In my opinion, introverted functions have a better understanding of phenomena than their extroverted counterparts.

good understanding of nature / bad understanding of people
bad understanding of nature / good understanding of people

good understanding of emotions / bad understanding of business
bad understanding of emotions / good understanding of business

has a worse understanding of nature than
has a worse understanding of people than
has a worse understanding of business than
has a worse understanding of emotions than

In the past, people had to deal with lots of hard-to-explain natural phenomena. That's why people were really useful. Besides, population density was low and their duals had to create links with other tribes as quickly as possible. / people were virtually useless and didn't reproduce much. Only the most attractive, perhaps.

Modern life involves living with thousands of people around. people (unable to understand natural phenomena) became now useful, as they can understand people quickly. Besides, there is no need of understanding nature. In order to thrive, people have to think about making business (). That's how schizoid people () became useful.

Today, / people represent a small % in the population, as having those ego functios won't probably help you thrive in highly populated cities.

/ people work in groups. In the past, it paid off to cooperate with others.
/ people are individualists. It pays off to be selfish in the 21 st century