
Could you please elaborate on your views on these statements of yours:
1."It's important to follow you own self, however violating anyone else's freedom of that choice is an abuse."
For me it's very important to feel like I do everything to reach my dreams. I can't imagine not knowing where I go or what I want from life. I also want to make sure that I stay true to myself in that process. So for example I would like to make my own album. I know musicians who would change their style in order to get more fans. I would never do that, if I once finish my album I want to make sure it's really me and I didn't make it just for commercial reasons.
I also think that when I try to follow my dreams I can't limit others in doing so as well. I don't like when people get all bosy and push around others to do what they think is right. Everyone should be free to decide what feels right for them, I don't want to push people into doing things that make them feel uncomfortable.

"Love is (...) about sharing your self with someone else and feeling it's right for both of you."
When I'm in a relationship I like to feel like I can share my deepest feelings and thoughts with that person. There's no worse feeling for me than being misunderstood or emotionally ridiculed by the one I love. I need to feel like whatever fucked up, weird feeling or a thought that I have, I can share it when them and they will understand me and offer me emotional support and help if its needed. I like to share my secrets, my hopes, my dremas with people that are close to me and I want to feel like they get that, they understand them and they want to share theirs as well. I really love those one on one conversations when the person feels really comfortable with me and we both can say whatever we feel or think without judging ourselves. I like to do this with very close friends as well.

I like to play with my own emotions, but I respect the emotional privacy and integrity of others.
This one is tricky... Well ... I'd say that I'm hyper aware of my current mood. I can't work when it's time to work, I work when I'm in the mood for it, I can't talk to people when it's time to talk to people, I talk when I'm in the mood for it etc... So whenever I do something I need to feel like it's right to do it, like right now, the mood, the atmosphere etc... everything fits that one thing. And it can be something very weird like having a meal. I like to prepear a dish that fits my current mood and arrange the serving as well. Or clothes, I can't just wear something, it needs to be in tune with how I feel, it somehow needs to express my current state of mind etc... I also like to listen to a certain type of music when I'm in a certain mood, I like to get deeper into those feelings and do everything to make sure that my enviroment and my actions are perfectly in tune with the feeling.
When it comes to other people, I'd like to say that I do respect their feelings, which I do, but I've been told many times that I can be dramatic and manipulative. I didn't see it, I thought that people see more into my emotionality than there really is, but now when I think about it, I can be both. It's not like I want to manipulate people's state of mind, but I like to get things that I want from others using emotional manipulation. Like I know what words to use, what tone to use, what info I should leave out, what should I dramatize a bit more to get people into doing what I want them to do. There are people who don't react to it, either because they see through it, or because they don't care and I usually lose interest in them quite easily.