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Thread: 8s vs. 1s that look like 8s

  1. #1
    No Fate Pole's Avatar
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    Default 8s vs. 1s that look like 8s

    Was talking to an LSI on Facebook who thought they were 8 then realized they were a 1. Also heard more than once that LSIs are 1s not 8s. What are some ways to tell, both are gut types and take pride in protecting the weak but both are nasty types at unhealthy levels and can exploit people and abuse their power.
    LSI-Se 836 Sp/Sx

  2. #2


    Yeah, there are descriptions that mention that Sexual Ones can channel Eights energetically, but I think if you dig deeper, there are differences in motivation. I think one good marker to differentiate them, is that Ones are super ego types and because of that, can be more impulse denying/suppressing/ignoring/controlling than Eights. With impulses I don’t mean sth. like anger or energy, that can be from what I read, sometimes quite evident in Sexual Ones. It‘s more like something that surfaces rawly from deep down and that the super ego deems as unacceptable, can be outrightly blocked/supressed. They give more the impression, that they have more problems and ring more with things like this. Ones can go denying impulsive needs/desires longer than Eights. Whatever impulses their super ego deems as too uncontrolled, primitive, messy, they will be more controlled/suppressed/reacted against. This gives them more of a quality of internal battling with their super ego, their standards and more of a quality, that they should ‚loose their grip‘ ‚relax‘ ‚let loose‘ on their overactive super ego control or their precious standrads. This is something, that I never really saw someone telling an Eight, that their super ego is too strong. Eights don’t really experience it like that in my opinion. They are not super ego – superactive. They also feel more comfortable with raw impulses/desires. So I think the best marker is really to look, if someone is more of an super ego person.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 01-08-2016 at 08:07 PM.

  3. #3
    Muddy's Avatar
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    I actually had difficulty telling apart sexual ones with eights myself sometimes. The irony is that even though they can look similar, their motivations are nearly the opposite of each other. Ones exert energy to keep things under control, while eights exert energy to prevent themselves from being controlled. The eight is more of an anarchist/rebel/gangster while the one is more of a dictator/tyrant/policeman.

  4. #4
    No Fate Pole's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    I actually had difficulty telling apart sexual ones with eights myself sometimes. The irony is that even though they can look similar, their motivations are nearly the opposite of each other. Ones exert energy to keep things under control, while eights exert energy to prevent themselves from being controlled. The eight is more of an anarchist/rebel/gangster while the one is more of a dictator/tyrant/policeman.
    Makes total sense.
    LSI-Se 836 Sp/Sx

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