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Thread: new blood here. vid and some questionnaire answers. type me?

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    Default new blood here. vid and some questionnaire answers. type me?

    heyo! i cut off the first part of the video because of extraneous info. my name's kim, i'm 16 and in the US.
    any VI ideas?

    one of the main things i was getting at in the video is that i have a desire to feel a strong inward passion. i'm a writer, i write a lot of poems and strive to write short stories. i guess the feeling i'm trying to describe is "inspired". that's what the percocet use is all about, i just want to feel that love but for some reason i don't have the passion or joy naturally..? i don't know if that's some kind of thing about maybe seeking Fe, Fi, or being too much of an Fe user, i really have no idea.
    my outward impressions are very changeable depending on my inward mood. i can be quite a people person if i'm happy and come off as bubbly and flirtatious, or i can be quite flat. i actually don't have the energy to talk to people most of the time. i moreso enjoy the aspect of relationships that has to do with that feeling of love and trust you get by just knowing that that person is your friend or family.

    what are you most important values?
    i value trust that never ever ever fades (even though it inevitably does) and out of life would truly value a trustworthy partner/true love but above that i have a strict egalitarian moral code and value living somewhat minimalistically in order to give out to better causes. i'm an athiest so 'doing good' is my religion. i'm a vegan and stuff. for myself i value feeling healthy and getting pleasurable experiences, and the true love i mentioned earlier.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    yeah i think i get what this question is getting at. i like giving people advice on what to do when they're feeling sick and know a pretty lot. actually, a strong need for me is to feel needed and helpful, in the most practical and important matters. as for focused on my body, i take a real strong interest in health and how to maintain it but try to keep it minimal. i basically try not to get fat (lol sorry i respect fat people), do cardio to maintain a good level of energy , and eat food that doesn't make me feel like crap. extraneous stuff like facial masks, body creams, exfoliating, i looooove doing as recreational activities but the daily routines for self care, i keep to a minimum. but yeah i like talking about new ideas like yoga for feeling less tension in the body and home remedies, organic food and superfoods.

    What do you think of daily chores?

    i like to clean! "tidying up" is the phrase i always use, which is just you know making sure everything is neat. i'll scrub shit off toilets too. but for some reason i cannot tolerate doing dishes. i think my biggest irk of all time is wet/mashed up/mixed around food. it's fukn gross.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.

    Favorite movie is probably "There Will Be Blood". the cinematics are so beautiful and take you to a place where you forget you're even watching a movie. i also love american history and want to have been born in a past generation at times. i like the deeply psychological aspects and statement on religion the movie makes. i dislike mindless movies and most popular movies.
    but i also love The Royal Tenenbaums. it's not "deep" but it's very fun and nice to look at. i like the family aspect in it and how it's all about coming together for a family to like idk trust each other and everything. i love the part when ben stiller finally comes out and says "it's been a hard year dad" and then his dad gives him a hug.
    i feel like i could go on about this one but i won't.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?

    i try to make myself cry at music because i like that really intense happy feeling i was talking about. i used to cry at least twice a day until i got treated for my depression and i remember people saying they only cry like twice a year. i would seriously think "wtf?????" so loud in my head. i still do. intense anger (occurs in me often due to my life circumstance right now and family. eh.) makes me have a strong, strong urge to hit something but i end up crying hella hard.
    attractive boys make me smile hard af. cats. animal antics. kicking back and relaxing brings a soft smile on my face. i have that soft smile often in the classroom or something because i just sit back.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    usually when i'm alone listening to music. i don't think i fully trust anyone. not even my closer family members, because inwardly i feel like i'll disappoint them. i strongly wish i could just connect to people and never have to worry about them getting tired of me.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?

    i think i'm boring when i first talk to people. actually, i think i'm too black-and-white when i talk to new people. i can be hype as hell and bouncing off the walls or just grunting and making dull statements. i just don't like my dealings with people.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?

    i'm smart and don't mind saying that. people who don't know me almost always say they get an impression that i'm smart or at least am good at school or something. that actually surprises me because i don't feel like i come off that way.
    i've written some kick-ass poems and my teachers have confirmed that. it's a talent. i know how to interpret my emotions and transmit them through metaphor.
    i'm pretty kinesthetic as well but that takes the back-burner due to how invested i am in writing. i'm not lazy physically, i like physical exercise and am pretty good at basketball, but most people don't even know that . i pick up on new talents easily.

    How do you behave around strangers?

    my medicine for social anxiety (klonopin every day) makes me more uninhibited than i am naturally. around strangers i don't think i'll have a closer relationship with, i normally mess with them and joke around. it works better with boys because they think i'm flirting. it's hard to describe. basically if i don't particularly like any of those people, i don't care if they like me. if i'm talking to people i have an interest in being friends with, the interest shows and i ask questions about their lives and find common interests to talk about.
    around strangers that i'm intimidated by, which this may be what the question is getting at, i just talk really boring and pretend to be sort of... blase blase toward them and life.

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    i want to find the love of my life eventually lol. humans have spoke of "true love"/unconditional love for ages and a lot of people say it doesn't exist. the way i see it, some people have that capability to care for people at that level, and some people just don't feel that deeply. i think i have that capability. i've felt intense affection toward a few people but that's what i leave it as-- intense affection. and i would have a romantic relationship with them for the physical aspect, the fun, and the experience. but i want to find true love- trust, honesty, and unconditional care

    anddd here's a picture of me

    i'll be here waiting

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    both sides, now wacey's Avatar
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    welcome to the 16t.

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    Poster Nutbag The Exception's Avatar
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    Welcome to 16T!

    My guess for your type is SEI. I see alot of Si in your video and in your post. Some Fe as well but it was more subdued in your video, probably due to introversion.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    Welcome to 16T!

    My guess for your type is SEI. I see alot of Si in your video and in your post. Some Fe as well but it was more subdued in your video, probably due to introversion.
    mmhm that's the only type i've gotten on the couple of tests i took. it's just that reading into it deeper, delta values seem closer to me. i have always noticed in myself that i dislike the parts of society that say "let's get riled up and feed each other our emotions". sorry if that's offensive to beta or Fe or something. i have been called an "old soul" by literally every therapist, counselor, and psychiatrist i've talked to. literally every one lol.

    my closest friend is eii (some more extroverted subtype) and i love her to death. if i were gay i would go for her. idk what it is. i admire how professional and driven she is for her values. she's great with people and makes me laugh i smile just thinking about her. she's a lil passive aggressive but then 'explodes' with whatever's bothering her. but there's one kernel in her that i can't stand and it's this need to kind of impress everyone and not get embarassed, not even by complete strangers. we clash hard on that sometimes, like i'll just be doing my thing in public and i can tell she's irrationally pissed off.

    my brother/surrogate father since he's the only older man who took good care of me and still does (he's 27) is definite ILE. we get along great. idk we don't kick back and get hella deep about stuff but he makes me laugh my ass off and i like discussing philosophy with him. i got my moral values from him. but we differ in some life goals... he's incredibly unconventional and rebellious against society. he doesn't wanna be restrained in any way, by any sort of job (he doesn't have a steady one lol) and doesn't believe in love. he also lies a lot. but i love him to death.

    my other brother is also ILE but probably Ti subtype. we have the same sense of humor but other than that i think he's really lame. the Fe-HA really shows in that
    he placates everybody in an argument and idk he randomly tries to be friendly and hospitable and it's so obviously and awkwardly fake...

    with my oldest (29) LII brother kind of bores me. he's awkward. i know we talk mostly about Si, and it's pretty fun. he's got a lot of health problems. i give him fashion tips lol and talking about shit i like to do but then when he tries to bring Ti-type philosophizing into it, we clash because my thinking revolves around one singular philosophy i hold to (called negative utilitarianism/antinatalism) and see no reason in discussing anything further.

    and i think the kid i'm head-over-heels for is ENFp. not sure so i'll describe what i like about him. i like that he's "open". that's what i'd call it. he's socially uninhibited and just seeks to make friends with people. he's everyone's friend and deep down i know he's really caring, but shuts down verbally when it comes to deep issues because he's too upset. i.e. i told him i was suicidal on the phone, he hung up and i found out he called the school psychologist on me.
    also, this lil dude reminds me of his smile definitely
    other than that i can't type people well so i haven't gone further
    Last edited by fruitbats; 04-21-2015 at 04:20 AM. Reason: looked like a chunk of text

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    can a delta basically describe what it's like to be delta? i can't find any great quadra descriptions and i think sorting out what quadra you're in should be the first step in this gameee

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    You'll never feel better until you believe in Jesus. Welcome to the forum. Typing... probably an NT type, but I duno you have S; at least I'd give you S in the id, I can see you having bursts of anger. Also you seem rational. I can see SLI, you probably are kind of stubborn and fundamentalist, and materialist in your thinking.

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    i counter your "SEIs" with my SLI.

    ^ and yours too v
    Last edited by marooned; 04-21-2015 at 06:37 AM.

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    I watched the video some and logged in to say SEI.

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    "one of the main things i was getting at in the video is that i have a desire to feel a strong inward passion. i'm a writer, i write a lot of poems and strive to write short stories. i guess the feeling i'm trying to describe is "inspired". that's what the percocet use is all about, i just want to feel that love but for some reason i don't have the passion or joy naturally..? i don't know if that's some kind of thing about maybe seeking Fe, Fi, or being too much of an Fe user, i really have no idea. "

    SLI maybe?

    Fi HA?

    Just throwing out an alternative, since it's SEI down the line.

    Si-subtype I think

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    Hi, you're pretty sweet.

    Si is most evident in this pile of ... mm data.
    Visually you could pass for SLI ...but from what you say...not really. Probably Si-SEI.

    one of the main things i was getting at in the video is that i have a desire to feel a strong inward passion. i'm a writer, i write a lot of poems and strive to write short stories. i guess the feeling i'm trying to describe is "inspired". that's what the percocet use is all about, i just want to feel that love but for some reason i don't have the passion or joy naturally..? i don't know if that's some kind of thing about maybe seeking Fe, Fi, or being too much of an Fe user, i really have no idea.
    my outward impressions are very changeable depending on my inward mood. i can be quite a people person if i'm happy and come off as bubbly and flirtatious, or i can be quite flat. i actually don't have the energy to talk to people most of the time. i moreso enjoy the aspect of relationships that has to do with that feeling of love and trust you get by just knowing that that person is your friend or family.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Person View Post
    Hey there. I do VI, and all I did was look at your video for about 20 seconds and said "SEI. Done." I'm pretty sure you're SEI Si subtype. Sorry if that's not what you wanted to hear but anyways, welcomez!

    Fe is spoken all throughout her words, gurl. It can be very analytical and yet unexpressive, IME, as Fe is all about understanding the feelings and humanity in a much moreso objective attitude than Fi would, like an overhead picture; so I think she captures the reserved Fe process perfectly. You'll notice this in someone like user:Joy too who I type ESE-Si. A lack of expression yet a clear (recurrent) analysis of her feelings and emotions. Sometimes a productive actualization is worth more than the expression of such motive, because that will only then allow for the correct expression of the motive, and that is what I find in the case of Xe functions and their manifestation.
    Subtype makes a difference too. SEI-Si would be less outwardly expressive, I think than an SEI-Fe. I think she's probably Si subtype.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by mu4 View Post
    "one of the main things i was getting at in the video is that i have a desire to feel a strong inward passion. i'm a writer, i write a lot of poems and strive to write short stories. i guess the feeling i'm trying to describe is "inspired". that's what the use is all about, i just want to feel that love but for some reason i don't have the passion or joy naturally..? i don't know if that's some kind of thing about maybe seeking Fe, Fi, or being too much of an Fe user, i really have no idea. "

    SLI maybe?

    Fi HA?
    that's what i thought. if it weren't for all of the identification with i'd keep ILI in slight consideration too.

    also, i'd be wary of using percocet too much, @fruitbats. it's addictive stuff and a gateway to even stronger and more dangerous opiates.
    Last edited by marooned; 04-21-2015 at 11:43 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by inumbra View Post

    also, i'd be wary of using percocet too much, @fruitbats. it's addictive stuff and a gateway to even stronger and more dangerous opiates.
    yeah i had a bad experience with taking it last night. heart was beating really fast, then i was breathing really slowly and got no pleasure from it. i used to do adderall but that's how it ends up with these drugs and stuff, i just start disliking the high. i'll stick to my psychotropic drugs
    Last edited by fruitbats; 04-22-2015 at 03:22 AM.

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    i'mma just slip into here my favorite books/authors:

    i love dostoevsky. more luv for EIIs. i only finished notes from underground but i'm currently on brothers karamazov. the way he writes is like candy or something idk it's wonderful.

    by e.l. doctorow is my favorite novel of all time. not sure how well known it is. the writing is so clean and almost plain and then he just hits you with this beautiful description or metaphor for life and it's just

    by jean-paul sartre really speaks to me. i read it a year ago when my depression was real bad (bringing that up continually is awkward sorry) and that sticks out to me because a lot of people don't know what the hell sartre is talking about. i experienced the exact sensation of sort of looking at objects and feeling incredibly abstracted and disturbed by how raw they truly are in form but we just pile prior experience on top of them. then when you're depressed prior experience crumbles into complete shit pellets so you're stuck feeling like even the objects around you have turned on you.

    emily dickinson is my favorite poet. i definitely "get" her and have been told i write like her a few times so that makes me happy.
    langhston hughes is another excellent poet in my opinion. i like the raw form of writing, as if he's speaking but the simple language flows beautifully enough to be good poetry.

    because i like dostoevsky i've read some chekhov short stories and he's i believe i like the way russians write in general.

    yeah this post made me realize i actually haven't read many books at all

    oh yeah, and i owe a lot of my uh life to elliott smith. i don't often try to write like him because to be honest sometimes i don't even like his lyrics hardcore fans love him for his lyrics. and i would say i'm hardcore considering i listened to nothing but elliott for a year.
    i do like the lyrics to everything on roman candle (excellent story-telling, paints vivid pictures), coming up roses (nonsense words that sound cool together), clementine (clever lyrics), waltz #1 and #2 (beautiful), idk i could go on. his melodies are what get me
    Last edited by fruitbats; 04-22-2015 at 02:27 AM. Reason: formatting

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    oh yeah and i pretty much am gonna agree, sei most likely, sli possible just because i do believe i have Fi/Te and/or delta preferences. analyzing my intertype relations may take me in a different direction.

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    Everyone's saying SEI, so you can count on SEI being absolutely wrong.
    Projection is ordinary. Person A projects at person B, hoping tovalidate something about person A by the response of person B. However, person B, not wanting to be an obejct of someone elses ego and guarding against existential terror constructs a personality which protects his ego and maintain a certain sense of a robust and real self that is different and separate from person A. Sadly, this robust and real self, cut off by defenses of character from the rest of the world, is quite vulnerable and fragile given that it is imaginary and propped up through external feed back. Person B is dimly aware of this and defends against it all the more, even desperately projecting his anxieties back onto person A, with the hope of shoring up his ego with salubrious validation. All of this happens without A or B acknowledging it, of course. Because to face up to it consciously is shocking, in that this is all anybody is doing or can do and it seems absurd when you realize how pathetic it is.

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    I see a Causal-Determinist Cognition, + a hidden agenda of to love-

    SLI with preference of Si

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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoch View Post

    I see a Causal-Determinist Cognition, + a hidden agenda of to love-

    SLI with preference of Si

    do my cognitive style, too, hun

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    Quote Originally Posted by Enoch View Post

    I see a Causal-Determinist Cognition, + a hidden agenda of to love-

    SLI with preference of Si
    SLI isn't causal-determinist though. SLI is vortical-synergetic.

    That said, I don't really use cognitive style as a means of typing someone. I go more by model A.
    LII-Ne with strong EII tendencies, 6w7-9w1-3w4 so/sp/sx, INxP

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    Quote Originally Posted by chips and underwear View Post
    SLI isn't causal-determinist though. SLI is vortical-synergetic.

    That said, I don't really use cognitive style as a means of typing someone. I go more by model A.
    You are correct! I got my method wrong this time!

    I thought I had the styles down in my head without checking,

    You seem to use many cognitive styles, and also seem quite intelligent! I hope to refine my method over time ;

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