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    I seem to be a mix between EII and SLI. This is my compatibility with the Filatova EII description (to the best of my memory):

    Fits.[Doesn't fit].Unknown/neither.

    Descriptions of the Strong Functions:

    Fi – Program function. Introverted ethics in first function designate a person for whom the main orientation in life is making judgments about good and evil, morals and depravity, decency and dihonorableness.
    EII very acutely feels the general trends and standards of behavior which prevail in a society or a social group. She is usually mindful of these norms in order to not be insulting to other people. When she first joins a new group, she holds herself back and behaves tactfully conforming to established norms, meanwhile observing and assessing the psychological atmosphere. Once she has absorbed the existing atmosphere, only then she considers becoming a full-fledged member of the community and establishing her influence in regards to its psychological atmosphere.

    When encountering people who are disadvantaged, outcast, unhappy, or weak [she experiences a desire to emotionally support them and console them]. Thus others will frequently refer to her with their troubles, and [she will listen to their grievances and confessions sometimes for hours]. She tries to sympathize, to enter their personal position, to feel their emotional pain as if it is her own, to accept the person and give them moral support.

    EII is very sensitive and emotional, however, her introversion turns all her experiences inward, and thus these qualities are not always observable from the outside. Sometimes she appears as calm and impassive, but this impression is illusory, for every event, even those popularly deemed insignificant, leaves a trace in her soul that survives for a long time. As a rule, she represses her anger and irritation, and the desire to criticize others in herself.

    One of the characteristic qualities of EII when she has taken offense is the creation of a psychological barrier between herself and the offender. In such cases, she take the position of emphatically cold politeness and answer all questions monosyllabically. For some people such behavior of this sociotype is difficult to endure; they'd prefer that the EII shouts or somehow expressed her anger and indignation. It is not an easy state for her either. However, if the offender asks for forgiveness and shows his desire to change the situation, then this state of offense may rapidly pass.

    High emotionalism in combination with rationality frequently make the EII to focus on some past traumatic situation; she thinks it over and over again. In her consciousness, a center of excitation is created that overshadows all other aspects of life when this occurs. In these cases, she finds it difficult to focus on anything else. Mentally, again and again, she returns to the same point; she may speak repeatedly about it, and annoy others around her with these recollections.

    Ne – Implementation of the program. To create harmony in life, EII searches for people' veritable, core values. These values she often finds in realm of ethical virtues and [spirituality]. Even in youth, through her imagination, EII forms a certain ideal that she attempts to reach. A feeling of obligation often lies at the foundation of her program function. Thus, the smallest divergence in behavior away from this ideal causes the EII to chastise and restrain herself. In this journey towards self-perfection, EII can become her own worst tyrant. [This tyranny of this sense of obligation in its extreme manifestations can even lead the EII to develop contempt for herself]. It can also lead her to feel contemptuous and critical of others, when their behavior fails to correspond with her ideal of decency and ethical values. This sort of maximalism, characteristic of EII in her youth, can lead to confrontations and conflicts with her peers, which weigh heavily upon her and are very trying for her.

    Since her ethical ideal and norms, that she feels are compulsory to strive for, tend to be extremely high and difficult to live up to, she may gradually develop an increasing and continuous feeling of shame before everyone for her failings. Due to this feeling, with great difficulty does she assert herself and protect her rights. She considers that if she has failed in something – it is punishment for her mistakes. This sense of guilt can accompany the EII throughout her entire life.

    She has little interest in career advancement and material values as main goals for her existence. The main thing for her is to find her purpose, to make something of her life before it passes by, to realize her innate abilities and talents. For the ideas that EII advocates, she is willing to go to the "executioner’s bloc". In psychologically extreme situations, she does not care how others evaluate and judge her, because her own inner trials are the most severe ones. However, in ordinary situations EII prefers to avoid conflicts, assuming that kindness and decency are the best ways of resolving any misunderstandings.

    Descriptions of the Weak Functions:

    Se – Painful function. Witnessing instances of physical violence and application of force is usually unpleasant for the EII. She develops a negative gut reaction in response to physical punishments, abuse, and conflict, especially if these lead to someone's death, sometimes even if these are merely representations on television. [Such spectacles incite in EII the desire to put an end to violence.] Her protest becomes more vivid and sharp when she sees this happening in real life, especially if the abuse and punishment is directed at children.

    EII considers that each person should aim for betterment, self-improvement and self-erudition, and harshness with which she applies this to herself is often unrealistic and inadequate for ordinary, real life. In this, the vulnerability of her weak sensing functions manifests itself. It should be noted that on vulnerable function, the person's reactions do not correspond to the circumstances – she can be both unjustifiably strong and too weak.

    The EII is very sensitive to authoritative and overbearing notes in her address. Frequently she works haplessly at tasks due to her underdeveloped business logic. If, in addition to this, she is forced to do more, she interprets this as the underestimation of her diligence and may simply discontinue working, while an appeal to her feeling of responsibility can for long time keep her in the state of work activity.

    The orientation towards the ideal, constant work on herself from one side, and the difficulty of emotional recharge from another, make the EII eventually feel tired of herself. This often lends to disorders of her nervous system. Contact with nature greatly assists her in her struggle to relax; instinctively she strives for a healthy mode of life.

    In resolving problems that have to do with housekeeping, EII tends to be inefficient. To purchase quality food, to adequately suture a piece of clothing, to do laundry – on all of these she resolves expanding too much effort than is necessary. If it was up to her to dictate her life, she would wish to not have to deal with the chores. [Yet the EII never ceases in spending too much time and energy on each task. She feels that she must maintain cleanliness and order, because she cannot live in disorder] and she also considers it shameful to allow others to witness disorder in her living space. The absence of money greatly alarms and suppresses her, if this occurs, because she does not feel confident in her ability to obtain resources when they are exhausted. Thus she saves and strives to always have money around, just in case "for the rainy day". Weakness in sensing also manifests in her difficulty understanding whether some thing will be needed in future or not. Thus, she is prone to hoarding and keeping things for years, which most other people would have thrown out long time ago.

    Ti – Role function. EII thinks over all her actions beforehand, defining concrete goals or imperatives that are of primary importance to reach. This approach does not always succeed due to her emotionalism which frequently pushes or pulls her away the original direction she planned to follow. Nevertheless she tries to organize her activity into a specific system, bring about order, which requires vast efforts from her.

    The normative nature of this function in EII is especially clearly seen in how ardently this sociotype abides by the laws and regulations. She follows exactly the official norms and regulations that are endorsed in her society.

    Trying to work as conscientiously as possible, EII doesn't always do so effectively. Thus she wastes much of her time in an unproductive fashion. She sometimes compensates for this by working from dawn to dawn. She finds it difficult to bind her workday within a reasonable framework: there always seems to be something that is unfinished. Frequently, she wants to realize herself in that which doesn't work out for her. As a consequence of her efforts at self-improvement, she sometimes wholly devotes herself to work, which contradicts her nature, but the feeling of responsibility exceeds her other needs.

    EII at Work and at Home:

    If the EII finds herself in a leadership position, the burden of responsibility not only for herself but also for her coworkers weigh heavily on her and present a difficult challenge. She deeply feels any mistake, any mishap, trying at best of her abilities to complete the assigned work. Occupying a position of management, the EII is able to conflict with inconsiderate and shirking subordinates, or even with higher authorities, if she senses that the interests of her collective are being unfairly infringed or disregarded. In both cases, at the forefront is not her personal interest but the feeling of responsibility for her project and her workgroup.

    In relation with subordinates the EII prefers to keep honest – more often will deny something than make a promise that she cannot fulfill. For her an ideal situation is when her subordinates also like minded people who share in her ideas, with whom EII can work together towards a common cause. She evaluates people, not according to what position they occupy, but whether they have personal qualities which correspond to her ethical standards.

    Since warm, friendly relations, trust, an atmosphere of love and mutual understanding, are the main program for EII, a large part of her life is her family, where, in ideal, she hopes to realize this program. Unfortunately, relations frequently prove to be distant from the ideal, and this circumstance is the most traumatic for EII, who is very sensitive from one side, but externally restrained from another.

    EII rarely considers cheating, not because she fears her partner finding out, but because it contradicts with her ethical norms. Even if her relations with her spouse are not great, she will all the same try to maintain benevolence and warmth in the relationship; it happens that EII will sacrifice herself for the sake of her children.

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    This is my compatibility with the SLI description (to the best of my memory):


    Fits.[Doesn't fit].Unknown/neither.

    Si – Program function. Represented by the sensation of harmony, beauty and health. Everything must be balanced in the best way possible. At the same time, beauty must be combined with usefulness: this is applied to his work, relations with people, decoration and furnishing of living quarters, and in the [comprehensive development of a physically healthy body].

    SLI has very good memory for colors, odors, and somatic sensations; he can easily recreate these in his mind. He may be able to recall the taste of some food years later. In many respects, he is an aesthete. Often representatives of this type possess developed artistic sense. His perception is characteristically steady and contemplative, and outwardly unemotive. He is not one of those individuals who, with sensual energy, immediately dive into basic sensory pleasures: [he prefers to leisurely "relish" his experiences, timely distinguishing and separating the pleasant from the unpleasant ones]. The surrounding world begets in him a broad scope of sensations to which he's very attentive. He adeptly perceives his internal physical states, understands the abilities of his body, and therefore, [may successfully engage himself in sports] – of predominately individual types. Even if due to some life circumstances SLI is distant from sport, nevertheless a healthy mode of life is necessary for him, since it provides him with a general feeling of being harmonious, sensible and balanced.

    This function's manifestation is especially noticeable in SLI's exterior appearance: he always dresses appropriately in a simple, elegant, sporty style – his clothing is chosen primarily based on functionality and convenience.

    Te – Implementation of the program. In order to realize the program of the first function, to make things more convenient, useful, and attractive, SLI engages in practical activity. SLI indeed displays high mastery in his work. Anything he takes on, he strives to bring to perfection. He works thoroughly, while improving and polishing his methods, and makes the result not only useful but also attractively designed. He understands well the possibilities of using one material or instrument over another, and knows precisely in which cases one will work better than another. He studies examples of high-quality work. He is interested in the most effective methodology. In work, prefers unhurried manner and soundness. If necessary, he can work from early in the morning until late at night. In such cases, he will spend effort to create shortcuts that will make his labor more convenient or pleasant for himself.

    SLI knows how to focus on the primary objective whilst not forgetting about the specifics. This ability is inherent to him in reading lectures, in setting up his living space, in conducting instruction and training. If, in his point of view, he has attained mastery in some subject or activity, then he will change his objective: he finds it tiresome to be occupied with the same routine work over a long period of time. In this manner his irrationality manifests itself.

    Before starting on a new project, SLI spends time making sufficient preparations, accumulates and infers about pertinent information, gather necessary supplies and materials. He likes to first try out different things, to experiment, so that he better senses the possibilities of forthcoming work.

    On the one hand, he is characterized by stubbornness and perseverance, on the other hand – has a certain measure of inertness. He may "prolong" and "delay", until all the deadlines are near, then rapidly mobilize at the last minute and complete his assignments or work. He will not take up dubious work, but prefers reliability, definitiveness, certainty, calculations rather than unsound risk.

    He loves to work completely autonomously, independently, so that he wouldn't have to adapt himself to anyone else. He is especially irritated by illogical, unsound instructions.

    Description of the Weak Functions:

    Fe – Painful function. SLI prefers to conceal his emotions. Outwardly he seems impenetrable and unemotional. This is partly due to the fact that he is poorly capable of detecting the moods of people around him and also he fears that showing his emotions may seem inappropriate or ridiculous. This forces him to retain a psychological distance. However, this distance should not be dejecting: if anyone asks SLI for help, he most likely won't turn the person down, but will listen and provide aid, and even sympathize with the misfortune.

    However, he possesses a degree of sensitivity and sentimentality: he will take up a common cause or work in order to demonstrate his disposition towards people, instead of showing it with emotions. [Introspection is also not his element.]

    In conflict situations SLI tries to stay away from possible scandals. To a certain point, he will be calm, steady and inert. However, if someone suddenly invades his sacred psychological "territory", where no one is allowed, or attempts to afflict his personal sense of value – SLI can unexpectedly flare up and be driven into fury. In such a state, he may lose control of himself and is even capable of striking the offender. In regards to his emotions, just as with practical tasks, he warms up slowly, and afterwards he cannot be quickly swayed or calmed – especially after an explosion. Here, his particular type of inertness also applies.

    Ni – Role function. Flights of fantasy and blurry boundlessness – such things are not characteristic of SLI. He cannot sufficiently evaluate the long-term prospects of one task over another or [accurately predict someone's actions], and thus finds it difficult to solve strategic problems. Sometimes he makes mistakes in judging people and is inclined to view them in a more positive, advantageous light, and then later feels deceived by his expectations. In his designs and assessments of future prospects, he has to depend on his ability to make realistic estimates rather than intuition. For additional certainty, he discusses his plans with his colleagues, to confirm that they correspond to the established regulations and norms, which others deem sensible.

    SLI at Work and at Home:

    As a leader SLI implements his plans with regards to aesthetics and practicality; therefore his products and results are often of high quality and beautiful design. However, he doesn’t strive to be leader, even if he is gifted with talents. If, nevertheless, it was necessary to occupy a position of leadership, he will first attempt to understand who is capable of what, as it is more rational to assign each worker to a job that corresponds with his or her level of skill. In management SLI adheres to the principles of the collegiality and tries to materially stimulate his coworkers to do their work.

    He finds it difficult to make prognoses about development of production over long periods of time. He is better at resolving immediate, tactical questions, rather than assessing long-term goals and outcomes; therefore it is better that he leads a smaller group.

    He prefers to solve conflict situations by method of compromise. However, if the conflict touches on his fundamental principles and values, then he will not surrender his position.

    The characteristic qualities of his nature manifest most vividly in his family life. He is a good family man, leisurely, solid and reliable. It is very important for him to provide for his family materially: to ensure there are sufficient supplies of food, clothing, foot wear for all family members. He often enjoys interacting with his children, looking after them. While children sometimes distress him, he’s rarely truly hurt. Frequently he is a good educator, restrained and reasonable. He is inclined to take the weak under his calm and reliable protection.

    [Not only does he not avoid domestic tasks, but he truly enjoys them. He himself may wonderfully and thoroughly repair the apartment, firmly and solidly build a house], work on the vegetable-garden… Only don't try to hurry him or goad him – this irritates him greatly.

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    -I acquired an understanding that people should have a thick skin from a forum when I was younger. I've been critical of others who don't have a thick skin. This is what I meant when I underlined "It can also lead her to feel contemptuous and critical of others, when their behavior fails to correspond with her ideal of decency and ethical values.".
    -When I was younger, I was greatly affected by death on screen. I forced myself to develop a resistance to onscreen death in my teens.

    I have a problem determining whether I have Fe second creative or Se second creative. I can be expressive in order to fit in and make jokes, but it always has a level of sarcasm to it. I also get secretly satisfied when I influence others through willpower.

    In Beebe's shadow functions systems (MBTI), I have Fe trickster. I use societal ethics to get out of ethical obligations imposed on me by others (double-binds).

    I don't always have a good sense of internal bodily state. I decide to eat foods through an understanding of small cravings, and the resulting diet looks balanced. However, when I was younger, I got heat stroke because I wore a jacket in hot weather.

    I'm attentive to details.

  4. #4
    A turn of the praise Distance's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    -I acquired an understanding that people should have a thick skin from a forum when I was younger. I've been critical of others who don't have a thick skin. This is what I meant when I underlined "It can also lead her to feel contemptuous and critical of others, when their behavior fails to correspond with her ideal of decency and ethical values.".
    -When I was younger, I was greatly affected by death on screen. I forced myself to develop a resistance to onscreen death in my teens.

    I have a problem determining whether I have Fe second creative or Se second creative. I can be expressive in order to fit in and make jokes, but it always has a level of sarcasm to it. I also get secretly satisfied when I influence others through willpower.

    In Beebe's shadow functions systems (MBTI), I have Fe trickster. I use societal ethics to get out of ethical obligations imposed on me by others (double-binds).

    I don't always have a good sense of internal bodily state. I decide to eat foods through an understanding of small cravings, and the resulting diet looks balanced. However, when I was younger, I got heat stroke because I wore a jacket in hot weather.

    I'm attentive to details.
    Might be Fe ignoring in a translation.

    In this same forum, read my My Type, and analyze my posts. Let's see what you come up with by your analytical character analysis and style.
    Last edited by Distance; 12-02-2023 at 01:02 PM.

    Black & white is a shallow divide, division is the color that multiplies

    Taking thing at face value is good only for a spell

    Watch out for the quicksand, an hour glass isn't worth watching when the cook is done

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expansion View Post
    Might be Fe ignoring in a translation.

    In this same forum, read my My Type, and analyze my posts. Let's see what you come up with by your analytical of character analysis and style.
    You seem random.

    Edit: Excitement-oriented seems like a better word.
    Last edited by Clarke; 12-02-2023 at 06:32 PM.

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    video + questionnaire

    > I seem to be a mix between EII and SLI.

    You have mix of facts related to dichotomies which unable to interpret correctly by the theory. There is always what stably and significantly prevails in dichotomies. The problem is to understand this.

  7. #7
    A turn of the praise Distance's Avatar
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    There used to be an EII here who in open arms would swoon down on a potential EII, but lurks now.

    Post more and type becomes evident. Sure fire.

    Your analysis of my type thread seems sparse for EII. One word, then substituting another in an edit.

    Black & white is a shallow divide, division is the color that multiplies

    Taking thing at face value is good only for a spell

    Watch out for the quicksand, an hour glass isn't worth watching when the cook is done

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