To make it more clear: It's about arguments taken from the scripture, not so much about science.

Actually I never considered myself to be a young earth creationist. I think, the idea of young earth creationism itself is quite stupid.
But I'm a Christian and therefore I believe God created the world.
Recently my mind was full of questions though. My mother often watches natural history documentaries and my mind being full of information I somehow learned in my church or heard someone say, I didn't really know what to believe anymore. Doesn't mean I give up on my faith because of that - but I feel the urge to fight my doubts by finding a solution for the mystery.

First of all, this video here shows the opinion of many Christians nowadays when it comes to the question if evolution and creation is reconcilable:

I must admit, I had the same problem as this pastor for a long time. I learned in church that all pain, death, sicknesses and natural disasters are the result of sin. Obviously those things existed already before mankind, so there was a huge conflict going on between my knowledge, comprehension of the world and mind and my heart that just feels that God is there, that he exists. And my common sense just didn't allow it to answer this problem by stating that dinosaur bones were placed into the earth by the devil, like my old pastor said.

Now I found this video, and though it doesn't answer everything, it's kind of enlightening. I see, that so many Christians actually believe in stuff that isn't even written in the Bible. I don't know why, maybe we're still deep down full with pagan mythology like Pandora's box and that's why we make up such unbiblical dogmas.

If you're interested in the matter, here's the video: