I'm wondering if SLE's like competing for the affection of IEI's. It seems like they do, but then again, it seems like they don't. For example, I like this SLE and I have for a while, but it wasn't until I started focusing on another SLE that this one started trying to get my attention... again. Anyway, his roommates started flirting with me and when this happened, he actually started putting forth some effort to flirt with me, too. I'm thinking the competition factor fired him up? I dunno. So I started paying more attention to him and everything was so nice. But then, he kept getting mad whenever I would talk to other guys that were not his roommates (he didn't say that's the reason why he was mad, but I know that's what's going on, because I know these things). So... I don't get it. I'm thinking that SLE's like competing against other guys for their IEI, but they don't like it when their IEI shows any interest in those guys. So the guys can like the IEI, but the IEI can't like the guys. So, if I want to keep my SLE happy, I shouldn't show any interest in other guys? Does that sound right? Cause that's gonna be kinda hard, since I can be pretty flirtatious without meaning to be