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Thread: 21 Q - Could you help me please?

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    Chacha's Avatar
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    Question 21 Q - Could you help me please?

    Hi, I never got much input about my sociotype. I wonder if you could give me your opinion about it. I'm somewhat confused about it.

    Personal concepts

    1. What is beauty? What is love?

    1. Beauty is quite hard to define. In my point of view, I think that beauty is the aesthetic quality of an object that trigger a certain emotional reaction. There is always an attraction in beauty. A beautiful object or person is always admired, desired or at least has some kind of additional value. I think that it is objective in a way, because most people would be attracted to a beautiful girl. Taste has nothing to do with it. Who could say that a sunset isn’t beautiful?
    2. I’ve recently thought about it, and I’m quite sad to have an answer. Love seems to be a link between two people. A deep link directly connected between each other heart. This link is fulfilling, but could also be very hurtful. The sad story about it, is that people will rarely love you for who you really are. They may love you even if they don’t like some traits of your personality. They will just love you because… They spent time with you and you became an important element of their environment. Maybe I’m too pessimistic?

    2. What are your most important values?

    My most important values are probably: curiosity, determination, patience, willpower, and open mindedness.
    I like people who actually do instead of talking. I like people who are open minded and don’t judge too quickly. I like people who can put themselves in others shoes, and can perceive different perspectives without being biased by their own. I like decisive people who know what to do, and that have a clear mind. Exactitude of thoughts and accuracy in their mind and action.

    3. Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?

    I do think that someone or something created our world, but I can’t say that I’m religious. Maybe just Deist.
    I also believe that there is a meaning to everything, and that everything is happening for a reason. The world was probably created in order to avoid nothingness and boredom.
    Void has no sense right? That’s why we are here living our lives.

    4. Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?

    There is a positive and negative face to war. The negative one is that it affects a lot of people, in a negative way. Pain, death, suffering, being hurt, dying, destruction, annihilation, all these things are some negative consequences that are absolutely awful and devastating. I do hope that I will never live this kind of things. And I’m sad about people who live in a country like that. But heh, cannot do anything about it unfortunately.
    On the other side, war is important. You can’t let another country invade you, and take what you have. I will understand that you defend yourself against them. And if I had enough strength I would really fight for my country. But I’m weak… I’ll just die for no reason. Invading another territory could be good, especially if they have stolen it from you.
    Power is the ability to affect the external world. I really love it, and I’d love to have power. But I feel powerless honestly. Like an ant in a giant world. Especially when I look the night sky or the sea. I really feel tiny and insignificant.


    5. What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?

    I don’t often have long conversations honestly. I’m not a talkative person. It happened that I had long conversations, and it was in a one-to-one setting. I don’t really remember what the main topic was, I guess we just wanted to talk together, learning about ourselves and talk about our private and preferences. It was just like… Learning about each other in a deeper level, sharing secrets and stuff like that.
    My interests? I’m mostly interested in arts, and in knowledge in general. I love to read books, watch movies and shows, stuff like that. I like fictional stories and beautiful things I guess.
    I also like music and drawing. Why? Maybe because it’s a way of expressing my feelings or emotions. I keep it for myself of course, but it’s still feel good to let all these thing go out. I never talk about my thoughts and feelings to other, and I’m not very expressive. So it’s my personal pleasure to do it by myself, and for my private use.

    6. Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?

    Hmm… I’m not really interested in physical health I guess, but mental health is interesting for me. I’m highly sensitive to physical pain, and I don’t like to think about it. My worst nightmare would be agony, or being physically hurt. I’m really afraid of being sick, and things like that.
    Focused on my body? Hmm, well looking good is pretty important to me. And I put a lot of effort into it. I also try to keep a skinny body, I don’t want to get fat. I would say that I don’t neglect it. Appearance is important to me, because this is how other people will perceive me. I don’t want to be ugly, or bad looking. Otherwise I’m pretty phobic about the health of my body. I absolutely avoid going to hospital and to think about it. That makes me feel quite bad.

    7. What do you think of daily chores?

    Annoying as fuck. But as long as I’m living alone in my flat, I don’t care about it. I always wash the dishes when I’ve eat, and I try to keep an organized environment. Once again, I don’t want people to come in my flat and see bad things. That’s my main motivation in doing so. Also I don’t really like chaos, and I don’t want my flat to be a mess.

    8. Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

    Bakuman is my favorite manga. If you don’t know it, it’s about a normal student (Mashiro) who is really bored in his life. He has like no purpose and don’t know what to do with his life. One day he met Takagi, who will ask him to make mangas with him. This storyis all about determination, and ability to achieve a goal. It will be very hard, but they will work a lot and become famous mangakas. I wish I could be like them, and work on my dream like that. But I really lack of motivation… This story was at the beginning the story of my life, and then it evolves into the life I would like to have.

    9. What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?

    When I relate to the lyrics of a song, it makes me cry sometimes. I feel less lonely, and I also feel understood. So that more like joy tears than sadness. I also cried when I broke up with my ex, but that’s normal right. Otherwise I don’t often cry.
    When something feels harmonious around me, it makes me smile. Sometimes the environment is like sly and people seems to stab you in the back. I smile when everyone around me seems genuine and lighthearted. When the atmosphere is light in a nutshell. I also smile to people when interacting with them, in order to make them feel at ease. This way they will see that I have no bad intentions and that I’m not their enemy.

    10. Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?

    When I’m alone. That’s the only moment when I feel at ease. The external world wants to destroy me, and to crush me. When I’m alone with my thoughts and my feelings, that’s the only moment when I feel safe and relaxed. Honestly I don’t seems to fit with the environment. I’m not a useful person, I interact with people but can’t make strong links with them. Also I dislike my environment, so it’s my fault if I don’t fit in. It’s not that I feel like a special snowflake, I just don’t like things around me, and prefer to stay in my head. That’s why I like to read stories, these are worlds where everything is harmonious. I know that I’m the problem, and cannot live fully in the present because I don’t feel like I’m a part of the world. I don’t even feel at ease with my own family. Friends, I have a few, and don’t see them often. But I must admit that I felt quite good with them. I wish I could share more moments with them. But our paths seems to diverge.

    Evaluation & Behaviour

    11. What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

    People tell that I’m too abstract, and that I neglect details too much. They also said that I was impatient, overthinking too much and don’t making any effort to fit in groups (which is true).
    I think that I just dislike the fact that I have a low self-esteem and confidence. I also lack of energy to do things I dislike. I tend to stay in my own world, and have trouble being down-to-earth.
    I wish I was more in the doing part and less in the contemplative part I guess. But that’s impossible for me because I can’t really stop my brain thinking about how things are somewhat pointless. I think that I’m born to stay in theories and knowledge. I’m not into the action part.

    12. What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    They see me as charismatic, interesting, mystical, and concise. I don’t really agree with these compliments but anyway… They sometimes like my way of thinking, and how I try to make things clear. They also like the fact that I can understand them and put myself in their shoes. People trust me easily because of this. It’s hard to talk about my strengths, I have trouble noticing them tbh. I’m mostly focused on my negative sides, and how to fix them.
    I must admit that I have an ability to ignore my own perspective, in order to perceive each point of view. Because most of the time people aren’t right or wrong, they just have opinions. The world is full of contradictions, it’s like a disco ball. People are talking about the same thing, but with a different facet.
    Of course, some people are just stupid and don’t even know what they are talking about. These type of people are really annoying. They talk but don’t do or get anything of the situation. Their mind is in the wrong way.

    13. In what areas of your life would you like help?

    Hmm… I don’t really need help. Maybe I would need help with money though. I’m bad at managing it, and earning it. I just want to survive, but it’s true that sometimes I wonder how I will survive in the future. I’m only studying for now though, but I’m still worried about it.

    14. Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.

    It’s hard to answer. My life is a constant rut lol. I mean I always feel stuck in situations I don’t really like. Because I’m always listening to others, and I get pushed into directions I don’t want. On the other hand, I could really sit and do nothing if I don’t try to move. I guess that I should learn to stand up for myself, and mobilize energy in order to get what I want. That’s what I’m actively working on. I still have an indirect way of taking action though, always playing with consequences on the future, rather that acting in the present.

    People & Interactions

    15. What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?

    Well, I feel like I’ve answered to this in the Q2. I guess that I’ll try to write more details. So in general I like serious people. The one who can get shit done, and don’t waste their time with insignificant things. I like when they are focused on the essence of something, and work in order to get tangible result. I like when they know what they are doing, and are not blindly trying random things. I also like when they don’t judge you, and know that you have strengths and weaknesses, like all human. Tolerant people maybe? The one who will not blame you for your flaws. On the other hand I don’t like people who judge things too quickly, and people that waste their time trolling and not being serious. I mean, time is precious and we should do our best of it. Getting some concrete results, creating something in the material world is really the most important thing for me. I wish I could have productive friends, the one who are always working and have an impact on the world.
    For now, I’ve get along mostly with intuitive. I like to listen to them, they always understand things very quickly. But they are not good dealing with the real world though.

    16. How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?

    What qualities I want in a partner? I feel like I will always have a different answer. I could be attracted to various archetypes. But if I stay general, I would say again that I want a serious person. I think that it’s the most important criteria. I want my partner to have a concrete vision of the world, and actually work like me, in order to achieve and get an impact on the world. I also want this partner to be nice, and love me without judging me. That’s all I want honestly.
    Romance? That’s what I prefer in a relationship. To share love, to feel intense emotions, to have a beautiful story and life. Sex, I don’t care that much about it. I would rather let my partner decide. I don’t value it that much, I could have a relationship without it I think.

    17. If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?

    I prefer not to think about it. I’m too young I guess. But I think that will tell them that “Do what you want, but do it well.” I just want them to be happy, and do what they enjoy in life. I don’t want them to be like me, a negative and unhappy person that cannot fit in the world. I hope that they will be down-to-earth, and enjoy being in this world.
    I would probably try to be their confidant. Because I have experience, and I know how to raise their mood if it goes bad. I want to motivate them, and be sure to be here for them.

    18. A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?

    Who cares? I mean, everybody have opinions. Unless I have the absolute truth, I see no reason arguing about it.
    Remember my metaphor with the disco ball. It’s normal. The world is made that way. It would be boring if everybody shared the same opinion. My actual reaction? I will just try to understand his perspective. End of story. He’s my friend, right?

    19. Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.

    I feel unadapted to society. Everybody seems to have fun, doing parties and going to night club, while I dislike that. So I just stay alone, doing my own work and stuff. Of course, making art is not really valued in society. That’s pretty sad. I can’t relate to the business world. I just can’t understand how it works, and it’s boring to me. I feel like I will end working in a Strabuck lol. That sucks. I would like to be a leader, not a subordinate. But that’s my fate I guess. I don’t have enough intelligence to be a leader.
    People as a whole? It’s hard to say because people are so different from each other. But I would say that most of the time they seem to follow the group. Because being a black sheep isn’t really valued. Human are weak alone. That’s why I try to wear a mask, in order to look like I fit in. But the truth is that in the end I remain true to myself, and I will always follow my own way in the end. It doesn’t matter if I get rejected or destroyed. I don’t really see any problem in society, because I admit that I’m the problem. But I guess that society is too focused on the majority, and not really on some minorities. It would be good if everybody was united. Working together without caring about differences.

    20. How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?

    I don’t feel like I’m choosing friends. Most of the time, I’m just walking on my way, and fate makes me meet people. I don’t often take initiatives. Most of the time I’m just being myself. For an unknown reason people seem to trust and like me. So they are often attracted. They also ask me a lot of things. I would say that I know a lot of things, because I spend a lot of time thinking about things.
    With strangers I’m most likely cold or neutral, but with my friends I’m very warm and expressive. I’m probably the kuudere archetype.

    21. How do you behave around strangers?

    A smile, being polite and considerate. That’s all. Otherwise I’m not really revealing myself or being expressive. Just want to have a friendly aura, in order to create opportunities, and avoiding having enemies.

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    It seems you might get along well with ISFj. You don't seem to need or be attracted to positive displays of emotions the way Alpha would be. I'm thinking you're INTp with a thinking subtype, but I'm just now learning about Socionics so I'm probably wrong, just my 2 cents.

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    Quote Originally Posted by uncivilized View Post
    It seems you might get along well with ISFj. You don't seem to need or be attracted to positive displays of emotions the way Alpha would be. I'm thinking you're INTp with a thinking subtype, but I'm just now learning about Socionics so I'm probably wrong, just my 2 cents.
    Thanks for taking the time to read my Q, I appreciate it. Could I know how you came to this conclusion though? I don't need tons of details, just some line of reasoning.

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    The only thing you may do for normal offline typing is to make a video-interview. While the questionaire is good only as addition.

  5. #5
    Shuriken's Avatar
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    Fi valuing, somewhere in ego. Probably EII or ESI.

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    Thanks guys. I wonder why you think that I'm a Fi-valuer though.

  7. #7
    boom boom boom blackburry's Avatar
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    definitely not Fe. .

    Fi sounds about right.

  8. #8
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    (EII). The completely pervades your way of phrasing things as well as the content of your answers, and you're clearly an introvert, but I recognize a lot of things in you that I associate in myself with creative, vulnerable, or mobilizing. You also clearly appreciate external sources of , which fits.
    Last edited by tejing; 08-16-2015 at 07:45 AM.
    Valued | Devalued
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    < | < | Unconscious

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    So I've finally typed myself as an ILI. I've read a lot about the theory and Ni seems to be my base functions. And you're right, I don't relate that much to the Beta quadra, so I'm probably an Fi/Te. Thanks for your input.

  10. #10
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    I read through your answers, and I once thought LII, twice thought ESI, and many, many times thought ILI.

    Also, your chosen avatar's face looks like that of a person pissed off at the stupidity of the world but who won't do anything about it immediately, and that is ILI through and through.

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    Dudette88's Avatar
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    Yeah Gamma quadra, Fi valuer. ILI sounds right

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