I've talked to some people about this idea before. As I'll be having less time around on here I figure it would be an ideal time to drop it down and let it stew around.

I want to propose an idea that slightly augments the original 4D dimensionality theory. Instead of 4 dimensionality levels, each function sits at a slightly different level.

Here's the reasoning behind this concept:

1) PoLR is the weakest, least controlled function.
2) Information elements don't exist in absolute forms on their own, but instead exist in balance or in opposite proportion to their dual IE.

What this would imply, is that the demonstrative function, which houses the IE that is dual to the PoLR, would have the strongest dimensionality in each individual's TIM.

Addressing the rest of the functions, we can order them inside the structure.

This creates the following ordering in dimensionality:

Demonstrative > Lead > Ignoring > Creative > Hidden Agenda > Role > Dual Seeking > PoLR

Please share what your thoughts on this are. Criticism will be necessary.

@thehotelambush @lavos @Rebelondeck @strangeling @ anyone else who likes theoretical stuff