Well, I'm just curious to see if anyone can guess my type with just a picture and a snippet of information. I am pretty sure of what my type is, and I've already posted it elsewhere on the board (the 2 - now 3 - times I've posted here - although I have been lurking for a while); but I'll let you have a crack at it anyways.

here's a picture from a few years back, I don't have many pictures of me and this is as close to smiling as I usually get:

I am interested in astrophysics, philosophy, and science fiction. I run cross country and am pretty competitive. I isolate myself from even my friends at times, and if something disturbs me I become overly cynical. Some people criticize me for never considering other's feelings, but I've never been good at putting myself in other's shoes. I am lost in my own thoughts to the point where I sometimes nearly get run over while crossing streets.

I have a knack for finding flaws in other's logic. I have a problem with overly structured environments and neither like to take responsibility nor follow another's lead. I am heavily against stereotypes and dress a bit awkwardly with not much care about my appearance. I think that's enough info, this isn't a dating site and I am asexual anyways.

So, what am I?