
I have a question: I'm trying to type a girl friend, who I suspect is a Fi-dom, but I'm not sure about it. She tested as ESI and IEI, but she sucks at taking tests.

I'm confused whether she is ESI, EII or some strange species of IEI . All I know is she is IxFx. I have to stress that she is a very unique and weird person and nobody understands her thought proceses or motivations behind her actions. We're on friendly terms but we kinda clash and I don't get some of her emotional reactions, so I concluded she must be a Fi-dom .

So basically I would be very grateful if you guys would write me some personal anecdotes of Fi-dom people, how they are like and how it clashes with Fe users, because I don't have a lot of RL experience with them. I'm reading about walking on eggshells etc. Are they really that much more principled and sensitive than a Fe user? Can somebody explain please