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Thread: The strategy for provoking an LSI/ISTj by Shahrazada

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    Default The strategy for provoking an LSI/ISTj by Shahrazada

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    ++added: see also Duality observations

    The strategy for provoking an LSI by Shahrazada.
    Posted 14 May, 2007 by Shahrazada

    As an epigraph, I will cite a compliment from an LSI: "Beauty cannot be hidden" (true Colonel).
    As an epigraph, I will quote an expression by Jim: "Princesses do not pee" (true SLI, Gabin).

    So, you are now sure that your type is EIE (Hamlet). From this realization follow a few disappointing conclusions. And one of them - is that you need an LSI (Maxim). You are surveying your current situation in search of nearby LSIs - and this is your first strategic mistake! The LSI should notice you first. If you notice him first, and even arrogantly impose your company, he will successfully masquerade as an ESI (Dreiser), and you will be left behind with a feeling of admiration and puzzlement. But if you behave yourself correctly, the LSI is guaranteed to take a notice of you.

    So where are LSIs? LSIs can found everywhere, but more frequently in places that require detalization and norms, standards, licensing, specifications, and manuals written in blood ... Take a look at your surrounding accountants and inspectors. If they are not Maxims themselves, they can easily lead to a trail of one. LSI's "habitat" is usually limited by his set of rules and norms.

    And thus, on your horizon, somewhere in managerial chair or in colonel's form, on outline of an LSI has appeared. The LSI will himself identify you as an EIE - by the look of fear in your eyes. Since you carefully hide the fact that you are afraid of every person who is above you in their position, who is stronger than you ... Rejoice - because the LSI suspects nothing of it! And you, the Proud EIE, you don't openly show your fears. So, now the LSI squints his eyes and proceeds to meticulously study you. The next move is after you, which you will instinctively undertake anyways, because you are EIE after all. In the mean time, under LSI's scrupulous gaze, you will try to somehow straighten out your posture. You aren't sure of your looks, and whether what you are wearing corresponds to what you think of yourself. And don't be certain. LSIs don't like people who are too sure. In everything, ISTjs will convince you themselves and dispel your doubts.

    Now proceed to quietly hand him over your paperwork. This could be anything: licensing forms, project details, voluntary surrender, or, if this LSI happens to be your colleague sitting in a office room across the hall, it could be that data or information that you've been struggling to make sense of for over two weeks, because there are countless ways to analyze it and none are completely satisfactory to you. The LSI takes the bait. He points with his finger at an oversight, and, upon seeing tragic helplessness in your eyes, offers you to help fix it ... Thus, it has happened ... And now again your reserves of instinctive Hamletism will guide you. This offer of assistance brings up such a violent storm of emotions and feelings of gratitude inside of you that the LSI won't likely remain standing on his feet. - Stop! - Do not rush the events now, or the LSI might mistake you for an ESE and will camouflage as Dreiser again. They, bastards, know how to do this, to extinguish an emotional storm by volitional means. Thank him, and this is all. Emotional fuel for this person must be strictly dosed.

    The LSI, seeing that his help was accepted, that he has gotten an emotional expression of your gratitude, and that afterwards you have proudly retired, might as well invite you to see you again. Such possible course of events must be foreseen. Excellent! Agree softly and not too loudly, as if going on dates with LSIs is something you do every day. The LSI loves to conquer, but he doesn't appreciate that which he can get with ease. Therefore, you should let him know that besides his candidacy you have other things to occupy yourself with for the evening (especially that for a true EIE this is actually so).

    From this point on, the scenarios of development of events branch out so much that only a real EIE can follow up with them. Don't be shy - present these scenarios to your LSI. This is a very valuable strategic move: giving him the right to determine what you should do and which way you should go. LSIs themselves have very limited choices, thus he will be glad if he can spend an evening in the company of your friends (and you are EIE after all, and in such circumstances you know how to present yourself well!) or at a quiet autumn park (where you can discuss your ideas and thoughts, starting from ancient Greek Pythias and ending with modern day futurology); you can play the fortune-teller (he will appreciate the dramatic whisper and your emotional expressions), or go to a restaurant presenting yourself as a snow queen - many variations can come into the excellent head of an EIE! Let the LSI choose himself. Once the choice is made, agree with LSI's choice, but show a tint of sadness in your eyes ... You can't be here and there, really! Why do you look so sad and upset? Everything is fine, and now you will be logically persuaded that the choice the LSI made - is exactly what you want!! That's right. Third strategic move, and the game of mutual exchange of provocations has begun. And it's an entertaining game, too! Rejoice! The LSIs also love to play it!

    The possibility is not excluded (some Maxims do this) that you will be recommended what to wear to a date ... But you - you are the "Proud Hamlet"! At this stage you cannot accept any recommendations! At the same time, introduce the LSI to the idea that the needed items have to be actually given to you, rather than merely recommended verbally. By the way, some Maxims lose their mind from Hamlets to such an extent that they may run directly to the nearest store or boutique and purchase the needed item - I have seen this happen with my own eyes. This is also a provocation. Proud Hamlets do not accept handouts. If you demonstrate a fierce outrage in this case - this will raise your status in his eyes. At this point, let us suppose that you are an EIE of female gender, not Hamla, not Hamka, not Hamletessa ... Super-sexual! Provocative! Playing both a classy lady and a prostitute. What? There is doubt in your eyes now? Then go retype yourself into Esenin - if you are unsure how to play, you have nothing to do in Hamlets!

    Traits of a real ISTj. This is important. If your LSI drove his car to pick you up, give him time to demonstrate his gallantry - he gets out and holds the door open for you. Evaluate the way he does this ... Because you may run into another logical type who has read in some blog or article that ladies like it when their cavalier opens doors before them. The LSI chops the air with his hand vertically, as if separating the space where you are with him from the space where you are without him. From here on things may take a downward dive. With all of LSI's demonstrative gallantry, the inside of his car may be a little uncomfortable. The back seats are positioned tightly upright, and there is little space where you can put down your long legs. But you are Hamlet! You will somehow sort out and organize your limbs, of which you have fewer that the variations of all that's happening taking place in your beautiful head! If the car is very comfortable inside, yet your cavalier did not come out and instead opened the door for you from the inside, congratulations - you have SLI (Gabin) - also not too bad, but conflicting ... If the door is not opened before you, turn around and leave - and forsake the thought that the EIE has to open doors for herself of a stranger's car!

    If the LSI takes you to an upscale place, he will surely demonstrate his solvency and credit worthiness. This is also a provocation, just as it was with your attire. Pretend that you are indifferent. This will agitate him. Sit for a long time holding up the menu, painfully picking out what the Proud Hamlet could possibly order to continue looking good and presentable. What's there to hide: EIEs, for the most part, don't know how to use a knife and fork, and can't eat or even look at some things without shuddering. So pick a dish that would be easy to cut, not sticky, and familiar to you. Taking time playing the role of a gourmand is not for the company of LSI - he doesn't respect such tomfoolery. Alcohol? Never! You were picked up by a car and Proud Hamlets are not moochers to drink alone. This choice the LSI simply has to appreciate - your sensitivity and consideration for him being behind the wheel, which also means that you respect traffic rules.

    You had a bite, went to the ladies' room to powder your nose, and now with a charming smile returned to Maxim. There are several possible scenarios of further development of events - but, you are EIE after all! - you know when to speak, touching a chord of the soul, and when to sit in meaningful silence. Choose your statements in such a way that there would be many ways to interpret them. But to whom am I explaining all of this?! If you aren't sure that this LSI is what you need, check him in "ethical" sense. Please don't be shy and hesitate, for he, too, isn't completely sure of your Hamletism and will too attempt to provoke and check you ... Receive compliments as granted, this will be convincing for him ... Do you like building the General Theory of Everything? Finally, you have found a suitable intellectual companion. In the pile of your thoughts and ideas, the LSI will likely find one-two grains of reason, and sweep the remaining ones aside for "lack of evidence". Rejoice! Your thoughts will be brought into a harmonious and sensible system. While your LSI is occupied by this, you will already have new thoughts ... But do not overload the mind. It was not intended for you to make logical conclusions. Quickly change the subject, else you risk blowing up much to the surprise of everyone around you. By the way, the LSI will appreciate both options: the intellectual overload and the emotional explosion. But why on earth would you need this?! And, in public ...

    EIEs never ask or beg for anything. They simply look in such a way that a wish arises in people around them to come to their aid. EIEs accept this help and care. But not from everyone. The EIE also never explains or makes excuses before anyone. If the EIE was late to a date, such was his or her strategic plan. The LSI needs to be "rocked around" a bit on his suggestive function. But! - and this is important - EIEs always supply the LSIs with warnings about what might occur ahead of time and demonstrate foresight in any engagement.

    The LSI (from personal observations) might try to kiss the EIE right in his uncomfortable car, on the principle of: "The one who pays for the music, is the one who dances with the girl." (The logic of "logical" types.) However, this is also a provocation. The EIE does not like such surprises and could reply with an angry tirade on the topic that decent girls do not kiss on the first date (actually, I will note in parenthesis, that even though EIEs don't like such surprises, they are secretly thrilled by them, which they also don't like - such incomprehensible creations are they ...) And this is it: from EIE's angry emotional tirade the LSI falls to ecstatic tenderness, and even expands his narrow eyes to the size of small saucer plates ... He was looking for a "decent girl" all his life!! So that everything would be with all seriousness, but also with sparkle and glamour. After all, the wife of Caesar must be above any suspicions. Thus, you have incited him to a second date, because now it is interesting to him when a decent girl can allow herself ... and also because he has already spent on her ... If the LSI did not hear or heed the warning, this is his problem now. The EIE won't try to justify him/herself afterward. Proud Hamlets never justify! If the LSI is impassioned so much that he tries to exert volitional pressure, the EIE responds with emotional onslaught and pressuring in return. Here the war will reveal the plan! Though the EIE likes it when he or she is being won over, and is quite capable of stretching out the process of LSI's conquest to a maximally long time. Because this is how EIEs entertain themselves and brighten the day-to-day flow of their lives ...
    Last edited by silke; 07-10-2017 at 08:02 AM. Reason: updated

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