Here's something I'm wondering about functions and their dimensionality. The 4-D functions (base and demonstrative) have the time dimension. My understanding of that is that they are always actively doing their work and not really turned off. For me as an LII, my base is Ti and my demonstrative is Ni. I'm always analyzing the things around me logically, trying to fit them into some system (Ti) and also anticipating things, seeing where they are headed and how they change through time (Ni). I'd be hard pressed to come up with an instance where I'm not using these functions.

Even when I'm using other functions, it gets filtered through my base function. For example if I have to use , I will approach it in a sort of manner. I'm not sure things get filtered through my demonstrative but it's like it always has a strong presence in the background, supporting the base

Anyone find that happening with their base/demonstrative?

Can you deliberately turn off these functions? Are you effective in doing so? Are there situations where you would want to do so?

I was in a socionics chat with an ILE we were discussing the theory of using PoLR functions and taking a base function approach to it. It's like I can't be fully aware of my raw physical power and strength because I'm not totally in the moment just sensing things. There's always the and going on.