I wrote this an hour ago but my internets ran away, so, it's a little temporarily out of place...

We can't get out of the situation in this case, because one side of us wants to contribute to knowledge and yet another wants to help; ESTj would either tell everyone to back off, or as you saw Rasputin told me to stop talking in not such a direct way. I have a need to convey information dispite the Se-polr and stubborness, drive, and consistancy don't help in this matter.

I would defend you but I think you need to learn something here, Maritsa. You can't keep running away from problems or expecting someone to save you from something.

A lot of people don't particularly think you are going about things very well, so you should consider why they feel that way - not just write off what they are doing as some sort of "Gang Se Tactic". I feel like you are using that as a cop out.

Too much protection and rescuing makes someone less likely to take care of themselves ; this is the Moral Hazard.

What an interestingly titled term for this situation