What do you think about this? For some reason I fucking hate it. This guy that just started managing my work area this week sent me one. He seems like a nice guy and all and it's preliminary to say but I don't think he knows how to run an area well, but like I don't actually know you, buddy. Why the fuck do you want to be facebook friends? I don't want you to see my updates. I don't even want to see your updates. Did you have a beer and grill some brauts this weekend? Cool bro.

I don't know. I think it's kind of shady, almost like they want to keep tabs on me when superiors or whatever try to be my friend. There's a broader issue than facebook here, because I very rarely form friendships with anyone that is supposed to be able to tell me what to do. The only managers I get along with are the ones that give me a goal, not orders and aren't total douchenozzles. Even then I wouldn't consider them friends. The only friends I have that are managers were friends before they got promoted. Ugh I hate hierarchies. And organizational charts.