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Thread: For The Last Time (I promise), What's My Type?

  1. #81
    huiheiwufhawriuhg's Avatar
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    Could you please elaborate on your views on these statements of yours:
    1."It's important to follow you own self, however violating anyone else's freedom of that choice is an abuse."
    For me it's very important to feel like I do everything to reach my dreams. I can't imagine not knowing where I go or what I want from life. I also want to make sure that I stay true to myself in that process. So for example I would like to make my own album. I know musicians who would change their style in order to get more fans. I would never do that, if I once finish my album I want to make sure it's really me and I didn't make it just for commercial reasons.
    I also think that when I try to follow my dreams I can't limit others in doing so as well. I don't like when people get all bosy and push around others to do what they think is right. Everyone should be free to decide what feels right for them, I don't want to push people into doing things that make them feel uncomfortable.

    "Love is (...) about sharing your self with someone else and feeling it's right for both of you."
    When I'm in a relationship I like to feel like I can share my deepest feelings and thoughts with that person. There's no worse feeling for me than being misunderstood or emotionally ridiculed by the one I love. I need to feel like whatever fucked up, weird feeling or a thought that I have, I can share it when them and they will understand me and offer me emotional support and help if its needed. I like to share my secrets, my hopes, my dremas with people that are close to me and I want to feel like they get that, they understand them and they want to share theirs as well. I really love those one on one conversations when the person feels really comfortable with me and we both can say whatever we feel or think without judging ourselves. I like to do this with very close friends as well.

    I like to play with my own emotions, but I respect the emotional privacy and integrity of others.
    This one is tricky... Well ... I'd say that I'm hyper aware of my current mood. I can't work when it's time to work, I work when I'm in the mood for it, I can't talk to people when it's time to talk to people, I talk when I'm in the mood for it etc... So whenever I do something I need to feel like it's right to do it, like right now, the mood, the atmosphere etc... everything fits that one thing. And it can be something very weird like having a meal. I like to prepear a dish that fits my current mood and arrange the serving as well. Or clothes, I can't just wear something, it needs to be in tune with how I feel, it somehow needs to express my current state of mind etc... I also like to listen to a certain type of music when I'm in a certain mood, I like to get deeper into those feelings and do everything to make sure that my enviroment and my actions are perfectly in tune with the feeling.
    When it comes to other people, I'd like to say that I do respect their feelings, which I do, but I've been told many times that I can be dramatic and manipulative. I didn't see it, I thought that people see more into my emotionality than there really is, but now when I think about it, I can be both. It's not like I want to manipulate people's state of mind, but I like to get things that I want from others using emotional manipulation. Like I know what words to use, what tone to use, what info I should leave out, what should I dramatize a bit more to get people into doing what I want them to do. There are people who don't react to it, either because they see through it, or because they don't care and I usually lose interest in them quite easily.

  2. #82
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    IEI-Ni 3w4 sp/sx

    I find your writing too poised for a 4w3. You sound very poised. By poised, clinical, cold and detached. All in all, the answers strike me as very competency triad. Then I noticed you mentioned something about being “cold as ice” in another thread. Iciness is a key typological marker in distinguishing 3w4 from 4w3 ime. 3w4s have access to being cold as ice because they have to be “emotionally disengaged” in order to become the best version of's part of the type's compensatory narcissism (in contrast to the natural high self-esteem of the 3w2) that can have them even cutting off family members on a whim, like there was never any real connection there in the first place. Fours don't have it so easy. I would recommend you look into the centers of intelligence theory which forms the basis of the enneagram dating back to Gurdjieff's first conceptions of it. Type 3’s order of intelligences is head-gut-image center. Three is the type in the image center that is out of touch with their image center. Because they are image center last but nonetheless image types, they have to calibrate themselves to an image in the external world that others will admire rather than deriving one from out of their fantasy world (like a 4) that others will reject. Fours are not image center last, so being "cold as ice" is unsustainable. This theme of being the best stands out in a number of the answers you gave:

    I study creative writing. I've been writing my own stories and poetry ever since I was a child. The momemt I learnt how to hold a pen I just started to write. My teachers and my family kept on motivating me, I've always been the best one in the class when it came to writing creative pieces and so I I thought...okay maybe this is the thing for me.
    That sounds like something Tiger Woods (a SLI 3w4 sp/sx) might write except he would say “I’ve been playing golf ever since I was a child. The moment I learnt how to hold a golf club I just started to play. My teachers and my family kept on motivating me, I’ve always been the best golfer when it came to playing in junior tournaments and so I thought….okay maybe this is the thing for me.” It's only a small wrinkle from sports into creative writing given that you are probably an IEI-Ni and not an ISTp like Tiger Woods. But the pattern is the same, it was the thing for you because you were being admired for it by your parents and teachers. This emphasis on being the best appears to be Core to how you see the world:

    I try to become the best version of myself possible and to achieve something worthy to fully realize my abbilities. It really hurts me when I see people wasting their talent in meaningless jobs or simply doing nothing at all. I think everyone should try to get the best out of their lives.
    4w3s are not cold as ice and don’t give off the vibe of striving for superiority in particular niches. That’s 3w4 territory. 4w3s are more fragile and turbulent. 4w3 is a dramatic and reactive type that embraces their sense of being defective rather than trying to transform themselves into being the best at something. They tend to be extremely incompetent at real world things because they intensify their sense of being defective (wearing their low status like a badge of honor). It’s unlikely that a 4w3 would ever deem themselves to be the best in their class at writing creative pieces because the natural assumption is to see themselves as, and value themselves for, being defective. They would also view such judgments to be arbitrary and unreal since the value of their work comes from the fact it is personal to their internal suffering. Letting the audience know that one is superior to others at an activity is a social role that 3w4s seek to fill and comes up time and again in their self-exposition.

    From the sound of it, I would say that your chief characteristic is poise. In the unhealthier levels of the enneagram, this poise turns into arrogance/haughtiness. I picked up on the arrogance even before you had mentioned it. It's in the way you perceive things. This description of type three does a nice job illustrating arrogance as the chief characteristic of type three, and the cold-as-ice style of emotional disengagement for 3w4:

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kill4Me View Post
    IEI-Ni 3w4 sp/sx

    I find your writing too poised for a 4w3. You sound very poised. By poised, clinical, cold and detached. All in all, the answers strike me as very competency triad. Then I noticed you mentioned something about being “cold as ice” in another thread. Iciness is a key typological marker in distinguishing 3w4 from 4w3 ime. 3w4s have access to being cold as ice because they have to be “emotionally disengaged” in order to become the best version of's part of the type's compensatory narcissism (in contrast to the natural high self-esteem of the 3w2) that can have them even cutting off family members on a whim, like there was never any real connection there in the first place. Fours don't have it so easy. I would recommend you look into the centers of intelligence theory which forms the basis of the enneagram dating back to Gurdjieff's first conceptions of it. Type 3’s order of intelligences is head-gut-image center. Three is the type in the image center that is out of touch with their image center. Because they are image center last but nonetheless image types, they have to calibrate themselves to an image in the external world that others will admire rather than deriving one from out of their fantasy world (like a 4) that others will reject. Fours are not image center last, so being "cold as ice" is unsustainable. This theme of being the best stands out in a number of the answers you gave:

    That sounds like something Tiger Woods (a SLI 3w4 sp/sx) might write except he would say “I’ve been playing golf ever since I was a child. The moment I learnt how to hold a golf club I just started to play. My teachers and my family kept on motivating me, I’ve always been the best golfer when it came to playing in junior tournaments and so I thought….okay maybe this is the thing for me.” It's only a small wrinkle from sports into creative writing given that you are probably an IEI-Ni and not an ISTp like Tiger Woods. But the pattern is the same, it was the thing for you because you were being admired for it by your parents and teachers. This emphasis on being the best appears to be Core to how you see the world:

    4w3s are not cold as ice and don’t give off the vibe of striving for superiority in particular niches. That’s 3w4 territory. 4w3s are more fragile and turbulent. 4w3 is a dramatic and reactive type that embraces their sense of being defective rather than trying to transform themselves into being the best at something. They tend to be extremely incompetent at real world things because they intensify their sense of being defective (wearing their low status like a badge of honor). It’s unlikely that a 4w3 would ever deem themselves to be the best in their class at writing creative pieces because the natural assumption is to see themselves as, and value themselves for, being defective. They would also view such judgments to be arbitrary and unreal since the value of their work comes from the fact it is personal to their internal suffering. Letting the audience know that one is superior to others at an activity is a social role that 3w4s seek to fill and comes up time and again in their self-exposition.

    From the sound of it, I would say that your chief characteristic is poise. In the unhealthier levels of the enneagram, this poise turns into arrogance/haughtiness. I picked up on the arrogance even before you had mentioned it. It's in the way you perceive things. This description of type three does a nice job illustrating arrogance as the chief characteristic of type three, and the cold-as-ice style of emotional disengagement for 3w4:
    This is interesting and more lucid than most Enneagram descriptions I have seen. Although I find the typing of an SLI 3 to be bizarre, to say the least...

  4. #84

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    Quote Originally Posted by Owl View Post

    Could you please elaborate on your views on these statements of yours:

    For me it's very important to feel like I do everything to reach my dreams. I can't imagine not knowing where I go or what I want from life. I also want to make sure that I stay true to myself in that process. So for example I would like to make my own album. I know musicians who would change their style in order to get more fans. I would never do that, if I once finish my album I want to make sure it's really me and I didn't make it just for commercial reasons.
    I also think that when I try to follow my dreams I can't limit others in doing so as well. I don't like when people get all bosy and push around others to do what they think is right. Everyone should be free to decide what feels right for them, I don't want to push people into doing things that make them feel uncomfortable.

    When I'm in a relationship I like to feel like I can share my deepest feelings and thoughts with that person. There's no worse feeling for me than being misunderstood or emotionally ridiculed by the one I love. I need to feel like whatever fucked up, weird feeling or a thought that I have, I can share it when them and they will understand me and offer me emotional support and help if its needed. I like to share my secrets, my hopes, my dremas with people that are close to me and I want to feel like they get that, they understand them and they want to share theirs as well. I really love those one on one conversations when the person feels really comfortable with me and we both can say whatever we feel or think without judging ourselves. I like to do this with very close friends as well.

    This one is tricky... Well ... I'd say that I'm hyper aware of my current mood. I can't work when it's time to work, I work when I'm in the mood for it, I can't talk to people when it's time to talk to people, I talk when I'm in the mood for it etc... So whenever I do something I need to feel like it's right to do it, like right now, the mood, the atmosphere etc... everything fits that one thing. And it can be something very weird like having a meal. I like to prepear a dish that fits my current mood and arrange the serving as well. Or clothes, I can't just wear something, it needs to be in tune with how I feel, it somehow needs to express my current state of mind etc... I also like to listen to a certain type of music when I'm in a certain mood, I like to get deeper into those feelings and do everything to make sure that my enviroment and my actions are perfectly in tune with the feeling.
    When it comes to other people, I'd like to say that I do respect their feelings, which I do, but I've been told many times that I can be dramatic and manipulative. I didn't see it, I thought that people see more into my emotionality than there really is, but now when I think about it, I can be both. It's not like I want to manipulate people's state of mind, but I like to get things that I want from others using emotional manipulation. Like I know what words to use, what tone to use, what info I should leave out, what should I dramatize a bit more to get people into doing what I want them to do. There are people who don't react to it, either because they see through it, or because they don't care and I usually lose interest in them quite easily.
    OK, interesting. That last part is an example of what I meant when I said your emotionality is not like an IEI's. Especially not IEI-Ni's. Hmm. Not sure if it's anything like IEE either, @Chae might be able to comment better on that. But overall, you were talking about Fe more here than Fi.

  5. #85

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    Quoting from your other thread.

    Ne: "I enjoy solving complex theoretical ideas and finding their basics. I enjoy elaborating on different possible meanings of the context while releasing the core of their issue. I enjoy discussing multiple theories and their possible meanings and applications. I am good at verbalizing my understanding and putting into a logical order of abstract ideological system. I like unusual and original ideas, that are exciting. I enjoy paradoxes a seeking for hidden meanings or motivations. I like to share and explain my understanding of objects and therofor enjoy such discussions. However I do not see the positive side of the objects, but rather see what is missing and what could be done differently while I analyse the problem I seek for the errors and mistakes of the objective environment and try to seek alternative ways of possible solution."

    As far as the core concept of what Negativistic thinking is, that applies to the bolded. You would have to ask the IEIs on this forum if they do this kind of thinking, though in theory they do not, and EII doesn't either, while EIE and IEE do this. I don't however go by Reinin dichotomies in general, and I haven't verified if the way of thinking for Negativists vs Positivists does check out for each type in the way the theory claims.

    Fe: "I like to be self expressive and appear as a charismatic person who handles social communication well, when it is necessary however I do not look for the interaction necessary and rather wait to see how the situation itself develops and let it leads tsn own way of curse of inter-personal relationships. I am well aware of other people's interests, usually completely intuitively and am able to develop a good conversation based on my understanding of a person's inner interests. It helps me mention friendly relationships while putting an effort on debating subjects that are in a person's favour and the subjects I think might be interesting for the person."

    As I said in your original thread, Fe with Ne.

    Se: "I am usually not aware of my surroundings, therefore not good at maintaining external organization, or leadership and don't seek for such position. Individuals who are overly domineering usually makes me feel inferior and anxious. I see material benefits as superficial and short-term, therefore I prefer to seek more abstract values."

    As I noted in another thread of yours before, not an Se dual-seeking attitude. I assumed it would mean Si valuing, though not necessarily.

    Te: "I like to learn and grasp knowledge, mainly because it helps me to feel more self-confident and rises my self-esteem. I value knowledge-abe people who might stand in a role of teachers, I value people who are logical. Therefore I value academic knowledge and academic fields. However I sometimes fail to seek my own sources of knowledge and more or less count on my ability of eloquence to help me get through intellectually challenging materials and also usually rather count on my own ability to put things together, rather than on official sources, because I am aware, that my critical thinking is quite well developed. I usually do not count on official rules and systems and rather try to develop my own approach. I see objective rules as rigid and limiting."

    Well, some Te, some Ti. Depending on what your concept of "objective rules" is, as well.

    Ni: "I am well aware of my inner world and tend to spend a lot of time in daydream unaware of my surroundings. I enjoy to analyze the meaning of my surroundings, ideas and thoughts. I can see how the past influences the future and why and how one thing leads to another quite well and have a solid sense of time and space. I have a great awareness of my inner visions, ideals and ideas for change. I am very idealistic and believe in my own personal visions. However I am usually too spontaneous to act strategically. Most of the time I am quite impulsive and act based on a spur of my current mood, rather than based on any strategic plans. When i feel like doing or like not doing something, can't help myself but am a slave to such a mood and any visions and plans can stop to exist."

    Fe and Ne "override" Ni as per the bolded.

    Si: "I am highly aware of the aesthetics and how they affect me. I tend to seek pleasurable sensations and apply my sense of style in my fashion and my surroundings. I like calm and pleasurable sensations, enjoy good food, drink and a certain rituals that come hand in hand with them.However even though I like to decorate my clothes, I usually tend to miss details and fail on them. Also in decorating my room I usually forget about the mess all around."

    Missing details more than most people: 1D Si like I said before too.

    Ti: "I can quite well see how one thing influences the other and how and why they fit or do not fit together in a sense of order. I am able to be logical in my speech and create well understood definitions of objects. In order to be able to learn, I need to understand the problem and analyze it. I usually have a little problem understanding processes and how they influence each other, however this ability developed only in my young adulthood, before that I had used to have many issues with understanding logical order, which now later in life seems clear and simple to me."

    The bolded is a Dynamic and introverted IE (processes influencing each other), Si or Ni and since it can't be Si... It sounds like Ni. Logical order is the Ti part.

    Fi: "I have very strong sense of personal like and dislike. I am able to sense how someone or something is good or bad for me and I usually treat people and things based on this feeling of like and dislike. I can strongly sense if I have something in common with a person and how can I personally connect to someone. I work on feelings of "this I like" and "this I dislike" which influence most of my decisions. However when dealing with other people, I try to justify my subjective feelings with rationality and logic to suppress and hide the irrationality of my motives.
    I am not moral and I do not care about morality. I do not care about general good, or bad. Quite the opposite I am highly attracted to everything which is seen as morally challenging and doubtful and tend to favour it, because I see objective morality as rigid and laughable. Probably because of this I am highly against any religion. I tend to enjoy things, that attack the morality of society and see what is bad and overly statistic about it. I favour highly libertarian idealogies and probably am humanitarian, though it's hard to say, because my pesonal likes and dislikes kind of limit me in my own personal bubble of hating a lot of poeple, that might not be so bad... I am kind of a misantroph and kind of a nihilist and really pretty egocentrical and selfish and don't feel bad about it, because I personally like all of those attributes. And by no means I am an empath, simply because I do not really believe that people deserve it... 'cause I feel like they do not."

    I'm not sure what this is because stereotypically it's Fi-ish but it also sounds like a Feeling function is the leading function, you seeing everything through Feeling first, which is the bit that also didn't seem like IEI earlier either.

    So ENFx is a consistent pattern for you that I've been seeing. If it didn't sound so Fi-ish in some places, I could say EIE as well, but I still wouldn't exclude this option. I can't really say more on this Fi-ish stuff for now, in terms of what is your E4 in it and what's Fi and what's Fe.

    I would still see ENFx as way more likely for you than INFx overall, not forgetting about how low your Si is and how high your Ne is with your openness to seeing many ideas instead of a more introverted cognition, along with your restlessness and impatience.

  6. #86

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    Quote Originally Posted by Owl View Post
    This one is tricky... Well ... I'd say that I'm hyper aware of my current mood. I can't work when it's time to work, I work when I'm in the mood for it, I can't talk to people when it's time to talk to people, I talk when I'm in the mood for it etc... So whenever I do something I need to feel like it's right to do it, like right now, the mood, the atmosphere etc... everything fits that one thing. And it can be something very weird like having a meal. I like to prepear a dish that fits my current mood and arrange the serving as well. Or clothes, I can't just wear something, it needs to be in tune with how I feel, it somehow needs to express my current state of mind etc... I also like to listen to a certain type of music when I'm in a certain mood, I like to get deeper into those feelings and do everything to make sure that my enviroment and my actions are perfectly in tune with the feeling.
    When it comes to other people, I'd like to say that I do respect their feelings, which I do, but I've been told many times that I can be dramatic and manipulative. I didn't see it, I thought that people see more into my emotionality than there really is, but now when I think about it, I can be both. It's not like I want to manipulate people's state of mind, but I like to get things that I want from others using emotional manipulation. Like I know what words to use, what tone to use, what info I should leave out, what should I dramatize a bit more to get people into doing what I want them to do. There are people who don't react to it, either because they see through it, or because they don't care and I usually lose interest in them quite easily.
    OK just want to say I thought a bit more on this. This is definitely Fe. So, anyway, beta NF isn't in question for you anymore by anyone I imagine. The first part sounds like you are led by your emotionality, your moods, which would be Ethics lead, that is, EIE, but then you do say a lot of "IEI things" too.

    Also where you say,

    Quote Originally Posted by Owl View Post
    Thanks Myst. My issue with IEI is that I'm not very Fe, not Fe at all. I don't like to influence other's mood, I don't really care about others moods at all unless they are close to me and even then I feel like I have little power over their emotion. I also hate group activities, where everyone is involved. I like to do my onw thing, usin my own way. I hate to feel like I'm pushed around to do something that others enjoy and I don't. I often can't adapt my emotion to emotion of others, I'm aware of how I feel about certain things and that is difficult to change. I often get stuck in my own emotion and can't get out of it for a long time. I like to create certain atmosphere, but that has to be in tune with how I feel at the moment, not how others feel. I'm empathetic, it's just I can't really get over my own sentiments. When there's something that doesn't feel right I go against everyone and stand behind my opinion even if nobody else agrees. I also have troubles with showing my emotion and I don't like people who are emotionally overly expressive. I like to keep it cool and smooth for everyone. Emotions actually make me feel socially awkward when they are too much. Sometimes I can't really decide which emotions are too much to desply and which aren't and I make a fool of myself so rather I just keep everything inside so nobody would think I'm crazy.
    Idk...I don't relate to Fe at all. Or maybe my idea of Fe isn't correct, anyway I lot Fe beta stuff goes right against my comfort zone.
    Where you are not adjusting your emotions to others, you create your atmosphere based on how you feel and not how others feel, and where you say you get stuck in own emotion for a long time, theory would say that's Ethics lead. I don't know if that has to be true in practice because people like you all self-type IEI on this forum. @Aylen for example I think is like this too. Not that self-typings must be correct but it's something to make a note of.

    To argue IEI for their (and your) typing, I can see how these beta NFs are really introverted and prefer to follow their Ni perceptions and their Fe just follows that instead of actually mostly utilizing Ni perceptions for actions (with Rationality dominating).

    So for a comparison, I know a pretty avoidant-ish E4ish pretty much ambiverted EIE but even she doesn't really follow the Ni perceptions as is. Also, she is happier having things decided eventually, she doesn't want to stay open to every perception.

    With that openness, even emotional IEIs do have Irrationality/Rationality clashes with me (as a Rational type) eventually.

    This openness is also what I mistakenly thought would be Ne for you, previously, but I realize it's just Intuition really, you are not as broad as Ne in your perceptions, but more Ni instead.

    I'm not sure how to reconcile the openness to all perceptions with the parts on how your emotionality primarily determines things. You would have to decide which one is actually true of you. If you already decided on this, let me know too, please, I'm curious. In any case, let me know if this made sense and if it helps any.

    One more note. The problem with groups sounds like either neurotic soc-first or disinterested soc-last for you. I get a sx/sp impression from you anyway.

  7. #87
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    You're iei.

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    Suffer from your own feelings for the rest of your life. Have fun.

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    Oh, wow you resuscitated this old thread, @Myst . I haven't posted much lately, because I have decided to focus my mind on other things than socionics. I haven't really come to any conlcution yet to be honest. Even though your arguments are valid and I think that I see your point, I see myself as inroverted and that won't change.

    When it comes to others seeing me as "beta" I'm starting to really doubt that, because more and more voices have been rasing lately, typing me an absurd SEE. While I know this typing is extremely off and it's basically like mistaking a gold fish for a space craft, it only lead me into doubting the whole meaning of socionics more. People seem to mistype others based on terrible misconceptions and very limited idea of who they are.

    If you're interested, here's a video based on which so many typed me SEE.

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    what reasons do you think youre introverted vs extroverted? im not questioning that you are, im just curious

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    @Owl Do you know why many typed you SEE?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy View Post
    @Owl Do you know why many typed you SEE?
    bad typing skills. very bad

  13. #93
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    Fe type I'd say. EIE, xEI. I lean towards Beta NF.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Owl View Post
    Oh, wow you resuscitated this old thread, @Myst . I haven't posted much lately, because I have decided to focus my mind on other things than socionics. I haven't really come to any conlcution yet to be honest. Even though your arguments are valid and I think that I see your point, I see myself as inroverted and that won't change.

    When it comes to others seeing me as "beta" I'm starting to really doubt that, because more and more voices have been rasing lately, typing me an absurd SEE. While I know this typing is extremely off and it's basically like mistaking a gold fish for a space craft, it only lead me into doubting the whole meaning of socionics more. People seem to mistype others based on terrible misconceptions and very limited idea of who they are.

    If you're interested, here's a video based on which so many typed me SEE.
    Nah this video is anything but SEE lol. You are way too spaced-out for SEE.

    I don't lean towards EIE for you any more than towards IEI, I was just noting arguments for both IEI and EIE types, I hope I clarified this.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy View Post
    @Owl Do you know why many typed you SEE?
    I have no idea, SEE is one of the types I relate to the least so I really don't know, how could people type me that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Echo View Post
    what reasons do you think youre introverted vs extroverted? im not questioning that you are, im just curious
    I'm very much "in my head", I often miss what's happening around me, because I focus on my internal world so much. I tend to isolate myself from the external a lot and I like to seek more personal and quiet space. When it comes to the social site of introversion, I am very shy, quiet and I easily get tired of people around.

    Well on the other hand, I'm also a thrill seeker. I like to have some action, change and movement in my life and I get bored really easily if things around me stagnate a lot. I think a huge reason for me to get lost in my thoughts so often is that the outside world seems too stable and boring for me so I like to create some drama and action in my own fantasy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Owl View Post
    I'm very much "in my head", I often miss what's happening around me, because I focus on my internal world so much. I tend to isolate myself from the external a lot and I like to seek more personal and quiet space. When it comes to the social site of introversion, I am very shy, quiet and I easily get tired of people around.
    Besides introversion, possible E-9 adds to this. You are touchy. Remind me ooo in this.

    > Well on the other hand, I'm also a thrill seeker. I like to have some action, change and movement in my life and I get bored really easily if things around me stagnate a lot.

    P types value stability lesser

    > I think a huge reason for me to get lost in my thoughts so often is that the outside world seems too stable and boring for me

    It's the impression you get due to lesser perception of "external world". You lesser notice what happens there and such you get the simplified generalization of a stable picture. Your "inner world" is way more simpler and hence there happens much lesser than outside of you.

    > so I like to create some drama and action in my own fantasy

    F type with good imagination of N types

    introverted, F, N, P
    hm.. what can it be... IEI? no way. as we need the drama, while the truth and the reality are so boring (seem such for weak unvalued Te)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Owl View Post
    I'm very much "in my head", I often miss what's happening around me, because I focus on my internal world so much. I tend to isolate myself from the external a lot and I like to seek more personal and quiet space. When it comes to the social site of introversion, I am very shy, quiet and I easily get tired of people around.

    Well on the other hand, I'm also a thrill seeker. I like to have some action, change and movement in my life and I get bored really easily if things around me stagnate a lot. I think a huge reason for me to get lost in my thoughts so often is that the outside world seems too stable and boring for me so I like to create some drama and action in my own fantasy.
    My IEI-Fe ex would do bursts of random physical action lol while at the same time I seemed restrained next to him doing these things. So yeah what you write here, it reminds me of him.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    My IEI-Fe ex would do bursts of random physical action lol while at the same time I seemed restrained next to him doing these things. So yeah what you write here, it reminds me of him.
    I wonder what you mean by a random burst of physical action. What specifically is the kind of action done? What makes it random?
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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    Quote Originally Posted by golden View Post
    I wonder what you mean by a random burst of physical action. What specifically is the kind of action done? What makes it random?
    Oh what would make it random is he'd do these things out of the blue. Things like suddenly starting to sprint or jump around etc. lol. Let me know if this clarified enough.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Oh what would make it random is he'd do these things out of the blue. Things like suddenly starting to sprint or jump around etc. lol. Let me know if this clarified enough.
    I think so. It sounds really annoying to me. Thanks.
    LSI: “I still can’t figure out Pinterest.”

    Me: “It’s just, like, idea boards.”

    LSI: “I don’t have ideas.”

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