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Thread: Dating a narcissist and pathological liar

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    Default Dating a narcissist and pathological liar

    So true in my experience. Everyone comes to think that the "bad apple" is the antisocial gruff guy or girl sitting in the corner, when it's often the one in the spotlight with a million friends.

    "He's just one of those people you meet and you just look at him and think 'I can tell you are such a good guy'... in fact, he is just so sweet and innocent looking, I think he might even be a virgin!"

    That's a direct quote I told my best friends after meeting the narcissistic, pathological liar who ended up wreaking havoc on my life. If you have ever been close to one, you know the darkest side of hell and I am sure you wouldn't wish it on anyone. I know I wouldn't.

    But how can it be? How can this seemingly sweet and innocent person turn out to be such a monster? What is it like to date a narcissistic, pathological liar? It can't really be that bad, can it?

    For those of you who have been on the crazy train with one of these people, you are not alone! Those of you who have never seen this side of hell, here is a tiny glimpse into what it's like:

    1.) You think more highly of them than you ought.
    He said he was a sponsored skateboarder, he toured the world as a drum tech for a famous band, he owns a home in Huntington Beach, boats in Alaska and has a million dollar inheritance that was given to him. He is a master mechanic. He has a private and commercial pilot's license and is going to fly you to New York where you've always wanted to go. His shoes he's wearing are one of a kind sent from his professional skateboarding friend, he loves to give mass amounts of money to the homeless and to charity. Every time he goes in public he is given things for free or at a discount because of how good looking he is... and on it goes.

    2.) They always seem to have horrible luck.

    And at first you might believe it. Or if you're extra slow like me, you believe it all the way until months after the break up! He is always injured or ill. There is always a freak accident at work resulting in stitches or surgery. His temperature frequently gets above 103 and he's miserable in bed. At least 8 of his very best friends have died. His ex has broken his nose... 4 TIMES! Through tears he sobs and tells you how she had an abortion with his child and how he's so torn up about it. Oh and she cheated on him! After treating you like garbage and cussing you out and locking you out of the house, he always comes back with one of these sob stories to explain why he got so upset.

    Only later when you befriend the ex looking for someone who understands the hell you've been through do you find out there never was a broken nose, an abortion or cheating. Only when you see on his amazon account do you realize he himself ordered the said "one of a kind shoes." Only as time passes do you learn he doesn't have an inheritance, he isn't a pilot, he never toured the world as a drum tech, and on it goes. Stories for literal days.

    3.) Those who haven't been as intimate with this person as you, will never believe you.
    You just walked through the most hellish ordeal of your life and no one cares to hear your side of the story. Why? Because...

    4.) He is a master manipulator!
    The same way he fooled you, he fools them. If it took you to the end of the relationship to FINALLY understand this and you knew him more intimately than anyone, how do you expect anyone else to see through his bull? They won't. **Cue hunting down of his other ex's on fb.** They are the only ones who know the hell that has been your life.

    5.) It's SO much worse if they are attractive.
    What female won't fall for his sob story about how his ex was so abusive and cruel when his face looks like it was hand crafted by angels? His last ex fell for it... then you fell for it... so of course the next will too.

    6.) Remember, their new significant other is a future friend.
    Soon she too will see the truth and will probably find you on Facebook, desperate for someone to understand her after being isolated for so long - just like you did with the last ex. Before you know it, you'll have a little support group. It will be fun!

    7.) They are going to ruin your reputation.
    He's so broken and insecure he has to make himself look good at all times. Hence him always being a victim or a hero. Good people aren't allowed in the story besides him. Soooo that means your good heart is a problem. He's going to take advantage of it and reap the benefits of having someone so loving like you by his side. But he's going to tell everyone else your heart is black and cold. Your love is a nice benefit... but ultimately, there's no room for it in the fantasy world he lives where he is always the victim.

    8.) No one stands up to them.
    He comes across as so sweet and innocent you really believe it's true. But then when you run into an issue with him and he is unreasonable and bullies you, you think "well, he is such a good guy... no one else seems to have a problem with him... maybe I'm the problem. Maybe I shouldn't take it so personally..." so no one says anything or ever confronts him. Or they do realize how unstable he is but are afraid to set him off... those people also don't confront him.

    9.) You never know where you stand.
    The countless dating sites you caught him on are all "old" from before he met you and "you're crazy to think otherwise." The girl you found out he's been hanging out with behind your back is just his friends cousin and that's why she's there sometimes when he goes to see his friend. But you are all he ever wanted in a girlfriend. Through heart wrenching tears he professes his undying love to you when he knows you're getting ready to walk out. He says he will work on himself, go to counseling, start treating you better... until he doesn't. You dared ask him to spend more time with the family today so he explodes on you and breaks the custom picture frame of you and your daughter from your first Mother's Day. It's a constant roller coaster of crazy. You think "this time, he crossed the line. I am really leaving." But then he comes back with another heartfelt apology and sucks you in again.

    10.) Their reputation is so much more important to them than their character.
    He may steal your iPod and sell it for money because finances are so tight and then he'll lie to you about it and tell you it was probably his step sister; but the same month he will lend a few hundred dollars to his friends who can't pay rent. He will boast about how he gives homeless people a hundred dollars here and there but when your fridge is empty and you're saving the last drop of milk and the last few crumbs of cereal for the kids to have breakfast tomorrow, don't expect him to offer to help get groceries. He'll drop everything to help a stranger or a friend in need and give excessively at the expense of his own family. He does this because he needs to keep up the act. He needs people to believe he is this incredible saint of a man. And in case you ever get the courage to get away from him and you speak out on the abuse you've suffered at his hands, this helps automatically discredit your story because to everyone else, he is Jesus in human form.

    11.) You will be okay.
    It will take time. At first you'll sob and miss him. Then you'll be angry for the hell he put you through. You'll hate yourself wondering why you were so dumb you stuck around. You'll feel isolated when people you try to talk to about it side with him or downplay how bad the abuse was. Then you'll miss him. Then you'll decide to start taking care of yourself and move on. Then you'll miss him. Then, as time goes on, you'll get a little bit more clarity as to how broken of a person he really is. You'll have peace knowing you are a good person and you gave him more love than most could. You gave your entire soul to the relationship with nothing in return. You might go back and forth. You'll likely have good days and bad days. But as time passes, the bad days will get less and less. You'll eventually start smiling again. And the best part of it all, now you know the warning signs and you know you deserve to be treated so much better and hopefully you'll never settle again!

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    Good thread, and a serious topic. Here's a related book that goes in depth about everything and relationship abuse in particular, Why Does He Do This? by Lundy Bancroft. It's relentless and extensive but draws from IRL counseling cases to categorize and understand the mind of the males you talk about, liars and narcissists included. Also good on the myth-busting side while offering (life-saving) advice as well.

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    As long as women reward douchebag men with sex (the ultimate prize) - it will never stop. Call me a misogyinist, but biologically I think many of them just can't help themselves. During a fight (and the natural world is always at conflict), you don't want somebody ethical- you want somebody that can win a fight for you. But we've already psychoanalyzed the reasons why to death. If you really don't like it, its up to the women to really and truly determine the behavior is inappropriate. Women hold the power. Often times it just comes off as attention seeking. Actions speak so much louder than words, and often a lot of women just want to continue to fuck d-bag men but also have the pity and support of the rest of society for doing so. You can think I'm the bad guy for pointing out the bullshit, but I will continue to the day I die.

    "but he was nice at first I didn't know he as an asshole!" Well he still ended up being one, so subconsciously you were still turned on by his assholeness. LoL.

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    There is one seemingly anomalous finding in their paper. In both experiments, women are unable to spot rapists. Women consistently rate convicted rapists to be
    less likely to be criminal than not only other types of criminals but noncriminals as well! While this may be initially puzzling, upon further reflection, it makes perfect sense, as Valla et al. explain in their paper. In order to be a successful rapist, the man has to be able to fool the woman and earn her trust initially. Men who "fit the bill" by looking like a rapist or otherwise criminal and dangerous would not be able to do that. They would not be able to get close enough to the women to rape them. This may be why women, but not men, are unable to spot rapists, even though women are equally good as men at spotting other types of criminals.

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    omg lol that 'spot the criminal test' looked so fun but the link to the right answers doesn't work. So disappointing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    omg lol that 'spot the criminal test' looked so fun but the link to the right answers doesn't work. So disappointing.
    Ha yes, I wanna know whether "30" is actually a rapist or not. He's got that smug "I'm nice but secretly evil" look to his facial expression.

    Other than, this test is actually very hard. Which is a bit unsettling.
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    Recently I wrote this article on the allure of psychopathy and narcissism to women.

    If you are a heterosexual woman, it is safe to say you've been attracted to a narcissist or psychopath at least once in your life before. May it be in the form of a real-life person in the flesh or someone fictional.

    Also, I am sure you very well know at least one woman (or you are that women yourself) who has lamented about the fact she's an "empath" who "fell victim to a narcissist", meaning she's been in an (physically and/or emotionally) abusive relationship with a narcissist before. Now, whether the guy actually had the Narcissistic Personality Disorder is irrelevant; he was certainly at least more narcissistic (and abusive) than the "average" person. Those women usually report they've been with their ex for several years, and one asks themselves: How and why? Of course, there is a manipulation tactic called "Gaslighting", which can keep people trapped in an abusive relationship; but this is not the entire story.

    There must be a special draw and attraction to narcissism or psychopathy, otherwise women wouldn't have gotten in those relationships in the first place.

    Personally, I have never been in a relationship with a narcissist or psychopath before. However, years ago I heavily indulged in my attraction to psychopathy – on an intellectual level. I researched the issue as much as I could online, back then. I had this strong fascination for it. But I treated psychopathy like fiction; I didn't really feel any special kind of attraction to "real" psychopaths, only to fictional ones like the Joker, Hannibal Lecter, Patrick Bateman, Sweeney Todd. I arrived at the conclusion that me not being attracted to "real life" psychopaths is most likely an unconscious mental blockage (and also a healthy self-protective mechanism, which some women seem to greatly lack).

    Again, it is quite apparent that on some level, all women are attracted to Dark Triad traits, in one way or another; even those who won't (consciously) seek out a relationship with a man who possesses those traits.

    Why? It is quite simple.

    Narcissism and Psychopathy are both the extremes of two universally attractive traits to women: Confidence and Assertiveness.

    That means that unfortunately, a guy who is a narcissist or psychopath will be more attractive to a woman than any guy who lacks in confidence and assertiveness, on a primarily (often unconscious) sexual level. Or in other words, when it comes to (especially sexual) attraction it is better if the guy has extremely high levels of confidence and assertiveness rather than extremely low ones.

    That doesn't mean women consciously value or want Dark Triad traits in their long-term partner(s), though. And that is the point where unconscious desire and conscious liking divert from each other, and can lead to contradictory attitudes.

    It seems as if the whole BDSM "fetishization" in the recent years (aka Fifty Shades) is a manifestation of those unconscious desires finding an outlet, in a culture that looks down on overt masculinity and aggression, in the safety of fictional entertainment.

    Christian Grey is essentially a psychopathic narcissist, or a narcissistic psychopath.

    BDSM as a whole is very much influenced by (fictionalized or staged) Dark Triad dynamics. The Dom (usually a male) assumes a position that is very much a mix of a Narcissist and Psychopath – he demands his Sub to value him highly and hold him in high regard and follow all his orders, and if the Sub doesn't comply they'll get "punished" or "tortured". Sadism/Masochism in particular is a play of fictional Psychopathy; the Sadist gets into a psychopathic mindset where the pain of someone else is arousing. The Sub and/or Masochist is aroused by those scenarios or experiences mainly because they are physical manifestations of (fake and/or staged) Dark Triad Traits.

    It is no coincidence that Christian Grey is a male Dom, and Anna Steele a female (but reluctant; reflecting the conscious reluctance towards Dark Triad traits in society) Sub. BDSM allows a platform to explore Dark Triad traits without the Sub actually experiencing any real psychological or physical harm (when done correctly; in 50 Shades, Grey oversteps his boundaries regularly because he is actually a narcissist and psychopath and doesn't just "play the part").

    People who criticize Christian Grey as being a narcissist and/or psychopath and therefore look down on "50 Shades" miss the point – the fact he contains those Dark Triad traits is the point. If he didn't, he'd lose his appealing aura of being a "forbidden Bad Boy"; and that is the ultimate aphrodisiac for women, sad to say. In addition to the Dark Triad traits, Christian is also extremely wealthy and good-looking; those are "bonuses" which make him even more attractive, but the real allure that most women won't admit to themselves, is his narcissism and/or psychopathy, veiled in the role of a Dom.

    There isn't any real solution to this dilemma of narcissists and psychopaths being attractive against all conscious boundaries; they will always be attractive to women more or less. Many women cannot hold unto their conscious boundaries, they succumb to the siren song of those extremely confident and assertive men. It might help to be aware of those dynamics, what one is attracted to and why; because there is no way to truly eradicate the feeling of being attracted to those traits. I'd go so far as to suggest that the female attraction to Dark Triad traits is as unchangeable as one's sexual orientation; meaning, pure will won't make you stop being attracted to narcissism as a woman, nor will it stop your attraction for the same sex if you are homosexual. Or in short: You cannot help what you are attracted to.

    Hence there shouldn't be any shame attached to being attracted to Dark Triad traits; it's an experience most if not all women on this world more or less share. However, it is crucial each woman cultivates an awareness of this attraction pattern and the manifestation of Dark Triad traits in others – to spot those traits as quickly as possible and avoid them as best as they can.

    Entering a BDSM relationship that utilizes those dynamics in a fictional setting (or simply being more "kinky" in the bedroom once in a while) may be beneficial for many women.

    That way they can get a taste of the forbidden fruit without being poisoned by it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    omg lol that 'spot the criminal test' looked so fun but the link to the right answers doesn't work. So disappointing.
    The answers are also here:


    Stimuli Answer Key:

    1, Non-Criminal
    2, Non-Criminal
    3, Rape
    4, Assault
    5, Arson
    6, Non-Criminal
    7, Non-Criminal
    8, Drug Dealing
    9, Non-Criminal
    10, Arson
    11, Drug Dealing
    12, Non-Criminal
    13, Non-Criminal
    14, Non-Criminal
    15, Non-Criminal
    16, Arson
    17, Non-Criminal
    18, Non-Criminal
    19, Non-Criminal
    20, Arson
    21, Drug Dealing
    22, Non-Criminal
    23, Rape
    24, Assault
    25, Non-Criminal
    26, Non-Criminal
    27, Assault
    28, Assault
    29, Drug Dealing
    30, Non-Criminal
    31, Rape
    32, Rape

    Last edited by Singu; 04-27-2017 at 01:20 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post
    The answers are also here:


    Answers to the criminal quiz above:

    1. No
    2. Drug dealer
    3. Assailant
    4. Rapist
    5. No
    6. No
    7. Arsonist
    8. Drug dealer
    9. Rapist
    10. Rapist
    11. No
    12. No
    13. Arsonist
    14. No
    15. Assailant

    Stimuli Answer Key: Non-Criminal – 1, 2, 6, 7, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 25, 26,30; Arson – 5, 10, 16, 20; Assault – 4, 24, 27, 28; Drug Dealing – 8, 11, 21, 29; Rape – 3,23, 31, 32
    Wow, I could actually spot the criminals except for the rapists. o.O @Singularity, @Bullets could you spot the rapists?
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    Wait a minute, sorry, the pictures were actually different on that site, so disregard that.

    To be honest, I did pretty bad. I got 14/16 for criminals, but I only got 6/16 for non-criminals (total = 20/32). There's no way to know what crime they have done, I only got 1 right for rapist, 2 right for drug dealing, 2 for assailant, and 1 for arsonist.
    Last edited by Singu; 04-27-2017 at 09:01 AM.

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    idk how well I did, #3 looked the most obvious and campiest evil to me though. #7... is he innocent or guilty? Cuz on one list you said yes the other no. Either way he looks like an asshole IEI that likes to says cruel things to others. I mean obv. it's not a crime to be 'mean.'

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post

    There is one seemingly anomalous finding in their paper. In both experiments, women are unable to spot rapists. Women consistently rate convicted rapists to be
    less likely to be criminal than not only other types of criminals but noncriminals as well! While this may be initially puzzling, upon further reflection, it makes perfect sense, as Valla et al. explain in their paper. In order to be a successful rapist, the man has to be able to fool the woman and earn her trust initially. Men who "fit the bill" by looking like a rapist or otherwise criminal and dangerous would not be able to do that. They would not be able to get close enough to the women to rape them. This may be why women, but not men, are unable to spot rapists, even though women are equally good as men at spotting other types of criminals.
    It's funny, apparently I can recognize rapists as criminals, it's the arsonists that fool me. I made a list of who I thought were non-criminals and the only 3 I got wrong were all arsonists.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Singularity View Post

    There is one seemingly anomalous finding in their paper. In both experiments, women are unable to spot rapists. Women consistently rate convicted rapists to be
    less likely to be criminal than not only other types of criminals but noncriminals as well! While this may be initially puzzling, upon further reflection, it makes perfect sense, as Valla et al. explain in their paper. In order to be a successful rapist, the man has to be able to fool the woman and earn her trust initially. Men who "fit the bill" by looking like a rapist or otherwise criminal and dangerous would not be able to do that. They would not be able to get close enough to the women to rape them. This may be why women, but not men, are unable to spot rapists, even though women are equally good as men at spotting other types of criminals.
    Why do they go by looks and not behavior in addition to that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cassandra View Post
    Wow, I could actually spot the criminals except for the rapists. o.O @Singularity, @Bullets could you spot the rapists?
    #3 would have me tricked, he looks like a peace-and-love hippy type

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    As long as women reward douchebag men with sex (the ultimate prize) - it will never stop. Call me a misogyinist, but biologically I think many of them just can't help themselves. During a fight (and the natural world is always at conflict), you don't want somebody ethical- you want somebody that can win a fight for you. But we've already psychoanalyzed the reasons why to death. If you really don't like it, its up to the women to really and truly determine the behavior is inappropriate. Women hold the power. Often times it just comes off as attention seeking. Actions speak so much louder than words, and often a lot of women just want to continue to fuck d-bag men but also have the pity and support of the rest of society for doing so. You can think I'm the bad guy for pointing out the bullshit, but I will continue to the day I die.
    "but he was nice at first I didn't know he as an asshole!" Well he still ended up being one, so subconsciously you were still turned on by his assholeness. LoL.
    Men get tricked and abused by other men too. Often it's not about sex or relationships but monetary or even involving robbing them of their lives--it is men who send other men to die in wars for their stupid causes. This is not a gender related issue, so why are you trying to pin this on women and then say "well I'm not a mysoginist!"?

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    well I thought it was because you used the example of a male perp and female victim in your original OP. Of male gaslighter douches and females that enable them.

    If we're talking about how narcissism sucks in the broader sense fine, but the examples were confusing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bullets View Post
    well I thought it was because you used the example of a male perp and female victim in your original OP. Of male gaslighter douches and females that enable them.

    If we're talking about how narcissism sucks in the broader sense fine, but the examples were confusing.
    I wrote "guy or girl" in the OP because this issue is not strictly related to gender. This blog was written by a woman, but it happens both ways. If you go to facebook, there are posts there made by men who married abusive partners or experienced abuse from their mothers. I reposted this blog entry as a general discussion about narcissism and not to bash either gender or gender relations.

    Quote Originally Posted by yeves View Post
    So true in my experience. Everyone comes to think that the "bad apple" is the antisocial gruff guy or girl sitting in the corner, when it's often the one in the spotlight with a million friends.

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    I have met more than a fair share of narcissistic liars, both male and female of almost every type. In hindsight, most seemed to be discontent with their own reality and kept trying to reinvent themselves sucking others into their delusions; there were a small number that used lies to manipulate and knew no other way to get by in life. The former group seemed to also lie to themselves but consistency over time is a liar's usual downfall. I found that the closer I was or wanted to be to an individual, the less likely I was to look for lies or inconsistencies. For many failed relationships, I kick myself for not reading the obvious signs. I tend now to place everyone I meet in a pre-screening room, which can also make the innocent majority rather uncomfortable and want to distance themselves from the inquisitor. It's hard to escape from deceit without personal damage or baggage.

    a.k.a. I/O

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    I went through this same exact thing, did you date my ex? LOL
    This was 2 years ago and it was so life altering and traumatic that I have avoided dating for 2 years now, going on 3. I'm still not the same person I was before the cluster fuck walked into my life.
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