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Thread: Enneagram Descriptions By The Schmitt's

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    Olly From Wally World's Avatar
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    Default Enneagram Descriptions By The Schmitt's

    This is from a blog by some people who post in Enneagram Monthly. People liked it in Chatbox so I figured I'd post it. It's translated from French though.

    The justice moralist

    Or innate power
    Illustration and symbolic Bluebeard C. Perrault

    To illustrate the type 8 of the Enneagram, also known as the Mighty or the Head, we chose the terrifying figure of Bluebeard and his innocent victim ...
    You can: Refer to the text by clicking on the link:

    blue beard of Charles Perrault


    Awake aspects:
    Power. Materialization of power, achievement and accomplishment. Process of incarnation. Maturity. Loyalty. Protection. Influence. Stability. Solidity. Depth. Seriousness. Peace and tranquility, self-confidence. Being stubborn, unyielding, diehard. Revealing hidden aspects of our being. Good anchoring in the material world. Realism. Volunteer, stoic, tough.

    Confusing aspects:
    Heaviness. Gravity. Distortion of reality. Unbridled or insufficiently developed imagination and sensory perception. Insensitivity. Apathy and total indifference of feelings. Cruelty. Abuse and sadism. Desire for power and domination over others. Unfair, stubborn and obstinate. Revenge. Automatism. Distraction. Ignorance. Prejudices. “Satanic” temptations.

    Emotions / Passion: lust, to be understood in the sense of passion for the excesses: luxury, sex, stimulation, spices, speed, decibels.

    Cognitive diagram: Revenge and abuse. I have to show power. Type 8 is identified with the power and strength in the bad or the good side. In the pattern of abuse, it can also be identified with the victim.

    Defense mechanism: Stunning/insensivity. For type 8 sensitivity is a form of weakness that he rejects.

    Virtues: The power, spiritual power

    According to O. Ichazo 1:

    "He is set in the field of laws and morals and manifests as a person seeking to dominate, direct, control, by rewarding" good" and punishing" bad guys".
    The EIGHT (the Moralist / Avenger) has a lot of physical energy he draws from the sexual system which is the basis of our vitality. His passion is lust, but more generally the excess in everything. He is aggressive, always willing to be assertive, and he is not afraid to face the people, test them, because he is the first to feel instinctively their soft spots. But he will also be able to use his strength and power to defend those he decided to protect. He has an “all or nothing” logic and does not bother with nuances. His love of justice and truth might allow him to transcend his fixation and live in innocence and spontaneity.
    The EIGHT refuses to fall into weaknesses; he is strong, sure of his power and is not afraid to fight for any cause that he deems fair. Laws, morals and rules hit his need for freedom, and he does not hesitate to violate them, and then to impose his own (field of laws and morals). "

    According to VR Dhiravamsa 2:

    "Being dominated by a strong passion of lust, not only in a hedonistic sense but also in the pursuit of pleasure and the affirmation of the satisfaction of his impulses, which also includes fun in the struggle for pleasure, the ennea-type 8 can become quite violent, full of contrast, sadistic and exploiting others.
    The experience of pain, powerlessness and humiliation experienced in childhood of Eight, causes a feeling of anger determining the fixation of revenge. This fixation determines in eights a tendency to be rude, sarcastic and ironic in their general way of being and reactive behaviours in their anger against the world and rebellion against it. In this desire for punitive revenge, there is not only a vigorous opposition to authority, but also a disregard for the values ​​related to traditional education. Frequently they do not expect anything good of their fathers and implicitly come to consider the parental power as illegitimate.
    Eight are enterprising people, rulers who always want to be the winners. They become very competitive and arrogant. They behave as leaders and often belittle others by need to triumph. Being less sensitive ennea deviation, the Eight can lead an aggressive lifestyle, becoming inflexible, impenetrable, hardened and stubborn. They like confrontation, there are ruthless and intimidating. They consider virtue as something highly hypocritical and are suspicious of the motivation of others. Obviously they stay the course on how to gain influence and increase in power and domination, and often see others as objects of exploitation.”


    An example of type 8 in his awaken aspect, with His Holiness the 16th Gyalwa Karmapa at a ceremony known as the "Black Hat"

    Napoleon Bonaparte, type 8 also

    Many military leaders, dictators, mafia leaders etc ... are type 8 of the Enneagram, like Mussolini, Mao Tse Tung, Stalin, Al Capone, and many others

    King Henry VIII (1491-1547)
    A fine example of the Enneagram type 8. His life, including marital, inspired the legend of Bluebeard.
    See also portrait by Pablo Picasso on our Blog
    and anger in the Enneagram also on the blog

    Other Types famous 8 (All subtypes / confused families):

    King Henry VIII, Mussolini, Stalin, Picasso, Gurdjieff, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Christine Taubira, Roselyne Bachelot, Lise Renaud, Edith Piaf, Regine, Maite, Tina Turner, Madonna, Rihanna, Mike Tyson, Noemie Campbell, Judie Foster, Olivia ruiz, Amel Bent, Cécile de Ménibus, Virginia Elfira, Cauet, Nikos Aliagas, Nicoletta, Yoko
    The peace-indolent

    Or donation of selflessness

    Illustration and symbolic: the little mermaid HC Andersen

    Type 9, also called Pacifist, closing this series of 9 types of the Enneagram.
    The beautiful story of the Little Mermaid HC Andersen comes illustrate perfectly.
    You can refer to the full text by clicking the following link:
    the little mermaid

    Awake aspects:
    Consciousness. Unit. Supreme union with the divine. Love. Forgiveness. Réconciliation.Tolérance. Pacifism. Benevolence. Generosity.Gift of self. Abnegation. Transcendence. Original will. Mysticism. Mediumship. Spirituality. Shortly attached to material things. Good and simple heart. No hard feelings. Easy and confident character.

    Confusing aspects:
    Chaos and annihilation. Death and disorganization. Inertia. Gross negligence is. Let it go. Selflessness and needs. Narcotization. Deep depression. Subjugation. Submission. Dependence. Addiction and attachment. Regression. Lack of will, character and self-determination.Extreme naivety. Too good. Deadly and suicidal behavior. Megalomania or spiritual atheism

    Emotions / Passion:

    Inertia. This is actually a psycho spiritual inertia kind of emotional laziness and self depths of oblivion. It is considered less important than the other and consequently we forget, we did overshadow his vital needs. Type 9 suffers from a deep spiritual wound: it depreciates dramatically.

    Cognitive schema: I have to sacrifice myself to maintain the cohesion of the system. He believes that he must sacrifice his vital needs, its spiritual identity to assume family cohesion. But this tendency to self-denial is a pain in his personality that expresses a profound self-forgetfulness. This may believe the guarantor of the tradition which expresses conservative side.

    Defense mechanisms: denial; pathological forgetfulness of self.

    Virtues: Generosity, reconciliation, unconditional love

    According to O. Ichazo 1:

    "It is set in the spiritual realm and manifests as a person attracted to mind, but looking superficially without making the effort to turn to his inner world. This often condemned to oscillate between blind belief and skepticism.
    The NINE (Maverick / indolent) is rooted in the unit system (sympathetic system, pineal gland and thalamus) that gives the be aware of what it is and which direction it goes ( 9). That's just what this type of personality is most lacking: he wanders, hesitates, looking idly what is the purpose and meaning of life. It is mired, distant, absent, resigned. He puts his fate in the hands of others, it is dependent on chance and outdoor events are set in motion. He needs to be stimulated to exist. His passion is laziness. Like that is wrong and he is bored, he began to study and search, until he arrives to find him, to get into a real action in a real service, work in the service the general trend that will bring him the same time the feeling to exist and a feeling of fullness; until his conscience will bind to its Essence, where his love will connect to the stream of love by which life is created and maintained.
    The NEW avoids conflict, it needs peace and harmony. Gela made ​​him a calm and soothing, seeking to overcome and resolve conflicts in his entourage. Under airs balanced person, he settled into a kind of neutrality between "being" and "non-being", as if he was above the fray, leading in fact to a anesthesia of consciousness (spiritual realm). Attracted by interiority, by spirituality, it can stay long pretending to seek without finding anything.
    According to VR Dhiravamsa 2:

    "Being heavily influenced by the inertia of the psyche, new struggle to maintain focused attention on essential things. Similarly, they tend to fall asleep or go into the clouds, by engaging in superficial thoughts or internal speech due to the deficiency of attention and because they are dominated by the confusion of the mind. Conversely, they seem quite active and vigilant when it comes for them to superficial things, fully participating and involving so much, they lose touch with the sense of self. They just follow the course of events or wishes of others.
    Another predominant factor in Nine is the Forgotten Self.
    This is to forget the self is not only related to the fact that they neglect or fail to recognize who they are, what they feel and what they want, but also to self-denial and renunciation of gasoline or allowing themselves to be catch and trap both by the frills that superficial. Because of this neglect of self or lack of personal accomplishment, the Nine went in search of their home in the outside world or in others, instead of looking here, inside of them.
    From a viewpoint of energy, new are significantly heavier. They tend to fall into a state of inertia because of their laziness behind and dullness that govern their psyche and keep them in the optical illusion of their consciousness. More likely they are to miss attention, particularly the inner world or what is happening deep within them. All this makes it very difficult the ability to see clearly what enters their consciousness at every moment. The result is that they are not able to get an accurate perception. For this reason, there is a cognitive error and realities are distorted as well as poorly represented.
    The Nine also by their tendency to adjust too easily, naturally meet the established institutions, traditional or conservative. They are not excited to make changes or adopt new forms of values. Therefore they will try to preserve that which is familiar, social norms, everything is preset and resist change by all means. Popular motto: "Do not rock the boat" suits them well. The type of comfort produced by the way they cling to, or rest on, or excessive stability and conservative, is precisely a form of psychological sleep, called "narcosis of consciousness" .dropoff window
    In general, the Nine are good-natured, kind, devoted, knowing forgiving, generous, and with whom you feel comfortable. They are seen as people with the heart, leading their relationships with others in a friendly way, Merry Men.
    In relation to this, they seem to have a tendency deeply rooted to the resignation or abdication of their essential self, and therefore engage in adaptation to others by sacrificing, self alienation, a denial of themselves and self neglect. This implies the characteristics of self-denial as an abandonment or renunciation of life or what is essential to it. All this is caused by their deep numbness or that way they have to play dead in hopes of staying alive.

    Diagnosis elements:

    Because of their many similarities, type 9 of the Enneagram can be confused with the wisdom of Buddha family. (Note from Olly: I think this is like some shit that doesn't fit into any of the conventionally known subtypes that they call 'space' which they have people like Gandhi under- who is typed as an introverted space social 7 and Einstein who is space self-preservation/social 5.)

    A person with type 9 can of course also be family Wisdom Buddha, but not necessarily.
    See for details the diagnosis chapter (forthcoming)


    A video of Amma personality perfectly embodies the type 9 of the Enneagram in his awake look.
    We find in his case involved the family (social?) first Buddha Ratna (Self-preservation) second.

    "The angel of réconcialiation" Michael Gorbachev type 9 in the Enneagram and trends rather Pema / Ratna:

    The singer Lara Fabian also type 9, and tend Pema (sx-female)/ Ratna (self-preservation) also:

    Other Types famous 9:
    Nelson Mandela, Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi, Charles De Gaulle, Pompidou, Helmut Kohl, Alfred Hitchcock, Yves Calvi, Carlos, Elisabeth Taylor

    The perfectionist-rebel

    or control of passion

    Illustration and symbolic: the little girls of the Comtesse de Segur
    To illustrate the Enneagram Type 1, also called the perfectionist, we chose "The little girls" of the Comtesse de Segur.

    In this novel for children, the Comtesse de Segur narrates the adventures of Camille, Madeleine, Marguerite and Sophie, perfect little girls models through different adventures, learn to distinguish good from evil, each in turn trying to mitigate their absence, especially Margaret, the youngest, who despite being full of good intentions hardly match Camille and Madeleine ...

    Click on the link for more information: Good Little Girls on wikipedia


    Awake aspects:
    Discipline.Righteousness.Honesty.Integrity.Vertu.Ideal.Aspiration.Wisdom.Intuition.Home provision, service, sense of brotherhood and selflessness.Questioned.Let go.Fluid adaptability.Play the game despite the constraints and circumstances.Acceptance that nothing is parfait.Indépendance.Deep thought, reflection and rich inner life.Love the new and the unexpected.

    Confusing aspects:
    Unconsciousness deep or original source.Loss of identity, blindness.Difficulty know or false perception of itself.Dissociation rupture.Force of division and opposition.Anger.Spirit of contradiction and rebellion.Indiscipline, anarchy.Strong entry concepts.Proselytism.Difficulty in question.Stress tests related to changes.Distance, coldness, disdain.Cunning, crafty, deceitful, wary and suspicious, liar, hypocrite, sneaky.

    Emotions / Passion:
    Resentment / anger: the ideal is so advanced that it induces a controlled anger and a very large internal voltage.Inability to loosen.

    Cognitive schema:
    "I am responsible for the perfection of the world.""I have to be faultless and an example": big requirement vis-à-vis itself.The world could not run without you.We believe with the mission and responsibility of the running of the world.

    Defense mechanism:
    Control;attempt to manage and / or direct, exaggerated events and environmental objects to minimize anxiety and resolve internal conflicts.

    Discipline, honesty, integrity

    According to Oscar Ichazo:
    "The UN is set in the realm of feelings and manifests as a dissatisfied person, full of resentment and criticism of everything.Cold and severe attitude, with a tendency to feel that nothing and no one is quite perfect.

    The UN (the perfectionist / resentful) is symbolically rooted in the central nervous system corresponding to the instinct of adaptation for "our harmony with the world." This rule of intellectual tends to make him believe that thought can govern everything, including the fluid world of feelings, which is absolutely impossible. This contradiction is at the heart of this type and gives it an outdoor attitude characteristic stiffness or numbness: failing to express negative feelings he can not express either their positive feelings. Thus he arrives to feed him the passion of anger, but often suppressed anger which will increase its rigidity. It will therefore compensate for this weakness or emotional maladjustment by a desire to "do well" pushed to the highest point since it always seeks the fault, judging others constantly demanding rectitude and honesty. He needs to develop in him the virtue of patience and serenity, that is to say, emotional calm, to get to inhabit the world of emotions and feelings without being afraid; it must also be sent to use his perfectionism as a taste of the good work and attention to detail can become a high quality if it is put at the service of a cause transcending the ego.

    The UN does not accept angry because he does not recognize its usefulness to be free of aggressive feelings he experiences (field of feelings). The important thing for him is to never get angry and do everything possible to be perfect. But this taste for perfection projected on him and the other gives him a stiff attitude and obsessive behavior that prevent to express fluid and natural way his true feelings.
    According to VR Dhiravamsa
    "This person maintains the self-concept of the" good guys "that performs well in a very civilized manner and is concerned about the moral behavior.The principles are more important than people themselves.The A are quick to criticize and claim, however they suppress their explicit control their anger and resentment implied.Nevertheless, the negative energy of such anger and such unexpressed resentment manifested often in the form of irritation, feeling of hatred and blame.And their propensity to criticism takes the form of a separate error localization, and because of the subtle atmosphere created by this way of criticizing, may we come to feel quite badly with an A to have his contact an unpleasant feeling, uncomfortable, or something that troubles us, or even a sense of guilt.In addition, have a good discipline, they become very authoritarian and in others can inhibit spontaneity and pursuit of pleasures.However they are very good in the work of accuracy and the ability to go after what they have done.

    Diagnosis elements:
    There is a risk of confusing one type 1 with a wisdom Vajra (sx/male) family.or wisdom Family Karma (social), which are very close to him, by the well taste for order and work up to obsession and compulsion.
    There are several similarities between type 1 and energy Vajra, which exceeds by part of the presentation and closely related to traditional energy systems

    Type 1 is actually directly related to anger, but excatement the control of the latter (see dysfunction moods) and the difficulty of recognizing and accepting it.

    In some cases, particularly in the types rather extroverted and Ratna Vajra or family, we find types 1 "against-contôle" or rebel.

    The housekeeper Mary Poppins and her two "students"
    A trip to the School of Besançon Nannies.Welcome to a world dedicated to the values ​​of Type 1
    But also the type 1 in its "cons-control" and rebellious, the new film by W. Disney just released on the screens, "The Rebel Princess"

    We find in these people vajra energy associated with type 1 (subtype sx):

    Other types 1 famous (all subtypes / confused families):
    Herbert von Karanjan, Jean-Luc Delarue, Bernadette Chirac, Margaret Thatcher, Martine Aubry, Lionel Jospin, Demi Moore, Charlene of Monaco, Kate Middleton, Catherine Deneuve, Carla Bruni, Christine Lagarde, Michel Drucker, and many others .. .dropoff window

    For type 1 see portraits:
    Lady Diana: type 1 / Karma (Self-Preservation)

    Hélène Grimaud: type 1 / Vajra (Sx/male)

    Claire Chazal: type 1 / Karma (Social)

    See also our blog: Isabelle Adjani an example of type 1 Venus (sx male)
    And Herbert von Karajan, type 1 ennagramme associated with the Family of Wisdom Vajra (Sx male)

    Last edited by Olly From Wally World; 12-19-2014 at 07:56 AM. Reason: edited to add Kore's translation of type 8

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    Olly From Wally World's Avatar
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    The narcissist e-flattering

    Or egocentric generosity

    Illustration and symbolic: The Fairy Godmother in Cinderella
    To illustrate the type 2 of the Enneagram, also called the Savior, we chose the tale of Cinderella and especially the character of the fairy godmother, who after filling his protégée thousand most unexpected wishes firmly warns against fatiditiques the 12 strokes of midnight ...

    Awake aspects:
    All the positive energies of Mother: Heat Love.. Home. Warning. S oin. Dedication. Amiability. Patience. Indulgence. Tolerance. Kindness and gentleness. Like to help and to serve. Foster, hospitable and pleasant. Loyalty, faith and confidence in his destiny. Caution. Sense of duty and responsibility. It assumes his destiny.

    Confusing aspects:
    Pain. Proofs. Fatality. Dependence. Doubt themselves. Low self-esteem. Lack of self-confidence. Self deprecation. Auto degradation. Humiliation and self or family. Love wounded self. Inferiority complex. Lack of dignity. Auto humiliation. Lack of respect for oneself. Limitation, heaviness, confinement, asociability, afraid of the world, withdrawal. Not sufficiently angry. Loose. Lack of energy or enthusiasm. Shy. Need of thanks and recognition in return for what they gave. Tendency to exaggeration and dramatization. Pride.

    Emotions / Passion:

    Pride: pride is a feeling of superiority supported by the illusion of someone special. Desire to be admired, special, unique, fame, privilege.Fear of being ordinary, despised, criticized.
    Cognitive schema:
    I am someone special.
    Defense mechanism:
    Denial, denial of her need for love strengthens its illusion of being emotionally independent.
    Virtue: Patience, tolerance, forbearance
    According to O. Ichazo [1]
    "It is set in the area of health and safety and manifests as a narcissistic and arrogant person seeking independence from the need for security but finds himself periodically for the same reasons in dependency.
    The TWO (! 'Independent / flattering) has its roots in the "coordination function" which is the parasympathetic nervous system and cerebellum. This system also enables us to coordinate our perceptions and actions and is psychically linked to our ability to manage our lives in order to accomplish our tasks and reach our goals, coordinating especially our purposes and means available to us. However, this type of personality is constantly to care for others, to act for them or for them. It is the mother controlling everything that happens in the family, the matchmaker repressing its own emotional needs or postponing their satisfaction by helping others to meet. The passion is that of pride or messianic complex, which can push this kind never to enter a personal or spiritual development approach or therapy, so he needs to develop a rather humble attitude , recognizing its specific limits instead of constantly encroaching on those of others, even if he does it skillfully. His transcendence door is independence and his idea of freedom.

    According to VR Dhiravamsa:
    "With the passion of the expansion of the self-image, the two have developed flattery as fixation. They flatter those who satisfy their pride and disdain everything else in a haughty superiority. Located in the "hysteroid" part of the ennnéagramme the two are fundamentally concerned with a strong self-image, which is the essence of pride. Two of narcissism is maintained by the fact that they naively fall in love with themselves, by their own emotional love process, so that they identify with self-image and they glorified repress the 'deprecated and condemned image.
    In general, the two have a great need to be the center of attention, they ask for privileges and tend to imagine the exaltation and glorification of their own value and charm. Their need for love is immense and essential but is often overshadowed by their penchant for independence, especially when they are in the presence of frustration or humiliated pride. Without a great love, their lives can not be filled easily. For this reason they tend to become deeply involved in their relationships and become possessive; and possessiveness reinforced by seduction is expressed in the "fatal woman" where seduction conceals destruction of conduct.
    Regarding seduction, they only flatter than those who seem worthy enough for them that, because flattery is the tool of seduction.
    Being dominated by pride, the two have great difficulty in showing the need that is at the basis of their compulsion to please and be extraordinary. They tend to compulsively seek excitement and theatricality without really being aware of it. This lack of awareness leads to the suppression of needs and identifying the need of others. Due to the staging histrionic (theatrically exaggerated) of the image of themselves, they express their love and their false false complacency sharply. They manifest and identify with such facets of the typical ideal image by becoming superficially affectionate, flamboyant and elated.

    Diagnosis elements:

    There is a risk of confusing type 2 is the Enneagram with pema energy (sx female), or possibly with an energy ratna (self-pres) by his foster and intrusive part (neurotic appearance).

    Many people who are not necessarily of type 2, but subtype or family Ratna (Sp), have many of the characteristics described for type 2.

    See more details in the page dedicated to the diagnosis

    Fairy godmother in Cinderella, perfect archetype of type 2
    Mother Teresa, embodying the energy of type 2 in appearance fully awake giving and generosity, combined with the wisdom of Karma family

    The singer Mariah Carey, also other cases of type 2 with an energy more Pema (sx-female) / Ratna (Sp) in its worldwide success: "I can not live without you."
    "I can not live without you, because I can no longer give"

    Other types 2 famous:

    Obispo, Balavoine, Steevy Boulay, Béatrice Dalle, Jamel Debouzze, Florent Pagny, Patrick Bruel, Mylène Farmer, Jean-Luc Lahaye, Brigitte Bardot, Lolobrigida, Monica Lewinski, Elodie Gossin, Victoria Beckham

    The show-off-enthusiast

    Or success through appearances

    Illustration and symbolic: the brave little tailor Grimm:

    To illustrate the type 3 of ennéagrammme, also called Efficient, we chose the tale of the brave little tailor, who for skilfully killed seven flies suddenly finds himself at the head of a powerful kingdom.


    Awake aspects:
    Thanks. Goodness. Benevolence. Charisma. Talent. Enthusiasm, boundless vitality, vivifiantes.Vaillance energy. Cheer Up. Impetuosity.Optimism. Improvisation. Action-oriented, accomplishes several tasks simultaneously. Fruit, abundance and wealth. Generosity. Joy and fullness. Sovereignty. Creativity, inspiration, vision. Don speaker, actor, mime.

    Confusing aspects:
    Conceited. Show-off. Superficial. Liar. Instability. Greed, excess, waste, dissipation and superficiality. Dissipation of resources. Nature and greedy profiteer. Recklessness and material insecurity. Hungry for success. Stress and anxiety associated with failure. Welcomes the misfortune of others. Fear. Fear of death.

    Emotions / Passion:

    Vanity. Deception: "M is focus is on all the things that need to be made: spots, goals and future achievements, the most efficient way possible and be the best." Vanity is very close to the pride and in many cases it is difficult to differentiate them. Pride is an overestimate of me. Vanity is a superficiality of me:
    Cognitive schema
    "I am the best": the gleaming chrome appearance that masks the true personality. Desire to attract attention, impress and captivate others a hearing. Fear of being ignored, uninteresting, abandoned.

    Defense mechanism:
    Identification.Processus by which a subject assimilates an aspect, a property, attribute, and the other turns, wholly or partially, on the model thereof. This can be a famous person whom we identify

    Virtue: Enthusiasm, effort Courage
    According to O. Ichazo [1]

    "It is set in the field of creativity and manifests itself as a superficial person trying to play smarter; always concerned about the need to be efficient and creative, he seeks to be admired for its performance.
    While the "Four" often tries to look like "images" that attract or fascinate fearing not happen, the THREE (the Powerful / go-getter) was not such a need because it is completely identified that he chose to project. This is a very narcissistic personality, sure of itself and its capabilities, speaking up or with ease. Anatomical system is concerned here is the vocal cords and facial muscles that make up the "function of expression." This identification form, or social status is based on the passion of lies, deception, even if this type is not conscious. Virtue to develop is that of honesty, truthfulness, implying that keeps popping up and be representation. His sense of effectiveness could become its transcendence door as it passes through the mirror of artifice and superficiality.
    The tendency of THREE is to avoid failure. He needs success to have the feeling to exist, mistaking the person he is and the role it thinks have to play (field of creativity). He grew up with the idea that nothing is more important in life than to be creative and effective and is always concerned to look like the image he wants to give.
    According to VR Dhiravamsa [2] :

    "The passion that governs Three is vanity, understanding that this" passion "is nothing but a passionate concern for his personal image, a self-deception, a desire for admiration and live in order to show how the eyes of others. Being a type of individual-oriented "marketing", the deviation is ennea 3 serves itself to objectively prove his worth by actively using his image. They are encouraged to pursue vigorously an achievement and be "on top". Thus, the Three conceited strongly identify with the image that sells well and are successful in selling themselves.
    Three identify with their own simulated appearances so complete so that the self is lost. Only falsified self prevails, they take to their true self. Self-deception Totale! Such erroneous way of the future brings with it the fear of being exposed and rejected, should they prove themselves to the world without mask .dropoff window
    There is no doubt that the three are highly competent people who can do things accurately. Because they are focused on and yearn for more and higher achievements, they inevitably become ruthless in their relationship with others as they tend to choose success rather than thoughtfulness and consideration. They love not only pleasing but a imperturbable. They are computers and use other and themselves to climb the stairs to their success. To continue achieving them and they control and dominate the others and become quite competitive by growing efficiency and using personal promotion and deception. All this excessive pursuit of success with implicit fear of failure, produces in them anxiety and tension.

    Diagnosis elements:
    By its intense activism, his identification with the work and fear of failure one can easily confuse a type 3 of the Enneagram with Karma-wisdom Family Activity

    People of the Karma family lack confidence and need to be recognized for their talents and their effectiveness, in the same way that those types 3, however manisfestent more optimism, enthusiasm and confidence in it than is natural in Karmas people.
    The brave little tailor's Grimm:

    The trailer of the film "Stop Me If You Can" with Leonardo Di Caprio, a perfect type 3:

    Also with the same player in the trailer of the film "Inception":

    And the sublime Shirley Temple, the most perfect case of type 3 that I know:

    Other Types famous 3:
    Maryline Monroe, Julia Roberts, Eddie Murphy, Marion Cotillard, Berenice Béjo, Jenifer Bartoli, Zaz, Alizée, Priscilla, Susan Boyle, Dany Brian, Mireille Matthieu

    The tragic-dissatisfied

    Or sublimation of suffering

    by Hans Christian Andersen:
    To illustrate the type 4 of the Enneagram, also called the here Melancholic "The Little Match Girl." This tale recounts the last moments of a little girl who, one winter night, is alone, abandoned by all, while all are preparing to celebrate the last day of the year, with family around a large lighted tree ...

    Click on the link to read the text:

    Text of the Little Match Girl


    Awake aspects:
    Love of truth and justice. Acceptance of reality as it is. Courage before the trial and suffering. Elan heroic, pride, bravery and recklessness. Belligerent and combative instincts. Struggle for identity and independence. Authenticity. Originality. Sublimation.Creativity. Beauty. Gift of wonder. Contentment. Peace. Equanimity. Great perceptiveness and attractiveness. Rigor, accuracy, correction and severity

    Confusing aspects:
    Suffering. Denial. Annihilation and destruction. Dispersion and scattering. Negativity. Exclusion abondon and rejection. Lack of bravery, courage, fighting spirit. Vulnerability and impressionability. Impatience. Envy. Frenzy. Irritability. Subversion. Intolerance and fanaticism. Intransigence. Oppression and domination. Violence, brutality, aggression and inappropriate anger. Arrogant.Controversy. Quarrelsome. Hostile. Deep hatred. Bad temper. Avenger. Troublemaker.
    Emotions / Passion:
    Envy: The attention of the 4 falls on what they lack and desire what he has not (want to). As he lost his origin (awake quality) he wants to be original or different. He suffers from being perceived as identical to the other, he cultivates the difference.Dramatization of emotions.
    Cognitive schema:
    I'm different
    Need relationship, romance, instability, crises. Adopt risk behaviors: car speed, sex, drugs, gambling, ... Fear of being alone, of abandonment, of discipline, of losing emotional control, routine, stability, to be unacceptable and vulnerable. Programmed to carry the suffering of others. Need to be needed from them. Sacrifice for others. Others are more important. They take second place.Fear of not being appreciated.
    Defense mechanism:
    Sublimation; process of transforming suffering into creations (artistic or otherwise). Introjection incorporates within it the negative figures, the aggressors.
    Under: Concentration, alertness, balance
    According to O. Ichazo [1]
    "It is set in the intellectual field and manifested as a person constantly seeking to have all the answers. This need for reasoning and arguing places often in a helpless attitude towards the action that eventually depress.
    The FOUR (The Argumentative / Melancholic) symbolically depends on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems corresponding to the relationship of instinct because it is through this system that the relations of exchange and transport of oxygen and gas carbonic occur. The "Four" is obsessed with relationships with others and their need to be recognized by them. His passion is envy: he wants to be appreciated for its originality, but envy or jealous, those whose image is brighter than hers. This passion can only be combated by virtue of equanimity, that is to say, finding the right balance between self and others, equanimity in the different situations of life, which leads to authenticity of being oneself, without images behind which hide themselves. No longer need to argue to justify himself, he can use his analytical skills to understand the laws of life and evolution, in particular those concerning self-knowledge.
    The FOUR not want to be an ordinary person, so he cultivates with ostentation its difference and sensitivity. Unable to gain recognition as he would like, he seeks to justify his behavior and his ideas in reasoning (intellectual field) first attractive and well argued, however, that become bored with his interlocutors, while soaking in the feeling of being unloved and misunderstood.

    According VR Dhirawamsa [2] :
    "The Four tend to be intense demand for this they are lacking in the present as they look to the future and think the grass is greener on the other side of the barrier. Therefore, they always feel a lack in the here and now. Driven by a strong impulse, they try to vigorously achieve what is not within their reach. Compared to the ego or ego-go vain (point 3 ) that fully identifies with the idealized self-image, ego-mash or masochistic done the opposite by identifying with the part of the psyche that can not be in harmony with the idealized image always tries to reach the unreachable. Four are often depressed and their depression is fueled by the abundance of emotions and feelings they have more of a passionate nature and not resigned as the Five.
    Four have a strong tendency to keep their minds focused on the pain and suffering due to a sense of loss and deprivation resulting from actual experiences in the past and they often project in the future. Such a projection has the effect of fear that the same things happen to them again and for this reason, they are prone to suffer from neglect and depression especially in their lives. It is difficult to let go of their past negative; and in addition they use their heavy past to be dragged even lower.
    Unlike the other two types that are in the frame (point 2 and point 3), the Four have an extremely negative image of themselves, this is not only wrong, it is ugly, repulsive, flawed from the inside. They tend to feel shame and ridicule, inadequate, not smart and so on. In response, they search refinement, striving to be what they are not by being elegant and delicate. They have good manners and good taste. They are perceptive, sensitive and artists. All this includes the ability to idealize suffering through the art of transmuting or transforming it into something wonderful. "

    The Andersen fairy tale The Little Match Girl:

    Claude Miller film excerpts: "cheeky" with Charlotte Gainsbourg, actress type 4, as the young heroine of the film.
    The singer, writer and French interpreter, Emma Shapplin type 4. Here Type 4 combines with a family Pema (sx-female), which makes his artistic universe so special! "A real case study!"
    Also read his portrait

    Diagnosis elements:

    There is a strong risk except in the case of a good knowledge of the Model, to confuse a Type 4 Enneagram with the family of wisdom Pema-Lotus (sx-female) with which he met some similarities.

    We can find people belonging to the family-wise Pema (sx/female) Lotus, which are not necessarily associated type 4 but other types of the Enneagram.

    The Enneagram Type 4 is characterized by an excess of buried anger, irritability and deep insatisafaction and an extremely negative image and devalued himself as Pema (sx/female)family-Lotus does not have exactly.
    Type 4, rightly described as having a bad character in Sufi teaching, not that sweetness and compassion characteristic and wisdom inherent in this family.
    There may also be a risk of confusion between a type 4 and a Fire energy YIN (Type 1 YIN YIN or 8)[Yin = introverted], more so if that person is Pema (sx/female) family too, like Isabelle Adjani (type 1 YIN / Pema\sxfemale) Emmanuelle Beart or (type 1 Yin / Pema\sxfemale) and many others like Vanessa Paradis (Type 1 Pema), Mélanie Thierry, (type-1 Pema), Bar Rafaeli, (Type 1-Pema), Charlotte Casiraghi (Type 1-Pema), Arielle Dombasle. (Type 1-Pema), Natalia Vodanovia (Type 5-Pema) .. the list is long ...

    (Olly note: Pretty important, basically they're saying that people who think they're sensitive, romantic, dependent, sentimental, etc, may mistype as 4s! Any type can be romantic and sensitive to them, especially if their subtype is sx/female. That's not what 4 is about)

    See more details in the page dedicated to the diagnosis:

    Other famous 4:

    Dalai Lama Deshimarou, Guillaume Apollinaire, André Gide, Gerard de Nerval, Antonin Arthaud, Bernard Henri Levy, Richard and Romane Bohringer, Sean Penn, Matthias Malzieu, Pauline Croze, Elie Semoun, Prince Harry,
    In the world of the ancient peoples lofteuse Loana and Zahia Dehar are two perfect case of type 4
    See also Tsarina Alexandra Russian type 4 also

    See also different articles on our blog

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    If you want I can take a look to reread it and will pm you a "clean" version.

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    The observer-solitaire
    Or search for wholeness in insulation

    Illustration and symbolic Siddhartha Gautama Buddha
    To illustrate the type 5 of the Enneagram, also called the Observer, we chose in his enlightened aspect, Gautama Buddha.

    Awake aspects:
    Unification. Cohesion. Centering. Equilibrium. Measure. Weighting. Middle way. Non-attachment. Discernment and wisdom. Combination and reconciliation of opposites. Harmony. Peace. Feeling of fullness. It radiates its own light. Presence. Listen. Empathy. Depth and authenticity. Natural authority. Great endurance in trials.
    Confusing aspects:
    Forces of dissociation, separation and disintegration. Inability to express his deep and true values. Identity low. Lack of assertiveness and self-confidence. Sensation of emptiness. Loneliness and misunderstanding. Indented life. Pathological detachment. Avare communication and exchange. A pathy. Slow appetites. Unmoved. Indifferent. Lack of emotions. Lack of vitalité.Paresseux. Lack the necessary desire.Dissimulation. Self-control excessive (asceticism). Pride. Self-sufficiency. Sarcasm. Derision. Cynicism. Greed. Stinginess. Stubborn.Stubborn.
    Emotions / Passion:
    Avarice: fear of missing. Desire for solitude, isolation, autonomy, independence, knowledge. Fear of intimacy, of being involved in a group, the intrusion of others, to show their feelings.
    Cognitive schema:
    The world is intrusive; He needs his own space. The world is experienced as intrusive as a result it protects itself in a bubble and indents.Miser communication and exchange.
    Defense mechanism: isolation; according Naranjo [2] , the process by which it is cutting his emotions and avoid situations that may generate. The subject work to the economy.
    Under: Knowledge, wisdom, discernment
    According to O. Ichazo [1]
    "It is set in the area of social interaction and manifests as someone looking to see without being seen. It has highly developed perceptual antennas but refusing to take the risk of personal involvement, it s' hiding behind the mask of feigned sociability or cynicism.
    The FIVE (Viewer / cheapskate) is physiologically rooted in the protection system (skin and lymph system), which governs in the psyche of "over time" corresponding to "our need to be loved" since the beginning of the life, development of this function is linked to the action of the mother, especially in the care and caresses she lavishes, to the skin, to her infant. If this action is flawed, it may result in the child a certain constitutional fragility, numbness and feelings of frustration and isolation which profoundly mark his psyche and his sociability. His passion is avarice, but especially his feelings that he is stingy as it keeps them in and is afraid to share it with others. Its retracted position made ​​him such a keen observer of the social game that can happen to fully understand the social mechanisms and then become able to integrate in society to play its full role, but with detachment is -to say without getting identified with that role.
    The FIVE afraid not know enough to get by in life. This led him to have an attitude of observation and removal compared to the other (field of social interaction), as it prefers to study and think that engaging in social play for him who always something disturbing . "dropoff window
    According to VR Dhiravamsa [2] :

    "We can describe" ego-stingy "stingy or personality as having the power or the ability to retain and conceal things such as money, energy, attention, time. This also implies a lack of generosity and a kind of smallness in the sense of neglect or be insensitive to the needs of others. The Five not only retain the material things in their possession or control in order to feel self satisfied and pleased with themselves, but retain it until you find a contented mind giving it the feeling of being powerful or the ability to have a firm grip on something abstract, although this is only the simple imagination. Retention of auto information in the sense of not wanting to share with others is quite typical of the Five. In addition to retention, the Five also tend to give up easily in relationships with others, especially when they feel that it will take a lot of their time and energy to some satisfactory results. In this respect, they will gradually distance themselves, to withdraw and detach both emotionally and physically.
    Another feature of significance of the deviation ennea 5 includes the need not to be disturbed, that is, to be completely free, unobstructed, and not linked to any creature or thing whatsoever in order to have entirely himself. As the Five are full of resources and sufficient nature, they do not go to others to develop their knowledge and share them. Being independent and having confidence in them, they are eager to develop their own resources, by locking themselves in their ivory tower, figuratively.
    It seems to me that the schizoid personality (the ennea-type 5) should basically deal with two main opposing needs: the need that drives them to be alone and lonely in the sense of not feeling connected with anyone now a distance relative to the other in the sense of not being disturbed in their privacy, and the desire that drives him to make friends or to have a loyal companion with which it should not be any demand. The fact is they are afraid of being invaded by the other, they are afraid of a potential dependence, especially if they have to give a lot of attention. For this reason they sometimes appear cold, indifferent, apathetic and not emphatic in the hope that people do not come easily to approach or ask them anything.
    In this perspective all retain and conserve energy, the Five have a usual tendency to push what they should do. They do not want to use too much energy. What is characteristic in this postponement is the desire not to do and not to what is expected or demanded of them from the moment they see this expectation as a form of request.

    Diagnosis elements:

    For some of their similarities, including the desire to withdraw into solitude and the risk of cutting the world, type 5 can be confused withwisdom of Buddha family. (space subtype)

    See for details the diagnosis chapter (forthcoming)

    An excerpt from the film: "Little Buddha" of Bernardo Bertolucci, the stage of enlightenment:

    An extract of L. Visconti film "Twilight of the Gods" about the life of King Ludwig II, Type 5 and also nicknamed "Moon King" because of his taste for solitude and his flight characterized the world and its responsibilities. This is the type 5 as a neurotic and pathological appearance.

    And closer to home, the singer Michel Berger, also very beautiful case of type 5, with her ​​song "A few words of love"

    Also on our Blog pianist Ivo Pogorelic

    Other Types famous 5:

    Franz Liszt, Nietzsche, François Mitterrand, Francois Fillon, Bernard Pivot, Jean-Michel Jarre, Omar Sharif, Robert Hossein, Julien Clerc, Daniel Day-Lewis, Tom Cruise, Bob Dylan, Johnny Deep, Anthony Perkins, Angelina Jolie, Penelope Cruz Christen Steward, Robert Pattison,

    (Olly Note: Yes, Sorry Fours. Michael Jackson, Bob Dylan, Johnny Depp, Angeline Jolie, Frida Kalho and Robert Pattison aren't fours [for them]. Hmmm, I myself know Depp fits Sx 5w4 better, they have him as 5w4 sx male /social [although they admit he has some good sx female in him too] with 4 in his tritype though. Angeline looks 4ish apparently because of sx/female and likely wing).

    The dedicated skeptic
    Or persecuted persecutor

    Illustration and symbolic: Saint Francis of Assisi and the miracle of the wolf of Gubbio

    To illustrate the type 6 of the Enneagram, also called the Loyalist, here are some excerpts from the life of St. Francis of Assisi including one where he managed to convert "Brother Wolf" and how the latter was touched by his grace: (Hmmm, apparently Naranjo has St. Francis of Assisi as an example of social 7)

    Click on the link:

    Text of Gubbio wolf miracle
    Awake aspects:
    Transcendent beauty. Faith. Ecstasy. Joy and delight. Sensuality. Eroticism, aesthetics, art. Libido. Creativity. Authenticity. Courage and boldness. Pioneer. Adventurer. Sense of duty, obligation, responsibility. Likes order and moral values, community groups and the authority under its evolved forms. Service and dedication
    Confusing aspects:
    Corruption, ugliness and filth. Envy, desire, instincts. Lust. Degradation and perversion. Cowardice. Fear. Projection. Dogmatism and self-criticism. Criticism from behind. Doubt, mistrust. Suspicious and paranoid character. Rejection of authority. Can not trust others certainly have hidden agendas. Culpabilité.Besoin independence and fear of being controlled.

    Emotions / Passion:
    Doubt. Fear: All energy type six is monopolized by what could be bad or dangerous, potentially risky, what might go wrong and the dramatic consequences that might result. Fear is the center of his neurosis and the world is a place full of pitfalls and dangers to avoid.

    Cognitive schema: the world is full of danger.
    Defense mechanism: Projection Projection is the mechanism to project to the world all fears, suspicions and doubts.
    Virtue: Courage. Faith
    According to O. Ichazo [1]
    "It's set in the world of work and activities and manifests as an activist on the go who falls periodically during periods of inactivity and insecurity in which it is dominated by fear.
    SIX (Adventurer / funky) has a natural realism, a sense of the concrete, as the anatomical system in which is symbolically fixing is the digestive system, seat-preservation. But his main concerns are those of security and survival, which turns to obsession with him. Fear is his passion, and he will therefore begin the search for a cause, a leader of a group, it will be used with great fidelity and loyalty in the hope that it will be able to protect the against the dangers and uncertainties of life. A woman with this attachment will be a cake mom, super protective of her children. But nothing can overcome fear and doubt that are at the heart of this personality type as a true faith in his own Essence has not replaced the belief that there is an external force that could protect him; this search for greater security performed with confidence and courage will dissolve the fixation.
    SIX afraid to deviate from group norms which it belongs and where it feels even more comfortable that this group is well structured. But the importance for his work requires him to be constantly immersed in the activities and to take greater risks than he is able to take (field of work and activities): c ' is what destabilizes and causes it to seek to hedge against them.

    According Dhiravamsa

    "Being ruled by fear, doubt and suspicion, the Six have a tendency to self opposition, self blame and self invalidation as if they were an enemy to themselves. Probably because oppose oneself seems easier than meeting the external enemy. In addition, they are guided by their predominantly central feature, anxiety (a milder form of fear), which can be connected to the fear that ice or a hypervigilance hazard which continues while the threat has passed because then the continuous danger imagination. Fears that govern Six include fear of the unknown, fear of being wrong, fear of letting go, fear of not being able to get by, fear of not being loved by others, fear of hostility and fraud, fear of betrayal, fear of change, fear of being alone in a threatening world, and fear to love. Because of all these fears Six end up being carried away by their multiple expressions such as insecurity, indecision or hesitation, they become immobilized, paralyzed by doubt, no more momentum, cautious and circumspect in extreme, prone to double check compulsively, lacking self-confidence, who have difficulty in situations that lack structures, avoiding decisions, preferring compromise.
    An excerpt from the film by Franco Zefferelli "absolute love" depicting the life of St. Francis of Assisi, probably type 6 and awake in his appearance and his contemporary St. Clare:

    The actress Audrey Tatou, beautiful type 6 cases, they are rare indeed!

    And singer Barbara Streisand américiane as type 6, the decidedly women in love:
    In type 6, we find strongly associated values ​​of love, with the notions of strength and faith.

    Love is for them as a guide, like a star that nothing can distract ...

    Other Types famous 6:
    Maurice Béjart, Jean-Jacques Goldman, Dieudonne, David Hallyday, Matthieu Ricard, Laure Manaudou, Virginie Ledoyen, Elisabeth Guigou, Segolene Royal

    The visionary disillusioned

    Or idealistic opportunistic
    Illustrations and symbolic: Merlin

    7 to illustrate the type of the Enneagram, also called the Idealist or epicurean, we chose the mythical wizard Merlin whose name is closer to the white blackbird, bird associated with magic in the Celtic world and which Merlin, with his shamanic powers and strength of mind can be transformed as it sees fit.

    See video at end of page

    Awake aspects:
    Reason, abstraction, conceptualization. Mental images. Communication with the subtle planes. Knowledge. Symbolism. Character intelligibility of transcendent realities. Adaptive capacity. Fitness for expression and communication. Curiosity and openness. Discovery.Freedom. Joy, optimism and lightness. Humor. Self-mockery. Clairvoyance, telepathy. Appeal to the supernatural. Taste for refinement and aestheticism.

    Confusing aspects:
    Ignorance and blindness. Lack of scruples. Quackery. Intellectualism and abstract reasoning. Exaggeration of logic or analysis Sens. Excessive rationalism or rather a lack of logic and discernment. Interpretation and arbitrary distortion of reality. Illusion. Desire for non-compliance. Social anxiety, bizarre speech, emotions and bizarre beliefs. Cunning, lying, deception. Idleness and laxity. Narcissism.Extravagance. Cheeky. Capricious. Shameless. Licentious. Permissive. Arrogant. .Argumentateur And controversy. Waster. Squandered.Self indulgent. Love of the world. Love of wealth.

    Emotions / Passion:
    Gluttony: devours knowledge. Thirsty for new experiences and pleasures. Desire for non-compliance, dream, vision, mysticism, eccentricity, free thought. Need supernatural, of extrasensory.

    Gluttony is a desire to enjoy all the possibilities of the world: good food, sex, fun, play sports. Also gluttony knowledge. A great need to experience all opportunities. They are full of fascinating ideas, projects and plans. They are fascinated by the fascination itself. Engage in a project may cause them to miss countless other possibilities. Permissiveness is the refusal of constraints, and legal frameworks.
    Cognitive schema: the world is full of possibilities.
    Defense mechanism. Idealization: tendency to imagine and dream yourself, individuals and the world as we would like them to be and not as they really are. The seven are utopian thinkers, philosophers remake the world. Rationalization. ***
    Virtues: Vision, hope, aspiration
    According to O. Ichazo [1]
    "It is set in the realm of power and authority and manifests as a person moving from superiority complex inferiority complex because he dreams by drawing up plans which he then has the greatest difficulty in achieving concretely.
    The September (the idealist / planner) feels the importance of power but it feels as hers has never lived up to its aspirations or that he is blunt. It is often presented as an optimistic and enthusiastic, but there is often a facade of attitude that does not necessarily correspond to his deep feelings. Anatomical system in which fixing is symbolically rooted is the bony and muscular system, but his problem is that he does not live his body because it is too often in his head, trying to make plans or structure ideas. His passion is gluttony, gluttony as to fill his stomach is for him a way of ballast and off the world of ideas to incarnate. This passion can turn also to the collector, as it is with all sorts of things (material objects, female or male conquests, experiences) that it will feel to exist. The solution will consist for him to go through with its plans and its ideals, and especially to submit to his destiny, that is to say, to surrender to something beyond it; it will not need to compensate for its lack of rootedness in gluttony and find more sober in meeting their needs.
    The September flees suffering (which is in him and that which is around it) and research rather the pleasures of life. The work is not difficult for him provided he likes it. But the fear of suffering and pain prevents him to gain power over himself and others (realm of power and authority); lack persistence, since the effort put off when it is painful, it tends to project the difficulties of today better tomorrow and see life idealistically.

    According to VR Dhiravamsa [2] :
    "Another terminology for this ennea deviation is quackery that refers to the practice of quack, one who claims to knowledge, which approaches the world with the strategy of words and reason by seducing or manipulating intellectually. Being a dreamer, a charlatan or "ego planning" takes and / or offers the dream as reality when it makes the experience mentally, can thus no longer with difficulty distinguish dream from reality. And as the Seven romantic search for what is distant, singular, for adventure, surprise and variety, called "opportunistic idealist." They are very open-minded and always looking for the experience. They are dominated by gluttony which gives them the feeling of not being satisfied. Every experience becomes insufficient for him and for this reason it also research other more promising. Their gluttony is not clear to what is usual, but something remarkable or extraordinary utopia (an impossible ideal scheme, especially in the field of social improvement) an incredible futuristic views and a great apparently progressive.
    Quacks or gluttons are fundamentally permissive people (in the sense that they have a characteristic laissez do vis-à-vis other) interested and self indulgent. They develop quackery as protection of their research hedonistic against the pain and frustration by adopting an optimistic attitude that make all goes well for them and for others, and that the whole world is a great place to live. They attach to an always pleasant and not frustrating world, as a child in the mother. Thus, being oriented and identified plans and ideals, charlatans seem to live imaginary way inside those to the link down well grounded.
    Seven have other features such as a lack of commitment and discipline, instability, a fraudster side (in the sense of confusing imagination and reality, sexual pleasure with love, projects with accomplishment and potential with rationalizations.) They love to please, making enthusiastic and selfless way service being warm, friendly, kind and generous. They are narcissistic, exhibitionistic about their intellectual superiority and the art of persuasion. They are a source of knowledge.

    Diagnosis elements:

    The Enneagram Type 7 is also referred to in some of Epicurean schools.
    It is our understanding that it relates more specifically to the type 7 Yang associated with the energy or family Ratna (subtype self-preservation / Earth).
    There are strong similarities between Ratna energy and the famous joviality types Epicureans, as the risk is possible to take one for the other.
    All types of the Enneagram can enjoy the influence of energy Ratna (Sp), 7 types endorsing their role bon vivant more easily than others.
    But we can find types 7 and family tend Vajra (sx/male) or Pema (sx/female) or Karma (social) or Buddha (space) (see 5 families or Wisdom Energies)

    View more details on our page devoted to the diagnosis

    The character of Peter Pan,
    the child who would not grow up, also perfect archetype of type 7

    The singer Georges Moustaki with his song: "Philosophy" hymn to life .... by type 7

    And more prosaically, the character of Brice interpreted by its author Jean Dujardin, fully representative of the type 7 in the Enneagram, the wing here being the type 8, and the family rather Vajra (Sx)

    Other Types famous 7:
    Don Quixote, Balzac, (ooooh, our two Socionics representatives ILE and ILI) George Sand, Catherine II of Russia, Marie Antoinette, Dali, Gérard Depardieu, Marianne James, Frédéric Beigbeder, Christophe Dechavanne, Arthur, T. Ardisson, Stéphane Bern, Franck Dubosc, Fabrice Luchini, Thierry Lhermitte Eric Naulleau, Gad Elmaleh, Emmanuelle Seigner, Véronique Genest, and many others ...

    (Olly Note: Some others they've mentioned on the forum is Gwen Stefani as sx fem/so 7 and I think Jennifer Lawrence, as well. Oh, and Woody Allen- commonly typed phobic 6w7- as an example of social yin/introverted 7. Also Gandhi -commonly typed 1w2- is a space/social introverted 7 for them. Introverted 7s have more 'sacrifice' to them, similar to how Naranjo conveys social 7s in general, whereas extraverted 7s for them can't have limits hence more 'epicurean' like the way 7s are generally described. They also have Obama and Bill Clinton as social/sexual-feminine 7s, Obama being of the 379 tritype.)

    See also the portrait of Rasputin, type 7 of the Enneagram (Hmmm, they have Rasputin as so/sx Yang (extraverted- although I disagreed and think he was base although maybe more 'contact' or driven, from the little I know of him. I look at their extraversion more in terms of energy rather than true subjectivity/objectivity even though they are familiar with Jung) 7w8 with 2 and 9 fixation and that a great ambition is more Social. Someone in the forum compared him to Mason and the 7's false guru potential (although this couple disagreed, saying he wasn't a false guru per se and that they know some people who knew him) and the couple say Manson fits Sx-first 8w7 better whereas Rasputin wasn't necessarily sx to them. Subtype-aside, Katherine Fauvre thinks he's 7w8 with 4 and 8 in the tritype).

    Also on our blog

    Last edited by Olly From Wally World; 12-05-2014 at 11:25 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kore View Post
    If you want I can take a look to reread it and will pm you a "clean" version.
    Oh, can you? That would be awesome.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olly From Wally World View Post
    Oh, can you? That would be awesome.
    lol how many posts will you be making

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    Quote Originally Posted by Words View Post
    lol how many posts will you be making
    Hmmm, idk, I got three right now. I could maybe make more talking more about some of their ideas but this is okay for now.

    Edit: Oh, I guess I could use their 'subtypes' as a post. Thing is, they use the 5 buddha families for subtypes which they then correlate with Jungian which I don't particularly agree with, maybe as far as subtypes but not Jungian (ie. air = social = thinking, Fire = Sx/male = Intuition, Water = Sx/female = feeling). I'm not crazy about correlations from outside theories but I guess a lot of stuff people like in enneagram come from outside theories (like Karen Horney's assertive, withdrawn and compliant triads).
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    @mu4, I think this title needs changing. I added more than I initially thought I would so perhaps "Enneagram Descriptions By The Schmitt's" would work.

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    They have two SX subtypes in their theory which you can read about here. Sx male/fire/Mars and Sx Female/water/Venus. "The sexual Mars subtype appears as an aggressive, combative, competitive, energetic, anxious and obsessive individual; the sexual Venus subtype is more charming, charismatic, compassionate, dependent and prone to feeling forsaken." They like to correlate between other systems, which I'm not a big fan of, but they believe sx-females are Jungian feelers and sx-males intuitives. They also claim a direct correlation with sx-female to the Padma Buddha family and sx-male to the Vajra buddha family. You can, of course, be any gender and be either subtype. I am guessing that people typed here as 'contra-flow' and sx/so would be more sx-male in their system, and sx/female more syn-flow. (really, who came up with the flows people use here?)

    Here are some Sx Water, according to them. Angelina Jolie, Marilyn Monroe, etc.

    Examples of Sx/fire, according to them would include: Eminem, Henry Rollins, Lenin and ******.

    Last edited by Olly From Wally World; 12-16-2014 at 08:32 AM.

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    It's interesting stuff. I don't like blended typologies either, but in the past I've mulled over whether the five Buddha families could match up with anything else. In my opinion they kind of didn't and are best left to have their own integrity. As conceived, as I understand it, the Buddha families aren't meant to be fixed character traits anyhow. They're more like states of being, and you will favor some over others but it can change.

    Also don't get why they are treating certain elements as gender-specific.

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    ze French lady typed me a social 4.

    I do not agree with the "social" diagnosis, which was based on the evidence (some very short videos that were made for a friend) that Olly, so generously, took the time to give her on my behalf. I am not sure of her reasoning since I don't believe she explained it.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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