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Thread: Teal Swan, Satanic Cults, and Thoughts on Christianity

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    Default Teal Swan, Satanic Cults, and Thoughts on Christianity

    Some recent posts here as well as private discussions have sent me down a rabbit hole of reading about Satanic cults. As I've stated elsewhere, there definitely are Satanic cults, but almost all the information on them is disinformation. None of the true information seems that complicated to me personally, but that's just because of my personal type of intellect, I can understand it being a quagmire for people who have never thought about the topic before and don't have an easy time starting thinking about a new topic. The worst part is probably that a lot of the disinformation comes from the cults themselves. A lot of "deprogramming" guides and the like are almost certainly written by people who are being controlled by Satanic cults.

    If it sounds like a Chick Tract, the person who wrote it is still being controlled even if they aren't actively trying to help the cult out. You won't get away from Satanism by burning your heavy metal albums and D&D games or whatever. In fact, burning your heavy metal albums and D&D games is very likely to get you deeper enthralled to Satanism, because what is one thing Satanists hate? Prosperity and the arts. So you look at all these evil groups like the Frankfurt School (the actual cultural Marxists, not to be confused with "Cultural Bolshevism" which is a Nazi conspiracy) who have their anticonsumption dogma, the jihadists/"radical" Islamists, all they do is tell you that basically all of pop culture and much or even all of "high" culture is evil. I'm sure there are uses of pop culture by Satanist groups including D&D games etc., but I'm also sure it's very controlled. The main thing cults want to do is, well, cut people off from the outside world, so if they're telling you you can't listen to anything, can't watch anything, etc. because it's all Satanic, well, the person who's saying that is very likely to be themselves Satanic, and if they're not, they're still serving that cause.

    Since Teal Swan is a topic and this kind of thing gets brought up in general a lot under "magic," I would also say associating all of the so-called paranormal with Satanism is another Satanist ploy. Chris Putnam's writing might be nigh unreadable, but at least he isn't telling people that having precognitive dreams is actually Satanic. People instinctively know it's not Satanic. Aliens, cryptids, etc. are also not all demons, sheesh. This stuff is real, there are entire parts of the government dedicated to dealing with it as well as many private organizations just like there are parts of the government and many private organizations which deal with Satanic cults, but a lot of the public information is awful, and I think a lot of that is intentional as a matter of security. Even though a lot of weird stuff is real, the world is still the same world you see around you. You don't just become schizotypal because a lot of conspiracy theories are true, most of them don't affect you and you still live in the same world where you have to go to your job and buy food and sleep and whatever. It's just a little more interesting if you have correct information and then handle it correctly.

    However, Teal Swan, who was posted by Nawcissist, is an example of how to handle information completely incorrectly. In fact, I think she's just possessed. I don't think she was possessed when she said she had spiritual abilities at first, because I don't think that's inherently demonic at all, that's just how some people are. I mentioned on Nawcissist's thread that yes, Sol pointed out I have some abilities and that's true. But do you see me trying to act like this guru? No. You see me posting song lyrics and videos everywhere and making jokes about MTG mana colors and Yu-Gi-Oh! duels and Warhammer and Star Wars. For a while I didn't do those things, and I think that was my problem for getting pulled into bad ideologies like the Frankfurt School anticonsumption stuff and bad interpretations of religious ideas. Since I want to make up for all the time when I didn't want to post songs, have the first song that came to mind, mostly because the lyrics are very applicable here.

    Also have the cover version:

    And take two unrelated songs as a bonus!

    When you look at Teal Swan videos, I have no idea why anyone would take them seriously, because all she does the whole time is glorify herself. Additionally, she tells people to off themselves. Whenever I hear her talk all I want to do is laugh and sometimes wince at all the people who suffered because of her.

    Teal Swan: The woman encouraging her followers to visualise death (

    I believe her that she was in a Satanic cult. Where else do people who are as insufferable as her end up? The thing is she never left those ideas behind. She still just runs around worshipping herself and telling other people to worship her. Even if she says she won't use her telekinesis and whatever because she doesn't want people to worship her, that's such a copout. As much as this still feels awkward for me to post about, whenever I've done telekinesis in front of other people, they mostly just thought it was faked or that it had nothing to do with me, no one has fallen down and worshipped me, because I'm not running around seeking sycophants like her, and if someone was being sycophantic to me or anyone else in front of me, I would tell them to snap out of it. I can't believe this chick even though I believe most of the things she says about herself. I just can't believe anyone takes her seriously. Is the drive to believe in the supernatural world everyone knows exists, but not believe in God and Jesus really that strong? All evidence I have says that yes, indeed, it is that strong, but it still shouldn't be.

    I posted the Merry Christmas thread which got Nawcissist replying that Christmas is Satanic. Umm, no. Sure, some of the Christmas traditions predate Christmas, but those have nothing to do with Satan, geez. Like let's not light a fire on what's likely to be the coldest day of the year, that has nothing to do with worshipping the fire god, and everything to do with not dying of frostbite. Bringing a tree indoors is a practical thing as well, and trees are only talismans if you think magic is literally anything you don't understand, which is a fair definition of magic when you're discussing Harry Potter and Disneyland and the magic of modern technology and otherwise not assuming magic is the same as Satanism and idolatry. Have a picture of a house with multiple Christmas trees with presents, since it'll rile up the people who think everything is Satanic when they're the only Satanic people and the Frankfurt School people at once:


    Saying things like Christmas is Satanic just makes me think that whoever is saying them is either just very misguided, or possibly even actually possessed. Nawcissist was self-admittedly also in a Satanic cult, and Nawcissist probably still is in a Satanic cult. If you think Teal Swan telling you to kill yourself (sound familiar?) is good advice and basically everything that could give you joy is secretly the Devil, then yes, I'm going to call that you're still active in Satanic groups and probably just have "alters," oh wait, Nawcissist also self-diagnoses with a ton of mental illnesses so of course that includes multiple personalities. In fact if we did an entire unironic witch hunt of 16t (for actual Satanists, not just people playing with tarot cards or whatever, I highly doubt that's inherently Satanic) I suspect we'd find it's connected to various real, bona fide Satanic cults.

    If I could insert more than four videos in a post, I'd insert Rule Britannia and Abide With Me as well as Stille Nacht and make sure everyone who hasn't been completely alienated by now is, so insert them here with your mind. I'll make you. jk.

    I have come under the impression that the biggest thing that drives people away from acknowledging Christianity is actually pretty OK and has a lot to do with why the West succeeded is false versions of it are everywhere, and if you are blocked from it you end up like Teal Swan. Christianity is of course not originally a white people thing. It was originally a Jewish thing and I'm sure a lot of the reason it was originally a Jewish thing is the fact Jews are everywhere and that's a good thing. I hope to go everywhere like "wandering Jews" someday, because I think that's admirable. Equating Christianity with various white cultures is certainly a problem since that's more of an incidental than an intrinsic connection and the growth of Christianity in other cultures without adopting all the white stuff is certainly both possible and desirable, as well as denying that lots of the important celebrities/long dead famous people were actually Christian just because they were freethinkers or rebels or even said a lot of short Anglo-Saxon words you don't usually say around children or whatever.

    Like no, the West you see around you is the outgrowth of Christianity in a lot of ways. The Industrial Revolution was the outgrowth of Newton's and Leibniz's religious beliefs. The skeevy Westboro Baptist types of people with signs are not the true examples of Christianity, and it wouldn't surprise me if they were actually a front for a Satanic organization. I also don't think Christianity actually says Buddha or even paganism or whatever is just evil incarnate. This is Jack Chick "burn all your occult books, even those by C. S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien" territory, aka, joining an effectively-Satanic cult. Doing good for other people and to a lesser extent for yourself and living in this great civilization and not turning into an intersectional commie or a jihadist or an explicit Satanist is the real Christianity. Listening to Christmas songs at Christmas and wishing there were new ones and writing a new one if you're a musician is the real Christianity. Even watching Oprah is probably the real Christianity. Listening to heavy metal albums and playing D&D is the real Christianity. And of course going to the local Anglican or Methodist or Lutheran church and listening to Arvo Pärt, Penderecki, and Ray Vaughan Williams is the real Christianity. So support your Anglo civilization today and if you're not in an Anglo civilization do some STEM for Jesus like Isaac Newton or something and then listen to some rock albums that would be good enough to tear down the Berlin Wall to. Thank you and you're welcome.

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    Did Cult Leader Teal Swan Come Out In Support Of Pedophiles? - Daily Soap Dish

    You hear things like this and you’re reminded of those tales from the Satanic Panic era in the early to mid 80’s where you would hear lurid tales about what happened to children raised in cults and you start to wonder was that where Teal Swan got her inspiration from? Because most normal people looked at that and took a hard right into Nopeville, but not her.
    News of the World: Satanic cultist talks like Satanic cultist!

    The Gateway Podcast Exposes Teal Swan Spiritual Cult (

    According to Larry Rosen, a professor emeritus at California State University and research psychologist with a specialty in the psychology of technology, many people, especially teens and young adults, suffer from what he calls “technological dependence.” “You’re probably spending well more than half your day with some sort of screen in front of you,” he tells Refinery29. This, Rosen says, could create “an almost altered sense of reality … you’re not really driving your own behavior.” Marketers, Influencers and, yes, spiritual gurus like Swan, could thus exploit our obsession with our phones and social media, “You’re honing people into specific niches, and that can be problematic,” he says. “You may get roped into things that you don’t necessarily want to.”

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    Ideology, philosophy, psychology, practices, etc based on individualism, predisposing to a hating and intentional harm, on seting interests of a minority above a majority - can be related to satanism.

    Among most common is liberal politics.
    In today psychology exists a lot of individualistic ideas, which are noticably irrational. Not scientifically based, but spreaded massively from the name of "science".
    Religious ideas and practice can be contraversive inside and between. For example, Christianity supports radical pacifism, unconditional altruism, is against individualism. On practice churches and priests may indirectly and even directly support the opposite side. It seems as usual situation for different religions.

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