So I'm pretty certain I'm ILI, but one thing is still bugging me. I seem value alpha's values more. By that I mean I like just relaxing and having a good time rather than being all business-like. I seem to relate the most with alpha, some beta, some gamma, and the least with delta. Note that I dislike large social interaction so that part of alpha I don't identify with, but the part about being non-serious and enjoying comfort over being productive I can relate to quite a lot.

So my question is, is it possible to value other quadra values, even the opposing's, more than of your own? Or is it normal for some ILIs to just not care much about Te activities? I seem very split between LII and ILI with only a slight edge towards ILI. In the socionics test I've taken I've always scored very high on both LII and ILI. I know socionics tests aren't exactly the best but this result is amazingly consistent with all the ones I took. Temperament wise I'm definitely more IP then IJ but quadra wise I seem more alpha then gamma, and I'm definitely not an SEI. I already considered IEI since many say IEIs confuse themselves for LIIs and ILIs but Fe is nowhere to be found and I don't relate much to it at all in general.

So again, is it possible to relate more to another quadra then your own?