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Thread: What is my personality type??

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    Default What is my personality type??

    I found these questions in some previous posts, and thought I could try to answer them myself. I have bought several books of this topic without getting closer to identify my personality, so now I hope some of you will want to help me figure it out

    here we go...

    1. Describe yourself
    I am very enthusiastic over new things that catches my interest (whether it is deciphering ancient hieroglyph (true story), genealogy, writing for a novel etc.). When I am in this fase I am almost obsessed with it. I spend alot of hours a day on that currant project. Sometimes I forget to eat for many hours and does not remember it before I am starving- and cranky. It is not that I don't like to be enthusiastic, because I really enjoy having a sort of enigma to solve, or skill to learn. When I write this I may sound super-weired.
    Also, I have really strong emotional perceptor (is that a word)? other peoples emotions and situations affect me strongly. I feel others pain strongly and can't watch any news because what i read makes me terribly sad and frustrated, and may in worst case make me lose faith in humanity! I have all my life had a strong sence of right and wrong, but still thinks that everyone can change and deserves a second chanse.

    2. What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    I am a nurse, but find that I don't like the responsibility that follows. I also feel sad when surrounded by people which is sick. I feel it is draing of my mood. Still I love too be appreciated and that I have made a difference for the better.

    3. What are your values, and why?
    I think that every human and animal on this earth deserves to live a life in peace and that nobody will have the right to force another into their beliving/perception of the world. Every human is different, but all is equally valuable. I am a vegetarian (vegan), and if I was living on my own, I would probably got rid of alot of our things, simply because I think we do not need it. When that is said, sometimes I eat diary-products or spontaniously buy something I do not need- and than I feel guilty.

    4.What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    As I wrote earlier, my interests often switch from one to another. But some interests have been constant. Or at least they allways comes back again when I am done feeling tired of them. Those are: singing, drawing, fashion/interiordesign and reading. I also love to write- on my native language, lol. I like to express myself. If I am sad I put on a really sad song, then cries, talk to someone and get over it. If I am happy I tend to get even more so with a happy song.

    5. Describe your relations with familiy and friends. What do you like and dislike about them?
    I am very close to my family. I like that they are allways there for me. I don't like when they tell me to cut the crap out and stop worrying about everything. And I don't like advice, just someone to listen and acknowledge my feelings. In my teens I was outgoing and could not wait to talk to alot of my friends. Still, I felt like I was not totally honest with myself. I was funny and outgoing around my friends. At home I was tired and just wanted to be alone. Now that I have many hobbies and interests, I don't really miss that big cirkle of friends, and would rather have that little cirkle of friends which I have now.

    6. What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    Friends: someone that wants to listen to all my enthusiasm, loyal, and true to themself.
    Romantic partner: someone who likes to talk about different ethical questions, support my enthusiasm but still manage to draw me back on earth so that I don't fly up in space.

    7. What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen?
    Sometimes when my husband projects a sence of miscomfort/stress, I feel really uncomfortable and have to get away to calm down. Last time this happend I told him to do something else instead of washing the dishes. I could tell something was stressing him out. When I told him to stop doing the dishes, he got really annoyed and told me when he was supposed to do them, in an hour, or perhaps two? I became hurt because I did not care WHEN he did the dishes, but rather that he calmed down so that I did not feel terribly uncomfortble and have to leave the room. We talked about it. He was not aware of that he actually was in that bad mood. He thought that I criticied that he did the dishes. We learned alot both of this experience. Also, I hate when someone tries to push their believes on me- even though I might even agree with them. If they can't understand why I do not like going to chirch and then trying to convince me how winderfull it is and that they really can't understand why I don't do it myself-as a christian. It simply makes me feel like the black cheep and that my opinions and desicions are not respected.

    8. How would your friends describe you?
    Enthusiastic (surprice, surprice), funny, selective social, emphatic, loyal

    9. What do people generally see as your strenghts? What do you like about yourself?
    I am often toled that I am very empathic and that I have strong sence of moral. I like that I am almost never bored.

    10. What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I have trubble consentrating if constantly interrupted. I also dislike that I tend to feel other peoples feeling in a way that it almost hurts. I am often told to relax and not to worry, and that I have to believe in myself.

    11. In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I am good at managing people with care, but for details like money and documents etc., I have no patience at all.

    12. What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    I don't quite know how to answer his question. The regular house chores feels like chores. Something that probably for some may seem as a chore, which I like is to read books about wikings, psychology, hieroglyphs, and other topics related to studies in university. I like to read and learn basicly.

    13. What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    I want to study on the university again!

    14. If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    I would have updated my bathroom and then travelled the world to learn as mutch of foraign cultures as possible. I want to feel that I have done what I can in my lifetime so that I don't regret it as I am getting old.

    15. What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    My enthusiasm may be exhausting for some. Sometimes it is quite exhausting for me as well, even though I kind of like it, lol.

    16. What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)
    My house is colour-coorinated so that they are harmonious. I don't like it when it is too much stuff- it kind of stresses me out. My closets are organized and sorted by category/colour. I have read the Konmari book.

    17. How do you behave around strangers?
    I am usually shy, but polite. I can make small talk if they want for awhile, but when I don't know what to say, I can feel my awkward smile.

    18. How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    If it is a close friend, I would probably be passive-aggresive for a while and then feel awfull and make things right again. If it is someone I don't know that well, I will become silent, almost numb, and fighting back my tears.

    19. What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong?
    That animals don't have feelings as we do. I could have written a book series about this topic, but choose not to write more, as that is not the purpose of this post.

    20. What did you do last friday?
    Reading and taking notes while watching tv.

  2. #2
    mclane's Avatar
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    I think EII (maybe Ne subtype). Feel free to take these: ("original" test is better)

  3. #3

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    Thank you! I could never figure out if I was IEI/EII or EIE.. EII is like an MBTIs INFP, right? Forgot to tell that I love the urban life. I could stare out the window on the bustling (?) life of people on the street for a long time... wonder what they think, how their day has been etc. Often I don't really look at the people, but more like a whole. I'll be like a movie-director, where I with my mind makes the life I see on the street an ideal utopia. This sounds probably weired...

  4. #4
    Muddy's Avatar
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    Ethics and Ne/Si valuing is extremely obvious, so that narrows it down between EII, IEE, ESE or SEI. Personally I would go with ESE, due to all the mentions of being enthusiastic, curious, not having any patience, etc.

  5. #5
    back for the time being Chae's Avatar
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    ESE from here as well.

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    Wow, I haven't even considered ESE as an alternative due to my intuition which I explained above... I will definitily read about it. Thanks!

  7. #7
    Resonare's Avatar
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    IEE seems likely - anything you disagree with from here?

  8. #8
    Exodus's Avatar
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    -fascination and moving from interest to interest (high Ne)
    -excitement, enthusiasm, never bored (high Fe)
    -live and let live attitude, conflict avoidance / passive-aggressiveness (valued Si, possibly also Fi)
    -empathy, loyalty (Fi)

    I agree Ne valuing is very clear as well as high Fe. Generally the obsession with new interests and forgetting to eat etc. suggests Ne lead and Si Suggestive, but it's more typical of ESEs to be overwhelming to others. On the whole would you say you are competent when it comes caring for people's physical needs etc.? I might also consider SEI due to the recurring Fi language but IEE and ESE both seem more likely.
    Last edited by Exodus; 04-06-2017 at 09:25 AM.

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