1. Being hyper sensitive to sound and smell. Actually I thought that must be a SLE thing, and then I thought a bit more... maybe Se vulnerable? But no I am an LIE and am sensitive about some sensory things. Are all LIEs like that and is it even type related?

2. Talking too much about myself. Ask an ethical type and they'll tell you how it is that I am talking about my experiments, my experience, my adventures, my problems all the time. Only with an Fi-Dom I start to care about them truly and they don't talk that much.

3. When finding someone interesting, paying too much attention to them until they are a bit overwhelmed. Being too excited when you finally find someone who is not boring like others.

4. Perfectionism. Very high expectations from myself and others almost equally.

5. Everything is a competition, even in the gym! For example if the guy next to me is running with the speed of 8, I have to run with 9 or 10, or else I feel bad about myself.

6. Feeling unattractive for unknown reasons. I read this somewhere that all LIEs are like that, I think it has to do with Ni. When I look at myself in the mirror I don't see myself right now, I see what has potential for improvement, and how much better I can look in the future. Funny thing is I get a bit angry when someone makes a negative comment about my appearance at the moment, I answer them in my brain with "No worries if I do this and that I will look much better and you'll be surprised." As if I have already fixed the problem in my brain.

7. Weird handwriting. I move fast and my handwriting is readable but not tidy, even though my surroundings are usually tidy.

8. Being very initiative when you find someone interesting, but never the first one to ask them out for romantic purposes.

9. Predicting the future so much that you sometimes feel like you are watching a movie for the second time. Only sometimes.

10. Being jealous of taller and stronger people. Even though I am female and 5,7" I feel insecure around stronger and taller people!

11. Not being as good in school as the LII or the SLI because you have so many other projects and researching about all sorts of things unrelated to school plus not seeing any practical use of the theoretical studies unless it is proven by fact that it is useful in the future.

12. Not satisfied with your possessions since there is always room for improvement in the future. I wish us LIEs could live in the moment for a while!

13. All of the above make me seem a bit whiney overall and people think I am a negativist while I am always so hopeful about the future and a positivist.

Do you share these problems and thoughts?