I can see myself as both. Just as I start to see myself as one type I start to notice many things of the other which are 100% like me.

Any ideas?

Some personal details for the record:

* My best friend is ENTj. I have annother ENTj friend which I spend quite a bit of time with too.
* I have a very good friend who is ISTp. When we spend time togheter, he seems to light up quite a bit.
* This ISTp friend more than once has asked me about learning something for the purpose of explaining it to him.
* I have an ISFp friend which I like but I try to keep at distance because she's too clingy.
* I know annother ISFp who feels great sympathy for me.
* I attract both ENFj and INFp like flies to honey.
* There has been more than one ESTj that is immediatly attracted to me, just to end up in a big dissapointment for both.
* I learn concepts readly, without effort. I learned to read in about a week and once I left the school, i got my grades in matter of weeks.
* I have excellent business logic (can have endless discussions with my ENTj friends about business plans). Can easily take a project and divide it into a coherent set of progressive goals. I often lack the will power to do it myself, though.
* I am highly emotional and often feel "on the spot".
* I like music quite a bit. I listen to it almost all day. Some pieces really touch the inside of me.
* Some movies can make me cry.
* I feel a lot of empathy for people.
* I can notice my own ethical mistakes readly.
* I can also notice my own logical mistakes.
* Both logical and ethical mistakes are terribly painful to me.
* I am quiet. People has told me I have a very intimidating aspect when I am alone or with unknown people. People used to ask me why was I so serious when I was young. I've seen people to walk away from me several times.
* I find it easy to tell my personal problems to people I don't know personally (over Internet for example) but I don't really share them with my immediate family or friends.
* I spend a good amount of my time with my father, who is an INTj. He enjoys my company very much.
* I get along very well with my ESFj brother and an ESFj friend of my dad.
* I can't stand ESTp.
* I spend most of my time inventing things or reading.
* I'm the most computer-skilled person I know. I've done boot loaders, kernels, compilers, games in the past.
* I know several ENFp. I don't really feel I am like them.
* I don't know a single ENTp.