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Thread: Member Questionnaire (Cyberdark)

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    Default Member Questionnaire (Cyberdark)

    Member Questionnaire 1 (Cyberdark)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is a subjective "thing" that cannot be universally explained, so this explanation does not apply to everyone.
    Beauty is both simple and complicated, it cannot be explained through words accurately. Beauty is something that can be understood by a child, yet contains life changing information, that is beauty in my eyes.
    Love is something I'm not familiar with, so my explanation may be contradicting and flawed.
    Love is both a curse and a blessing, it can change a man or woman's path for good or evil. It can cloud a mans judgement but make him happy, love is one of the few things in this world that is neutral, not good, not bad, it just is.
    What are your most important values?
    Logic, honesty, simplicity, and honor.
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I'm Christian.
    I believe in god and Jesus for many reasons, but I have two main reasons.
    1. Many criticize the bible saying it's inconsistent and contradictory, then they criticize me for believing in it. I find this ridiculous because never once do I say that I follow the Bible. The Bible is a book, it is a physical object that can be manipulated for the manipulator's own good. While the Bible may say gays should be stoned, I don't believe that at all, homosexuals are humans just like me or you (If you're heterosexual). My opinion of god is a lot deeper than this but I want to keep myself from writing a essay on it.
    2.Hope. What's the point in all this violence if there isn't a end goal? If there is no end goal set out for us I see no point in living.
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    War is both necessary and foolish, it drives human-kind to create and destroy. It makes brilliant ideas come to life while taking the lives of millions, it is a sad part of human nature that one cannot destroy without destroying human-kind itself.
    Power is influence, nothing less, nothing more.
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I've had long conversations about many things, mostly philosophical subjects, however I'd prefer to have a long conversation about quantum physics or chaos theory.
    As stated above I enjoy quantum physics and chaos theory, I also enjoy pondering about the possibility of more than 4 dimensions(including time), I enjoy programing, I like building computers, and finally I like gaming.
    I have no idea why I like these things, when I think about it I guess I like them because they're logical and complicated, I enjoy trying to make the complicated, simple.
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I'm not really interested in medical subjects, they never really appealed to me.
    I stay in shape but I often take walks and things like that because it calms me, I often have panic attacks because I over think large questions such as The existence of God, Life, death, and the line in between, and how humanity is going to fair in the next 500 years or so.
    What do you think of daily chores?
    Repetitive, boring, and strenuous, but necessary.
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    My favorite book is Flatlands: The Romance of Many Dimensions, it is a wonderful book about a 2 dimensional world and the people in it. I don't read books very often, I prefer to look anything I need up on the internet.
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I haven't every cried due to sadness I think. I've cried mostly due to pain, but that was when I was young and fairly wimpish. when I got news that my father died I only cried because I felt like I had to, not because I was sad.
    I've smiled due to good jokes and gifts, nothing really special.
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    Outside in the forest, it's calming and quiet, it allows me to think clearly without interruption.
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    My lack of emotions and logical nature. People consider that a bad thing, I understand why they would think that from their perspective but from my perspective it seems not only normal, but right and just.
    i dislike my inability to socialize, I'm not shy, I just can't socialize, I dislike people in general and that leads to me embarrassing myself
    and then they never talk to me again, not that I really care because if they left me over something so idiotic I wouldn't want to spend time with them anyway.
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Intelligent and mindful. I'm often considered one of the most intelligent person people have ever seen, a title I resent due to the fact that I am merely using basic knowledge and applying it to problems, I'm not some wizard who knows everything.
    I like that I'm logical, I feel that too many people these days use emotions rather then logic, they go with what feels right rather than what is right.
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    My inability to socialize, I wish someone would teach me how to enjoy others company, right now I see others as sheep to be lead by the Sheppard
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    I always feel stuck in a rut, mainly because that's what most humans end up in, most won't become famous, rich or powerful. Most will because unhappy, it's the sad way of life.
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I dislike when they're overly emotional. I like it when people understand what I'm trying to say.
    I get along with people that are different from me, they allow me to get a new view that I otherwise wouldn't get to see.
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    Sex is merely the act of mating, not a big deal. Romance is a much more serious concept, it requires not only physical connection, but also emotional, for one such as me this seems difficult to understand.
    I look for someone who can bring my ideas to the light, I want her to represent my ideas with grace, intelligence, and clarity. I want someone who can "deal" with my lack of emotions and logical view to everything, but I will open up to a person through time and eventually I because a very "silly" person.
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    My main concerns would be individuality, I want him/her to think for herself and take everything she/he hears as false until proven by her/his own research. I would talk to her every day on how she/he should even take my words as false until proven true.
    To many people "go with the flow" and follow everything just because a political figure or celebrity says so without looking up what they're saying for themselves.
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    My inward reaction would be to consider both his/her and my belief as false until one of them is proven using both the information I've just received and the already known information.
    my outward reaction would be to inquire about his/her belief and why he/she thinks that way, while also debating him/her on his/her logic.
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    My relationship to society is somewhat like Morpheus in The Matrix, I awaken those who're "worthy".
    People in general are horrible things who are selfish and ignorant.
    The most prevalent social problem is ignorance, to many people are fine with listening to another persons opinion and agreeing with it despite that that opinion has little to no facts backing it up.
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I choose my friends by how they argue, who they are can be seen by how they argue.
    I behave naturally, I refrain from hurting their feelings because I care about them.
    I don't have many friends though.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    I'm not afraid to tell people how it is, and what's wrong directly in front of them. I behave politely and kind, while also giving them straight information and solutions. I often hide my emotions from those around me until I really trust them.
    Last edited by Cyberdark; 08-08-2013 at 12:25 PM.

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    ENTP, Alpha Quadra, but operating with some definite Fi struggle. That's my thought.

    I say this because I am of the belief that when most people talk about what's important to them, they're usually talking with regards to their second function. Most people's first function comes so readily to them that they're often unaware of the role it plays in their lives. The first function is the primary lens through which we see the world, and therefore its existence is the hardest to recognize. It's like writing right-handed--most of the time you write, you're not even aware that you're writing with your right hand.

    The author here is aware of his use of logic to the point where I don't believe it's his primary function--to me it's secondary. So ISTP, INTP, ENTP and ESTP remain. Ideas are prioritized, so INTP or ENTP. That said, I cannot see Te as much as Ti, and INTP uses Te. So to me, it's actually ENTP. Additionally, the author mentions liking to discuss ideas with others, something ENTP loves to do... but I think ENTP, with a need to work on some Fi that seems to be struggling... just my opinion.

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    I do see LII as the type. I don't think it is possible for a perceiving type to be this judging, resolved, uptight.(@Adrenalinski )
    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    What is beauty?
    Beauty is a subjective "thing" that cannot be universally explained, so this explanation does not apply to everyone.
    Beauty is both simple and complicated, it cannot be explained through words accurately. Beauty is something that can be understood by a child, yet contains life changing information, that is beauty in my eyes.
    Countering something that is an opinion fished out by a questionnaire is kinda bad, but I see statements of "cannot be explained" as a challenge and don't want to make my own questionnaire.

    Beauty sensations are part of pleasure/enjoyment/longing/love spectrum, and as all of it serve to direct and reward alongside of generally mark life as valuable.
    Beauty sensation is part of the process of resonance between perception and values that causes both of those to develop. What I think is characteristic for such perception is to be kind of self contained and to have fairly simple structure it tries to perfect to while simultaneously having connection to expansive meanings and value. So a lot of experiences of beauty can be describe as experience of significant meaning tentatively illuminated by perception gravitating to collapse towards symbolic perfection.

    Or not tentatively.

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    I re-read some things from, particularly with respect to Fi and Fe within ILEs,ILIs, and LIIs... and I'm now wondering if ILI is the actual type. Most of Cyberdark's answers that relate to Fi and Fe seem to be more consistent with the descriptions with ILI, while ILE and LII are close...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    Member Questionnaire 1 (Cyberdark)
    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is a subjective "thing" that cannot be universally explained, so this explanation does not apply to everyone.

    Beauty is both simple and complicated, it cannot be explained through words accurately. Beauty is something that can be understood by a child, yet contains life changing information, that is beauty in my eyes.
    Love is something I'm not familiar with, so my explanation may be contradicting and flawed.
    Love is both a curse and a blessing, it can change a man or woman's path for good or evil. It can cloud a mans judgement but make him happy, love is one of the few things in this world that is neutral, not good, not bad, it just is.
    The above question is not type related; better question to determine's one type would be:

    When you go to a concert of some kind or another and your friend asks you to describe what you see or like; what would you say?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    What are your most important values?
    Logic, honesty, simplicity, and honor.
    Again. This question is not good to judge one's type because values can be adapted from environmental experience.

    A better question with this regard is:

    What are your short comings from the bottom list:

    I can't analyze things into categories
    I'm not good at observing the flow of actions around me.
    I'm not good with relationships.
    I don't constantly look at other's external emotions or cues to tell me how they feel.
    I don't observe events that will give me the end event that will happen.
    Some events don't spread out in multiple possible events that can happen in my vision suddenly.
    Disharmony of things around me doesn't bother me (this isn't in regards to physical space with scattered clothes it's in regards to the way people interact) etc.
    I am not good at judging properties of object, If you look at a shirt you can't tell what color it is, exactly what shade of pink it is, etc.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I'm Christian.
    I believe in god and Jesus for many reasons, but I have two main reasons.
    1. Many criticize the bible saying it's inconsistent and contradictory, then they criticize me for believing in it. I find this ridiculous because never once do I say that I follow the Bible. The Bible is a book, it is a physical object that can be manipulated for the manipulator's own good. While the Bible may say gays should be stoned, I don't believe that at all, homosexuals are humans just like me or you (If you're heterosexual). My opinion of god is a lot deeper than this but I want to keep myself from writing a essay on it.
    2.Hope. What's the point in all this violence if there isn't a end goal? If there is no end goal set out for us I see no point in living.
    Again, this is a bad question because one's religious belief or how they answer is very subjective to their own personal experiences.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    War is both necessary and foolish, it drives human-kind to create and destroy. It makes brilliant ideas come to life while taking the lives of millions, it is a sad part of human nature that one cannot destroy without destroying human-kind itself.
    Power is influence, nothing less, nothing more.
    Your answer here is also not type related because one's outlook on war may arise very simply from their education or family "teaching".

    Take my brother and I; he watches a movie to enjoy the experience (Se); when I watch a movie, I'm often expressing my internal world of judgements onto the actions in the movie. I'll watch something romantic and say "oh the way he loves this girl is so sweet" or "what he's doing is so mean, I can't believe that person is being so mean" the values of "good/bad, mean and nice have already been established and the very interactions in the movie that strike against my internal compass is what get's judged and expressed.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    I've had long conversations about many things, mostly philosophical subjects, however I'd prefer to have a long conversation about quantum physics or chaos theory.
    As stated above I enjoy quantum physics and chaos theory, I also enjoy pondering about the possibility of more than 4 dimensions(including time), I enjoy programing, I like building computers, and finally I like gaming.
    I have no idea why I like these things, when I think about it I guess I like them because they're logical and complicated, I enjoy trying to make the complicated, simple.
    My best friend is SEE type and she's into quantum physics; you couldn't tell because she's an emotional Feeler type who talks about her feelings with me a lot and she's a genius; my other friend is an employee at NASA, he's a physicist and also SEE type; his coworkers are all of different type. You can see how intelligence does not match type.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    I'm not really interested in medical subjects, they never really appealed to me.
    I stay in shape but I often take walks and things like that because it calms me, I often have panic attacks because I over think large questions such as The existence of God, Life, death, and the line in between, and how humanity is going to fair in the next 500 years or so.
    Now part of this is type related.

    What kind of energy do you tend to have?


    Somewhat fickle, flexible, mobile, impulsive, shifting from apparent inactivity to bursts of energy, often several times a day, showing impatience during them, inclined to fidget when forced to remain inactive for long periods


    proactive, restless, difficult to relax unless tired, walking pace is purposeful "THAT'S WHERE I NEED TO GO" - that is more ESFj way of saying it boldly and emotionally, "calmly energetic" with few intense variations in the level of energy during the day, inclined to fidget when forced to remain inactive for long periods


    relaxed, go-with-the-flow, finds it easy to spend long periods of time in no activity, or at very low levels of energy
    movements are flexible, unhurried, little inclination towards fidgetiness when having to remain inactive for longer periods


    calm, balanced and inert, "unflappable", rigid but not very fast gait, may appear passive-aggressive, usually very stable mood, more reactive than active, little inclination to fidget during long periods of inactivity

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    What do you think of daily chores?
    Repetitive, boring, and strenuous, but necessary.
    Again not type related. Anyone can think it's boring; I think it's boring but it needs to get done.\

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
    My favorite book is Flatlands: The Romance of Many Dimensions, it is a wonderful book about a 2 dimensional world and the people in it. I don't read books very often, I prefer to look anything I need up on the internet.
    This choice is very interesting. I for one love reading about books on facts about things and relationships. So maybe this has some truth to it; I still need to investigate this further. I've noticed other Fi types liking books on relationships or facts.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I haven't every cried due to sadness I think. I've cried mostly due to pain, but that was when I was young and fairly wimpish. when I got news that my father died I only cried because I felt like I had to, not because I was sad.
    I've smiled due to good jokes and gifts, nothing really special.
    I don't know you seem on paper to be rather calm and serious not at all emotional as INTj tend to be, you seem more ENTp is closer but where's your merry type of behavior?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    Outside in the forest, it's calming and quiet, it allows me to think clearly without interruption.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    My lack of emotions and logical nature. People consider that a bad thing, I understand why they would think that from their perspective but from my perspective it seems not only normal, but right and just.
    i dislike my inability to socialize, I'm not shy, I just can't socialize, I dislike people in general and that leads to me embarrassing myself
    and then they never talk to me again, not that I really care because if they left me over something so idiotic I wouldn't want to spend time with them anyway.
    Interesting. Why do you dislike people?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    Intelligent and mindful. I'm often considered one of the most intelligent person people have ever seen, a title I resent due to the fact that I am merely using basic knowledge and applying it to problems, I'm not some wizard who knows everything.
    I like that I'm logical, I feel that too many people these days use emotions rather then logic, they go with what feels right rather than what is right.
    You're a constructivist type.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    My inability to socialize, I wish someone would teach me how to enjoy others company, right now I see others as sheep to be lead by the Sheppard
    Hum, I'm thinking SLI.
    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    I always feel stuck in a rut, mainly because that's what most humans end up in, most won't become famous, rich or powerful. Most will because unhappy, it's the sad way of life.

    interesting; doesn't tell me much

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I dislike when they're overly emotional. I like it when people understand what I'm trying to say.
    I get along with people that are different from me, they allow me to get a new view that I otherwise wouldn't get to see.
    I don't think any Fe valuer would want this this puts you as Fe devaluing and actually SLI is almost a perfect fit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    Sex is merely the act of mating, not a big deal. Romance is a much more serious concept, it requires not only physical connection, but also emotional, for one such as me this seems difficult to understand.
    I look for someone who can bring my ideas to the light, I want her to represent my ideas with grace, intelligence, and clarity. I want someone who can "deal" with my lack of emotions and logical view to everything, but I will open up to a person through time and eventually I because a very "silly" person.
    I would say you're an introvert.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    My main concerns would be individuality, I want him/her to think for herself and take everything she/he hears as false until proven by her/his own research. I would talk to her every day on how she/he should even take my words as false until proven true.
    To many people "go with the flow" and follow everything just because a political figure or celebrity says so without looking up what they're saying for themselves.
    yeah not trusting or double checking reclusiveness is probably a good idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    My inward reaction would be to consider both his/her and my belief as false until one of them is proven using both the information I've just received and the already known information.
    my outward reaction would be to inquire about his/her belief and why he/she thinks that way, while also debating him/her on his/her logic.

    More constructivist thinking.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    My relationship to society is somewhat like Morpheus in The Matrix, I awaken those who're "worthy".
    People in general are horrible things who are selfish and ignorant.
    The most prevalent social problem is ignorance, to many people are fine with listening to another persons opinion and agreeing with it despite that that opinion has little to no facts backing it up.
    I would say SLI is good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cyberdark View Post
    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I choose my friends by how they argue, who they are can be seen by how they argue.
    I behave naturally, I refrain from hurting their feelings because I care about them.
    I don't have many friends though.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    I'm not afraid to tell people how it is, and what's wrong directly in front of them. I behave politely and kind, while also giving them straight information and solutions. I often hide my emotions from those around me until I really trust them.

    Sensitivity to feelings is very much not an ILE trait.

    I never know if this section of the forum is to invite people to type them but here it goes
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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