, well-intentioned, dreamy, mind-absorbed, unattentive, honest, direct, logical, detached
    2) harsh, I-know-all, selfish
    3) not feminine
    4) both rational and irrational at the same time...

    7. Do you fantasize? What kind of fantasies do you have?
    Yes. I fantasize about difficult situations and how I will managethem. These situations aren't 'real world ones' but are based on my book that I'm writing, so it's 'fantasy'... anyway, it's a book full of mysteries and hardly intricate. Anyway my mind is always active, even when I sleep, it's always full of problems to solve, of situation to evaluate, of fantasy books to write, of theories to understand...

    . What qualities should a person have to be successful and why?
    knowledge, ambition, mantaining the situation fluid, courage, patience

    9. What qualities can stop a person from being successful and why?
    Too much focused on small details, pedantry

    10. What is more important in life – to be a good person or be a successful one? Why? Is a good person always successful? If not, then why?
    I think to be a good person. Because I know successful people and they are pretty... empty. They have all and they haven't no one to share their fortune with. And, if they have, a big part of time these people are insincere. I think that a good person is always successful, but you should look at successful under another perspective, that it's not to have money, power, etc, but to have skills and knowledge to face problems and succeed, a family that helps you, some friend, and a work that let you express yourself. Other things are more and superfluous in my opinion.

    Ok it was pretty a record, but I finished to fillit!

    I will wait to your replies

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    Resonare's Avatar
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    Your type seems fairly obvious from the OP...

    Just out of curiosity, which set of photos do you find more attractive?

  3. #3
    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    looks like lse
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Set A @Resonare

    Why LSE? @Maritsa

    Ty for replying

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    looks like lse
    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWings
    5. Remember an interesting person and call out 5-6 qualities you think are interesting in him. What would make a person not interesting? Are you an interesting person? Why? What if someone calls you “boring” and “not interesting”?
    Crafty, capable to succeed, to reach his goals; expert, complex, sure of himself, good man.
    A person that isn't balanced between moral sense and looking too strictly at rules for me isn't interesting. A person too much self centered, or that doen't want to recognize others capabilities and cooperate.
    I think everyone is interesting for someone else. They can call me whatever they think, I don't care.
    @WhiteWings INTp.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    @WhiteWings INTp.
    @Resonare thank you! INTp is ILI? Or LII?
    And can I ask how did you spot it?
    I had some trouble about Ti-Ni dynamic...

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWings View Post
    Set A @Resonare

    Why LSE? @Maritsa

    Ty for replying
    understand and use logic; lazy and energy conserving at times indicated Si; looks for a patient person in others which is Fi; and looks at people's character
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWings View Post
    @Resonare thank you! INTp is ILI? Or LII?
    And can I ask how did you spot it?
    I had some trouble about Ti-Ni dynamic...
    Np. INTp is ILI btw.

    To be Ti-valuing you also have to be Fe-valuing and I didn't get that from you. For example...

    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWings
    1. "Whole world does not cost one tear of child" – how do you understand this phrase? Do you agree with this opinion?
    I don't understand, what is supposed to mean?
    Parts like this in the Fe section seem polr, certainly at least weak. ILI's are Ti-demonstrative so even though they don't value Ti-Fe it's still the 2nd or 3rd strongest function behind Ni so that might explain the Ni-Ti problem you have.

    Overall you seem more Ip than Ij and you chose the IEE pictures over the ESE ones so LSI is unlikely.

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    1. Can you line up human resources and make them do things? What methods do you use? Can you press people? If so, how does it happen?
    I can be quite autoritarian. Being a woman, this was highly discouraged in me... my mom said that I have the power to let others feel stupid. I don't want to do this, it's only my way to teach them... so I learned how to do it in a polite way (roll eyes). I'm very direct in my way to communicate, now; but I try to don't press others too much or they can't resist to the pressure and will make a mess. So I push them till I see them in a comfortable mood, and then a little bit more, just to let them know how to deal with pressure. So they will learn.

    This alone suggests to me that you have a strong handle on Se and Te, and you are likely not Fe valuing, and probably an extrovert. This quote alone suggests that it's highly likely that you're an LSE as @Maritsa said. More than ILI anyway, who is passive and generally doesn't push others except in an indirect way.

    @WhiteWings May I ask what your country/culture of origin is, and how you relate to it? What are some features of it, and do you feel that you fit in with it, if you don't mind explaining a bit. Please also feel free to speak more about gender norms and how you relate to those.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    Np. INTp is ILI btw.

    To be Ti-valuing you also have to be Fe-valuing and I didn't get that from you. For example...

    Parts like this in the Fe section seem polr, certainly at least weak. ILI's are Ti-demonstrative so even though they don't value Ti-Fe it's still the 2nd or 3rd strongest function behind Ni so that might explain the Ni-Ti problem you have.

    Overall you seem more Ip than Ij and you chose the IEE pictures over the ESE ones so LSI is unlikely.
    Thank you for your explanation.
    Yes, I have trouble making tests (socionics one and cognitive ones) because these 2 are always high. LSI, too, and LIE but not SLE.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    ILI's are Ti-demonstrative so even though they don't value Ti-Fe it's still the 2nd or 3rd strongest function behind Ni so that might explain the Ni-Ti problem you have.
    Where did you get the idea that Ti would be an ILIs 2nd or 3rd strongest function? Is it Beebe from MBTI/JCF or something like that?

    In socionics, dimensionality theory is pretty foundational, and through that Ti in ILIs would actually be about equal, if not stronger than Ni actually. Ti and Ni would be both considered 4D functions. And if you look into the fact that the PoLR function is the weakest, and the fact that the IEs are dual to one another, then by straight logic out of this the demonstrative function would in fact be the strongest of the 8 functions even if unconscious and unvalued.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post

    This alone suggests to me that you have a strong handle on Se and Te, and you are likely not Fe valuing, and probably an extrovert. This quote alone suggests that it's highly likely that you're an LSE as @Maritsa said. More than ILI anyway, who is passive and generally doesn't push others except in an indirect way.

    @WhiteWings May I ask what your country/culture of origin is, and how you relate to it? What are some features of it, and do you feel that you fit in with it, if you don't mind explaining a bit. Please also feel free to speak more about gender norms and how you relate to those.
    What I can say is that I stay in my head a lot, even when I speak with others.
    I wouldn't say I'm closed to others, I can enjoy a good company, but in some way my brain is always active and says to me things even when I speak to them. Like pondering situations, and similar things.

    I can be autoritarian when I'm working on a goal, like 'you do this, you this, you that', but usually I'm ok.
    I'm from Italy, my culture is deeply influenced by moral values and my mom teached to me and my brothers to be gentle and polite. Not that I'm not, but I can be direct if I need to, like in a dangerous situation. I can manage something that is changing faster, I'm good at doing it, but I prefer to have time to think about what I have to do.

    About gender roles, I'm not a passive woman, like 'yes sir' and stay quiet. Not that I have an opinion on all, but I know my skills, and I would appreciate that my partner will take them into account. Definitely not a Damsel in Distress.
    For this reason, basically I search partners that are more capable than me, very experts and good leaders, because I don't like too much to lead (I wrote it into questionnaire, if I'm not wrong).
    Basically I like to solve situations through my 'mind power', and to succeed. I feel closer to Sherlock, Dr House, and these kind of fictional characters. Obviously I'm not good like them, but I can relate.

    From this picture of me, you can understand that I'm far away from what is considerate a 'typical feminine woman' in a traditional way, so I learned to cover these 'flaws'.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    Where did you get the idea that Ti would be an ILIs 2nd or 3rd strongest function? Is it Beebe from MBTI/JCF or something like that?

    In socionics, dimensionality theory is pretty foundational, and through that Ti in ILIs would actually be about equal, if not stronger than Ni actually. Ti and Ni would be both considered 4D functions. And if you look into the fact that the PoLR function is the weakest, and the fact that the IEs are dual to one another, then by straight logic out of this the demonstrative function would in fact be the strongest of the 8 functions even if unconscious and unvalued.
    The Demonstrative function is definitely not stronger than the Base function that is the core of the Ego itself. I'm fairly sure it's not stronger than the creative if that's the subtype as well. 4D Ti just means it encompasses every dimension of processing information - it's more about the efficiency of the function rather than it's actual strength.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWings View Post
    What I can say is that I stay in my head a lot, even when I speak with others.
    I wouldn't say I'm closed to others, I can enjoy a good company, but in some way my brain is always active and says to me things even when I speak to them. Like pondering situations, and similar things.
    I just want to mention before anyone else cuts in that this is not necessarily indication that you aren't a sensing type, because I do this and other sensors on the forum have reported being in their heads and detached like this too, to a degree.

    I can be autoritarian when I'm working on a goal, like 'you do this, you this, you that', but usually I'm ok.
    I'm from Italy, my culture is deeply influenced by moral values and my mom teached to me and my brothers to be gentle and polite. Not that I'm not, but I can be direct if I need to, like in a dangerous situation. I can manage something that is changing faster, I'm good at doing it, but I prefer to have time to think about what I have to do.
    This sounds like a Te lead to me, if not just an ST. Can you say a bit more about why you prefer time to think about what you have to do? How much does it bother you if you are asked to change your plans on a sudden note? Do you feel that it bothers you more, or less than the people around you that you know?

    About gender roles, I'm not a passive woman, like 'yes sir' and stay quiet. Not that I have an opinion on all, but I know my skills, and I would appreciate that my partner will take them into account. Definitely not a Damsel in Distress.
    If this is true, you're not likely an Ni ego, or at least not an Ni leading type like ILI.

    For this reason, basically I search partners that are more capable than me, very experts and good leaders, because I don't like too much to lead (I wrote it into questionnaire, if I'm not wrong).
    Basically I like to solve situations through my 'mind power', and to succeed. I feel closer to Sherlock, Dr House, and these kind of fictional characters. Obviously I'm not good like them, but I can relate.

    From this picture of me, you can understand that I'm far away from what is considerate a 'typical feminine woman' in a traditional way, so I learned to cover these 'flaws'.
    Thanks for your response. I obviously see you as LSE/ESTJ-like, due to your assertive, direct, powerful and straightforward nature of writing your posts as well as how you describe yourself. Have you ever read any articles describing the LSE type? Such as this one:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    The Demonstrative function is definitely not stronger than the Base function that is the core of the Ego itself. I'm fairly sure it's not stronger than the creative if that's the subtype as well. 4D Ti just means it encompasses every dimension of processing information - it's more about the efficiency of the function rather than it's actual strength.
    Do you have any evidence to support this view?

    From :

    "What differentiates the workings of a function possessing higher dimensionality is the breadth of its approach, better linking of information, which allows it to give out a result that is more optimal and adequate [3]."

    I am also curious as to the functional difference you seem to be seeing in trying to differentiate "efficiency" and "strength" here. I don't see it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    Do you have any evidence to support this view?

    From :

    "What differentiates the workings of a function possessing higher dimensionality is the breadth of its approach, better linking of information, which allows it to give out a result that is more optimal and adequate [3]."

    I am also curious as to the functional difference you seem to be seeing in trying to differentiate "efficiency" and "strength" here. I don't see it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Eglit
    You can not argue that one-dimensional function is unique - defective. Dimensionality - this is only a feature of information processing, but does not figure inferiority function.

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    There is also a German hospitality – the master of the house is always right.
    Nah nah babe. Where the fuq is that from.

    Big Ellen is watching you.

    Ok I'll stop. Now, serious business: What I got, you're an intuitive type.

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    @Resonare what does that line effectively mean though? It's a little bit vague, especially considering the full paragraph it was from:

    "You can not argue that one-dimensional function is unique - defective. Dimensionality - this is only a feature of information processing, but does not figure inferiority function. This is natural. Each function performs its role in the overall process of information processing. Low-dimensional features are in control units (Superego and Superid). Their task is to determine the "my" or "not my" problem, and in the transfer of control to the executive dimensional blocks."

    So it's effectively saying that problems get shuttled to the executive functions (higher dimensionality) as much as possible. What would the point of doing this be if the higher, executive functions were not in fact stronger and more capable? Insinuating that the demonstrative function would be weaker than the creative, even if not stronger than the leading function, would be an outright contradiction to this theory. There is no evidence yet that subtypes can bypass the effects of functional dimensionality. This aspect of the theory is part of the reason quasi-identicals are quasi-identicals, and how duality creates complete information (by creating complete informational dimensionality for all 8 IE).

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post

    This alone suggests to me that you have a strong handle on Se and Te, and you are likely not Fe valuing, and probably an extrovert. This quote alone suggests that it's highly likely that you're an LSE as @Maritsa said. More than ILI anyway, who is passive and generally doesn't push others except in an indirect way.

    @WhiteWings May I ask what your country/culture of origin is, and how you relate to it? What are some features of it, and do you feel that you fit in with it, if you don't mind explaining a bit. Please also feel free to speak more about gender norms and how you relate to those.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    I just want to mention before anyone else cuts in that this is not necessarily indication that you aren't a sensing type, because I do this and other sensors on the forum have reported being in their heads and detached like this too, to a degree.

    This sounds like a Te lead to me, if not just an ST. Can you say a bit more about why you prefer time to think about what you have to do? How much does it bother you if you are asked to change your plans on a sudden note? Do you feel that it bothers you more, or less than the people around you that you know?

    If this is true, you're not likely an Ni ego, or at least not an Ni leading type like ILI.

    Thanks for your response. I obviously see you as LSE/ESTJ-like, due to your assertive, direct, powerful and straightforward nature of writing your posts as well as how you describe yourself. Have you ever read any articles describing the LSE type? Such as this one:

    I can relate, but she seems more mobilized than me... I do these things, but my mood is more 'take it easy'. And she seems very competitive, I'm not in that way.I just want to have some role in a team, and I don't want that others think that I'm stupid or 'only a nice girl'. There is more in me, I can show to you, and if you trust me and give me some space, I can be the best companion that you will have.

    I want to think about at what I have to do because I'm not good at act on the spur of the moment. I prefer to understand well the situation and to think at what outcome is more consistent to arrive, and than decide what to do and when, keeping my eyes opened to see when it's the right moment to say or do something. If I can't visualize this process, for me it's difficult to manage the situation thinking at the outcome that I prefer to have, so I can do mistakes.

    If my 'plans' change, I will act to making me in a position that is good to reach a good outcome. I will be angry, because the process to follow is really important for me: if the process is right, the outcome is right. It bothers me more than people around me for sure.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chae View Post
    Nah nah babe. Where the fuq is that from.

    Big Ellen is watching you.

    Ok I'll stop. Now, serious business: What I got, you're an intuitive type.
    I don't like to be watched by Big Ellen

    Anyway, why intuitive? Which are the 'spot lights'

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWings View Post
    I can relate, but she seems more mobilized than me... I do these things, but my mood is more 'take it easy'. And she seems very competitive, I'm not in that way.I just want to have some role in a team, and I don't want that others think that I'm stupid or 'only a nice girl'. There is more in me, I can show to you, and if you trust me and give me some space, I can be the best companion that you will have.

    I want to think about at what I have to do because I'm not good at act on the spur of the moment. I prefer to understand well the situation and to think at what outcome is more consistent to arrive, and than decide what to do and when, keeping my eyes opened to see when it's the right moment to say or do something. If I can't visualize this process, for me it's difficult to manage the situation thinking at the outcome that I prefer to have, so I can do mistakes.

    If my 'plans' change, I will act to making me in a position that is good to reach a good outcome. I will be angry, because the process to follow is really important for me: if the process is right, the outcome is right. It bothers me more than people around me for sure.
    How did you feel about LSI then if you have read some of those descriptions? You had mentioned that you got LSI before on a test.

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    @Resonare btw what the heck is with you and ILIs? I remember you saying you thought I was ILI too for a while. I hope to God that's changed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    How did you feel about LSI then if you have read some of those descriptions? You had mentioned that you got LSI before on a test.
    It resonate well, more or less, but this organizing in advance that both have, is too much strict (for what is written on profiles).
    I don't organize so strictly my activities, I need a process to follow to make an idea real, and I will walk it. I don't want to know so much in advance how things will be structured (and honestly I can't), I can adjust my plans, but... If I walk a path, I know more or less which outcome will be. If I work another one, I want to ponder how, where and at which time (months, years) it will lead me...

    For this reason, when I don't ponder in advance what will be the outcome of something, I feel like 'on a spaceship, launched at breakneck speed toward something and the only thing to do is be prepared for the impact' like I've written before... If I haven't clear paths to follow, I feel lost. So, it's important for me know which one in advance...

    If this has some sense,...

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWings View Post
    I don't like to be watched by Big Ellen

    Anyway, why intuitive? Which are the 'spot lights'
    Fe emoji alert!!!! Awooooo
    *Big Ellen is now smol Ellen again* Hi~

    The spotlights- when you said you needed help in the Si section, daydreaming, staying in your head, your attitude about change and the bigger view of things, cause/effect, time feeling, estimating the talents of others, determining quality, applying meaning. Ne and Ni are over Se and Si.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWings View Post
    It resonate well, more or less, but this organizing in advance that both have, is too much strict (for what is written on profiles).
    I don't organize so strictly my activities, I need a process to follow to make an idea real, and I will walk it. I don't want to know so much in advance how things will be structured (and honestly I can't), I can adjust my plans, but... If I walk a path, I know more or less which outcome will be. If I work another one, I want to ponder how, where and at which time (months, years) it will lead me...

    For this reason, when I don't ponder in advance what will be the outcome of something, I feel like 'on a spaceship, launched at breakneck speed toward something and the only thing to do is be prepared for the impact' like I've written before... If I haven't clear paths to follow, I feel lost. So, it's important for me know which one in advance...

    If this has some sense,...
    Honestly I feel that I can relate to this a lot. What was it about SLE that you didn't resonate with? Does ILI resonate with you at all? Which characteristics fit you and which don't?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    Np. INTp is ILI btw.

    To be Ti-valuing you also have to be Fe-valuing and I didn't get that from you. For example...

    Parts like this in the Fe section seem polr, certainly at least weak. ILI's are Ti-demonstrative so even though they don't value Ti-Fe it's still the 2nd or 3rd strongest function behind Ni so that might explain the Ni-Ti problem you have.

    Overall you seem more Ip than Ij and you chose the IEE pictures over the ESE ones so LSI is unlikely.
    There's clearly a language barrier and that is not a clear question
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    8. Describe to us your behavior in the situations of opposition and if you have to use some force?
    I suck to use force. I can confuse my enemy with my brain, but nothing more. I can speak about benefits and try to convince others to follow me, I try to seduce them showing them what they want, and I explain them why it's better to follow my line of action instead kill me (figuratively or not). I'm not always good to doing this.
    Okay, this sounds very ILI to me actually. I feel that there's a bit of contradicting information in your questionnaire so it's hard to say.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    @Resonare what does that line effectively mean though? It's a little bit vague, especially considering the full paragraph it was from:

    "You can not argue that one-dimensional function is unique - defective. Dimensionality - this is only a feature of information processing, but does not figure inferiority function. This is natural. Each function performs its role in the overall process of information processing. Low-dimensional features are in control units (Superego and Superid). Their task is to determine the "my" or "not my" problem, and in the transfer of control to the executive dimensional blocks."

    So it's effectively saying that problems get shuttled to the executive functions (higher dimensionality) as much as possible. What would the point of doing this be if the higher, executive functions were not in fact stronger and more capable? Insinuating that the demonstrative function would be weaker than the creative, even if not stronger than the leading function, would be an outright contradiction to this theory. There is no evidence yet that subtypes can bypass the effects of functional dimensionality. This aspect of the theory is part of the reason quasi-identicals are quasi-identicals, and how duality creates complete information (by creating complete informational dimensionality for all 8 IE).
    It clearly says one-dimensional functions are unique in that they are defective (clearly inferior). When discussing the others, it clearly says dimensionality refers only to information processing and doesn't explicitly dictate which function is inferior to another.

    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    @Resonare btw what the heck is with you and ILIs? I remember you saying you thought I was ILI too for a while. I hope to God that's changed.
    I'm not going to help you derail this thread anymore than you have.

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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWings View Post
    What I can say is that I stay in my head a lot, even when I speak with others.
    I wouldn't say I'm closed to others, I can enjoy a good company, but in some way my brain is always active and says to me things even when I speak to them. Like pondering situations, and similar things.

    I can be autoritarian when I'm working on a goal, like 'you do this, you this, you that', but usually I'm ok.
    I'm from Italy, my culture is deeply influenced by moral values and my mom teached to me and my brothers to be gentle and polite. Not that I'm not, but I can be direct if I need to, like in a dangerous situation. I can manage something that is changing faster, I'm good at doing it, but I prefer to have time to think about what I have to do.

    About gender roles, I'm not a passive woman, like 'yes sir' and stay quiet. Not that I have an opinion on all, but I know my skills, and I would appreciate that my partner will take them into account. Definitely not a Damsel in Distress.
    For this reason, basically I search partners that are more capable than me, very experts and good leaders, because I don't like too much to lead (I wrote it into questionnaire, if I'm not wrong).
    Basically I like to solve situations through my 'mind power', and to succeed. I feel closer to Sherlock, Dr House, and these kind of fictional characters. Obviously I'm not good like them, but I can relate.

    From this picture of me, you can understand that I'm far away from what is considerate a 'typical feminine woman' in a traditional way, so I learned to cover these 'flaws'.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Usually someone will hand you their type and sometimes on a silver platter
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    It clearly says one-dimensional functions are unique in that they are defective (clearly inferior). When discussing the others, it clearly says dimensionality refers only to information processing and doesn't explicitly dictate which function is inferior to another.
    Those two sentences have more or less the opposite meaning, you do realize that right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    Honestly I feel that I can relate to this a lot. What was it about SLE that you didn't resonate with? Does ILI resonate with you at all? Which characteristics fit you and which don't?
    From LSE portrait that you sended to me:


    1) SHTIRLITS women are active, busy, it is possible to say that they are untiring. This is due to the fact that they are always able to estimate the nature and the volume of work. They know how to organize it. They know how to distribute physical and mental load, when it is time to rest, never work themselves to exhaustion.

    --- I'm more relaxed, and I take life more easy, I stay more calm. I mobilize only sometimes.

    They are frequently occupied by sport or dances, achieving good results. Regular physical exercise brings them pleasure.
    Not only exercise: I need my mind turn on. I can't stay doing something with my body but my brain is turned off. If I can apply a theory on the action that I'm making, is better: cooking (for this reason I cook almost always without recipes, looking at the result that I have in mind, and walking the path that I know will bring me there), writing, reading something new (I have a wide range of interests), building something DIY (I built electric stuffs with my father and I enjoyed the theory behind it). If for example I go to dance, or in the gym, I make physycal exercises, but I'm upset, because my brain isn't working.

    At home, representative of this type make for some of the best homemakers. Relatives can count on SHTIRLITS woman's irreproachable taste, that enables her to make any dwelling comfortable, beautiful, and convenient for the life. Creatively and skillfully she designs a harmonious interior, where each thing is located on its place, where there is nothing in excess, all objects are selected by color, texture, and size. Here nothing is scattered, there are no unpainted plinths, torn blinds, or peeled window-sills. Briefly, in her house it is pleasant to spend time.

    I'm not good at these stuffs.

    Example from life: "No, I do not have ideal order. But my apartment has zones - in the drawing room, in the office, in the bathroom there is always order. My husband and I are busy people, work a lot; therefore if friends suddenly come by in the evening to visit us, we are only glad by this. Indeed you cannot have guests, if everywhere things are scattered. But in the bedroom anything is allowed. Kitchen is a special zone. There can remain after breakfast dirty dishes - we do not always keep up. But I consider that this is normal, it can happen. In relation to everything else I say this: the more you misplace things - the more the time you will spend on ordering them again."

    Too much order of 'real' things. I'm terrible with real stuffs. My desk is a mess. Still organized to allow me to work, but a real mess. I prefer to manage ides.

    Children of women of this type, because of their efforts and diligence, are always washed, fed, and well dressed. She will also make sure that the child would learn well. And at the same time women of this type are inclined to hyper-caring. They poorly feel when it is necessary to grant certain freedom and independence to their child. They are too diligent in providing care for their husband and children. And if this doesn't hurt the husband and is even pleasant for him, then for children such approach can make them grow up dependent and spoiled. At some point SHTIRLITS woman must understand that it is time to stop.

    Simply, too much details :/ I can't deal with all of them. I'm washed? Yes. How I'm dressed, good, bad...? Boh.

    However, precisely time is her weak place; therefore development stages of child, attainment of adulthood, and other themes, connected with the course of time, she perceives poorly. Only because of organization and precision she succeeds in compensating for her failures in this area, and then, only if the discussion deals with simple things, for example, the tendency to not be late.

    Time is my weak place because I passed a lot pondering my ideas.


    In the childhood these are organized, obedient girls. They know their responsibilities and are characterized by being methodical and perseverant in the achievement of their objectives.
    They are equally skilled in humanitarian subjects and in the sciences. Preference is given to one of the directions in accordance with the inclinations and talents in one or other area.
    After being introduced to the girl of this type, try to demonstrate your good relation to her. Boldness does not greatly interest her in the man - money and position in the society she will inevitability obtain herself. But refinement of partner, his attention to her internal world, politeness in interaction, she will estimate with highest mark.
    They are reliable colleagues, responsible, and executive. She usually becomes a professional of high class, and, as a rule, builds a splendid career, alongside the fact that her family is never is neglected or poorly supported at the same time. In short, if among your colleagues there is a young girl SHTIRLITS, you can be calm and entrust to her any important functions, which you consider possible to assign to her. She will manage with everything.



    SLE woman is often physically well developed with an excellent sense of command over her body.

    I haven't so much sense of equilibrium, grace and good taste for my look.

    At school female SLEs usually perform well, although they are not always obedient and may have problems with discipline.

    I was ok.

    Frequently, due to their inability to control relations, girls of this type do sudden, incomprehensible, even extravagant acts. They seemingly attempt to draw attention to themselves by displaying their unusualness, originality, unpredictability, since in culture it is customary that a woman must be mysterious and incomprehensible to the man. They can, for example, suddenly leave their partner, saying that they will never return, but then later come back to him. This can continue for a while, especially if the partner of this girl is not 'strong' in ethics.

    My opposite, I never 'play a role'. I'm just myself.

    Living space of female Zhukovs is usually in order. She does not attempt to clean her home to the point that it is spotless, but at the same she will do housecleaning regularly: usually once a week with a major overhaul once or twice per year. Windows will be washed as needed, all repairs will be completed, all sink faucets will be brought into order. Her relation to housework is like in the army - household duties are kept in strong grip. There is no place for sloppiness in such a home.

    Like I've said, I'm really bad with cleaning and this 'real' details.

    At home woman SLE can be commander-in-chief. She gives clear orders and anybody who does not obey can be subjected to severe punishment.
    No, I'm only direct. I don't do it to command others, just to show my skills and to succeed.

    Female Zhukov is also very sociable, loves gatherings. She does not mind having some fun, laughing in a circle of friends or colleagues, at home or at a corporate party. She loves to listen to anecdotes and tells them herself. She will always support social gatherings, she organizes or helps others to organize parties and celebrations, trips to nature, she will designate who will buy tickets, who will order hotel rooms. In short, she is of public temperament.

    I don't like so much large parties. I'm not at ease. I go in charge when I see that no one can, and I fix the problem. Especially when I have to treat with people.
    I prefer to manage problems that involve ideas and theories, better than practical ones. And usually I'm in team, and I work on issue with people that are really expert, so I do my job and they do their and together we succeed to the final goal. I work with them, but not with them...
    If I know that I can fix the problem in a good way, I'll do. I prefer that others ask me to do this, because I like when others acknowledge my skills.

    But to work with representatives of this type can be complicated and difficult. They can be too direct, exacting, demanding, which does not always please their colleagues, neither their subordinates nor supervisors, before whom she does not grow timid, frequently insisting on and getting that which she considers necessary. This deviates from the traditional expectations of role of a woman to be more considerate of harmony in relations, to be more diplomatic and to compromise. Nothing like this can be expected from female Zhukov.

    I can be polite, but truth has the highest place in relationships. I will not lie to please you. I will explain to you why my plan is better, and why you should follow it. Then, I will organize the work, and then I leave to do my part. For this reason I say that I don't like to command, but I like to say how and why people should do things. If I haven't time I will say 'do this, this and this'. Or if I have people under me, like often happens.

    Retiring is equivalent to death for the women of this type, because work is the most important stimulus for them. It indicates respect, position in society, money, and confirmation of her own significance in the eyes of others, connections with others, and the sense of her own usefulness. Being a housewife does not draw a woman of this type - too narrow and insignificant. She could in fact command regiments.
    Like I've said before, I don't care about these things.


    As wives, ZHUKOV women are very loyal and devoted. She is a dependable friend and an invaluable assistant to her husband. But, more frequently it happens that it is the husband who gets the assistant role, as she assumes control over the domestic matters. In this case it will be better if he yields to her. To resist would be useless - she simply knows better. But if she suddenly feels the need to talk about relations or attain what she wants (and to female ZHUKOVs always need to attain it), she will, without any ceremonies, directly voice everything to her partner.
    Specifically here lies the basic difficulty for the women of this type, especially when dating. In culture it is customary to assume that the woman must act a bit dependent, weak, silly and frivolous. Such girls are traditionally pleasing. However, in women and girls of this type there is little of the romantic (although they are very sentimental in their souls) and none of the silly or weak. They do not correspond to standard stereotype of what a woman should be; therefore it is not always easy for them to find a partner.
    Another difficulty is that they discern poorly how relations are unfolding and are almost incapable of directing them. They don't feel when a relationships is coming towards the end until they are put right in front of the fact. The end of the relations for them is always sudden and often traumatic. If a man nonetheless shows interest in the woman Zhukov, relations are frequently directed into their place by her orders. However, not all men are ready to this turn of events, some may choose to suddenly leave her. This hurts a woman SLE very deeply because in such cases she feels as if she has been betrayed.
    In her behavior these is very little diplomacy. She can observe a displeasing situation for some time, but then she will compulsorily put everything and everyone in their place very simply, sometimes seasoning her energetic speech by more nonstandard vocabulary.
    5)Whoever is capable to handle this directness can build good relations with women of this type. She simply does not pay attention to the rest, but secretly she grows worried that she cannot build relations with everyone. For her it is important that she is received and treated well. The assaults of her own roughness and impetuosity are painful to her, but she has difficulty seeing any other methods of regulating complex and even simple ethical situations.



    Not only does she plan out her next week and weekend, but also the next two or three months, and even the next two years of her life. Everything gets planned: her studies, her career, marriage and family life, children (birth dates and number), move to a new apartment, acquisition of a washing machine, trips abroad, and so on.

    Too much. I do it, but too much here.

    Family for woman of this type is very important, because it creates a safe haven where she can feel herself protected from the chaotic and complicated external world. Therefore special attention is paid to her home life; here she will have order. Her family members will obtain all that is necessary, but nothing in excess. No one will remain hungry with MAKSIMKA, but also do not expect lavish feasts. She will not tell about what she cooked and how she cooked it, but there will always be something simple but substantial kept in the refrigerator.

    I like to cook, too much minimal here. Something in the middle?

    She is wary of something entirely new.
    I like new stuffs if I can analyze them and I can decide where they will lead me. Or just explore them safety.


    But do not be mistaken, there is a real iron rod inside this girl. And, as soon as she feels that a relationship has been established, she will more rarely make eyes at you and more frequently manifest her demanding and possessive nature. In addition, MAKSIMKAs are frequently romantic and lofty in their souls, and also like to imagine themselves as heroines of novels or movies.

    If you have become the object of her affection, she will not advertise this fact, but allow you to be the first one to demonstrate initiative. Excessive passiveness in her partner can lead to a diminishing of feelings in this girl. She is very oriented that her suitors will court her, attend to her, try to attain her favor, and strive to prove their devotion to her. This is partially due to the fact that she does not see well in what direction relations are developing, and she fears being rejected. Moreover any uncertainty frightens her. And this is another reason why she will not be the first to express her feelings.

    If MAKSIMKA is talking with you, this does not mean that you already became her friend. The bar for trusting someone for women of this type is set very high. They do not consider a person to be a close friend or loved one if they do not trust him or her 100%.
    Do not try to provoke her to jealousy in hopes of igniting her feelings. She will not fight for you, but simply decide that you are an unreliable partner. You will hardly earn a favorable disposition in the case if you try to appear mysterious, first appear then suddenly disappear somewhere, first call her then cut contact. Remember: she will not suffer such uncertainty and lack of clarity in relations.

    If you have proven yourself to be worthy of her trust, make sure that you follow through and do not disappoint her - second time, she hardly will believe you. But if this girl saw in you a selfless friend, a loyal knight, she will become a reliable and devoted companion.

    MAKSIMKA tries to live her life without any unexpected contingencies. She knows what she wants; she tries to live according to a plan and does not like it when the circumstances interfere with the realization of what she has decided for her future.

    It is understandable that, in order to achieve all this, one needs a lot of willpower and determination. Both qualities are present in MAKSIMKA, moreover she has enough of these qualities not only for herself but also for others around her. With this girl you will not become spoiled. She will not grow tired of forcing others day after day to implement their plans into real life. MAKSIMKA will neither plan nor do anything that she considers to be an excess, but if she has already thought up of something, then do not count on her losing sight of it.

    Being accurate, assiduous, and responsible, girls of this type usually study well, although they only do that which has been assigned, and nothing more than that. Lively student life does not draw them in too much. Because of their exactness in the relationships, they usually do not have many friends, and even to their few friends they rarely complain about problems of their personal life or disclose what the depths of their souls.

    A feeling of duty is extended in women of this type not only to family, but also to work. MAKSIMKA is aspiring and ambitiously tries to build her career, although in this case she will not begin to disregard her family responsibilities. Her supervisors highly value the industriousness, accountability, and reliability of this girl, who, after some time, perfectly masters the necessary skills and acquires the needed knowledge. Very soon, it becomes clear that it is possible to rely on her, such that advancement in career is guaranteed for her.

    Representatives of this type greatly value the atmosphere of any holiday (their favorite is often the New Year). They will never miss dates that are significant in their family (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.). They will arrange a celebration at home with giving of gifts, a celebratory meal and invitation of close friends. Leading a fairly closed off and measured style of life, at the same time, they are not against enjoying some company and merriment, so that they can laugh and fool about, but only in case that the company is made of people whom they consider to be their people.

    Thus find a good reason for celebration and invite your MAXIM or or MAKSIMKA. If they know that there they will be entertained and cheered up, then without fail they will come over. And, may be even bring a mask of fake nose with glasses and whiskers. But they will do so only in such a case, if they know that the hosts will with pleasure take up their tomfoolery.



    1)BAL'ZACHKA does not like to stand out. She holds herself modestly, keeps in the background, never jumps out to front lines nor to the side lines. However, her sharp, critical mind and staggering capability for foresight quickly become noticeable if you associate with this girl over some matters.

    I stand up for myself.

    2) Perhaps precisely because of this pragmatism these girls rarely remain single, without a family. They, as a rule, do not have overstated ideas about themselves or heightened romantic requirements of their partner. This makes it possible to soberly and sensibly look at themselves as well as at their significant other. Since they typically know better and do not advertise their intellectual ability, they successfully circumvent man's prejudice that the woman must not be too clever. BAL'ZACHKA can calmly live together with a man and independently make well thought-out decisions concerning everyday situations - and he will not even notice that his companion is so clever. It may seems to him that the matters somehow resolve themselves, or that all of it is his merit.

    A female ILI is also careful and farsighted. She will never do anything that will bring her harm in future. And if partner does not satisfy her in something essential, then, sooner or later, he will be left without special regrets as an unpromising match. Certainly, this does not mean that female ILIs are incapable of love, but they understand very well to what extent the material aspect of life is important, and they cannot neglect it during selection of the partner. Even if it seems to you that BAL'ZACHKA has agreed to the "paradise in a shack", take a closer look at whom she has chosen. May be he is still a student, but it is not excluded that she already sees in him a promising future husband with the great career possibilities and, it goes without saying, with good income.

    Like I've said, I haven't the 'crystal ball' to see future, but I can predict more or less outcomes.

    I'm more direct than her with people that I love, because I want to be true to myself and to them. If I recognize that i can 'take their nose' and act manipulating them, I feel bad. And, if we are speaking about a partner, he isn't so clever, so for me he loses a little bit of charm. I really dislike this kind of games between people that I like and trust, it's supposed to be a family... but with others that I perceive like enemies or strangers I can act in this way, I will act in this way every time is possible, because I can't face them with my strenght.

    When I say that I stand up for myself, I speak about ideas, and generally when I argue about theories with people, or when they attack me directly in a verbal form. I can be sarcastic and sharp, but I will react. If I value the situation and it's a bad situation for me, I will act more in a not direct way.

    Anyway, this type is too much calm and quite to be like me. I'm calm and quiet but I have sparks of energy that I share with others, but this really makes me tired and I want to have some rest alone.

    3)Small children, around whom adults usually act like they are moved by their cuteness, don't appeal much to female ILIs - the senselessness of an infant who has to be breast-fed and the need to manifest emotions seems repulsive to them. They like it much more when children grow up a little, and they can talk with them, supply them with important information, discuss interesting problems, and teach them life.

    I'm not a big fan of children, but here is written too much detached. I'm a little bit more showing feelings.


    With her softness and friendliness, she suffices with a small company of friends, or with one or two girlfriends, and does not suffer from this. At the same time, she is glad to support a social gathering and on occasion loves to be with people, however, her close circle always consists of clever, intellectually developed individuals, with whom she has something to talk about. Clubbing, crowded gatherings where there is much noise and laughter, but no sense whatsoever, quickly bore her. Even if she goes to such a gathering, perhaps succumbing to social pressure, it will take her a day or two to recover.

    BAL'ZACHKA herself visualizes the situation well with all its potential consequences, and she knows how it will develop many steps ahead. She thinks everything through thoroughly and will never connect her fate with a man who will not be able to justify her hopes. She solidly knows that in order to create a family and bring up children, one needs money, a good job and a place to live, not soulful sighs, flights of fancy, physical attractiveness or irresistible charm of partner, as girls of some other types may think.

    Making an acquaintance with female ILI don't laugh boisterously or be too merry - in this manner you will not make a good impression on her. It is better to place emphasis on intellect and witticisms. This will resonate with representatives of this type and evoke response and understanding. They will be assured that they are not spending their time in vain. Work on your appearance and your inner state - these girls like those whose looks hint at prestige, but who are not flashy. If acquaintance has taken place and relations are in development, avoid any dramatizations and attempts at boisterously examining your relations

    Female ILI is very adept at logical arguments such that you will never manage to prove anything to her, but in department of feelings this may cause her to feel repulsion towards you. She feels uneasy with constant examinations and analyses of relations and stormy declarations of feelings. They bear such bright emotions with great difficulty, since they don't understand anything in them, and find such heated passions to be very tiring. So try to maintain friendly, benevolent, and calm relations, to which this girl is very responsive.

    Intellectual ILIs learn wonderfully well, since for their flexible mind there are practically no limitations. They can excel in technical, as well as humanitarian and artistic areas, and even in those sphere where they have to work with hands. They are often attracted to folk art, sewing, making of dolls and jewelry.

    The only breakdowns in normal life can occur if BAL'ZACHKA finds herself unable to overcome two things: the absence of enthusiasm (hence frequent periods of laziness) and haughtiness ("people around me a so stupid, so why should I associate with such idiots").

    At work, a female ILI is completely irreplaceable. They are unusually clever and quick to learn, acquire necessary skills rapidly and rarely become confused in their work. It is practically never necessary to repeat instructions twice to them.

    Since career for them is very real, and domestic responsibilities they find to be sufficiently dull, female ILIs try to optimize their participation in household chores. Certainly, it is pleasant for them to prepare something unique for loved ones or guests, to take care of the people they love for one evening. However, for the most part they do not enjoy cooking or other daily household upkeep duties. If the feeling of duty has prevailed and BAL'ZACHKA takes on such responsibilities, then she will make sure to optimize her methods prioritizing quicker rate of completion.

    From life: "After my fork got glued to my plate so strongly that I had to throw both of them out, I immediately realized that I won't manage without a housekeeper".

    It Took some time, but I did my best.

    Thank you for your patience.

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    Sorry I know that sometimes it can sound a little bit confused, but it's for this reason that I asked for the type.

    I dislike tests on internet, without people consulting, because they can lead to untrustful results.

    Anyway, I really would appreciate to find 'my type' because I would start to learn more about me.

    Thank you for your efforts and support.

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    @WhiteWings Wow, you did that quickly and thoroughly. Awesome. Based on that, I do think that it's very likely that you're an ILI. You do seem like a healthy balanced individual with well developed (or developed enough) ethics and sensing, if this were the case.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    Those two sentences have more or less the opposite meaning, you do realize that right?
    This is becoming circular.

    Dimensionality - this is only a feature of information processing, but does not figure inferiority function.

    "to figure" - to have a significant part or role in a situation or process.

    Dimensionality does not play a significant part in determining whether a function is superior or inferior i.e. the demonstrative is not superior to the creative just because it's 4D which was your original argument...

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffer View Post
    @WhiteWings Wow, you did that quickly and thoroughly. Awesome. Based on that, I do think that it's very likely that you're an ILI. You do seem like a healthy balanced individual with well developed (or developed enough) ethics and sensing, if this were the case.
    But, in your opinion, is this possible? I mean, to fit well into the type without covering completely the description...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Resonare View Post
    This is becoming circular.

    Dimensionality - this is only a feature of information processing, but does not figure inferiority function.

    "to figure" - to have a significant part or role in a situation or process.

    Dimensionality does not play a significant part in determining whether a function is superior or inferior i.e. the demonstrative is not superior to the creative just because it's 4D which was your original argument...
    If you type this person ILI I should let you know that ILI are very good with fashion and they are good with time
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    "Simply, too much details :/ I can't deal with all of them. I'm washed? Yes. How I'm dressed, good, bad...? Boh.

    5) However, precisely time is her weak place; therefore development stages of child, attainment of adulthood, and other themes, connected with the course of time, she perceives poorly. Only because of organization and precision she succeeds in compensating for her failures in this area, and then, only if the discussion deals with simple things, for example, the tendency to not be late.

    Time is my weak place because I passed a lot pondering my ideas."

    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    My original argument was to do with strength/weakness associated with dimensionality. I'm not sure what Eglit meant by superior or inferior by what you quoted, but it was interesting that it could potentially suggest she saw 2-4D as being not important when dealing with the role of functions; I'm guessing possibly to do with subjective experience. It still doesn't really make sense that she's saying that (structurally) right after a sentence where she explains the 1D functions are weak/defective, and also said the line I initially quoted in the beginning of the article explaining that higher dimensionality functions are more effective than lower ones (and reinforcing this point throughout the article).

    If you need any more proof though that dimensionality is considered valid in how it can ascribe strength vs. weakness to functions, and that the demonstrative function is indeed stronger than the creative through this widely accepted / foundational theory, then here you go:

    "Dimensionality of a function is the number of qualitative information processing parameters in the framework of which a function of model A is capable of processing information. Each function has two characteristics: the amount of accumulated experience and its ability to process information, which is also known as the "strength" of the function. The concepts of dimensionality was introduced when it was noticed that a weaker function that has, for one reason or another, accumulated a lot of experience is easily mistaken for a strong function, which can lead to errors in typing. To resolve this issue, the concept of functional dimensionality was proposed by Kiev socionists (Bukalov, Yermak) and is now widely applied by socionists from various schools. A summary of this concept is given below."

    Strong/Weak – Depending on our type, certain kinds of information metabolism will be strong or weak, meaning we find it easy or difficult to act on that kind of information effectively. Strength/Weakness can be divided into four levels, known as Dimensionality which varies from One-Dimensionality to Four-Dimensionality:

    • Two-Dimensionality (2D) – Weak. We have to work at these kinds of information to achieve adequacy in it. Usually its use will be tiring to maintain.

    To claim that strong/weak has nothing to do with dimensionality is kind of ludicrious and would pit you against socionics canon.

    And @OP sorry for the derail. Maybe the posts on this topic can be split into another thread.

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