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Thread: Made a Video (again....)

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    Default Made a Video (again....)

    Me: Ahmm.... I need your your help... again...

    You: No...

    Me: Please? I made a video and just need you to wat--

    You: *sets computer on fire and throws out the window*

    You're untypeable...

    Me: O_O ....

    Okay, so in truth, I've made another video (in 2 parts). Umm.... I used a very short, somewhat general questionnaire I found somewhere on PCafe but, given my rambling and (yes) self-pitying nature it's, again, long(er). Just skim through it if you like. I'm getting myself deeper into Socionics now (helps that I'm Russian) but, again, doubting myself

    Here's are the questions for reference...
    What do you do for a living and/or study and how did you come to choose or not choose that vocation and/or study? Embarrassed with my answer a bit...
    What are your interests and hobbies?
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and perspectives?
    What did you do last Friday? Sorry, went stupid there... I was probably at work that day and forgot...
    Is this restaurant run properly?
    I look less dorkier during the videos itself I think...

    self-conscious as always

    So... does IEE , SEI (Jeremy... ) or EII still stands?
    Last edited by VladNk; 12-30-2015 at 01:08 PM.

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    When did I say that? Lol

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    Previous thread.

    Anyway, I'm not taking the bait this time. Go mess with someone else's head, man

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    Oh lol. That's IEE. Lol

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    Now you took all the excitement out of it! I wanna be an SEI now.

    Damn your reverse-psychology!

    (I'll stop now...)

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    How come there are eyes in the vent duct behind you?

    I think it's your parents spying on you to see if you've impregnated any women yet...

    Quick! Grab a bagel!

    Mirror powerssssss.... ACTIVATE!

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    LII ?

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    Really doubt I'm a logical type. I do tend to enter a "contemplative" state of mind often, but I don't think that's a Te/Ti-Ego thing.

    But anything's possible as far as I'm concerned

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    P.S. I do kind of see a few IEI "tendencies" though if that says something:

    First one is the constant belief in a "brighter" future while feeling like the present is lacking (though that's more of an Enneagram thing... still undecided between 4 and 9...)

    Second one is taking my time with making decisions and a general sense of inactivity (but again, maybe an Enneagram thing or some other type )

    *sigh* I need a better application of my free time....

  10. #10
    Queen of the Damned Aylen's Avatar
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    You physically have the look I associate with being alpha but if you are I would go with NT>SF. You don't seem like a sensor of any sort to me. You do not seem very present. It's like you would rather be anywhere but in your body but that could be the self conscious thing. You come off as having weak Se and Si. I think you are a Ti valuer but couldn't say which position.

    You are young so it is possible that you are not yet typeable. What strikes me most is a lack of self confidence or maybe you are just overly modest. You said you want to be yourself. What does that look like? Being yourself? Other than not living a conventional lifestyle that your family wants for you...

    If I HAD to choose between SEI and IEI I would choose IEI (not Fe sub) for you based on your answers, in the videos, which are kind of stereotypical. I wouldn't rule out Alpha NT because I don't feel like your exude Fe but you probably value it in others. I have a feeling Beta ST would eat you alive. No offense. Again that could all just be the self conscious thing. I am self conscious too but I try to cover it up.

    Or course I could be wrong. *hates being wrong* I don't even pretend to know how to type by any official standards. It is mostly an intuitive feeling for me. Good luck finding your type. It is a journey of self exploration.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Thanks Ellyan.

    I guess by being "myself" I mean following through with some idealized, maybe even hypothetical goal in mind. I'd say that I'd like to do something creative like an art film or something. But it's still a very vague goal. Basically something/one has to happen to "liven up" my current situation because everything seems very, um, plain and boring

    Frankly, that's also why I considered SEI after it's been suggested (Yo Jeremy!) since they seem to struggle with Ni-stuff like this (knowing when it's the right time to act and get your "sh*t" together) But I feel like it's my family (Sj's I believe) that restricts my freedom and demands I do the "practical" thing (which is understandable! I don't want to seem like a narcissistic, self-entitled asshole ). Still I feel like me and my overly-pragmatic family (and friends to an extent) don't speak the same language, and so I have to put my "aspirations" on hold to meet their demands.

    Goddammit I sound like a spoiled, bratty teen right now

    By the way, with regards to Fe... I dunno. I don't feel a "lack" in it really. I myself get very emotional from time to time (constant mood swings yay!!) so I don't really miss it. What I did notice is that too much emotional excitement coming from other people makes me roll my eyes a lot. It feels like they're trying too hard to get me to "liven up", you know?

    Oh and I'll definitely look into LII. I'm not excluding that I might be a logical type (Fi-Role is very possible!) but I think I'm sucky in both Ti and (especially) Te
    Last edited by VladNk; 12-30-2015 at 09:22 PM.

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    Here, Vlad. Lemme help you.

    What you're looking for isn't a static, "yes, this is me all the time." You're looking for the "average you." People float around the functions/elements and people change over time. What you want to do is find the TIM that, on average, you spend the most time in.

    Take a look at these

    Think of the 16 types as being divided up like a pie on a large, flat disc that is balancing horizontally on top of a pole. As people's environments, people they are interacting with, and time changes, this disk leans towards the 16 types that exist within their psyche. Sometimes, you may lean towards one, as necessary, and other times towards another, etc. However, over time, in relationship to the present, you will, on average, lean towards a single TIM most, no matter how small the difference between it and a near tie-breaker.

    For further example, imagine someone sending a signal in Morse code. I don't actually know Morse code, but you could have something like:

    .-. ..- -.. .-. -.. -.._____.-. ..- .-. ... .-. -..___.-. -..__________.-. ... .-- -.- ..- ..- --- .-. ... -.. ______etc.

    Lets say each letter in there is a TIM. The person sending the signal is starting, going through some TIM's, ending, and there are pauses. Because the pauses are longer than any single letter, most of the time the person is spending in a pause. In this example, for ease, ".-." begins every string of letters and "-.." ends every string of letters. Sure, if I had made a more complex example, some strings would begin and end with different stuff, but I would still, on average, begin and end most with ".-." and "-.." for illustration. So, most of the time is spent in a limbo between .-. and -.., so the individual is either a .-. or -.. type. Pretty inconsequential as to if you say "most of the time he spends in .-." or "most of the time he spends in -.." because he's really equally both since they are essentially the same thing. For Socionics, however, the first letter is usually considered the initiator and the last the terminator, with the initiator being the dual and the terminator, that is, the end goal, being the "TIM." We will call .-. the SLI and -.. the IEE. So, for this example in relation to you, you finish/pause upon -../Ne, and start on .-./Si. That is, most of your time is spent in Ne limbo between communication.

    Now, this is simply your time on the first portion of first video, as I didn't feel like watching any more than that. Given that only one person, you, knows all time that you are conscious daily, only you can take a look at the whole picture from waking up to going to sleep, day to day, over the average of your adult life, and say, "hmmmm... Think most of my pauses are..."

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    Stupid html. I've edited it to have underscores as pauses

  14. #14
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    all this was in the video:
    ---Friendly and well-wishing disposition, encouraging smile and endless enthusiasm - all this distinguishes the real HUXLEY.
    ---HUXLEY is sincere, direct, resourceful, charming, and it takes him no effort to establish contact with somebody
    --- He smiles to the visitors, looking into their eyes with warmth, and talks with them on other subjects.
    ---Face of HUXLEY typically has large eyes and mouth, ready to smile at any moment. Magnificent haircut - in short or long version - usually creates an artistic mess on his head.
    ---however the majority of representatives of this type have an inherent scatterbrainess and vague ideas about order.

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    @yeves /high five

  16. #16
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    I think you're EII. The reason I say that is due to your hushed voice-- it doesn't seem like your energy is very expansive i.e. not extraverted. You sound like me when i try to make videos. You seem somewhat uncertain about the future and whether you can hit these major milestones (Who isn't?) but I think this might point to Se polr. You also said you lack motivation to achieve what you want, which I think is more of an Se polr thing too. You seem very Fi/Te oriented. And you VI a bit like my EII friend.

  17. #17
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    EII > LII

  18. #18
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    Which type do you want to be?

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    I just watched both of them completely. I'm fairly positive you're just an LSI-Fe.

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    Quote Originally Posted by yeves View Post

    all this was in the video:
    ---Friendly and well-wishing disposition, encouraging smile and endless enthusiasm - all this distinguishes the real HUXLEY.
    ---HUXLEY is sincere, direct, resourceful, charming, and it takes him no effort to establish contact with somebody
    --- He smiles to the visitors, looking into their eyes with warmth, and talks with them on other subjects.
    ---Face of HUXLEY typically has large eyes and mouth, ready to smile at any moment. Magnificent haircut - in short or long version - usually creates an artistic mess on his head.
    ---however the majority of representatives of this type have an inherent scatterbrainess and vague ideas about order.
    Emm... Disagree with some points there Especially the part about easily establishing contact with somebody. I'm usually very mindful of another person's, umm, personal space. And I usually only approach people with whom I have a certain "bond" let's say. Otherwise, I prefer just observing people from the side, preferring them to make the initiative (or not at all, if I haven't established a good connection with them)

    Besides, 'endless enthusiasm' is hardly me at all. Not that I can't be enthusiastic, but a common theme with me is that people usually, ummm... become more quiet around me because I can't bring myself to be emotionally charged and enthusiastic (Plus, contrary to the video, people say I always look sad and filled with worry over something -- even when that's not the case)

    And yes, my hair is an artistic mess! I just can't bring myself to go to the barber because wats da point! jk

    Quote Originally Posted by Contra View Post
    I think you're EII. The reason I say that is due to your hushed voice-- it doesn't seem like your energy is very expansive i.e. not extraverted. You sound like me when i try to make videos. You seem somewhat uncertain about the future and whether you can hit these major milestones (Who isn't?) but I think this might point to Se polr. You also said you lack motivation to achieve what you want, which I think is more of an Se polr thing too. You seem very Fi/Te oriented. And you VI a bit like my EII friend.
    I thought so, too. But even then I'm kind of skeptical because Fi (especially base) seems very people-centric and moralistic. I don't see myself like that. I'm more concerned with how others are treating me, while believing that others can sort their problems out on their own. That's when I feel I can lash out at someone (or at least if pushed too far) But yeah, usually my relations with others are pretty good, just because I know when to be friendly/"charming" and when to stay the f*** away from someone.

    Quote Originally Posted by limping bird View Post
    This is kinda bs and I didn't watch for long, but your expressions seem very nuanced, and like you are making multiple faces at once (?) to me, so I'd guess you have ethics in your ego block... quite possibly creative (ethical constructivists seem more reserved with their use of )
    Yeah, I know the videos are bull**** but I thought I'd give it a go I still think that letting others find your type isn't as productive as finding it yourself, but... ehh... whatever

    Quote Originally Posted by Persephone View Post
    Which type do you want to be?
    SEE obviously! Couldn't you tell?

    But really, from my observations (reading the type descriptions everywhere) I'd say that the ones that fit me the most were IEE and IEI. I mean, yes, EII also, but again, I have a difficult time relating much to the Fi-Base since, again, I don't consider myself too concerned with my relations with others. Also I don't think I have the Extraverted Intuitive nature of IEE's.... really, they sound too restless to me, focusing on too many ideas and goals, without trying to find that one thing that they know is theirs. I think a person should have a single... umm... perfect (?) goal in mind and work towards it (the goal can change over time of course)

    And I seriously have no effin clue how Ni works in IEI's. I mean, if it's about knowing that you have all the time in the world to achieve something, then I think that's me. Really, unless my SFj family pressures me (and my friends) I'd have very little inclination to "rush" things (besides feeling like I'm growing old or not living up to my 'ahem' "ideal" (whatever the hell that is.. )

    But again, no idea what Ni is so....

    P.S. For all I know I could still be a sensing type pretending to be an intuitive as a coping mechanism or something And I agree that, maybe, I'm too 'inexperienced' (or sheltered for a lack of a better word) as of now to be typed correctly. *sigh
    Last edited by VladNk; 12-31-2015 at 09:06 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeremy8419 View Post
    I just watched both of them completely. I'm fairly positive you're just an LSI-Fe.
    Just like you were 'fairly positive' that I was an SEI and just like you were 'fairly positive' I was an IEE? I think there's a trend going on here

    Besides LSI-Fe subtype? Okay

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    "I have a difficult time relating much to the Fi-Base since, again, I don't consider myself too concerned with my relations with others."
    That's not Fi base. That's 2D Fi (or Fe, for the E/I challenged). 4D Fi (and 3D to a lesser extent) are often so preoccupied with Relationships as a whole, that they forsake their own Relationships in a way that is counter-intuitive to their labeling. 1D Fi simply only processed relationships between the self and others.

    "Also I don't think I have the Extraverted Intuitive nature of IEE's.... really, they sound too restless to me, focusing on too many ideas and goals, without trying to find that one thing that they know is theirs. "

    ? Their Social goal is to increase the potentials in others and helping them recognize their latent potentials. Their Individual goal is the SLI, Si+Te.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VladNk View Post
    Just like you were 'fairly positive' that I was an SEI and just like you were 'fairly positive' I was an IEE? I think there's a trend going on here

    Besides LSI-Fe subtype? Okay
    Yeah. The trend that you're my buddy and I like picking on you LOL

    Your parents seem like they're more concerned with forcing their ways of appearance of societal structure and emotional exuberance of family life. It's amazing how many people confuse things like joy, passion, and attachment for actual love lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VladNk View Post
    I thought so, too. But even then I'm kind of skeptical because Fi (especially base) seems very people-centric and moralistic. I don't see myself like that. I'm more concerned with how others are treating me, while believing that others can sort their problems out on their own. That's when I feel I can lash out at someone (or at least if pushed too far) But yeah, usually my relations with others are pretty good, just because I know when to be friendly/"charming" and when to stay the f*** away from someone.
    Ok, you're Fe creative. Congrats.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Contra View Post
    Ok, you're Fe creative. Congrats.
    The funny thing is I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not

    Oh well!

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    Another thing I think that makes me doubt my, umm, delta-ish-ness (?) is my relations with, what I assume, are Te-Egos. I may be wrong about this, but I find Te-egos to be unbelievably stuck up, overly-serious and too, how shall I put this, "politically-correct" for my tastes. I mean, I honestly feel like their always-serious, work-over-everything-else attitude just kinda grates me. At least Se/Ti egos seem much more loosened up, and aren't afraid of speaking up and forgo the artificiality of formality during conversation... not to mention have a sense of humor jk

    (Although the overly serious types could be Gammas... I dunno..)


    I have a friend that claims he's an SLE and we don't get along at all... like complete opposites. I have my doubts however, since he seems very unemotional most of the time, kind of formal and dry in his speech. He does like delivering speeches on what he claims is "the cold, harsh truth about the world ("Your creative pursuits are all fine and dandy, but you need to make a profit from your work if you expect to survive" "With your current job I'd be really worried about your future" etc,...) And while I do think he has a point, his emphasis on "survival" makes it hard for me to get my point across.

    Also, while I do think the guy is very assertive and goes after what he wants (a very entrepreneurial person he is), he does seem to put a lot of effort into, umm, as he puts it "chill-axing" (A combination of the words "chilling" and "relaxing"" respectively ) He seems very content with all the little, moment-to-moment aspects of life (enjoying a good meal, smoking his hookah , and just relaxing in general (in his own words "I'm lazy as hell...") Me on the other hand, I see all those moments of relaxation, telling fun stories about things that will happen or have happened yesterday/last month/etc/... as, ehh, trivial and boring (not to mention none of your business )

    So yeah, I doubt he's the SLE that he claims he is...

    Or maybe I'm just confusing sh*t..

    Either way, happy new year, guys *smiley of an old, fat Santa Clause dancing on a stripper pole*
    Last edited by VladNk; 01-01-2016 at 12:40 PM.

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    Easy question: You're very emotive in your videos. Are you doing these emotional displays consciously? Or do they "just happen"? Similarly, how often do you think about or discuss your emotions?

    Until I was discussing with the Socionists about Mental/Vital, I hadn't noticed that I haven't mentioned my emotions in person in years, nor do I ever even think about them nor their existence. I think about relationships of emotions between people constantly, but never my own actual emotions.

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    Ummm.... I think they just sort of happen. I mean, there are just certain words and associations that cause me to become emotional and those emotions show up easily on my face. I guess sometimes I like to exaggerate or "Jim Carry-fy" my facial expressions, but it's mostly done for comic relief

    And while I don't usually discuss my emotions per say (prefer to keep them to myself) I do very often think about why I feel the way I do in any given moment. At the same time, I do notice the emotional states of others around me. The lack of any "visible emotions" causes either curiosity or mild frustration (sometimes even indifference/dislike for the person) because I can't seem to figure the person's "core" and see if I should try to get closer or keep a distance from him/her. Also I've noticed that negative emotions in others make me want to ask the person "what's wrong?" but refraining myself because I don't want to seem intrusive. Positive,or rather exaggerated, "forced" positive emotions in others, on the other hand, kind of annoy me and usually gets a mocking reaction out of me.

    Please don't say I'm ESE-Ti or something like that...
    Last edited by VladNk; 01-01-2016 at 09:32 AM.

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    Well dang. That's what I was gonna say lol.

    Seriously though, extroverted elements are called such because they are from the self, outwards. Emotions are energy that we exert on others to change their emotional state for either altering the future events or for altering the sensory interactions.

    What you're describing is either:
    A) exerting emotions automatically and consciously processing the comparisons of emotions of others and yourself
    B) comparing emotional states of yourself and others automatically and consciously exerting your emotional state
    A) why is this person jittery around this other person? Hmmm
    B) I am going to laugh around these two people and the three of us won't be jittery later

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    Wait, so is that Fe valuin' or Fi (checking for emotional cues to determine relationship) valuin'


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    Are you conscious of such? Or is the checking in the background, with the action in the foreground?

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    Dunno. I don't try to 'define' my relations with others. I simply do my stupid antics (making the person laugh, telling him/her something interesting) and if they react positively, I'll know that our relationship is good and I can continue being my weird, goofy self (with some moments of seriousness of course... sometimes...)

    Basically, the more positively they respond to my actions/words, the more I know I can "stretch" the limits of our interaction. And if they don't react positively, I keep quiet.

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    Quote Originally Posted by VladNk View Post
    Dunno. I don't try to 'define' my relations with others. I simply do my stupid antics (making the person laugh, telling him/her something interesting) and if they react positively, I'll know that our relationship is good and I can continue being my weird, goofy self (with some moments of seriousness of course... sometimes...)

    Basically, the more positively they respond to my actions/words, the more I know I can "stretch" the limits of our interaction. And if they don't react positively, I keep quiet.
    "if they react positively, I'll know that our relationship is good"
    You have poor distinction between R and E.

    I actually watched your second video.

    Fairly positive you are SLE.

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    *shrug* okay

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    You try very hard in your video to maintain a sense of novelty, but your Se seethes through on occasion. Your emotional displays are extremely juvenile, and you yourself state that you enjoy being the one to pick up the emotional atmosphere. You're extremely violent, and you're emotions and relationships are negligent.

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    You try very hard in your video to maintain a sense of novelty, but your Se seethes through on occasion. Your emotional displays are extremely juvenile, and you yourself state that you enjoy being the one to pick up the emotional atmosphere. You're extremely violent, and you're emotions and relationships are negligent.
    Aww... Someone's projecting! That's so adorable

    P.S. Seriously, give it a rest already. You got some good ideas here and there, but you're obviously just messing around. And I'm not buying it (neither do others I believe)
    Last edited by VladNk; 01-03-2016 at 11:25 AM.

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    Nah. That's definitely the correct one. You were in Ne mask, causing @yeves and myself to see IEE (Ne Role + Fi PoLR), and myself SEI (Ne Role + Ti Creative).

    He would like to believe that he is able to influence the general emotional atmosphere, energize and support the cheerful mood. He needs to have this skill appreciated. He is unconsciously activated when it is necessary to show himself as the cause or an actor in supporting the emotional atmosphere or stirring up emotional environment.
    @Myst you see it?

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    Jesus, no wonder you were banned from PersonalityCafe...

    Anyway, I'm done. You hopelessly hijacking every thread anyone has ever made is not helping. Guess it's back to the ignore list with you, friend!

    Also, I'll probably be closing the thread. It's pretty much a lost cause...

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    p.s. adding LII to the list of possible types.



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    Looks like I poked the PoLR lol

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