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Thread: Can someone please type me? S/N crysis

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    Default Can someone please type me? S/N crysis

    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Shadow View Post
    All the things you describe are not type exclusive traits. If you are another type it doesn't show in your responses. For more accurate typing post some pictures or videos. Or give better explanation of your motives and thought processes.
    ok, these are some photos that i thought would be good since i remembered at the time being very myself in them. sometimes people put on fake smiles, but i remember these ones were very in the moment so they should show my personality whatever it is through them. thanks

    Member Questionnaire 1 (akjohnny)

    What is beauty? What is love?
    too feely and open ended for me. Beauty is what people think or find attractive or appealing. There aint much more to it. Sure you can get all deep into it or whatever if you have the time and inclination, but its more of a hobby if you’re obsessed with finding beauty.
    What are your most important values?
    Values... I like independence, to be left alone when I want private time. I respect others and don’t intrude on their business. Basically I think I have an inferior Fe, so I want just peace and not to be bothered, but I don’t really give a shit all that much about everyone else’s business. Just let what will be, be.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    Spiritual? I think there’s something but nobody can know for sure (my opinion). Again its like having too much time on your hands so it’s a hobby, something to give people something to do. Although I can appreciate fully thought out religions who have structure and an answer for most things, especially when they make sense rationally.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    power is just testosterone and emotion i think... even anger is just stupid emotion and the military strikes me as wanting to just brainwash each individual to make them more "effective" at being a mindless order follower. I can see what the purpose is for, but I wouldn't want to be there.
    i think power is influencing other people and controlling how events play out. it is very frustrating when other people have power over me if i dont want them to. i can rationalize someone having authority over me but i don't like being pushed around.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    the MBTI - because I like to figure people out including myself.
    spirituality - seems to be interesting as a way to make sense of the whole of reality
    religion - same as above
    society - because it affects me and everyone else
    interested in useful stuff
    cars, dirt bikes, trucks, computers, video games
    i do enjoy buying things and being able to buy whatever i want.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Yeah I take good care of my health, minimize candy and sugary drinks. Any time I do drink soda its sugar free (unhealthy I know). Most of the time I try to eat what's best for my figure (ie: sugar free) even if it is at expense of my health from drinking the aspartame etc. But I'm not a pussy.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    I think that they do need to get done at some point, but for the most part I wish they'd make a robot that would take out the trash and unload the dishwasher, etc. My ISTJ mom really is a stickler for chores, she will push and push until it gets done by her standards. I usually want to leave them for a while, why does it matter if they get done in 4 hours instead of immediately?
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    I don't read a lot, but I do read a lot ONLINE. I'd prefer to read about a topic than watch a stupid video on it. People are too emotional (up and down all the time). I like the words because then it's just the information and facts without all the bullshit.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    uh... why does this matter. I do like dogs. I cried when one of my pets died. I don't like children, they are weird and annoying.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    In my computer room at home. Hiking is cool, being out in nature is nice, but I usually have a desire to go home. We stayed in Hawaii for a week and I just wanted to go home to my computer/room. i like to go out and do things but then be able to go home at the end of the day to recharge/recoupe. i don't like feeling overextended and especially if i'm not in control of it. i do enjoy going places but i dont enjoy having other people have control over when and where.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    Inability to relate to a lot of people because I think my way is the best (logically). Just keep things straightforward and do the most logical thing has always seemed to make sense to me - but others want to be acknowledged for how they FEEL about everything and want to just sit around talking about their bad decisions in a sort of "poor me" kind of way. I think that's ridiculous and won't have any part in it.

    I sometimes wish I could be more comfortable being an extravert where I could easily talk to everyone without logically analyzing everything. I can be very social if I choose to be and make an effort, but it doesn't come super naturally. i wish i had more of a desire to do things that i find extremely unpleasant... maybe if i changed my outlook.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    My ability to make a sentence flow or make sense, spelling, grammar, etc. Funnily, (I think of myself as an IxTP) I seem to be the one who has to make decisions in my group (all feelers...) they don't seem to be able to make decisions on what to do and when and I make the decisions spur of the moment.
    I am an excellent problem solver and sometimes researcher.. everyone i know comes to me to figure out how to do things. they trust my judgement because i usually know indepth info about whatever it is they're asking me. although if i don't know i will try to find out but i won't lie to them about it.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I think it'd be cool to be able to talk to a level headed counselor just to bounce ideas off of and get a sort of balanced perspective of my life and the issues that come up. I think everyone should do that, if they can.
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    Yes... I've found a constant clash with my ISTJ mother who feels it's her "duty" and "obligation" to mother me into my early 20s. I'm almost done with my bachelor's degree in psyc, but have struggled to find my path and what interests me. She has felt it has been hell trying to get me to pick a "solid direction" and stick with it and has caused her a lot of strife (I feel like she causes it herself, but its her own values). Anyway, I quit my job that I hated after 3 and 1/2 years and have not been able to find one since - caused a lot of issues esp. with privacy, my choices in who I spend time with, times I go out, etc.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I seem to get along with mellow extraverted feelers... funnily enough. I've had all my close enough friends/acquaintences take the MBTI test and in general I get along well with most feelers... in fact, I find thinkers who are overly critical of feelers very annoying and think why do they think their perspective is so good? I consider myself at least a thinker (and have scored it many times), but I know that over time I have become more adept at dealing with feelers (moods, desires, etc). In the beginning of my 2 year relationship with my ESFJ girlfriend, we fought a lot about values in feeling vs thinking and others. Now I think we balance each other out somewhat where I DO still go on about logic, but she sees the value in it (having grown up with a logic explaining father). I still sometimes can be pretty insensitive towards people who I think of as stupid or just plain doing things because of feelings, and she reminds me not to get overly hostile to where I go overboard and can feel downright hatred for their stupidity.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    eh... too feely. It'd be good to have a partner who can hold my interest mentally - ie: probe deeper into a topic of interest and perhaps supply me with interesting viewpoints and challenges (although not just challenge to be a pain in the ass).

    Sex, should be often and interesting, mix it up, make it fun and exciting, not just the same ol boring shit every time. Why not make it interesting?
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    I'd give them (hopefully) a balanced environment. Stimulating mentally, emotionally, physically, and encourage them to pursue their own desires without telling them what they *should* be doing. Although intervening is probably very likely and necessary at times, in general I feel that people intervene at the slightest thing, which they shouldn't. In general I think just experience life would be my hope for the kid, too much overprotection is harmful IMO.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    I will outwards confront it and make them explain it rationally/logically. Otherwise, they have no basis or claim for that belief. Usually people have nothing but an emotional basis (i've found) and will become extremely emotional (high voice pitch, etc) and are not able to discuss it logically - which I find both funny and annoying when I am trying to come to a conclusion.
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    To society, I see most of it as shallow, chasing "popular culture," not using their brains much. I find shallow, stupid people very annoying and can only tolerate them in small amounts for as long as I have to. I see society as too focused on the wrong things, such as trying to encourage individuals to be "better" than everyone else, out work them, out smart them, make more money then them, etc. When I think they should be focused on making things fair, balanced, and efficient. Something I think/talk about a lot is how if everybody could figure out their personality types, values, and cognitive functions, perhaps everyone would be able to find their 'niche' in life, careers, etc and people would be far more adjusted and therefore happy. I see all of this as making more sense than 'pushing' people to just "work hard" and fight to survive.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I like friends who support my choices and decisions. My mother (ISTJ) is very dictative and seems to question everything I do which I find annoying. My girlfriend (almost sure she is an ESFJ) is very supportive in most things, will listen for hours about me talk about the MBTI or anything else I find interesting, and will likely always go with the flow - which sometimes can bother me as I sometimes wish she'd take a turn and lead sometimes (especially in the bedroom...).

    I like friends who I can relate to, I don't like silly, stupid things all the time like people who go on and on about cartoons, anime, fantasy shit, or silly youtube videos. The best friends I've had can relate to things about life, but know how to keep it short and to the point and won't go on and on when I am way past my point of interest. I seem to like friends who are supportive, but will let me take the lead at times, which I find funny cause I don't consider myself a leader at all. Yet, I don't like dominant types who lead me or my friends around, especially without consulting everyone first. I like to think that I take all others considerations into effect first before I come up with ideas or initiate action to do something. In that regard, I think of myself as a fair leader BECAUSE I feel like I'd rather lead and make it fair than have some other shitty leader (my opinion) who leads selfishly.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    I am fair and reasonable towards them. I don't feel like I should have to do anything unnecessary like go out of my way to make them comfortable or smile - but I will maintain certain dignity and be polite. If someone walks too close without saying excuse me I won't budge and they'll either have to bump into me or walk around. If on the other hand they say excuse me, I will politely say, "sure" and let them buy with a polite but not overdone smile.

    I don't care to go out of my way to talk to strangers, but if someone strikes up a conversation, I may continue it so long as it is about something worthwhile. To me, worthwhile means something I can gain from it. I don't think of myself as narcissistic, but I like to think that both parties should find the conversation interesting at least if not be able to gain something from it - otherwise, why talk? I don't like hearing about peoples' personal life if it is just rambling or venting - keep it to yourself, nobody cares (is how I feel).
    Last edited by akjohnny; 03-08-2014 at 11:29 AM.

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    bump plz

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    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    The Reclusive Philosopher Phantom Shadow's Avatar
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    I agree SLI-ISTp seems most likely.
    Socionics:ILI (Ni-Fi)
    Enneagram Type: 5w4
    Enneagram Tritype: Head-5, Gut-9 Heart-4
    Instinctal Stacking:
    Sp/Sx Mid
    Jung's 12 Archetypes: Self-Sage, Ego-Hero, Soul-Rebel

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    The Reclusive Philosopher Phantom Shadow's Avatar
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    Your Scorecard:
    Te: +++++
    Ti: ++
    Si: +++
    Socionics:ILI (Ni-Fi)
    Enneagram Type: 5w4
    Enneagram Tritype: Head-5, Gut-9 Heart-4
    Instinctal Stacking:
    Sp/Sx Mid
    Jung's 12 Archetypes: Self-Sage, Ego-Hero, Soul-Rebel

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Shadow View Post
    I agree SLI-ISTp seems most likely.
    I really don't think I'm Si/Te... i cannot stand Te users and i'm a good problem solver (troubleshooting) so i think i'm a Ti user. I had it down to ISTj and INTj. What makes you think Te?

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    Humanist Beautiful sky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    I really don't think I'm Si/Te... i cannot stand Te users and i'm a good problem solver (troubleshooting) so i think i'm a Ti user. I had it down to ISTj and INTj. What makes you think Te?
    So you think Sli aren't good at problem solving?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    The Reclusive Philosopher Phantom Shadow's Avatar
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    Based on what you typed you seem SLI your irritation to people expressing emotions comes off as Fe PoLR, you feel like you belong in front the computer Ti demonstative, your straight forward, blunt communication style and common sense approach to life is Te.

    I hope you at least read a few descriptions before dismiss it as an option.
    Socionics:ILI (Ni-Fi)
    Enneagram Type: 5w4
    Enneagram Tritype: Head-5, Gut-9 Heart-4
    Instinctal Stacking:
    Sp/Sx Mid
    Jung's 12 Archetypes: Self-Sage, Ego-Hero, Soul-Rebel

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    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    I like friends who I can relate to, I don't like silly, stupid things all the time like people who go on and on about cartoons, anime, fantasy shit, or silly youtube videos

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Shadow View Post
    Based on what you typed you seem SLI your irritation to people expressing emotions comes off as Fe PoLR, you feel like you belong in front the computer Ti demonstative, your straight forward, blunt communication style and common sense approach to life is Te.

    I hope you at least read a few descriptions before dismiss it as an option.
    I have, i've read many of them. I thought Ti dominant Se auxiliary functions made sense since they are natural problem solvers as well. I can relate to others and their problems, but i prefer not to as it's draining when you get people who do not stop complaining... i prefer they take action about it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    So you think Sli aren't good at problem solving?
    I think Te users aren't natural problem solvers... they look to the manual and the established ways because they don't really understand the intricacies of systems unless they have dealt with them in the past (Si). I think Ti is much more able to figure things out on the fly and without relying on other people. I know many Si/Te folks who rely on others to do things because they aren't able to figure it out themselves... and I am able to just think about it for 5 seconds and come up with a conclusion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Absurd View Post
    lol, bunch of drunks

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    Why does nobody think Ti/Se? they are good problem solvers and also don't like sorting through peoples crap. In fact i think they'd be better than Te/Si because their natural tendency to analyze everything within their own heads doesn't require them to follow any official "protocol" which is what Te users always do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    I think Te users aren't natural problem solvers... they look to the manual and the established ways because they don't really understand the intricacies of systems unless they have dealt with them in the past (Si). I think Ti is much more able to figure things out on the fly and without relying on other people. I know many Si/Te folks who rely on others to do things because they aren't able to figure it out themselves... and I am able to just think about it for 5 seconds and come up with a conclusion.
    I don't believe it works that way. My understanding is that is more focused on results and practicality while is more focused on logic and systems. isn't necessarily about problem solving, but having things make sense and be structured. isn't necessarily about just doing what you're told by other people, but more about doing what you believe is realistically optimal. That can of course lead to looking to the past or credible sources for guidance and decision making, but it doesn't mean users can't figure out problems on your own. Both types of logic can be great for solving problems, it's just their rational is just going to come from different places.

    Problem solving, or at least in the way you described it seems to be more of an intuitive thing, specifically .
    I honestly think you match the descriptions I've read more than the ones.

    Then again, I'm fairly new to this, so I could be completely wrong.
    Last edited by Ypiret; 03-08-2014 at 04:00 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ypiret View Post
    I don't believe it works that way. My understanding is that is more focused on results and practicality while is more focused on logic and systems. isn't necessarily about problem solving, but having things make sense and be structured. isn't necessarily about just doing what you're told by other people, but more about doing what you believe is realistically optimal. That can of course lead to looking to the past or credible sources for guidance and decision making, but it doesn't mean users can't figure out problems on your own. Both types of logic can be great for solving problems, it's just their rational is just going to come from different places.

    Problem solving, or at least in the way you described it seems to be more of an intuitive thing, specifically .
    I honestly think you match the descriptions I've read more than the ones.

    Then again, I'm fairly new to this, so I could be completely wrong.
    Interesting i appreciate your input/take on this. I think that Ti can be focused on practicality depending on if its paired with Se (practical and reality focused) or Ne (open ended and not drawn to what IS, but what is POSSIBLE). That said, Ti/Se is very practical and they just don't explain to you their logic because it's introverted, they think rapidly in their heads and then just explain their result. Te is likely to tell you their source and the authority behind why they chose the decision or logic that the chose. That's my opinion.

    I've tested Ti/Ne and less often Ti/Se... but Si/Te was very rare if ever as a result. I've noticed most of the time i want things set and done when dealing with other people (direct and no nonsense) but then when im by myself i will think and learn/research about whatever subjects i find interesting.

    also in movies, games or tv shows i do not like things that are not logical or reality based. I am always thinking how fake tv shows and movies are, even down to the excessive staring at each other the characters do on most tv shows... so unrealistic i can't even watch them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    I think Te users aren't natural problem solvers... they look to the manual and the established ways because they don't really understand the intricacies of systems unless they have dealt with them in the past (Si). I think Ti is much more able to figure things out on the fly and without relying on other people. I know many Si/Te folks who rely on others to do things because they aren't able to figure it out themselves... and I am able to just think about it for 5 seconds and come up with a conclusion.
    I'm speechless at your logic. And frankly I haven't thought about it. So you type yourself INTj? Or ISTj?
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    The Reclusive Philosopher Phantom Shadow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    Interesting i appreciate your input/take on this. I think that Ti can be focused on practicality depending on if its paired with Se (practical and reality focused) or Ne (open ended and not drawn to what IS, but what is POSSIBLE). That said, Ti/Se is very practical and they just don't explain to you their logic because it's introverted, they think rapidly in their heads and then just explain their result. Te is likely to tell you their source and the authority behind why they chose the decision or logic that the chose. That's my opinion.

    I've tested Ti/Ne and less often Ti/Se... but Si/Te was very rare if ever as a result. I've noticed most of the time i want things set and done when dealing with other people (direct and no nonsense) but then when im by myself i will think and learn/research about whatever subjects i find interesting.

    also in movies, games or tv shows i do not like things that are not logical or reality based. I am always thinking how fake tv shows and movies are, even down to the excessive staring at each other the characters do on most tv shows... so unrealistic i can't even watch them.
    All the things you describe are not type exclusive traits. If you are another type it doesn't show in your responses. For more accurate typing post some pictures or videos. Or give better explanation of your motives and thought processes.
    Socionics:ILI (Ni-Fi)
    Enneagram Type: 5w4
    Enneagram Tritype: Head-5, Gut-9 Heart-4
    Instinctal Stacking:
    Sp/Sx Mid
    Jung's 12 Archetypes: Self-Sage, Ego-Hero, Soul-Rebel

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    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    Interesting i appreciate your input/take on this. I think that Ti can be focused on practicality depending on if its paired with Se (practical and reality focused) or Ne (open ended and not drawn to what IS, but what is POSSIBLE). That said, Ti/Se is very practical and they just don't explain to you their logic because it's introverted, they think rapidly in their heads and then just explain their result. Te is likely to tell you their source and the authority behind why they chose the decision or logic that the chose. That's my opinion.

    I've tested Ti/Ne and less often Ti/Se... but Si/Te was very rare if ever as a result. I've noticed most of the time i want things set and done when dealing with other people (direct and no nonsense) but then when im by myself i will think and learn/research about whatever subjects i find interesting.

    also in movies, games or tv shows i do not like things that are not logical or reality based. I am always thinking how fake tv shows and movies are, even down to the excessive staring at each other the characters do on most tv shows... so unrealistic i can't even watch them.
    Thanks for taking my input into account!

    Also I don't think it's really that specific. My understanding is that information elements have to do more with motives than actual behavior; it's not what you do that i'mportant, it's why you do it.

    I think it would help to look at sources that explain what each information element is about in principle rather than sources with "this element acts like this and that element acts like that" sort of explanations. I'm pretty sure can be fast and unspoken, while can be slow and easily explained.

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    The Reclusive Philosopher Phantom Shadow's Avatar
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    I like friends who I can relate to, I don't like silly, stupid things all the time like people who go on and on about cartoons, anime, fantasy shit, or silly youtube videos.
    This make you sound like an ST pragmatist.

    You don't seem to value Fe at all. Ti valuing always comes with Fe valuing. Which points to a delta ST type.

    Your responses don't seem categorical, systemized, or formal in anyway, which is a characteristic of Ti types.
    Socionics:ILI (Ni-Fi)
    Enneagram Type: 5w4
    Enneagram Tritype: Head-5, Gut-9 Heart-4
    Instinctal Stacking:
    Sp/Sx Mid
    Jung's 12 Archetypes: Self-Sage, Ego-Hero, Soul-Rebel

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    I'm speechless at your logic. And frankly I haven't thought about it. So you type yourself INTj? Or ISTj?
    ha, thanks? lol. yeah well according to MBTI i've tested INTP for ages, but it's always been just about 50-50 on the S/N scale. now i'm wondering if i was really answering the questions based off of what i think or how i actually am... and those close to me can't really tell either.

    so for socionics i'm not sure if INTj or ISTj... but i do think introverted thinking is my dominant function and i'm confused about S or N for my second function.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Shadow View Post
    This make you sound like an ST pragmatist.

    You don't seem to value Fe at all. Ti valuing always comes with Fe valuing. Which points to a delta ST type.

    Your responses don't seem categorical, systemized, or formal in anyway, which is a characteristic of Ti types.
    i appreciate your straight to the point analysis... however i dont agree with Ti being formal... i've always found ST types to be very informal. especially dominant ST types like ESTp's. my girlfriend is for sure an ESFj who definitely values Fe and it has rubbed off on me, but i still don't want to become very into Fe because it just bothers me. I can do it for short periods but when its too jolly and gay i want to move into action and stop the sitting around with silly smiles in harmony.

    edit: wait i think you mean Ti types are not formal, nvm.
    Last edited by akjohnny; 03-08-2014 at 10:29 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Shadow View Post
    All the things you describe are not type exclusive traits. If you are another type it doesn't show in your responses. For more accurate typing post some pictures or videos. Or give better explanation of your motives and thought processes.
    ok, these are some photos that i thought would be good since i remembered at the time being very myself in them. sometimes people put on fake smiles, but i remember these ones were very in the moment so they should show my personality whatever it is through them. thanks

    Last edited by akjohnny; 03-08-2014 at 07:54 AM.

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    my motives are usually to get things done so that i don't have any obligations. this is why i don't think i'm Te because i am not good at taking care of most Te business like paperwork and bills. I prefer to just get things done so i can have time for myself to do what i want. my thought processes? like how do you mean

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    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    my motives are usually to get things done so that i don't have any obligations. this is why i don't think i'm Te because i am not good at taking care of most Te business like paperwork and bills. I prefer to just get things done so i can have time for myself to do what i want. my thought processes? like how do you mean
    why would you have obligations? obligation sounds kind of serious and boring

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    no joke

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    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    lol, bunch of drunks
    Those "drunks" work for your retirement, softie.

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    bump. added more info

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    I still read you as an ISTp. For me to believe your ISTj or INTj need an example you explaining something technical or complex in Ti manner. As well as an example of a traumatic or emotional experience where you were reacting in Fe valuing way. Otherwise someone else is going to have type you as a ISTj or INTj.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Shadow View Post
    I still read you as an ISTp. For me to believe your ISTj or INTj need an example you explaining something technical or complex in Ti manner. As well as an example of a traumatic or emotional experience where you were reacting in Fe valuing way. Otherwise someone else is going to have type you as a ISTj or INTj.
    lets see... yesterday i went to see a nascar race in las vegas and didn't have my radio scanner to listen to the driver radio... so i had no idea why my driver was running slow after he has been leading the race so i thought about ways i could figure out why he was running slow. so i watched his pit stops and was able to see his pit crew doing wedge adjustments with the tool they use in the read of the car each time and that told me his car wasn't running the way he wanted it to.

    my mom who is definitely Te would not have a clue how to think that way and it would take ages with me explaining in a slow, formal manner explaining EACH tiny little step in my thinking because she can't bridge gaps with Ti. She has to go by external logic such as rules and the official way whereas i can just put some quick thinking into it and find an alternate way of figuring something out. i can and do this all the time with all sorts of technical things and i don't bother explaining it to others unless they can think quickly and follow without me having to repeat it 100 times.

    Fe, emotional valuing... when i worked at a hospital i was bothered that a patient was being neglected because it wasn't convenient for the nurses to help this lady who needed constant care so i ended up complaining to a boss who did nothing. went above her to another boss and she disciplined the first boss... but no help for the patient which was my main and only motivation. finally i ended up calling central supply who couldn't help me with the equipment i needed for this patient (it was a special case) but they were able to transfer me to another place across the street where i explained my whole story. this guy came over on his lunch break to deliver the piece i needed to help this one particular patient. it was like i wouldn't stop until she was helped... i don't like injustice to those who don't deserve it.
    Last edited by akjohnny; 03-11-2014 at 02:57 AM.

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    Are you English? You look like an Englishman.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FoxOnStilts View Post
    Are you English? You look like an Englishman.
    actually yes. well i live in california but my parents are english

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    any more?

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    Quote Originally Posted by akjohnny View Post
    pretty gerd dern sure you're SLE

    love the shirt, by the way; pretty much every SLE I've known has been excellent at picking out T-shirts

    here's your Russian uncle:

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    I'm speechless at your logic. And frankly I haven't thought about it. So you type yourself INTj? Or ISTj?
    that's becuz he's your dual, dipshit

    you're welcome

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Shadow View Post
    I agree SLI-ISTp seems most likely.
    y'all niggaz is straight up retarded

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kenneth Chesney View Post
    y'all niggaz is straight up retarded
    ^ This from the guy who types based off VI and t-shirts.
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    I'm leaning really hard to Ti-SLE here. Beta makes a lot more sense to me for you than Delta, and all of your posts read incredibly similarly to those made by people here who I got typed at, self-type as, and are recognized around these parts as SLE.
    p . . . a . . . n . . . d . . . o . . . r . . . a
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    Your first answer made me think objectivist. But probably you gave this objective answer because you didn't want to make it to personal so it doesn't count.

    Overall impression is pretty sure ST and not NT. I think Beta fits a bit better than Delta but I can't rule out SLI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phantom Shadow View Post
    ^ This from the guy who types based off VI and t-shirts.
    ^ This from the guy who typed him SLI

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    How is someone who is irritated, and annoyed by outward displays of emotion Fe valuing?
    Last edited by Phantom Shadow; 03-15-2014 at 05:43 PM.
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