I found this interesting and if anyone want to discuss this go ahead here!

Small Groups


This is a very interesting group especially from the point of view of its effect on the health of its members. People of certain types are prone to certain illnesses. Here we have four groups of types, each has a peculiar “bouquet of ailments.”

  1. ILE, IEE, SLE, and SEE. [Ep temperaments]
  2. ESI, EII, LII, and LSI. [Ij temperaments]
  3. LSE, LIE, ESE, and EIE. [Ej temperaments]
  4. ILI, SLI, SEI, and IEI. [Ip temperaments]

When we discovered these groups we came to the conclusion that contemporary hospitals are poorly managed. In fact, a hospital carries out two functions – that of a medical establishment and a hotel, i.e. people are treated and they live there for certain periods of time. It makes more sense to put people of the same quadra in a room together. Quadra would generate additional energy and support its members. In reality, patients are placed in wards according to the diagnosis, i.e. basically they are placed in "Bouquets.” This encourages further aggravation of their condition: their weaknesses come into a resonance with each other. We carried out a field research in a Rehabilitation Center in Sestroretsk, Russia. Patients are usually prescribed a one-month treatment. When during the experiment the patients were placed in wards according to their quadras, they recovered quicker and were ready to leave the hospital in less than a month in objectively better health condition. Unfortunately, we were not able to extend this experiment to any other hospitals in Russia, even though the beneficial effect of the experiment was obvious. Similar interesting discoveries are common in socionics.
source http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...oups-by-Reinin