Expose a government, a corporation, people handling our money, literally any industry on this planet, people of authority (from politicians to celebrities to teachers to cashiers). Either post sources or personal experience to roast the injustice off this earth. Can be a global/broad exposure or a short account/research of a practical detail from daily life like in the examples below.

Exhibit A: Mascara.
Has surprising potential to be harming or even lethal. Depending on usage and brand, things can get serious. And you wouldn't even know because mascara is such an ingrained cultural practise and 'natural' habit for women, nobody would even suspect it could be deadly.

Some common indgredients:

  • Propylene Glycol - can cause acne, inflammation, an allergic or negative respiratory response.
  • Retinyl Acetate - manipulates cells and biochemicals, can even cause gene mutation.
  • Coal Tar Dyes - contains heavy metals that are absorbed into the bloodstream easily, even if the application is on lashes. Carcinogenic.
  • Paraben + Dioxane, triclosane, musks - manipulates hormones, carcinogenic.
  • Aluminium Powder - may lead to increased amount of mercury in your body. Related to Alzheimer's disease.
  • Fragrance - Covers up coal tar dyes in scent. Irritates the eyes.
  • Staph Bacteria - not actually an ingredient, just grown in the tube, found in 79% of all used mascaras by women. 33% microbes in another investigation, including streptococcus. 3 months (that's what beauty sites say) or even less than that and fungi can grow there as well.
  • Paraffin - may cause cancer to kidney and renal system, skin irritant.
  • BHA, BHT - Carcinogenic, affects hormones, production's harmful to aquatic and land animals.
  • Formaldehyde releasing preservatives - Carcinogenic. On the label as DMDM hydantoin, diazuli dinyl urea, imidazolidinyl urea, methenamine, quaternium-15.
  • Sodium Laurel Sulphate - Irritant of the skin and eyes, also used in cleaning products & toothpaste.
  • Phtalates - cause cancer to lungs, reproductive system, liver, kidneys.
  • Literally everything in waterproof mascaras - prolonged use and lashes may first wither becoming brittle, then begin to fall out.
  • Silica + Polyethylene Gylcols - Needs high concentration, but still can cause cancer, allergies, respiratory issues.

TL;DR: Common mascara is extremely toxic.

I stopped wearing it, that stuff caused me the eeriest of infections. 3 months of use and you're literally smearing an illness (and even more dangerous stuff, since preservatives that prevent harm break down with time) on your lashes. Please research for natural alternatives - although I wouldn't trust these either, the process of coating your face hairs in stuff is damaging in and of itself - or go without, throw away your vanity/fear/social ideals even if it's tough. This extends to many other products (e.g. traces of lead in lipstick, infection risk of fake nails...) and really needs a boycott. If you're so indoctrinated by the beauty industry and want to give them even more money for your suffering, lash extensions are a good alternative? Nope, the glue used contains similar things as listed above, formaldehyde is one of them. Also, corneal abrasion can happen. Make-up - 'beauty' in general - is poison, accept it, tell other people & don't use it. If you want, I'll also get into plastic surgery here. But that gets REALLY and truly ugly. I'd rather not, common sense should be enough. On the flipside, don't support unrealistic ideals to reduce the pressure and therefore market.

Sources: x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x,x

Exhibit B: Popes.
(for purposes of exposing their hypocrisy toward church and bible values, ignorance, crimes. Nothing against your religion - just be aware and doubt them being "Saints".)

Boniface VIII - Pedophile.
Innocent VIII - Practised incest.
Alexander VI - Participated in prostitute orgies with his family.
Julius II - Contracted syphillis upon contact with male prostitutes.
Benedict IX - Also engaged in orgies with young boys.
Sixtus IV - Bribery, incest.
Sergius III - Murdered predecessor. Pedophile. Auctioned off Vatican jobs.
John XII - Incest.
John XXIII - Murderer, thief, more simony and incest. Had a harem of 200 nuns.
Stephen VII - Used re-decorated corpse of predecessor to be tried for perjury in front of a trial.
Leo X - Ordered ripping off someone's flesh in torture with hot pincers. Organized obscene theatre at the Vatican, big spender. Corruption. Quote:

How well we know what a profitable superstition this fable of Christ has been for us and our predecessors.
Gregory I - Came up with fake relics. Propagated that the world would end, said that people with posessions would not come to heaven, bought all land offered to him, thus became the biggest territory and slave owner around. Ordered burning of 20,000 books from the Julian Library in Rome since he opposed learning.
Urban II - Introduced sex taxes so priests could take mistresses for money. Upon his orders, priest wifes were sold as slaves. Introduced the Crusade aka genocide of 56 million people.
Innocent IV - Claimed legal and financial authority of the church over everything else. Permitted torture for making "witches", Jews, non-catholic christians 'confess' of being guilty. Made girls as young as 11 burn at the stake while people close to them where whipped while watching.
Paul IV - More inquisition, torture becomes more extreme, persecution of Jews.
Urban VIII - Persecuted Galileo for his heliocentric world view discovery.
Pius IX - Declared Catholicism to be the only religion. Antisemitic. Forced Baptization.
Pius XII - Collaborated with ****** (esp in terms of Holocaust), covered up for war criminals, remained silent permitting the deportation of 1,000 Jews around the Vatican and other instances.
Paul II - Maintained homophobic stance of church but declared homosexual unions have the same dignity as heterosexual ones in public. Covered up sexual abuse crimes of pedophile clerics against young boys. Barred women from ordination while talking how females should become decision makers in secular governments. Illegally ordinated bishops. Hardline authoritarian.
Benedict XVI - Covered up sexual crimes of clerics as well. Involved with Holocaust-denying people. Homophobe and sexist. Stigmatized sexuality. Abused his legal immunity in the Vatican.

Sources: x,x,x,x