Quote Originally Posted by felafel View Post
i've come across this with 1 intj I know. it's actually quite sad because I'm constantly wondering whether i'm being pushy and whether she acquiesces out of wanting to 'get out of the whole situation' or whether she sincerely is up for X thing. i've noticed she does a lot of 'ignoring' too tho, heh, and then i just do not contact her for a long time - which then makes me sad.
s don't always have our own ideas of what we'd like to do (physically or socially) right now. In fact I usually don't, so I enjoy having someone around who comes up with interesting stuff to do, and I'm usually pretty much ambivalent about which to do, and just content to have someone providing the variety and energy. That said, keep an eye on a s anxiety level. Under normal conditions we shouldn't seem emotionally uncertain or anxious (often withdrawn, but that can be its own kind of certainty), if we do, it's probably because of being directed at us. Also, as a general rule of thumb, don't try to "close off" our alternatives, regardless of the emotional atmosphere it's done with (even playfully), as that's pure and probably won't go over too well.

Sometimes we ignore people because it's the best defense we have against , but sometimes we also ignore people because we just aren't instigators. Don't take a 's failure to initiate interaction as meaningful, as in my experience, it usually isn't.